First Law

Chapter 17 My Purpose of Coming

There is no doubt how important an excellent business network is to a territory. One of the reasons why Karen recruited Churchill was to be able to complete the initial accumulation of the town through convenient relationships.

It is impossible for a territory to have everything, and to become healthy, it must exchange resources from other territories.

Karen knew this truth better than anyone else, with salt, there was steel, with steel, there were bananas, and with bananas, there was Taifen.

It is an ever-increasing chain.

Now there was a problem at the start. Karen sat on the chair. He didn't ask Churchill for his opinion. He knew very well that Churchill couldn't solve it when he reflected on him at this moment.

The problems needed to be solved one by one. He had to let go of the steel deal and give priority to the bulldozing cattle and the lumberyard.

The progress of the project cannot be stopped. At the same time, the rescue of the giant mantis is related to the cohesion of a small town. If he does nothing, I am afraid that no one will pay for the town.

Interests are equal to each other.

Leaning on the back of the chair, he needed to think about countermeasures, and found that he would have to go to the human race anyway, and it would be best to solve the problem of the logging camp within a few hours.

"Is the relationship at the lumberyard still useful?"

Churchill nodded, "It should still be useful. It's a village. They promised to give us asylum. Now they should be pressured by Qatar City and have to back down. But if we negotiate, they may be able to provide us with some help."

Karen stood up, "Churchill, let's go now."

There were only Karen and Churchill, and they came to Maple Leaf Village, a sweet little village shrouded in red maple trees. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the maple trees in the center of the village.

Behind the village is the vast expanse of cedar forest, and good timber is the best condition for building a lumber camp.

However, this forest is the private property of Qatar City, and no one is allowed to exploit it without permission. The villagers of Maple Leaf Village reached an agreement with Churchill in private, and secretly felled it and transported it to Shining Gold Town, in exchange for some salt.

"Boss, these are honest villagers." Churchill looked at Karen's gloomy face and said hastily.

Karen smiled, "Don't worry, I'm here to solve the problem, not start a war."

He is very peaceful, but in Churchill's eyes, he looks like a demon ignited by anger. He knows that the other party is a necromancer, and the evil side of the necromancer is usually unknown.

The village is very small, with 20 or 30 households. Perhaps it was the arrest of a giant praying mantis today. Everyone gathered in the village headman's yard. Karen led Churchill directly in, swept around first, and looked at the people in the center. Above the old man with a white beard, "Are you Camber?"

"You are?" Campbell was puzzled by the unexpected visitor.

"Where are the three giant praying mantises?"

"Are you Karen?" After the word "giant mantis" appeared, Kamble knew who the young man in front of him was. He winked at the two villagers on the left and right before he said slowly, "The guards of Qatar City Take it away, I can't help you, it should be on the way now."

"I want to hear the truth." Karen said directly, motioning Churchill to close the door, "Kambul, I have already shown my sincerity by coming here in person, and I also came to solve the problem, not only the giant praying mantis, but also the glittering gold." town lumberyard problem."

"Karen, this is the territory of the human race, and the city lords in the city-state have the final say." Kamble stood up and said, he didn't like the tone of the young man at all.

"So I can understand that this conversation is over?" Karen smiled faintly.

"I'm sorry, your residents have suffered such a disaster, I'm sorry, but I have tried my best." Campbell winked, and all the strong laborers took out their shovels and rakes.

Karen asked Churchill to open the door and backed out without staying for half a minute.

Go straight back to Gold Flash Town.

Churchill kept wondering, and Karen hardly solved a single problem after going back and forth. This was definitely not his style. When the two entered Gold Flash Town, the news of the giant mantis being arrested had already spread, and everyone Gather in the restaurant and chatter non-stop.

"Didn't you say that there would be no accidents in the timber factory?"

"Those giant praying mantises deserve it, so they want to drink an extra bowl of water."

"Where's Karen, what's he doing?"

Churchill sounded harsh, but he personally assured Karen that there would be no accidents at the lumberyard, but now it has become such a mess.

Karen ignored these gossips, stopped all projects in Gold Shining Town, and called everyone together.

Going straight to Piggutulu, "You used to be a robber?" He asked not politely at all.

Gu Tulu was dumbfounded by the question, as if he felt that Karen was going to judge him. He wanted to deny it, but his details were clear on the wasteland, so he could only nod, "I was born by the Thorn Gang."

"Gather all the thugs from the Thorn Gang and gather at the gate of the town in 5 minutes." Turning to look at Griffin, "Griffin, gather the adult Taifen and go out with me."

30 piggies, 5 swamp murlocs, 7 Taiffins, and even let Thrall rush into Maple Leaf Town with two sick bulldozers.

Karen's method is very simple, two bulldozers will push everything in sight.

The rumbling sound echoed in my ears, and the simple human village became flat in the blink of an eye. Before the peasants with shovels could rush up, their chests had been pierced by piggy forks.

Such a killing Karen didn't blink an eye.

The murloc rides on Piggy's shoulders, and can always find prey without losing the opportunity.

Griffin kicked down the courtyard wall of Cambul, and rolled it up with his long nose. At this moment, the old man no longer had the airs of a village chief, trembling like a mouse.

"I'm repeating, I came here this time to solve the problem of the giant mantis, and I also want to solve the problem of the lumberyard. Can you tell me the truth now?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Campbell was terrified. He had been dealing with Forbes for so many years, and he had never been treated like this. In his impression, the Forbes businessman was a model of kindness, but the human being in front of him was simply a thug.

The entire village was turned into flat ground before he could realize it. He saw with his own eyes a peasant who was trampled into a meatloaf by that Taifen. That was a Taifen warrior.

"Can you tell me something." Karen looked up at Campbell on Taifen's nose and asked with a smile.

Campbell said hurriedly, "Someone came to me and said that as long as you report the lumberyard incident, you can get 200 pence, and you won't bear any relationship."


Campbell glanced at Churchill, then at Karen, and hurriedly said, "Hashery, a Forbes."

Churchill's heart skipped a beat. Sure enough, his guess came true. He couldn't help but glance at the huge Taifen behind him. He knew that the necromancer was angry.

"Where's the giant mantis?"

"I'm not telling lies. They were indeed captured by the city guards, and they are in Qatar City." Kamble said hastily.

"Is Qatar City big?"

"It's not big, it's just a sentinel city."

Cable thanked the heavens, the Taifen let him go, but soon received a new task, to bring the group of wilderness robbers to Qatar City, and Karen asked him to be natural.

He became a slave trader, and these were his slaves.

But the moment the group of Taifen and Pig crossed the moat, the murderous appearance was exposed. They began to drive away the innocent residents, broke into the city lord's mansion, and hanged the city lord and the three wives without minding the bloodshed.

"I'll just say it again, where is the praying mantis arrested today?"

The city lord of Qatar has long been frightened, he can't hear what he is saying at all, who knows what the people below have caught, these are all robbers in the wasteland, looking at Pig's protruding fangs and the murlocs glowing green Fish scales, feet trembling.

"I...I...I..." He wanted to say he didn't know, but there were already three whips waiting for him, "in prison."

An idea saved him from the pain of flesh and blood. The prison was not far away. He opened the gate of the prison and found the three praying mantises who had just been imprisoned.

"Okay, all of you are free." Karen just took a brief look, and then led the piggies and Taifen out of the view.

With Taifen and Pig, Qatar City is a woman, he can do whatever he wants, but now he has to retreat, he can invade once, but he can't stay for a long time, this group of stragglers is far from the opponent of the regular army.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

When Karen walked out of the prison, he was catching up with the evening bell of the church, looking at the two sickly bulldozers, he seemed to remember that the pastor knew how to heal.

"Tie up all the priests and saintesses, and let's withdraw."




The Qatari lord screamed viciously, swearing that if the group of villains slowed down for half a minute, they would be skinned, at least that's what he told the Holy Guard.

The bandits in the wilderness invaded and destroyed a church and robbed a saint, which made the Holy Church very dissatisfied.

Some noble children vowed to kill the heretics this time, and sent Karen's name to the wanted list for the second time, raising his bounty to 5000 pence.

But now, the piggies in the town of gold are very excited. Each of them got a small glass of rum and a pot of hot broth as a reward from Karen.

This is the greatest honor.

"Let me tell you, that swordsman can't even catch a hammer from me."

"Look, silver sword, this is a trophy."

"I was not so lucky, I just touched the girl's ass."

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