First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 130: Great courage

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In one day's work, the fierce and evil Yuan army actually worked honestly and diligently... the common people didn't understand the truth.

I just think that the newcomer Zhu Jiajun is too divine. If it weren't for the blessing of the gods, it would be impossible to do it. Then I heard that I was going to give the big guy food. Almost instantly, the hearts of the people calmed down. The big guy was eagerly looking forward to giving everyone a ration and a bite of warm food, as long as Zhu Yuanzhang was in. Yangzhou has gained a firm foothold.

Zhang Ximeng calculated that there should be no accidents for such a simple matter, but he did not dare to relax, personally lead people to inquire everywhere, and solve problems on the spot.

The second general, Huo Ha, who used to be with Zhang Ximeng, was not there, and Li Wenzhong followed his father Li Zhen in a hurry. This kid is very opinionated. He is studying with Zhang Ximeng, but that's all. Li Wenzhong is more interested in leading soldiers, so he often finds those generals and learns from them.

People have their own ambitions, and Zhang Ximeng will not interfere with Li Wenzhong's choice. On the contrary, he encourages him.

As for the blue jade, this kid didn't show the tendency of civil and martial arts, but showed a lecherous nature... Ever since he had accompanied Xiaoju to Yangzhou, he had been with Xiaoju all day long, and he would gather together and mutter whenever he had time.

I have to sigh, it's really early for this group to get in touch.

Xiaoju didn't have these thoughts. In addition to waiting for Zhou Huiniang and Jiang Sanshu to come back, she wanted to do something, at least when she faced the girl, she also said something. Especially after sneaking into Yangzhou once, this girl was bold enough.

She took the initiative to take the job of a food distribution point. Because she knew Yangzhou dialect, her mouth was sweet and her attitude was good, so it went smoothly.

"The big guys are listening. It is not necessary to save the poor. There is no shortage of food, and it is being transported. At the moment, each family can only send ten catties first, not much, but it is big enough to eat for a few days. But just in case Someone pretends to take two or three copies repeatedly, and some people will be hungry. So, I ask you to watch carefully. Whoever takes more, can report it, and take the extra food, but it has to be divided into half To those who report... listen carefully, don't lose all your dough for this little food."

As Xiaoju said, he also specially reminded a few old ladies.

At this time, the blue jade was ready over there, a full ten catty bucket filled with grain, and the people who came to receive the grain waited with their pockets, one for each family, ten catties for one.

Everyone who receives food must give his name and register it.

Obviously, there are loopholes in this, and it is inevitable to repeat. But at any rate, basic data can be established, how many people there are, how many households, and how they are distributed, which will greatly help the subsequent governance.

Zhang Ximeng made inspections everywhere and just came over. He found that the crowd was lined up very long, but basically it was still in order, and Sapphire's command was also good.

Throwing aside this kid's intentions, things are done pretty well.

At this moment, there was a thin and small body among the crowd, rickety carrying a bag, Lan Yu saw that she was pitiful, but also put her tall, a bucket of rice poured into the bag, the woman's body shook, almost unsteady. .

The little orange next to her hurriedly stretched out her hand to help, the woman was so frightened, she hurriedly avoided, her mouth was vaguely thanked, and she turned her head and swayed and was about to flee.

The soldier in charge of the registration hurriedly said: "Stop, there is no registration yet, why are you walking so fast?"

The woman was called back again. Facing the question, she first bowed her head and said nothing, but he didn't speak, and got stuck here. The people behind stopped doing it, and they clamored.

The woman couldn't help but said with a rough voice: "Wang, Wang Liu's family."

Her voice has changed as much as possible, but it still caught Xiao Ju's attention. In fact, from the moment she appeared, Xiao Ju felt familiar.

This opening confirmed the identity!

"It's you!"

The woman also realized that it was not good, so she turned her head and ran, but she was weak, carrying food on her back, and fell to the ground just a few steps before she came out.

Zhang Ximeng urged the horse to come over and blocked the way. Xiaoju also rushed over, grabbed the woman and asked her to raise her face.

"It's you! It's you!"

Xiaoju was very excited and her voice changed. Suddenly, she raised her slap and was about to hit someone.

Zhang Ximeng gave a light cough, "What are you doing? Are there any rules?"

Xiaoju was stunned, then raised her head and complained to Zhang Ximeng: "Sir, she is the owner of Huafang. This old woman is unpopular. She opened a brothel and forced good girls to do that kind of thing... I, I am very young. She bought it!"

It turns out that this Wang Liu family turned out to be Zhou Huiniang's owner... It stands to reason that she is also a well-known figure in the brothel, with a wealth of family background. How could she have fallen to this point?

This has to be said, doing this is really no good end!

Zhou Huiniang saw Zhang Shicheng's subordinates looting a woman, she decided to run away. After she left, Zhang Shicheng's subordinates robbed the painting boat.

Several of Wang Liu's cash cows are gone.

But at this point, Wang Liu doesn't need to be afraid, she still has so much savings, the gold and silver are soft and countless, how can she be a rich man.

But she neglected that what she was doing was a wicked industry, which should be destroyed by heaven and earth! No, seeing that she was losing power, the thugs ran away first, and they took away a lot of money before they ran.

Then the bandits came to the door and stole the property from the home.

Wang Liu and her husband tried desperately to drive them away, but they were not afraid at all.

"You have done so many bad things and earned ill-gotten gains. We will help you spend some money. That is to alleviate your sins. Don't know what is good or bad!"

"Yes, I still want to sue the officials? Look at, which government will take care of you? Hahaha!"

These bandits became more and more rampant. At first they were stealing, but later they were taken openly, first of small pieces, and even the tables, chairs and benches, as well as those large beds, were not let go.

Wang Liu and her husband couldn't stop them, and they were beaten hard.

They had no choice but to take the last bit of softness and wanted to escape. Before leaving the city, the beggars in the city caught sight of them, snatched all the money, and severely injured Wang Liu’s husband. Some said he was beaten to death, and some said he was boiled alive by the beggar. , Anyway, the end was terrible.

Wang Liu managed to escape, but then he could only hide in Yangzhou City. For half a month, he hadn't eaten anything serious. He had lost weight and his back was bent. He was worried all day for fear of being caught and eaten. Now, my hair is gray.

"Girl! This is retribution! It is my retribution! Girl, for the sake of raising you for so many years, you just leave me alone, let me fend for myself!"

Wang Liu cried bitterly, begging Xiaoju.

Xiao Ju didn't expect that she would be so miserable, but Xiao Ju bit her lip tightly and didn't want to let go.

"No, you have to tell me, where did my parents go? Where are they?"

Wang Liu was startled and cried: "Girl, this is the rule in this business, not to mention you, even if there are so many brothels in Yangzhou City, no one will tell the whereabouts of the girl who buys it? Don't force me to behave badly, I can't live for a few days, so why bother to poke my spine!"

Little Orange was so angry, she cursed: "You fart! Our family was in a disaster that year, and my parents took me out and begged all the way to Yangzhou. You bought a hundred of them and bought me, my parents. Just took the money and left, where did they go? Don't you know? You say?"

The trade of people, a conscientious industry, has existed since ancient times. Ironically, they have also formed rules. Because most of the children were abducted and trafficked away when they were very young.

After this child grows up, he wants to know who his parents are and where his hometown is. All the people involved are killed.

If you sell it, you will end it.

When Wang Liu arrived at this time, he was still unwilling to say that he was afraid of being pricked on her spine. Who would poke her spine? Not yet a fellow of Yangzhou City!

Unexpectedly, this one is quite dedicated!


A loud slap in the face caused Wang Liu's mouth to bleed, and Sapphire grabbed her, "Say, you say it!"

Wang Liu raised his eyes and looked at Lan Yu, and turned his head to the side, as if he closed his eyes and waited for a hammer. Lan Yu was furious and wanted to beat her.

Zhang Ximeng stretched out his hand to stop him, and he turned his head to look at the people present.

"Guys, the big guys know that this brothel painting boat is a **** of harm, and this group of people are cannibals. How many people are ruined, their wives are scattered, and they have been hurt by them. What news does the big guy have? Come out and help make the whole family alive, it’s worthy of merit!"

Zhang Ximeng said it several times, when an old man stood up tremblingly among the crowd.

"Master, although the little old man doesn’t know where the girl’s parents are going, but the little old man knows that these beasts are all dark-hearted. They gave money here, bought the children, and looked for thugs later. Kill people to death. On the one hand, there is a small amount of money left, and on the other hand, they are afraid that they will find it back in the future and disrupt the business. Better, many of the girls in the brothel don't know, and they think their family members are alive!"

Xiaoju was dumbfounded. When she heard this, the child couldn't bear it. She cried out with a wow. She knelt on the ground, heart-piercing, and hoped for so many years that she would be able to meet her parents one day, even if it was only one side, she would be satisfied. Up.

But how did she know that maybe her parents were beaten to death on the night of the separation, and she has been looking forward to it for so many years since days and people are forever separated!

"Father! Mother!"

Xiaoju cried bitterly, Sapphire gritted his teeth, he drew out his saber, and wanted to kill Wang Liu to vent his anger. At this time, Zhang Ximeng stretched out his hand and stopped him.

"Killing a dead person is not a hero." Zhang Ximeng turned his head and said, "My fellow villagers, this is the case. I want to ask you one thing, and I would like to ask you a word...Those people in the brothel, are they eligible to receive food here? Can you stand side by side with the big guy under the sun?"

The people of Yangzhou didn't know what Zhang Ximeng meant, but they were also angry and said in unison: "No! You can't let these black-hearted maggots stand with people, they are not worthy!"

Zhang Ximeng nodded sincerely, "The folks said it Then I will ask the big guy again, if I order, all the owners of the brothel painting boats will be arrested, and their sins will be thoroughly investigated. What does the big guy think of the canon punishment in the Ming Dynasty?"

The people were taken aback for a while, and someone immediately shouted: "Okay! Great thing! Great master is virtuous!"

Zhang Ximeng remained calm, and asked, "My fellow villagers, I would like to ask one more question. If we, Zhu Jiajun, ordered all the brothels in Yangzhou City to be sealed off, and no more business like this, what do you think of the big guys?"

After Zhang Ximeng's words were asked, the people fell into a long silence... It's nothing else, can it really be forbidden? Throughout the ages, changes in dynasties have not always been the case. Brothel paintings, gifted men and beautiful ladies, endless romance, endless romance, how can it be forbidden?

There was a moment of silence, and suddenly someone fell to his knees.

"Master Qingtian! Master Qingtian!"

Someone took the lead, and the people all knelt down instantly, kowtow one after another, tears flowed, and begged to ban the painting of boats in the brothel. This is a harmful thing.

Behind those talented people is the romance of the rich and the nightmare of the poor!

As long as it can survive, who is willing to do this? It's not a desperate situation. Like Xiaoju, there are simply too many feathers.

In the year of catastrophe, the family can't live on, and there is no choice at all, so they can only be ravaged by business. A good life, before it starts, is almost over.

The people of Yangzhou clearly understood that these brothel paintings were just taking their daughters from poor families to please the powerful and powerful. If they were to choose, they would naturally be unwilling.

But the question is can it work?

Will anyone really censor brothels?

"Pass the order, all brothels are sealed, no one is allowed to be let go!" Lao Zhu downplayed, giving a vital order without any hesitation.

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