First Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 102: Tang Jinchan's real goal

@@Qin Xiong said lightly:

"As soon as I entered here, I was a contractor, and I was still a chosen one. As for being able to enter this difficult world, it was because I joined a temporary team and received a continuous mission."

"And for the final reward of this continuous mission, you need to enter this world to find someone to receive it. That's why I can enter this world."

"As for the urgent things you said, I also agree very much, so I need Zhou Cang to be my Dharma Protector King Kong! The danger that Guan Yu faced when he was rushing into the formation was ten times what I had to face at this time? Zhou Cang If Guan Yu can even protect him in battle, he will definitely protect me."

Fang Linyan Road:

"Then what you said before..."

Having said this, Fang Linyan suddenly took a breath:

"Do you want to turn Zhou Cang into a divine general of the Yellow Turbans?"

Qin Xiong said lightly:

"I repeat, it is the Buddha's King Kong, with Zhou Cang's powerful physique, he can definitely withstand the backlash of this Dafa.

The two of them were about to speak when they saw Zhou Cang aim at this side and slowly walked over, looking at his haggard appearance with red eyes, it could even be described as being lost.

Everyone in the world said Guan Erye was unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness, but they didn't know that after hearing the news of his death, Zhou Cang also committed suicide! The friendship between the two can be said to be brothers or not.

At this time, Zhou Cang came to Tang Jinchan/Qin Xiong and said sadly:

"Big brother! The general is dead, the general is dead!"

As he said that, his lips were still violently moaning, and the whole body was shaking violently. Obviously, his heart was very agitated, and a lot of negative emotions were stagnant in his heart, but he couldn't express it for a while, so the ending would most likely be suicide by a horizontal knife.

Qin Xiong let out a long sigh and said softly:

"Why did you die, Tuoti Tongshan, remember what the general said to you."

Fang Linyan could see the white light shining on Qin Xiong's body, then gathered into flying lotus petals, and finally disappeared into the air. This is a sign that he is using skills, but the aborigines can't see this.

Obviously, this is Tang Jinchan's unique stunt that shocked the world in the past: he has supernatural powers!

This fellow shows his mind, and can even reach the realm of "people and me are one" and "his heart is my heart", forcing his own thoughts into the target's mind! And then completely "educate" the enemy and make him convert to Buddhism.

At this time, although Tang Jinchan became a space warrior, it was equivalent to deleting files and retraining, but his memory was not deprived. This iconic talent skill is like Fang Linyan's metal touch or machine repair talent, and it can be repaired. Said to be very fast.

Not only that, Fang Linyan also heard Zhou Cang's address to Qin Xiong, and that big brother was enough to explain everything.

In this era of this plane, the eldest brother is really the eldest brother, not the gangster, and the young lady is a famous lady who is not a haunt. Chrysanthemum is still a plant, not an organ...

So once the word eldest brother is shouted out by Zhou Cang, at least for him, it means life and death go hand in hand, never give up!

Obviously, Tang Jinchan's supernatural powers were also quite powerful at this time. After being relieved, Zhou Cang suddenly burst into tears. mood.

At this time, it can be seen that with his actions, the wounds on his body have burst open again, and blood is still flowing.

After seeing this scene, Fang Linyan determined that Tang Jinchan's true intentions did not conflict with his own, so he waved his hand, and then performed the "Sweet Rain Technique" on the two of them.

For Tang Jinchan and Zhou Cang, they were exhausted all the way through the battle, and they were completely overloaded. Now both of their bodies are protesting at the same time, and at least moderate injuries are indispensable.

As the light green mist penetrated into the bodies of the two, an indescribable refreshing feeling began to sweep over

Tang Jinchan glanced at Fang Linyan and nodded slightly, acknowledging his affection.

At this time, Fang Linyan realized that the butterfly effect that he had caused had started to appear, and Zhao Gu had already rushed over at this time, and said urgently to Fang Linyan:

"Sir, we just received the news that our reinforcements have arrived, and now we need to rush to Laoyu Bay to join them."

Fang Linyan Road:

"How far is Old Elm Bay from here?"

Summoned Gu said:

"Two hours."

Fang Linyan frowned and said:

"so long?"

The reason why he said this is very simple, that is, the time of his stay has turned on the red light.

Fang Linyan is equivalent to a "stowaway" in this world. He is a recruited thug, so his stay is very limited. At this time, he even has timed out, and he has to pay an extra fee of 10,000 general points to stay here.

And this fee will always be multiplied by 2. I didn't realize it for the first two or three hours, but if it was delayed to ten hours, Fang Linyan would have to pay a terrifying 10.24 million general points for it!

Fortunately, the space also kindly gave relevant tips at this time:

"Cultural Hunter CD8492116, you have a key item on your body: Lu Meng's head/Guan Yu's general seal, so you and your team have triggered the corresponding mission: the messenger of Shu."

"Until the end of this mission, you will be able to continue your free activities in this plane. You can also share this mission with other space warriors, but at most three people, and it is limited to space warriors whose relationship with Shu is not hostile."

There is no doubt that Fang Linyan directly gave Xingyi a share of the past, after all, she also contributed this time.

In response, Xingyi returned a big smile.

At this time, the group of people couldn't hurry on their way, because Zhou Cang, Qin Xiong, and the two elites were all bruised and exhausted, and Zhou Cang fell into a semi-conscious state because of excessive sadness. Then a high fever developed.

So after some deliberation, Fang Linyan divided five people, among them Zhao Gu, and asked them to pick up Wang Ping to come here to meet, and then go to Laoyu Bay from here.

As a result, Zhao Gu originally expected that after receiving Wang Ping, it would take an hour and a half to return. Unexpectedly, they returned with Wang Ping in less than an hour, along with Omi and others.

A group of people talked about different reasons, and only then did they know that when Omi and the others went to detect the area bombarded by the space-based particle cannon, they encountered an acquaintance F22!

The space-based particle cannon was aimed at him. Fortunately, F22 immediately used the prop to throw the bait, causing the space-based particle bombardment to go in the wrong direction, so he saved his life.

The person who used the celestial particle cannon was the Druid who was able to bite Guan Yu's whereabouts all the time. This guy was also regarded as a thorn in the flesh by the magician.

In the end, the druid was still unwilling. Although he did not dare to approach, he was still like a carrion vulture, sticking to Guan Yu from a distance, but this time he could only capture the general direction.

Fortunately, although Guan Yu and his party seemed to act cautiously and cleaned up the traces quite cleanly, they always left traces (in fact, Tang Jinchan deliberately left them), so this Druid and his companions did not. As for getting lost.

Then they saw the abyss lords turn their faces, and the space warriors of the Shu Kingdom began to fight. Just as the Druid and his companions were delighted in their hearts, thinking that they could be fishermen, they did not expect that they were also led by F22. keep up.

Druid and F22 are also the space fighters of the Soochow camp, but that is already the past tense, because the two guys from F22 and the Arctic Circle have directly attacked the idea of ​​seriously injuring Lu Xun when the Wu army camp was in turmoil.

Not only that, these two were not stupid, they knew very well that the chance of grabbing Lu Xun's head was very slim, so they directly found a new way and hit the elite who guarded Lu Xun's side.

in the rest

When everyone was eagerly expecting to go to Lu Xun, the Arctic Circle and F22 led a group of people to take the initiative to stand up and clear the mobs.

Therefore, the Arctic Circle and F22 took advantage of the opportunity, and others agreed after hesitating, and they made a fortune before the battle began.

After the next battle, the Arctic Circle realized that his plan was right. The gold side quest world was very difficult, and it had a bonus to the drop, not to mention the elites around Lu Xun?

More importantly, the main energy of the elites around Lu Xun is now on rescuing the lord. This is like an office worker on a Friday afternoon, all thinking about the girls in the nightclub at night, how can they still be in the mood to receive customers? The pressure on them in the Arctic Circle is also very small.

Therefore, they really got a lot of money. There were four pieces of dark gold equipment, two pieces of suits, and one legendary item.

(Here is to answer the questions of book friends. Regarding the gold main difficulty world and the gold branch difficulty world, it depends on the type of main quest that the space fighters receive.)

(Taking this world as an example, it is extremely difficult for the space warriors of Shu to save Guan Yu, so the main task is the difficulty of the main line of gold. For them, this world is the world of the difficulty of the main line of gold)

(The main quest on Wu Guo’s side is to try to kill Guan Yu himself, so the difficulty is obviously lower than on Shu Guo’s side, so the main quest is the difficulty of the golden branch line. For them, this world is the world with the difficulty of the golden branch line.)

On the other hand, the gang who attacked Lu Xun suffered heavy losses, and finally confirmed a very unfortunate news, that is, Lu Xun not only woke up, but also sat in a wheelchair and could barely see things. Let Wu Jun's morale boosted.

As a result, at this time, one of Lu Xun's relatives, Xu Kai, was severely injured, and he stimulated the secret technique on his body, and then he directly dominated the body and escaped at high speed. , so F22 chased out.

After the pro-general Xu Kai escaped, of course, he came to ask for help. Of course, the reinforcement he sought was the Jiangdong assassin who had been persevering in chasing Guan Yu, so he fled here.

When F22 led people to chase Xu Kai, there was a lot of movement, and as a result, the Druid and his teammates stared at him.

F22 brought more people, and after the Druid team was hit hard by the magician, there were only two people left, so they could only hide and steal chickens.

In the end, F22 was really unlucky. The Druid picked up the leak and grabbed Xu Kai's last blow and the dropped key. This is really no trivial matter. The two sides formed a bridge like this, and then they choked to death. During the battle, the last teammate of Druid was killed by F22.

The Druid immediately raised his head, and after realizing that he was also in danger, he used the space-based particle cannon instead of doing it.

The key is that this guy is very well concealed, so that the launch preparation time of the space-based particle cannon is perfectly concealed, and he even uses it as bait to lure other people into being fooled. In this case, F22 and others also suffered heavy losses. , and another person was killed.

After figuring out the whole story, F22 and the rest took the lead in saying goodbye. They knew that although Omi was a hot girl, she was cruel and ruthless!

Knowing that this group of people has gained a lot, and that they are still a group of defeated soldiers, what if they have the idea of ​​robbery together?

When Omi returned with Max and the goat, he found that Fang Linyan had not returned, so he simply chased in the direction Fang Linyan was chasing the Wudang Flying Army at that time, and finally met Wang Pinghe's subordinate.

After the two sides communicated for a while, it turned out that at this time, Omi, Max, and Goat received relevant reminders that triggered the messenger of the Shu Kingdom. Knowing that Fang Linyan had succeeded, they rushed towards the Snake Nest and met them on the way. Responding to Wang Ping's summon Gu and others, so they came so quickly.

After the members of the team reunited, of course, the opponent Lin Yan was very curious about how the good things on the magician's side were disturbed, so Fang Linyan told the truth, including using the star as bait, directly destroying the Dark Portal, and then using the invincible pit. The magician said it all.

Of course, the series of related roles that Tang Jinchan had in it were also interpreted by Fang Linyan one by one... Everyone in the group was also amazed, and felt that Tang Jinchan really had a deep heart, and everyone With Guan Yu as the core, he actually took a slant to the front, and was directly targeting Zhou Cang.

In this case, UU Reading www. Omi suddenly said:

"You said just now that in addition to Zhou Cang, there were two elite generals left by Guan Yu's side? Have you asked their names?"

Fang Linyan was stunned for a while, and then said:


Then Fang Linyan immediately turned his head to look, and found that Zhou Cang, Tang Jinchan/Qin Xiong, and an elite young general were all gone, leaving only the other elite with injured legs and feet.

Fang Linyan immediately said to Yan Han next to him:

"Where did General Zhou and Qin Xiong go?"

Yanhan Road:

"When you were chatting beside you before, General Zhou brought Qin Xiong over and said that he had to take a step first."

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