First Minister of Prince of Tennis

Chapter 109 Boring exercise [first more]

"You guys, you don't have to keep up with the rhythm of the opponent, just follow your usual playing rhythm!"

As he approached the stage, the old companion finally ordered the two of Dongfang Yami.

"Well, remember!"

The two nodded their heads, and they had been won two rounds in an instant, causing him to fall into a very embarrassing situation now. If you don’t make any adjustments, I’m afraid you will lose the match soon.

Stepping onto the court again, Dongfang Yami took a deep breath, and then she took out a tennis ball and started slapping slowly.

Opposite them, Suzuki watched his bounce motion seriously, but there was an inexplicable light in his eyes.

"Wait, Yamabuki will definitely bring the match back to their rhythm, and what you have to do is desperately disrupt the opponent's rhythm! As long as you stick to two more games, the victory is ours!"

I remembered what Chiba had said to them just now, but Suzuki suddenly realized that the positions of the two opposite people were slightly different from the previous ones11!

"It looks more relaxed!"

Suzuki's eyes flashed, and after seeing the two people opposite, he became more sure of this idea in his heart.

"Obviously they just played, but there is a kind of fascinating calmness... That's right, it should be that they are ready to make a desperate move."

Thinking about this, Suzuki's expression became more solemn.


At this time, Dongfang Yami on the opposite side also gave the ball out.

"This, I can't pick the wrong ball!"

The dry on the court spoke softly. Although there was nothing surprising about this ball, there was nothing to criticize.


The tennis ball touched the ground, and the dull sound made everyone's attention hit on it.

"The final challenge has begun, I don't know if you can resist it!

Chiba looked at the court and whispered in his heart.

"Cut, a boring match, even a tennis ball can have such fun!!

On Yinhua's side, Yajiuzin suddenly laughed after watching for a long time, and then suddenly turned and walked outside.

"Hey, Senior Ajutsu, the match is not over yet, what are you going to do!

When a young man saw Ajiuzin's sudden departure, he immediately shouted towards his back.

After hearing the boy's words, Sengoku turned his head and looked at Akutsu who was leaving, but said softly.

"Taiyi, forget it, it's not easy for him to stay for so long this time!"

"But wait there will be a match!"

The boy looked anxious and said to Qianshi.

"Hehe, he will naturally come back when he is in the match."

Sengoku smiled, and then snapped his fingers, "I have good luck today, please believe my hunch!


"Yamabuki won, the score was 4 to 3!"

After a round, Oriental Yami relied on this change to win a round smoothly.

Although they won a round, the faces of Oriental Masami and Minami Kentaro did not see the slightest joy.

"I almost missed it just now"

"Yes, the opponent's rhythm seems to be getting faster and faster!" Dongfang Yamei looked solemn. Although he managed to win a round, he now has an ominous premonition.

And then, Fukutoman and Suzuki's movements made them even more shocked, and the balance of the match began to tilt to the end.

"So fast!"

Taocheng glared, his eyes full of shock.

"How does it feel like someone ordered a fast forward."

Taocheng murmured in surprise, and the score on the field began to move quickly.


"15 to 0!"


"30 to 0!"


"40 to 0!

Woolen cloth!

"Yinhua won with a score of 5 to 3!"

"It's going to win!"

Domoto slammed his fist and exclaimed excitedly. Although the expressions of the candidates behind were not as exaggerated as his, they were relieved.

However, immediately their expressions froze on their faces.

Approaching the match point, Touhou Masami and Minami Kentaro also fought, bursting out with unprecedented energy and scoring three goals in a row.


"15 to 0!


"30 to 0!"



"40 to 0!""


"Yamabuki won, the score was 5 to 4!"

-Now, match is pulled back from the edge of the cliff by Dongfang Yami.

"But even so, the outcome of the match is already set!" Shaking his head dry, Yamabuki's outbreak is really late. Now that the trend is over, it is difficult to make a difference.

In less than five minutes, the situation was exactly as expected. Yamabuki was unable to resist the attacks of Foster and Suzuki after the outbreak just now.


"The match ended, Yinhua Middle-School won! The score was 6 to 4!"

With the loud voice of referee, all the people in Yinhua jumped up!

"Huh, the threat is temporarily lifted!"

Hasegawa patted his chest. Fortunately, they won this match, Fu Shiman, otherwise, even if he played well behind him, it would be of no avail.

"Domoto, I'll rely on you next!

ps, recommend a good book from a friend, the Poison King of Naruto is coming!.

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