"Hey, please drink water, of course you will, but you have to honestly tell me where you learned the shot pose.

The frowning Hyuga looked at Chiba and asked. In the three-pointer test, Hyuga also discovered that Chiba's posture is Curry's shot posture.As a three-point shooter, Hyuga is still very concerned about these three-point superstars in the NBA. , With a serious expression, this guy is amazing.

"Shoot pose, didn't you teach it?"

Chiba also thought about it carefully, and answered Hyuga seriously.

"Eh, no, I mean, how did you practice this shot pose."

Looking at Chiba's answer, the bull's head was wrong, and he asked again, how did this Curry pose come about?

"Um...I don't know, anyway, the second day I learned to shoot a month ago, the coach asked me to shoot three points. When I said three points, Curry was the first thing in my mind, because I usually shoot three points. I appreciate Curry's shot method more, and the result is an unconscious imitation, and it becomes like this.

Chiba, who had all explained the 147-51-10, saw everyone looking at him in surprise, with an incredible expression. He imitated such a pervert that he could imitate. Sure enough, this guy is a genius-level person.

"Well...Then by the way, how many consecutive goals can you score at once.

For this kind of genius Hyuga is also unrecruited, and I want to know how many goals this guy can score, and he can shoot fifty today. It seems that it is not his best result.

"Um... only a hundred."

Seeing that everyone said lightly, in fact, at that time, the 100th was also in but Chiba didn't continue to vote. People, it's better to be humble.

"...A hundred, yes, I'm going to buy water."

Hearing Chiba say a hundred, Hyuga left silently, and went to buy water from the outside store. When Hyuga walked away, everyone in Seirin immediately surrounded him.

"Yes, you kid, now Seirin's first shooter has changed for you."

Happy Yiyue hammered (bbbj) Chiba's chest and said, and everyone said a lot, but Chiba will not replace Hyuga for the time being. He thinks that he will continue to play the role of point guard at this stage, and wait until he encounters a miracle. Before the shooting guard of the era.

"The water is coming.

The extremely efficient Hyuga walked in with a box of Red Bull and distributed it to all the team members. This captain is the atmosphere.

"Play well tomorrow, don't give me the first game to be weak, have to cheer up, today is almost the end, let's go away, there is no need to practice."

In front of everyone drinking drinks, Hyuga started to rush people. In order to make all the players have a better physical condition, we absolutely can't practice any more today, especially Chiba, Hyuga's two fierce eyes are staring at this guy tightly. I didn't feel at ease until I sent him out of the school gate.

"Tetsuya Kuroko, don't let him look back, look at him well."

Hyuga pointed to Chiba and said to Tetsuya Kuroko that he was afraid that this guy would come back and continue to practice, if the coach knew that he would have to kill him.

"Hey! Suns hasn't gone down the mountain yet, so disappointed."

Chiba walking on the road sighed and said, even the day before the match, Chiba still wants to practice. Looking at Tetsuya Kuroko next to him, Chiba suddenly wants to turn back and run away. At this time, Tetsuya Kuroko's hands are tightly grasping. Holds Chiba's arm.

"Don't run, go home with me, or I will suffer."

Seeing Tetsuya Kuroko pulling his arm, Chiba looked at the poor expression of Bara, sighed, and was led home by Tetsuya Kuroko all the way.

Chiba, who had already returned home, had a good meal and took a bath early, and then lay on the bed. Anyway, that's it today. Chiba, who played with her mobile phone for a while, looked at her mobile phone and was ready to change his clothes tomorrow. I adjusted the alarm clock for tomorrow, and lay motionless in the bed at nine o'clock, ready to go to bed.

On the other side, Kagami is the same, earlier than Chiba. Kagami was lying in bed at eight o'clock and was waiting for tomorrow with a smile. The eyes were still open, and the story was the same, unconsciously a ray of sunshine. Shining in from the window, Kagami's fish-like eyes opened as usual.

"Oh, so excited, I didn't fall asleep again."

I patted the alarm clock ringing next to me, helpless Kagami with two oversized dark circles can only wash in the toilet, you look like poor Bara.

Without any pressure, Chiba slept till dawn, happily, he was awakened by the alarm clock, washed, took the equipment that was prepared last night, ate all morning, and walked to school.

Today is the first match of the county competition. The gathering time is eight o'clock in the morning. The venue is at the school. It is clear that the match venue is in the county gymnasium. Why should we gather at the school? I really don’t understand.

"Good morning, Chiba!"

Seeing that everyone in the second grade was already waiting at the gate of the school, Chiba looked at his watch again, and it was obviously 7:30. Everyone was so early, and Chiba thought he was late again.

"Chiba, it's too slow."

Reiko pointed her finger at Chiba and said, with a slightly angry look.

"Um... it's not eight o'clock, besides, Kagami and Tetsuya Kuroko haven't come either."

Sorry Chiba scratched his head and said, with a guilty conscience. I didn't expect everyone to be so early. It was really emotional, but I was a bit sorry for coming so late.

"I've been here long ago!!"

The fascinating Tetsuya Kuroko suddenly raised his hand next to him and said, everyone was shocked in a cold sweat. They didn't know when this guy arrived, but he was next to him.

"...You are squeaking when it comes, so scared to death, what about Kagami?"

Hyuga looked at Tetsuya Kuroko speechlessly, and sighed, now that guy is left.

"Damn it, I'm going to be late.

At this time, Kagami was running wildly on the road. Kagami, who had not fallen asleep all night, was confused all morning. He was looking for his sneakers all morning. After searching for a long time, he found it on the balcony. Last night, he forgot to put it on the balcony and wanted to morning. Expose Suns.

"I'm here, guys!!"

Kagami rushed past the gate of the school, turned and ran to Seirin's side.

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