First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 121: Great victory

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After sending away Zhou Huiniang and Jiang Puxin, Zhang Ximeng was a little bit lost. He tried to establish a complete set of powerful intelligence systems. Not only to deal with Xietuo, but also to take the lead and win smoothly in the next struggle.

But today's technical conditions are really worrying. For example, if Wu and the others are unfortunately exposed, even if they are even murdered by the Yuan army, Zhang Ximeng may not know anything.

In the end, it can only be classified as a missing person. This result is really tragic.

Otherwise, he would not send it altogether, and his eyes would be blackened, and he would rely on magical calculations to anticipate the enemy's first opportunity. It is a pity that there is no living **** in the army.

Whether it's Zhou Huiniang or Wu Datou, they take on this task, and there is a kind of hope in their hearts. They have ideals.

Zhang Ximeng has a feeling that he needs to write something to summarize this ideal and become the common belief of the whole army, and even everyone.

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, the four people are equal, the farmer has his land, the prince breaks the law and the common people have the same crime, there is a difference in status, there is no difference between dignity and inferiority. Collision, fierce confrontation.

How should the future Daming go, or what should the future world look like?

Zhu Yuanzhang is undoubtedly an emperor with great modeling value. He cherishes the people, has super execution ability, is selfless, hardworking, and eats food...especially from the folk, he knows the suffering of the people.

As long as he can be persuaded and let him accept this concept, it is very likely that it will become a reality.

So what exactly should Zhu Yuanzhang be instilled in?

Zhang Ximeng thought about it again and again, lifted the pen, wrote on the paper benevolent governance and kingly doctrine, then erased it, and wrote the word Datong again, still frowning.

Or called people-centeredism, people's livelihood...These ideas were extinguished one by one by Zhang Ximeng. He needed to brew something convincing enough. From Zhu Yuanzhang to ordinary people, most people can accept and understand, and Willing to do it personally.

At this moment, Zhang Ximeng finally understands the difficulties of a ideological theorist. Behind the seemingly simple and popular theories in the textbooks, he does not know how many brain cells will be killed and how many foreheads will be bald!

There is no doubt that this is the hardest job, but it is also the duty of a traverser.

After all, no one understands the future better than I... Zhang Ximeng suffered from insomnia for the first time. He held a pen and fell into painful thinking.

Just as Zhang Ximeng was planning the future, Zhu Yuanzhang was also deploying a big battle. He didn't need to think so long, because the present was enough to make him feel bad.

Yuan Ting knew about Xuexue's affairs in the Privy Council and assembled 30,000 horses to besiege Tianchang. From the very beginning, Xu Da fell into a bitter battle. The reason is very simple. Although Xu Da barely repaired the Great Wall of the Sky, he was severely lack of defense equipment, the wall was low, and it was too late to dig deep enough trenches.

It can only be said that Xu Da was tenacious enough to stand firm, and the Yuan army attacked the city again and again, all of which were frustrated by him.

The fierce battle has lasted for three days, Xu Da hasn't slept at all, his eyes are bloodshot, and the soldiers under him are not much better.

Someone was so tired that when he lifted a stone and smashed it out of the city, his feet swayed and fell along with the stone... The Yuan Army relied on a large number of people, and wave after wave of attacks, without giving anything at all. Xu Da's rest time.

And something more terrible appeared.

In order to march in a hurry, Xu Da carried a limited amount of food. After reaching Tianchang, the people here suffered from wars and became poor, unable to export food at all.

Without food supplements, Xu Da's rations are not much left.

If another day passes, he may face the risk of breaking his cooking, become exhausted, and lose his food. Xu Da may not be able to bear it for long.

Therefore, tomorrow, Xuexue must be defeated, the Yuan army must be completely defeated, and the siege of the sky must be resolved.

At this moment, the distance was broken first, and it was only three days before Timur.

Continuous high-intensity raids are a huge test for soldiers and generals. If the big guys can't adjust their state in time, they have to invest in new battles.

How to deal with the enemy is really a huge problem.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought hard, and gradually came up with a plan. He subconsciously looked around and planned to find someone to discuss it, but unfortunately, Zhang Ximeng didn't follow it.

Lao Zhu could only touch his nose and laugh twice.

"We can't win without him? Ball!"

Lao Zhu hugged his head and took the time to rest. By the fourth clock, Zhu Yuanzhang woke up on time. At this moment, Zhu's army was preparing breakfast and preparing for the expedition.

On the opposite side, two Mongolian million people teams are also preparing.

Xuexue didn't let Lao Zhu launch an attack, but chose to separate two million households and take the initiative to block Zhu Yuanzhang's soldiers.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to rescue Xu Da and defeat the Yuan army.

But here in Xuexue, it was a spot to fight for aid, which severely inflicted the red thief.

He has this confidence, because in Xuexue's hands, there is a Western Region cavalry with a number of up to 3,000 people. This is a strong soldier transferred from Tuotuo, quite the power of Mongolian cavalry back then.

With such a group of people, facing the tens of thousands of Red Scarf thieves, he also has the certainty of victory.

To be honest, the reason why Xuexue was willing to stay in Tianchang and struggle with the red thief, did not want to sit back and watch the success or failure, and Timur was embarrassed first.

If he can take it down and get rid of it, this one million army, but he has the final say.

In this world, even a three-year-old child knows what it means to hold a heavy soldier!

Since the red thief dared to come, teach him an unforgettable lesson!

The Mongolian soldiers were dispatched, and in the faint morning light, the iron knights gathered. They were wearing armor, holding scimitars, compound bows behind their backs, and their quiver full of heavy arrows.

In a trance, it seems to have seen the Mongolian cavalry more than a hundred years ago. At that time, they followed Genghis Khan and swept the entire continent, wantonly destroying the city, the country, and the civilization...where the Mongolian cavalry passed, chickens and dogs Do not stay. A full forty countries were destroyed in the hands of the Mongols.

Countless ancient civilizations were wiped out and wiped out by them.

The fierce Jurchen is gone, and the tenacious Xixia is perished. What Hualazimo is unable to hold for a year, and the world is wailing.

The Southern Song Dynasty also fell hopelessly after decades of support.

But it was just these few decades that consumed the sharpness of the Mongols and prevented them from destroying the Han civilization. Although being squeezed to the limit, although many traditions have been lost, the pride of Yanhuang Guizhou and the Chinese descent has not been lost.

Xing Tianwu is in trouble, Jing Wei fills the sea.

The immortal, regrouped Han Jiaerlang launched the most violent counterattack decades later, and the territory was filled with smoke everywhere.

Yuan Dynasty, the end is here!

The main force of the Chinese army battalion led by Tang He appeared, grabbed an open area and formed a battlefield. The pikemen were in front, the archers were close behind, and the swordsmen were behind.

The neat phalanx and high morale show sufficient training. This is a strong soldier that can fight the Mongols.

Xuexue suddenly hesitated when Zhu Jiajun set up his posture. Originally, he was planning to gather cavalry to break through the Red Scarf Army and have a hearty victory.

However, Xuexue hesitated again when she saw that the other party was waiting.

He has only three thousand iron armored elite riders, even if he can win, he will lose a lot.

In that case, it is better to avoid the weight and attack the weak flanks of the Red Rogue to win in one fell swoop!

Xuexue quietly changed his tactics. He let the prepared iron cavalry lean back a bit, and first released two thousand households, launching a tentative attack against Tang He's army.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was watching the battle from a high place in the Chinese army, saw this scene and smiled unchecked. At the same time, he subconsciously looked at Hu Dahai on the left wing.

He has not many soldiers and horses, only less than 600 people. Because of the bandit origin, the team is not as strict as the others, and there is a small puddle behind Hu Dahai.

This is a typical situation after the flooding of the Yellow River. Before long, a Gaoyou Lake will be deposited on the east side of Tianchang, and at this moment it is just a scattered pond.

The water puddle behind Hu Dahai is even smaller, measuring only 20 feet, but everyone in the yellow flood zone knows that there is very little clear water in this puddle, but there is a lot of silt underneath, and it is thick and heavy. , Once stuck, it's almost a dead end.

Lao Zhu is betting that this is not a trap.

The battle began, and the Yuan army screamed and pounced on Tang Hesuo.

Faced with this situation, Tang He was not at all surprised, but ordered the archer to prepare.

Arrow rain shot at each other, and the marching Yuan army lost almost twice as much as Zhu Jiajun's. They braved the arrow rain and charged frantically, constantly pulling in the distance.

After completing three rounds of shooting, the archer had to retreat to the queue, and then the spearman and the soldiers of the Yuan Army collided together.

In an instant, the spear penetrated into the flesh and penetrated the body, screaming one after another.

But there are always some lucky people who rushed in from the gap of the spearman, and at this moment the sword and shield soldiers behind decisively stepped forward and fought with the Yuan soldiers.

The impact of weapons, the wailing of the wounded, and the intense blood, from the very beginning, were doomed to the cruelty of this battle.

Tang He personally carried the knife in front, shouted loudly, beheaded three Yuan soldiers in a row, blood-stained armor.

Seeing that the Zhu Family's army counterattacked sharply, and her two thousand households were insufficient, Xuexue began to invest in soldiers and horses one after another, increasing to six thousand households.

In the face of the Yuan army's flood of attacks, Tang He performed stably and did not retreat, completely holding back the Yuan army.

As time passed, Xuexue became more and more unwilling to endure it.

It's time to play the cavalry card!

The small movements of the Yuan army did not hide from Lao Zhu.

Zhu Yuanzhang stared into the distance, his hands bursting into cold sweat.

The three thousand cavalry started, they whizzed out, and without accident, rushed to the weak Zhu's left wing.

In their eyes, the red thief in front of them was a broken house, and as long as it was kicked, it would collapse immediately.

These iron knights roared and attacked, thousands of troops charged and killed, and thousands of horses galloped.

Although there are only three thousand cavalrymen, they shake the sky and the earth, and the momentum is like a rainbow. Just this posture against the face makes people feel weak in their legs.

Hu Dahai snorted fiercely, "Grandma's, I will also get a cavalry for fun in the future!"

The Yuan Army cavalry was getting closer, and Hu Dahai also subconsciously rubbed his hands and clenched the axe. His men and horses and Yuan Army cavalry only touched slightly, and then they broke apart and fled.

If you look closely, you will find that they are running around puddles.

But the iron cavalry of the Yuan army didn't care, in other words, they felt that a small puddle could stop the invincible western cavalry!


These cavalrymen scrambled and fell into the quagmire.

Soon they discovered something was wrong, the quagmire was far deeper than they thought, and the thick and heavy mud water stubbornly trapped the horses' hooves, making these horses unable to move.

Almost instantly, the Yuan army's queue was messed up.

But at this moment, standing opposite the puddle, there was a team of three hundred crossbowmen.


These crossbowmen did not wear heavy armor, and did not have a horse of several hundred catties to ride. They could shoot at close range. This is no longer a battle, but a slaughter!

The crossbowmen seemed to be saying, let me see, which cutie was lucky enough to get a crossbow arrow...

The Yuan Army cavalry was hit hard suddenly, and they knew they were fooled, so they could only immediately bypass the puddles and regroup the impact.

It's a pity that the Zhu family army didn't give them time. Hu Dahai turned around as fast as he could, and the soldier who led him rushed up with his axe.

Their goal is very clear, that is, horse legs.

Click, click, the sound of broken bones sounded, and a horse fell to the ground, and the knight on it fell heavily to the ground.

The cavalry who lost the speed advantage was completely passively beaten.

In a short period of time, more than five hundred people were either killed or injured... The cavalry force was directly damaged by one-sixth The rest of the cavalry were also panicked, retreating one after another, unintentionally Fight again.

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang finally swung his saber decisively, and Hua Yun led one thousand and five hundred cavalrymen and slammed into the left wing of the Yuan army.

The same tactics, different effects, the appearance of Huayun completely exceeded Xuexue's expectations, he was like a sharp blade, piercing the Yuan army's defense line.

Huayun took the lead and took the Chinese Army straight.

Xuexue gritted her teeth, obviously she should have won with this tactic, why did she become a red thief?

He was so angry, but he could only be held back by others, and so was his handsome banner.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who keenly caught this scene, stood out decisively!


Zhu Yuanzhang is in front, Lu Zhongheng, Tang Shengzong, Feng Guosheng, Chen De, Li Xincai, Zhou Dexing...every generals are vying for the first place, not to be left behind.

Tang He is anxious, obviously I have been in front for so long, do you want to grab the power?


Tang He also launched a counterattack. The Yuan army in front kept retreating. Tang He was invincible. Suddenly, his thigh hurt. It turned out to be an arrow penetrating his thigh at an angle, and blood gushed out for a while.

Tang He gritted his teeth and took the lead in the charge despite his injuries.

The tide of Zhu's army destroyed Xuexue's army with an unstoppable aura.

The Yuan army was defeated, and it quickly shook the Yuan army, which was still surrounding Tianchang, and they also retreated.

Xu Da, who had been depressed for three days, finally waited for her chance.

"The superior has come to rescue us, brothers, kill with me, revenge!"

Zhu Jiajun frantically counterattacked and attacked fiercely.

In the battle of Tianchang, Zhu's army won an indisputable victory.

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