First Minister of Prince of Tennis

Chapter 429 The last two goals

In the fierce battle between the two sides, the Japanese team's second doubles team relied on their scattered Sanda to advance to the match point with difficulty. In the Australian serve game, they swept Fuji and Atobe without letting them score a point.

"0-45! "


The two teams finally entered the white-hot match point. This round is the Japanese team's kick-off. Although Fuji and Atobe's kick-off is the same as the opponent's standings, it is not so easy. In view of the performance of the opponent Mark and Miruk, their strength is still very strong, although it is only reflected in the serve, but the current Fuji and Atobe

A lot of stamina has been consumed, and the two guys in Australia still have plenty of stamina. Their all-out effort in this round is still quite unfavorable for the Japanese team.

"Atobe, take this round."

Fuji, who usually has Mimi's eyes, widened his eyes. This is also the time when Fuji is most focused. It seems that this scene has a good show.


Atobe snorted coldly, revealing his iconic smile, and he seemed to be making some small calculations in his heart.


He sighed deeply, held the tennis Atobe tightly in his hand, and closed his eyes for a few seconds.Although the surrounding cheering sounds were very noisy during these few seconds, the four players on the court were all exuding. Calm breath.


Mark was taken aback for a moment, watching Atobe's movements all the time. The moment he opened his eyes, the racket in his hand looked like a heavy object of tens of thousands of tons, squeezing the little tennis ball that had been delayed.


The tennis ball was raged and deformed by Atobe's racket, and the sound of the air tearing in the delay flight was heard clearly, and it dived straight down in the direction under Mark's feet.

"Go! The Ice Emperor!"

This is a move that Atobe has never used. From the name of this move, it can be seen that this should be his strongest ultimate move.

"Don't think about it!"

A rushing to Atobe served Mark. The experienced he told himself that the power of this ball is very powerful. He couldn't be clear.


The sound of firecrackers resounded throughout the venue. When Mark’s net racquet touched the Ice King, he struggled for a few seconds. The net racquet in his hand was directly opened by the arrogant serve. After the tennis ball passed through the racquet net, it hit the guardrail, and the sound of an explosion shocked everyone in the venue.

"15-0! "

Referee raises his hand to signal serve to score, Atobe uses this powerful ice king to win the ball.

"Good job!

Seeing Atobe's performance, Nioh couldn't hold back his own mood. In fact, for this man who had conquered himself, he had regarded Atobe as his goal very early, but he did not expect such a smart Atobe to become this. Fan is strong.

All the players of the Japanese team stood up and applauded. The Australians in the home court did not dare to make a sound at this time.

At this time, Mark quickly took out a spare shot from his bag, and the match continued,-it was obvious that he gave himself full momentum.

"Good job.

Fuji and the passing Atobe hit a punch, and the next step was serve from Fuji Syusuke.

Xiangzhi didn't have such explosive kick-off skills as Atobe, but Fuji's serve was not weak. He saw his racquet from bottom to top, a backspin serve flew over the net smoothly, and the speed of the ball was very slow.

"I come!"

Miluk took the initiative to rush forward. The spin multiplier of this backspin is very high. It deserves to be Fuji Syusuke to hit such a spin, but Miluk is also a master of many battles.

I saw Miruk turn the racket from top to bottom, and the tennis ball turned into a topspin ball and flew back obediently.

Fuji's side was filled with flashes for an instant at this time. Obviously, the only thing to deal with the topspin ball in this posture is his fame stunt-Swallow Return.

The skilled Fuji a chop quickly hit the topspin ball back.

Unexpectedly, it was Mark who took the initiative to greet him.

"I can't be idle."

Mark may be because the first ball was hit by Atobe's serve, and the dissatisfaction was completely written on his face, that is, he was going to confront the Japanese team. This ball was supposed to be Miruk's catching range, and Mark inserted strongly. Come in.


When Swallow Return was about to approach Mark's position, he swallowed vigorously towards the bottom of the ball. Sure enough, the tennis ball fell down and hit Mark's net racquet. He served the speed of the counterattack and crossed Fuji Syusuke's side, bounced to the floor and flew up.


"Mark! Great!"

Mark clenched his fist and raised it high, and the atmosphere of the entire home court ignited again. This feeling was really hilarious.


I can see that Fuji is a little angry.

"Don't be discouraged, we have the initiative."

Atobe patted Fuji on the back, then returned to his position, keeping his eyes fixed on the two guys opposite.


Mark said to Miluk that the serve was not easy, making Miluk more vigilant.

Still the familiar formula, Atobe's "Ice King" once again attacked the Australian team's field, but this time the goal became Miruk. Looking at this little guy's eyes, you can see his nervousness. .

But Miluk still won't give up. This time he waited until the Ice King hit the floor and rebounded, and he hit the tennis ball accurately with both hands.


Although Miruk felt the heavy power of this serve, it was not as powerful as the ball just received by Mark.

I think so, but the ball has been spinning around on Miluk's racquet for a few seconds, and the heavy pressure (of Lee's) still puts Miluk's wrist down completely, and the wrist is tight, and the whole racquet flies up. In the sky, the ball also flew out of bounds.

"30-15! "

The King of Ice won another point, which is really reliable.

But Atobe is not optimistic. In fact, Fuji has already seen it. It is not only the power of this ball or Atobe's wrist. It is not only the power of this ball or Atobe's wrist. Sending such a ball out, so most of the next receiving and attacking have to be done by yourself.

"give it to me.

Fuji nodded to Atobe, Atobe also failed to do so at this time, but also nodded in response, looking at Fuji with such sharp eyes, reliable!

The ball returned to Fuji's hands. Although there were only two goals left to win, but now it is equivalent to fighting alone, so now I must tighten my nerves. .

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