First Law

Chapter 47 The Storm Elf

Karen glanced at the documents on the table, they were piled up to a mountain, all of which required his signature, from the construction of the distillation pool to the settlement of the new tribe, there was no shortage of a single word.

This is a manifestation of the backwardness of a territory. If it really develops to a certain level, many people can help him solve these trivial matters.

Now Churchill basically relies on Churchill to deal with chores, and all the finances of Gold Shining Town are in the hands of Forbes. The remaining races can contribute their strength, but they are completely disproportionate in fine work.

Goldshire needs a lot of brainworkers.

Karen came out of the wooden house with a teacup in hand. It was already dark, and the stars were hanging in the sky, shining with silver brilliance. The starlight fell down, and it seemed that it would fall on the wilderness after touching the shield for a short period of time.

After a month of development, the first layer of Serbia’s canopy has basically taken shape. According to Azhen’s communication, it is estimated that in half a month, Shinjin Town will basically not have to worry about direct sunlight. At the same time, Aoqi can store a certain amount of heat and the reservoir itself The thermal storage capacity, even in the middle of the night, there is no need to hide in the hole.

Although it will not be as comfortable as the Spring and Autumn Edition, at least the high and low temperatures will not endanger life.

Karen knows that there are a lot of things to do tomorrow, but there are still things to deal with today. The group of elves ordered from Steel Town needs to be synthesized. .

"I'll go out for a walk." Karen ordered, and led Singbad to the wooden house where the elves were kept.

Under the starlight, the elf exudes a faint green light, which looks like fireflies from a distance. The whole hut has a grass-like aroma, which is especially obvious in the wasteland.

Little elves have no wisdom, they are special energy bodies formed by elves using "elf summoning" to gather plants and trees, so that they can effectively warm and nourish plants.

It feels like cotton in the hand, it is soft, and the elf is placed on the three points of the triangle circle in an orderly manner.


With a slight tremor, the two little elves turned into green light and penetrated into the top little elf. The size of the elves expanded a little, and the green color became more intense, but there was no major change.

It worked!

It was a good start, she smiled slightly, and started to follow suit. Strange to say, the success rate is terribly high, basically once in three times, there is a 33% chance that Karen will open her mouth and not know what to say. After rounds of refining, more than 600 elves were extracted from 8,000 elves.

Karen couldn't help thinking, "It would be great if the special corpse summoning had such a high success rate."

Of course, that's just random thinking. There are obviously reasons for this high success rate.

It seems that because the elves have the same energy source, it is basically impossible for corpses to have the same attributes. Who can guarantee that there are 8,000 identical corpses in the world.

After a round of energy leap, the elf still hasn't changed much, but six hundred is enough for him to waste it again.

puff! puff! puff!

This time, there was no good luck just now, and the continuous disappearance began. Karen mastered some tricks. It seems that those with similar energy are easy to complete the transition. After a round of refining, the difference in energy has already appeared.

After 30 consecutive failures in this way, there was a soft buzzing sound, and the green color of the elf at the top of the triangular circle rapidly degenerated, and a special sky blue was covered on it, and it had completely turned into sky blue in the blink of an eye .

After the sky blue elf broke away from the magic circle, instead of circling around the stake, it burrowed into the soil.

hum! hum!

Karen suddenly took a step back, and felt a whirlwind rushing from all directions towards the ground, forming an oily blue vortex in a blink of an eye.

"What's going on?" Martin was the first to emerge from the tent.

"Magic vortex?" The Silverscale patriarch stared at Karen's direction and shouted, the eyes of the two fishes had already been replaced by shock.


It's the wind calling. The patriarch of Red Phosphorus emphasized that a virtual fish shape above his staff was floating irregularly, showing the direction of wind magic flow.

"What can trigger such a large wind magic power?"

"This is? Energy of life?" A burly man with a black beard and beard emerged from the temporary camp, but at this moment, the bright blue eyes of the other party showed a subtlety that did not belong to this figure. , this is the emissary of the human race Cody.


The earth seemed to be cracked, and a jumping crack extended out. A tiny sprout emerged from the center of the crack, climbing upward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Those little elves hovering on the stake, as if smelling the attraction of the opposite sex, rushed towards the sapling for a few seconds, and entangled directly on the sapling. Every time they entangled, a green light penetrated into the sapling, supplemented by green light, The tender shoots were pulled upwards.

In the blink of an eye, all the elves were coiled around the sapling. No, it was almost like a small tree at this moment. Looking from a distance, green lights shot towards the center of the tree.

Karen was almost stunned. He had never seen this kind of weird seconds before, and every second it grew a section. He only blinked a few times, and the small tree was already three stories high.

The branches began to fork, the trunk became thicker, the leaves grew, and zigzag fruits began to emerge from the gaps in the leaves. The fruits became full of flat peaches, and a hole was broken in the center of the flat peaches.


A terrifying wind and wave rushed out of the fruit, and the elves seemed to have seen the biggest gift, they received this beam of wind energy as much as possible, and after being contaminated with a little bit, the whole thing turned into sky blue.

It looked exactly like the elf after the mutation. Karen looked up at the giant tree. He really didn't expect that the tree would be as tall as four or five stories in one night, and it was so lush and out of shape.

"The giant tree of the storm?" Martin's astonished voice came over, his eyes filled with a strange surprise, "Karen, how did you cultivate it?"

"What? The giant storm tree?" Karen asked suspiciously.

"The giant tree controlled by the ancient elves, a species that has completely disappeared, Karen, this is the ability to launch storms, this is the most powerful weapon of war."

"You mean it's a weapon?" Karen caught the sharpest words.

"Of course, and it is a large-scale war weapon. The ancient tree of storm can absorb the magic power of the air and turn it into a giant wind blade to launch. The ancient elf war weapon, Karen, I think it is necessary to talk about it tonight, Now we are in a stalemate with the Maria Legion of the human race, as one of the wolf heads of the 'Septwolves', it is necessary to support the development of the wasteland."

A big bucket of nonsense is just two words, buy weapons, Karen rolled his eyes and laughed, "Of course, you can order, but I need enough chips."

Martin just asked tentatively, but he didn't expect Karen to agree without hesitation. Of course he was willing to get this kind of ancient tree that launched the storm, but he didn't know what bargaining chip to give Karen.

"What would you like to have?"

"Piggy Pig."

"What?" Martin didn't expect the other party to ask for such a useless thing, that kind of guy is nothing special except for his huge size, "Of course it's no problem, how do you want to trade, I can exchange two hundred giant pigs An ancient storm tree."

"No, three hundred heads." Karen instinctively bargained.

"Okay, but you have to give me dozens of elves, only this thing can be powerful when combined with the giant storm tree, Karen, have you mastered the cultivation method of this ancient tree, I mean you How many trees can be supplied, if it is only one or two trees, the help to the wilderness is limited."

Karen smiled, "One tree for now, and we will increase it gradually in the future."

The public transaction is not a secret at all. The murlocs and the human envoys can't care about tomorrow's negotiations. They also want to take down a few giant storm trees now. How can such a weapon of war be missed in vain.

No one will miss a good opportunity to make a fortune, just as they have a lot of things not settled during the day.

The last time it was a piggy, after two energy jumps it became a completely different behemoth, and now it's a pixie.

The energy transition of the triangular circle seems to have fundamentally changed a species. Karen looked at Xingbada quietly. He really wondered what kind of terrifying existence this Lich was before he was alive.

If it can go through four or five energy transitions, is it possible that this species can fully reach the level of the legendary gods?

This miraculous evolution made Karen obsessed, but he knew very well that the higher the level, the more terrifying the chance of failure, but this may not be a path for territorial development.

There are many species like elves, such as the piggies mentioned by Karen. Karen couldn't even imagine how terrifying it would be to hand these horrible guys over to the piggies to lead them and the violent piggie knights. destructive power.

Also, there are giant mud bath worms, these guys may only need one mutation to become extraordinary.

This is definitely the way to go.

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