"Everyone took off their shoes.

Jing Hu said lightly, Jing Hu Cai is next to him is the real coach of this training, Lizi in front of his father is just acting as an assistant coach. Chengliang's guys also took off their shoes and stepped on the sand that has just been burned by the afternoon sun. Everyone's feet are like being massaged. They are very comfortable. Speaking of the amount of sand on the beach here

Particularly sufficient, every step on it is enough to cover the entire sole of the foot.

"Follow me and practice two hundred leapfrogs after the end of the team.

Jing Hu, who also took off his shoes, made everyone line up and ran on the beach with a whistle. Everyone followed suit. This speed is not fast or slow, and it seems acceptable. But after the first five minutes, everyone felt a sense of difficulty.

"My God, why are your feet so heavy."

Heyuan was the first one who couldn't stand it. It was more uncomfortable to meet and run on the beach. The first sand was uneven, so the force under the soles of the feet was uneven, so the rebounding force It is very small, resulting in very small steps. If the leg strength does not have a certain endurance, it is unbearable. The second is that there are many sandy beaches here.

When the foot is sunk in the sand, a lot of sand will be brought up when it is lifted up, which also adds more weight to the already stressed sole.

After persisting for two minutes, Heyuan, who was originally in the middle of the team, couldn't hold on anymore, and slowly retreated to the back of the team until he lay on the floor, panting roughly, couldn't even speak, and his calf was about to go. He looked cramped, trembling constantly.

"Heyuan, two hundred leapfrogs."

Lizi at the back saw it clearly and recorded it with a small notebook in her hands.

"I can't do it anymore.

"Me too."

In the next few minutes, Xiaojinjing, Atu, and Jiangqi all lost the battle, sitting on the beach, being dragged away by the team.

"Damn it, my feet are so heavy."

Now it is the members of Seirin's first team, as well as Chiba and Muji. At this time, Yiyue feels the heavy feeling on her feet. This heavy feeling makes Yiyue's whole person's running posture changed. But Yiyue is still clenching her teeth, now thirty minutes have passed since the start of the run, but the Jinghu in front of him is like a

Like a monster, he didn't mean to stop at all, and he couldn't feel the exhaustion at all.

"I can not make it.

As the Mito Department stopped, Yizuki's feet also lost the center of gravity, and she fell into the sand, and she had no strength to stand up, and then Hyuga, Tetsuya Kuroko didn't know when she left. The team is up.

"Huh? Muji is okay, he is so good after so long without training."

Looking at the three young people following Jinghu in the distance, one is Muji, the other is Kagami, and the other is Chiba, but although they follow, there is a clear gap between these three people, and Muji is already exhausted, after all. I haven’t been training for a whole year, Kagami is also tired, but not to the level of Muji, Chiba is following slowly

Just like running, there is no abnormal state of expression and body, just a little sweat.

"Not bad, this kid.

Looking back at Chiba's calf, his strength was still sufficient, and his breathing was very well-proportioned. At this moment, Chiba instantly became Jinghu's focus.

"Okay, that's it.

Hearing Jinghu's words, Mu Ji knelt down on the floor in relief. Kagami also put his hands on his knees. Chiba was standing up and exhaling several deep breaths, still so energetic.

(bbbj) "Go back, the three of you passed the test, the others, two hundred leapfrogs, you can eat after you jump."

Jing Hu, who came back with these three guys, said to Lizi's ear, he was sitting aside and lit a cigarette, and slowly sat down, Jing Hu, who was already a little old, and these young people were running together. Not too tired, it seems that he is also a man who pays attention to maintenance and exercise.

"Come on, two hundred, start now.

Chiba commanded everyone and said that now, taking advantage of the fatigue of the legs, if you perform a frog jump, it will be very helpful to increase the strength of the legs. Chiba also understands the structure of the human body. Muscles are only constant. Stimulus will become stronger.

"Hey, Chiba, you don't have to do it.

Seeing Chiba squatting down slightly, Hyuga quickly reminded Chiba, after all, Chiba is the person behind Mr. Jinghu.

"It's okay, it's a bit to practice more.

Chiba, who never cares about anything, directly started to leapfrog. After jumping high on the heavy sand, and then falling, the infected Muji and Kagami couldn't stop, and followed Chiba. Then came the members of the Seirin team. It was obvious that everyone was exhausted, but this behavior of Chiba instantly inspired



When you have the least energy, you must rely on sound to give yourself the motivation to persevere.

"come on!!


"come on!!


A loud sound accompanied by the afterglow of the setting sun reflected the shadows of the teenagers on the beach. Many tourists in the distance also applauded and expressed encouragement.

"This guy really looks like his father.

Jing Hu, who was sitting aside smoking a cigarette, laughed. Looking at Chiba, he couldn't help but think of the Kinoshita Chiki of the year. He is really a tiger father without a dog. This leadership ability is the same as the Kinoshita Chiba of the year.

"Midorima, look, those guys from Seirin are still training.

The sunset was almost at the end. Taisuke pointed to the little frogs still jumping on the beach and said to Midorima in the hotel. Midorima also pushed his glasses and leaned against the window to look at the group of teenagers.

"Really desperate, it seems Seirin can go very far."

Midorima, who had already seen Seirin's perseverance, said lightly, with mixed feelings in his heart. ,

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