First Law

Chapter 257 I Have a Proposal

"It's really smart." Karen secretly smiled. The wasteland is dispensable for the human race, but it is different for the orc race. This is not only the main supply route for war, but also the core capital for negotiating with Karen.

Saying it like this now not only reflects his own bearing, but also brings the relationship between the human race and the wasteland closer.

If Campas does not cede the land, then it is a real invasion of the wilderness, but if it is cede, then the loss must be doomed.

This embarrassment has already been reflected on Campas's face. As the initiator of this wilderness war, he will naturally not let Campas get into difficulties. This move needs to be against Qatar. If it is revealed early, it will not affect the current situation at all. benefit.

Picking up the wine glass, he raised his hand at Barton, "There is no need for the wasteland land. Since ancient times, winners and losers can occupy the wasteland based on their own strength. If one day I feel capable of taking these lands back , let’s fight with real knives and guns, even if you give it to me now, I can’t keep it, if I really need the land on the wasteland, I will rent it for the time being, what do you guys think.”

Barton was taken aback, and couldn't help but glance at Karen. It's possible that this kid has done too many wicked things, and he dared not respond to really good things when they happened to him.

Don't give it away for nothing, but want to rent it, this head must not be kicked.

However, he did not intend to help Karen by raising this question. It is not clear how many ruins there are in the wasteland, but one thing is certain, there are many, many.

The surface of the wasteland is worthless, but there are indeed powerful treasures three feet deep underground. In the battle for the relics, the orcs are far ahead. Now that Karen is lifted out, he wants to put it on the bright side, against the orcs. Forming a constraint, Karen couldn't let Karen take over this matter.

His eyes slowly shifted to Campas, and he said mockingly: "Why, the Priest of the God of War has taken such a big advantage, is it possible that he is reluctant to part with any useless land?"

Campas's face was extremely embarrassed. Seeing so many people watching, he naturally couldn't lose his momentum, "This...Of course...No problem, in fact, I have agreed to Karen's right to rule the wasteland a long time ago."

At this moment, everyone remembered that it seemed that the Priest of the God of War was the first to support Karen, but due to the conflict of interests, the war broke out later, and they forgot about it.

Button was embarrassed for a while, as if he had shot himself in the foot with a stone, but he was someone who had experienced the world, and after a short breath adjustment, he said like a master: "Haha, look at my memory, that's just right, since everyone No objection, then we agree that Karen will be the ruler of the wasteland."

As soon as he spoke, the scarlet monarch next to him quickly echoed: "Yes yes yes,

Karen is the ruler of the wasteland, and any future actions on the wasteland must be based on the opinion of the ruler. "

"I strongly support Karen's rule of the wasteland, and in such a large area, there are not many people who can compete with Karen." The Bauhinia and Blue Sovereign pushed the flames aside.

The Sea Clan and the Human Clan were in an alliance, so naturally they would not miss this opportunity, and immediately stood up and expressed their willingness to support Karen as the ruler of the wasteland.

After a while, there were more than a dozen people at the table agreeing that Karen should lead the wasteland, and most of them came from the human race.

As for the ice field, they have very little power in the wasteland, and they can get some benefits by supporting Karen, so naturally there is no objection.

Three of the four major forces in the Aegean Continent support Karen. If Campas does not support him, I am afraid he will be the last villain.

Now as long as they let go, the situation they have accumulated with great difficulty in the wasteland will collapse in an instant.

This is not a matter of face at all, but a real benefit.

Karen sees everything, and now this wine table has become a battleground for two groups of humans and beasts, and they want to use their own strength to achieve the goal of oppressing the beast race.

Invisibly, he has become an accomplice of the human race. Offending the orc race will do no good to Gold Shining Town. If possible, he wants to strengthen the power of the orc race. As for the land on the wasteland, Karen really has no how much value.

The substantive things like land cannot be solved by lip service. You have run for every point you deserve, and you can’t get any point for you.

He didn't think that he really had the ability to take the entire Great Wasteland into his hands. If he really had this strength, there would be no place for people like Barton to show off their might here.

Naturally, he couldn't even be an accomplice of the human race. As for their desire to become the master, they obviously valued the relics.

"Okay, everyone, today is the day of Black Moore's wedding, should we be happy? Let's talk about the land later. Well, it's not easy for everyone to come to Gold Shining Town. Since General Patton thinks I am qualified I am not hypocritical to rule the wasteland. Now there are relics in the wasteland. I see that there have been many battles in the past two days because of the relics, and many people have died. I have some knowledge of the relics. I think they are the resources of this continent. does not belong to a single person,

After taking a breath, he continued to laugh and said, "Since everyone is flattering me, then I will express my attitude. I will not stop anyone who wants to come to the wasteland to develop the relics. At the same time, I want to protect the developers of these relics. Whoever finds the relics will own them. At that time, whether people mine or sell it by themselves is their own business, what do you think?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was taken aback. They didn't understand at first, but they soon realized that Karen wanted to treat everyone fairly.

This must be too grand.

"Lord of the wasteland, what do you mean to say, even if an ordinary human discovers the ruins, the ruins are also handed over to him." Bauhinia Lord asked, if this resolution is followed, the benefits of the human race with advanced alchemy advantages are unintentionally the greatest. of.

"Hehe, Lord Bauhinia and Blue is right, but there are some discrepancies. I mean anyone, including ordinary people, including the exploration teams sent by you. Let's make a rule. Whoever discovers the ruins, puts up the flag, and then goes to Shanxi. Jin Zhen prepares a case, and when the time comes, I will inform you that this relic has an owner, so other people will not be able to make plans for this relic, okay?"

Campas nodded immediately, which invisibly protected the interests of the orcs in the wasteland.

Barton also thinks it is feasible. Although he is in a weak position now, relying on the advanced technology of the human race, he can organize multiple teams to enter the wasteland in a short period of time. He used to be afraid of the interference of the orc race, but now it is different, with Karen in the middle. The guarantor, as long as you report the ruins, Karen will come to communicate if there is a problem.

"The Lord of the Wilderness is still thoughtful. In this way, many casualties can be avoided, which can be regarded as a benefit to the living beings." Barton smiled strangely, "This plan is fine, then I will trouble the Lord of the Wasteland in the future."

"This is what I should do, and don't you all support me?"

Everyone laughed, especially Icefield and Sea Clan, they can also enjoy the same treatment as Human Race or Beast Clan, so it is definitely the best harvest to abandon the confrontation between the two major forces, and naturally smile the most.

"Also, in order to ensure the independence of Gold Glitter Town, I now declare that Gold Glitter Town will never participate in any projects linked to the relics."

Everyone was taken aback, applauding secretly in their hearts, but they still pretended to show a bit of pity on their faces.

It is undoubtedly the best without the participation of the local snake in the town of Gold, and several people including the scarlet monarch even came up to toast three glasses of wine to Karen.

The human race got the most precious wasteland mining rights, the orc race protected their position in the wasteland, and got 100,000 normal job opportunities from Karen, and the sea race and the ice field also got the same rights. One is refreshing, so the consumption of drinks will increase.

Outside the town of Gold, everyone just watched pots of good wine being delivered into the tower, and at the moment when the curtains were raised, they all looked at the laughing figures on the table.

In the evening, the banquet kicked off, and the creatures in the town of Glittering Gold sang and danced, celebrating until twelve o'clock in the evening.

Afterwards, the top executives of the Aegean Continent began to hug and bid farewell to Karen one after another, as if they had been close friends for many years, and there were still a few teardrops in the corners of their eyes when they left like Barton.

Although Campas was a bit stubborn, he still had a long hug with Karen.

Such an excited embrace was directly defined as a "historic moment" by various newspapers on the mainland, and even more unceremoniously declared that the town of Shining Gold would bring an end to the intensified mainland war.

But on the second day, the orcs began to launch a large-scale fierce attack on the human race, almost using all their force, and directly severely damaged the headquarters of the coalition army, and the top officials of the orcs even announced that they would break through the Bauhinia within three months In the capital of the Blue Kingdom, the competition for the central part of the human continent officially began.

The intensity of the war was such that the roar of the magic crystal cannon could be heard even in the town of Gold, and groups of corpses were flying on the battlefield like pieces of paper, and the blood of even one race completely dyed the battlefield blood red.

There was a long line of freighters transporting the bodies at the Golden Harbor.

The only good news is that the wilderness is open to the detection of relics for ordinary creatures. As long as they can detect the relics first and report to Jinshijin Town, they can be protected by Jinshijin Town.

As a result, more and more souls have entered the wasteland to hunt for treasure, especially under the secret encouragement of high-level officials and rewards from the public, searching for relics from the wasteland has even become an act of glory for the country.

There are frequent wars on the mainland, but the wasteland has entered a strange period of peace. Every force has made an agreement to let these explorations in the wasteland go their own way, but as long as there are relics in the world, all kinds of evil methods will be imposed on these ordinary people. On the soul.

There is no way, no force allows such things as relics to fall into the hands of ordinary creatures, not even the honest orcs.

Time is moving forward strangely. Half a month after the Black Moore wedding, the news of the change of ownership of Pearl Harbor of the human race suddenly appeared on the covers of major newspapers. The majestic image of Maria wearing a steel helmet and an iron frame made her Everyone knew the female general of the Storm Empire thoroughly.

The first thing Maria did when she took control of Pearl Harbor was to open a sea route directly connected to Golden Harbor. At the same time, batches of corpse ships and cargo ships began to be active on this route.

In less than half a month, it has become the most popular sea route.

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