First Minister of Prince of Tennis

Chapter 548 Finalist in the national competition

"Do you really look down on us?"

Seeing that Jiang Qi wanted to dribble by himself for halftime, Kasuga, who had already returned to the back court, immediately rushed towards him, trying to kill him in the back court. , When Kasuga reached the position of a step in front of him, he threw the ball out without hesitation.

"Are you crazy, this guy.

The wide-eyed Kasuga said silently, because Jiang Qi threw the ball toward a place where there was no one, so he immediately changed the trajectory and wanted to chase it. Run away.


The sudden appearance of Tetsuya Kuroko made Kasuga at a loss. He didn't notice the existence of this guy at all. Tetsuya Kuroko came up from the place where no one was originally. Falling the flag also responded quickly and gave the ball to Chiba. Facing the defender on the opposite side, Chiba made a direct three-pointer and Curry made a super fast shot.

The basket made the opponent defending Chiba beyond the reach of the dust, watching this Basketball draw a high parabola and accurately fall into the net.

"It's beautiful, lower the flag.

When returning to defense, Chiba lightly patted the head of the falling flag and said that this guy's pass consciousness has grown a lot during this period. Knowing who to deal with the ball is the best choice. I believe that it will be possible to become A unique Point Guard. In the ball just now, because Tetsuya Kuroko is always playing at any time during training.

With a free man in the pass center, he can run in every corner of the field. At the moment when the Chiba pass lowered the flag, Tetsuya Kuroko consciously ran in the direction where no one was nearby to meet the lowering flag. This is also the first The second team often has a pass when fighting against the first team, so there is no surprise that the flag is lowered at all, but the idea is clear.

Run ahead, wait for Tetsuya Kuroko's pass and make the next judgment.

It's Zhengbang's turn to attack. It seems that Kasuga has been completely restricted by Chiba at this point, but this time Kasuga successfully dribbled the ball to the position of the front court three-point line. Chiba stood at the position of the freethrow line instead. To rob him, the efficiency of robbing with Chiba's ability is very high, but he did not do so, which also makes Kasuga very confused. In fact, from

From the beginning to now, Kasuga has been very suspicious. The lineup of these guys looks messy, but they cooperate very well. They don't seem to have a specific person in each position. Everyone is running all the time. Everyone It is the appearance of a free man, which makes Zhengbang's defend into a crisis. I don't know who to follow, even if one follows the other, when they cross

It is easy to lose the defending teammate during the change, so the opponent seems to be an irregular lineup, but it is obvious that the commander of the team is Chiba. This can be analyzed by Kasuga.

"Since you are so far away from me, I'm not welcome. 1."

For Chiba who was a step and a half away from him, Kasuga directly squatted down and prepared to fire outside the three-point line. Of course, a three-point shot is a must-have skill for a point guard. Of course Kasuga will also, but if he shoots this For the ball, it is also in the middle of Chiba's arms. Now Chiba does not rush forward to defend, but waits until the end of the spring.

After making the whole three-pointer, he started to move himself.

I saw Chiba take a big step forward in an instant. Kasuga's three-pointer has already left his hand. The touch of this shot is very supple. Looking at Chiba, 80% of the ball can be scored, no matter what a pity , It was Kinoshita Chiba that you met.

The left foot was a domineering death leap for Chiba, who was supporting his foot.The amazing height shot the three-pointer in the delay alive, directly piercing the entire court, and out of bounds on the opposite boundary, this volleyball cap The predecessors of Seirin's second grade are bursting with blood, and at the same time, everyone in Zhengbang is also stunned. This kind of NBA-level block is alive.

It was performed in front of myself. It was really abnormal. This block is like howard possessed by Warcraft, with ten stars of domineering degree.


The ball out was just after the whistle sounded. The match in the third quarter ended. Chiba, who has been focusing on match, didn't know how the current score was. Only after looking at the scoreboard did he see that it was already ninety-five to five. It's very much. The Zhengbang team didn't score a point in this quarter, while the Seirin team was constantly bombing in a single quarter. Everyone got points, except for black.

Son, this is obviously the crushing of strength, and everyone on the opposite side also walked listlessly.

When Seirin's second team stepped off the bench, everyone in Seirin cheered for them. Coach Lizi, the principal, and everyone who was not on the field, Chiba, who felt everyone's enthusiasm, just wanted to make this at this moment. This feeling lasts a little longer, because it's really cool.

".. The next section is handed over to the seniors. They have no hope for this difference. They did a good job."

Reiko said to them, in the fourth quarter with Zhengbang's offensive efficiency, even if their efficiency is 100%, it will not be able to come back, so the first team will be handed over to deal with, of course Tetsuya Kuroko and Kagami also left, and Reiko replaced Koganei and Azu.

In the last quarter of the match, Zhengbang still wanted to fight for a wave, but Cheng Ryo's first team was not vegetarian after all. Hyuga's three-pointer and Mitobe's hook shot instantly hit each other. There is no temper, and the points difference is still not narrowed at all. After the whistle at the end of the match, Cheng Ryo was finally 131 to 75 points.

The super defending team of Shengxian County is a high school.

This whistle also means that this year's Seirin High successfully entered the list of the national competition, which made everyone jump up happily. On the other hand, all the people on the Zhengbang side were downcast, like the kidneys were hollowed out, they must be too I never thought that Chengliang this year would be so strong, especially the number two, after playing for so long, Kasuga

Observing him silently, he can't find any shortcomings at all. If you tell him that Chiba only started playing basketball a few months ago, he might not believe it.

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