Chiba, who was dribbling the ball, couldn't stop at all now. The first person to defend Chiba did not slow down, and he was about to hit it. Chiba took the Basketball in his hand and turned left with the lightning attached to the defender and passed it easily. Basketball immediately hit the floor and closed the ball. Seeing that he was about to step on a three-step layup, Chiba stepped to the right, and the defender was also stupidly moving towards the basket.

The direction of Chiba's first step was to prevent the past, and the next step Chiba's European step was once again easy to throw off the defend reverse lay-up in one go. Everything was so natural and smooth as if a script was thought of in advance.

This set of Chiba's operations made Kagami's eyes shine instantly.Although the people behind are still very showy, the operation of the little brother in the front is what Kagami really appreciates, because the ball is obviously street basketball. Kagami, who likes street basketball, can tell at a glance that Chiba is imitating the veteran of the street blue flag.

The tricks taught by senior figures, the one that dials the ball back behind the defender is a trick unique to the professor.


After scoring 11 with this goal, Chiba once again defeated each other 6-0. Although it was a bit more difficult than before, but in terms of their eyesight, it was a better performance.

"Do you have another one?"

Chiba saw the little brother looking at him, and asked questioningly, if he wanted to continue, Chiba would have no problem at all.

"Let's go, let's go next time.

In fact, the younger brother is also a sensible person, but his temper is a bit stubborn. At Chiba's level, I estimate that I will not be an opponent after another ten years of training. Brother's exit, there was no one on the Basketball Court who could compete with Chiba and the others. Soon the three of them were left on the Basketball Court.

"It's boring, I left so early.

Looking at the back of everyone leaving, Kagami talked helplessly and said, now that the Suns haven't fallen, Kagami hasn't had a lot of fun.

"Should we come?"

Chiba has a provocative expression. The latest Chiba doesn't know what's wrong. It seems that he is addicted to abuse. Now even his teammates are abused. It is Kagami.

"Haha, just to my liking."

It was the same line of Kagami, and the fierce Kagami responded with a smile, and threw the Basketball in his hand towards Chiba's chest.Chiba also took the opportunity to take it with a smile, and was ready to start the battle, Tetsuya Kuroko on the side The sensible walked out of the court and watched the duel between the two big guys.

"Hurry up, you guys, I'm hungry.

On the sidelines, Tetsuya Kuroko said weakly that in fact, Tetsuya Kuroko didn't want to watch Kagami and Chiba duel. Every time Kagami was crushed unilaterally. Although it was a high-end Basketball duel, the result was already an internal decision.

"Just three shots, very fast.

Kagami, who gave his teeth, said that he was eager to try.It seems that Kagami has infinite confidence in the decisive battle with Chiba.Even if he loses every time, Kagami will not remember it because Chiba has become a goal on his journey. .

"bring it on!"

Kagami Taiga in the unfolding posture yelled at Chiba. This sound represented his aura. He nodded when he saw Chiba's mouth with a smile.

Chiba, who didn't say much, took the ball and accelerated to the right one. He didn't do much action. It was just a dribble breakthrough. However, it is this kind of breakthrough without leisure action that is not easy to defend because it is too fast.


When Kagami reacted, the color drifted away. Chiba was already on his side. Kagami felt a little too late to react. He could only chase Chiba's back and follow Chiba's back, Chiba relaxed. A licking basket crossed Kagami's big long arm from behind, without a trace of rolling into the basket, Shun

Lee scored the first goal.

"Go for snacks."

Chiba shook his head and said, just now I just made a small effort to throw Kagami away. No, the scene can be called a cumbersome center chasing a flexible point guard.

Holding the ball, Chiba faced Kagami's defense again. With the second ball, Kagami is now more cautious, because he was afraid of being left behind by Chiba's ass again. Kagami took a small step back, but he didn't dare to go too far. Because if you get out of Chiba's shot range, you are committing suicide. The next Chiba saw Kagami retreat slightly, as expected

Kagami made a shot posture, Kagami saw it badly, the speed of guiding the ball was too fast, Kagami stretched out his hand in the direction of Chiba's ball, and the flexible Chiba put the ball down again and cheated. Kagami easily reached the basket and took another goal.

"Um... the gap is huge.

Tetsuya Kuroko on the sidelines is drunk to watch these two balls. Chiba is playing Kagami like elementary school students teasing Kagami. You must know that Kagami can beat many high school students. This is more than a month. Although Chiba did not practice any major tricks, the basic skills are the foundation of Basketball. Now he has reached a top master application.

With the level of basic skills, Chiba's ability can continue to develop other high-level moves to strengthen oneself and step into the basketball career in the true sense.


A little helpless, Kagami took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing, and then both eyes stared at Chiba. There was no confrontation between the two balls, and the next step must be to save a little face. , Even if it is not easy, Kagami must be brought to do it.

"Come here."

Chiba said softly, smiling holding the ball and leaning down to slap the floor, a set of dribble like an old dog plus all kinds of dazzling dribble movements and rhythm changes in front of Kagami. As soon as he came out, Kagami also slowly adapted to Chiba's fast-paced offense, becoming unusually calm, and every movement followed closely.

, The center of gravity has not been swayed by Chiba, he is tightly guarded, and is very stable.Now Chiba is facing Kagami, throwing Basketball towards his crotch, and the ball passed through his own arm. Also passed through Kagami's crotch.

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