First Minister of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 136: Wenzheng

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Zhang Shicheng put on a combat posture, and Zhu Yuanzhang was not polite. This result he and Zhang Ximeng deduced more than once. Once Yuan Ting was defeated, he and Zhang Shicheng would have to decide a victory or defeat, and it was absolutely impossible to coexist peacefully.

Lao Zhu was also fighting hard, preparing to take advantage of Zhang Shicheng's weakest time, with a fatal blow, to take Huaidong.

At this moment, two people came outside Lao Zhu's barracks, a mother and a son, a half-old woman, and a young man under twenty.

As soon as he arrived, he yelled to see "my uncle".

This is not a peaceful time. The war is imminent, and the sailors will not be put in at will. Therefore, they must be questioned carefully, and the other party is quite impatient.

"My uncle is inside, you are in charge, let us see him soon, there are important things."

While arguing, Xu Da happened to pass by. He saw the young man and the woman. He was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered, isn't this the sister-in-law of the Zhu family?

That's right, the people here are Zhu Yuanzhang's sister-in-law and nephew!

In the catastrophe that destroyed Zhu Yuanzhang's family, Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest brother and the eldest son of the eldest brother all died, and only the sister-in-law Wang returned to her natal family with her second son.

After a few years, the Wang family worked so hard to watch his son grow up. The boy is in a healthy body, much like their old Zhu family.

When I was a teenager, I learned to shoot arrows, dance knives and guns. After a few years, I waited for three or five people and couldn't beat him.

The Wang family is also a great comfort, and feels that he can give an explanation to the Zhu family.

When the child is older, he can just go back to his hometown, meet his uncle, and recognize a relative. Finally, Zhu's family will not die out.

Wang Clan thought very simple, so she paid great attention and asked about it. At first she found nothing, but then the fame of Lord Zhu of Haozhou became more and more popular. Especially recently, there was a Bodhisattva soldier who was kind to the poor, known as the Zhu Family Army.

I heard that the leader, Zhu Yuanzhang, is a bit like his own little uncle? Wang found a few merchants and inquired with others. After hitting the wall several times, let alone really say, someone told Wang that this general Zhu was Hao. Zhou Zhongli had a hard time at home, his relatives were dead, and he was born in a humble background. After raising the army, it is best for the poor...Wang listened patiently, and gradually, she was sure that this person is her brother-in-law Zhu Chongba!

After learning of the news, Wang was overjoyed. This is exactly what he didn't expect that his little uncle is not only alive, but also has a lot of promise to run such a big business.

Wang immediately found his son, and after discussing with him, the two of them immediately went to Zhu Yuanzhang.

This was the scene outside the barracks.

Xu Da recognized his sister-in-law Wang, and after saying a few words, he immediately brought their wives in until they reached the military account.

"Master, look, who is here!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was startled first, and then he was surprised!


Wang rubbed his eyes and couldn't recognize it.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang's outline is there, his aura is completely two people, Kong Wu is powerful, and his look is majestic, which is not something ordinary people can have!

The fact is indeed the case, this person is going to compete with Zhang Shicheng for the master of the two Huaihe Rivers, how unusual it is!

After a while, the Wang family finally confirmed Zhu Yuanzhang, and he couldn't make a sound of tears, and cried faintly.

"Chong Ba, I sent your nephew, and returned it to your Zhu family, I, I am worthy of your dead brother!" Wang cried like a rain and almost fainted.

Zhu Yuanzhang also accompany in tears, heartbroken.

The nephew was only eight years younger than Zhu Yuanzhang. When Old Zhu was a teenager, this nephew followed his ass, dragging two tubes of snot, uncle and uncle, yelling non-stop, full-fledged follower.

After the Zhu family was over, his sister-in-law took him away. After Zhu Yuanzhang and his second brother buried their parents, they also broke up. It has been ten years since then!

Not long ago, Zhu Yuanzhang met his brother-in-law and nephew Li Wenzhong, and now he has met his sister-in-law and nephew.

Needless to say joy when loved ones meet again. In this troubled world, human lives are like a waste of grass, and it is not easy to survive. In the past ten years, how much pain the sister-in-law has suffered, just by looking at the white hair on her head, one can know one or two.

But no matter how much she suffered, she raised this son. A nineteen-year-old young man with a tall body, strong muscles and bones, is quite decent.

Zhu Yuanzhang was really unexpected, with surprises.

"Sister-in-law, we don't know how to thank you anymore!"

Wang wiped his tears, "What are you doing? He is from Zhu's family, isn't it my son? I will bring him now, one is to surrender to you, and the other is that I hope you will give this child a serious name. I'm very satisfied when I write it into the Zhu family tree."

Wang's wish to let her son enter the Zhu family tree is not because she is greedy for future clan status. In fact, she still doesn't know how powerful Zhu Yuanzhang is.

She is a woman, and she is absolutely proud of her hard work to pull her son to grow up after her husband's death. Entering the Zhu family tree shows that she did not remarry, did not modify her son, and did not forget her ancestors... This is her pride, something very, very proud!

Writing into the genealogy made the Zhu family recognize this. Her ten years of hard work can be regarded as a result, and she can't be slow for a while.

Zhu Yuanzhang understands his sister-in-law's urgency, but Zhang Ximeng is not by his side, he is responsible for naming things.

"Sister-in-law, can you wait two days?"

"Can't wait!" Wang Clan insisted, "Your nephew, you just need to name it!"

Mrs. Zhu understands her feelings, what should she do?

He thought for a while, and said: "Sister-in-law, my nephew has a new name called Wenzhong, and my nephew is also called Wen...Wen what?" Zhu Yuanzhang thought for a while, "Being upright and doing things right. , Why not just take a straight character and call it Wenzheng?"

In fact, there is another meaning to this orthographic character, which is to admire the sister-in-law, who is upright, has worked hard for ten years, has never remarried, and has the same heart.

Wang cried twice, showing a satisfied smile, she stretched out her hand and pulled her son over.

"Wenzheng my son, kowtow to your uncle!"

Zhu Wenzheng hurriedly knelt down, bang bang bang, and knocked old Zhu three leaders.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang was so happy. He pulled up his nephew and looked at it carefully. The child Kong Wu was powerful and heroic, and he was indeed very good.

"Have you practiced martial arts?"

"Practiced!" Zhu Wenzheng replied straightforwardly: "Archery, swordsmanship, fists and kicks are all good!"

Lao Zhu smiled, "There are also many masters in this army. You have to learn from them in the future. But although martial arts are good, you still have to read and learn to read."

When it comes to reading, Zhu Wenzheng grinned, "Uncle, I'm so old, I'm afraid it's too late?"

"not late!"

Old Zhu was very serious, "We are eight years older than you. We started studying seriously more than two years ago. For this matter, the key is to have a famous teacher. When we look back, let's talk to Mr. Zhang and let him Point you, we can tell you that this Mr. Zhang is very knowledgeable and is our right-hand man."

Zhu Wenzheng grinned as soon as he heard the book, but he didn't dare to refute, so he could only promise.

However, Wang became interested, "Who is this old Mr. Zhang? Is he really so capable?"

"Old gentleman?" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed, "He is several years younger than Wenzheng! But don't look at him as young, but he is not young. He is a scholar of scholars and scholars for generations, but he is much better than our family who are farmers. Up."

Wang was taken aback, "Um-Chongba, how powerful are you now? Why are so many people listening to you?"

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said: "The power is not too big. Haozhou, Sizhou, Chuzhou, Hezhou, and Yangzhou are all under our rule."

"Oh!" Wang couldn't help but exclaimed, "Well, this isn't the whole Huaixi, it belongs to you?"

Old Zhu smiled reserved and didn't give more explanation.

Wang thought for a while, and said with a smile: "In this case, I don't want this old face and say a few excessive words. You are such a powerful force, can you arrange a better position for your nephew and let him serve you? ?"

This is not the Wang family's unreasonable thinking, it is really the case, let alone dominate one side, even if it is to open a workshop, do some business, relatives come, it is reasonable to ask for a position, let alone a nephew .

In history, Lao Zhu will definitely agree to it, and will give him a high official position...For example, in history, before the Hongdu War, Zhu Wenzheng was the chief governor of the Metropolitan Government, controlling the military at home and abroad.

One step further up is to go to the temple with the sword and go to the court without advancing. Praise and worship will become obscure.

Lao Zhu put his nephew in a high position, and Zhu Wenzheng couldn't put his position right. This is the bane of the tragedy.

In this time and space, due to Zhang Ximeng's teachings, Lao Zhu looked at the problem more calmly. Although his nephew was good and his affection was heavy, he could not break the rules.

"Sister-in-law, my nephew Wenzhong is now studying with Mr. Zhang. He is doing quite well. We have a lot of positions, but we have to have enough skills in each position. Wen is our nephew, and we regard him as our own son. It is reasonable, but no matter what, there are rules. This is the reason why we let our nephew study more. If he is competent, we can give him the position. Please forgive me."

Wang thought for a while, and sighed: "I am a woman and I don't know anything important, so I'm making a joke It is indeed time for this kid to read more and become more capable!"

Although this topic passed, Lao Zhu didn't want to treat his nephew wrongly, so he told Zhu Wenzheng, "Since you are good at martial arts, do you have the courage to meet someone with your uncle."


"Zhang Shicheng!"


With the sound of drum horns, the two armies lined up, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Shicheng, just outside Gaoyou City, each leading tens of thousands of horses, facing each other.

Hunting in the east wind, the flag is flying.

Two rides came out on both sides. Zhu Yuanzhang was in front, and his nephew Zhu Wenzheng followed closely. On the other side, Zhang Shicheng and his younger brother Zhang Shixin came out.

The two sides are only a hundred steps apart. This is the first time Lao Zhu and Zhang Shicheng have faced each other. King to King!

"Cheng Wang, we want to congratulate you and get out of trouble!"

Zhang Shicheng sneered, "Zhu Yuanzhang, you come to fight the autumn wind, it is too much, right? I have been guarding for more than three months, and I have survived, but now you are here to pick up the bargain. Is there any morality?"

Lao Zhu laughed aloud, "King Cheng, if you know how many things we have done, you won't complain. We just want to invite King Cheng to join us in the Northern Expedition and destroy Ni Yuan!"

"What? Are you going to expedition to the north? And with this king?"

"Yes! Yuan Ting is dizzy and sinful. They have occupied the world of our Han people. Will King Cheng be willing to join us to restore the mountains and rivers?"

When Zhang Shicheng heard this, he wanted to laugh, "Zhu Yuanzhang, you'd better weigh yourself what weight it is! This king is the Lord of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he defeated the Million Yuan Army, and it is not your turn to give me orders! "

Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath, and he was a lot more relaxed.

"In that case, it looks like we have to divide up!"

Zhang Shicheng sneered, "Yes! The surname is Zhu, if you think it is better than Tutuo, just let it go!"

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