First Minister of Prince of Tennis

Chapter 902 Tetsuya Kuroko solo show

"It's really unwise for Tetsuya Kuroko to fight with Aomine."

On the sidelines, Murasakibara Atsushi also felt his own opinion. Indeed, the shot of Tetsuya Kuroko before was very brilliant. In the previous one-on-one with Aomine, the shot of Tetsuya Kuroko was like Himuro Tatsuya's sunburn shot. The same is directly through the arm of Aomine defend, which is also very amazing, but now Murasakibara Tun seems to be different.

, Even if you don’t know the mystery of Tetsuya Kuroko’s shot, the current Aomine is the Aomine in the zone state. The super fast reaction speed dare to ask who else can break it. Murasakibara also thinks that the current Tetsuya Kuroko wants to go. If Aomine is singled out, it is simply a mantis arm as a car. It is a rather unwise choice, but this can't stop Tetsuya Kuroko itself.


Aomine also slowly approached Tetsuya Kuroko, and opened her eyes wide to look at Tetsuya Kuroko.Now Aomine seems to be very excited, just to repay the hatred of losing one-on-one with Tetsuya Kuroko just now. He looked terrifying, but when he saw Aomine's aggressive attitude, Tetsuya Kuroko did not choose to back down, since his own

"call out!"

If the players entrust their hopes to themselves, then they can only do so, just as they entrusted their hopes to them before.

Tetsuya Kuroko's eyes are also unwilling to look at Aomine, and his eyes are gradually sharp. Aomine is also confident when opening the zone at this time. Other than that, Aomine's face can be seen that it will not let it. What kind of expression Tetsuya Kuroko made, but the current Tetsuya Kuroko seems to have more ambitious revenge than Aomine, although Tetsuya Kuroko’s

The look in his eyes cannot be as fierce as Aomine, but Tetsuya Kuroko is also able to be serious.I saw Tetsuya Kuroko's hands holding Basketball tightly, and when he hugged Basketball tightly for the next second, Tetsuya Kuroko Aomine's next action is clearly visible, because Tetsuya Kuroko is obviously about the rhythm of throwing Basketball towards the floor, isn't this

It means that Tetsuya Kuroko wants a dribble breakthrough, but this is also clearly seen by Aomine's super attention. If nothing else, it is impossible for Tetsuya Kuroko to get from the current state of Aomine. I succeeded in breaking through under my nose, not because of other reasons, but now that Aomine already has a certain level of strength.

In fact, Aomine is also in a very arrogant situation, but accidents always come too fast, just like a tornado. At this time, like Aomine in the eyes of others, Tetsuya Kuroko is now in Aomine's eyes, the previous one The second is when you just took the ball and threw it down, and the next second turned out to be in front of Aomine at close range.

At this time, Aomine was caught off guard and took a step back slightly. In the next second, Aomine could clearly feel that she was "pierced" by the guy Tetsuya Kuroko, with a little cool breeze around her. This is also one of the reasons why Aomine feels so real. In retrospect, there is already no one in front of her.


Everyone on the scene exclaimed, because it was also a momentary matter. No one could see exactly what happened. He just saw that the current Tetsuya Kuroko is already behind Aomine, which is equivalent to Tetsuya Kuroko's completeness. I gave Aomine this guy. As far as this ball is concerned, I think everyone knows it too. This is just watching

The fact is, Aomine was given away by the guy Tetsuya Kuroko, or Aomine Daiki who is fully defending in the zone state, maybe everyone on the scene will think this is quite an incredible thing, after all, this is even a member of Seirin. We have never seen the moves used by Tetsuya Kuroko. This kind of breakthrough is to "pierce" the human body directly.

People can see clearly, just like real teleportation, which can also make everyone's eyes bright, but only at this time Momoi Satsuki is also faintly looking at Tetsuya Kuroko-.

"Finally, I got it, Tetsuya."

Momoi Satsuki also bit his finger and said, Tetsuya Kuroko also used this trick in front of him at the beginning, and when there were not many others, at that time, Momoi Satsuki had already determined that Tetsuya Kuroko's trick was invincible. However, The current Tetsuya Kuroko is really used on the field, and it has achieved a certain effect.

The body has been "pierced" over, which is really incredible.

… Ask for flowers-

At this moment, Aomine, who Tetsuya Kuroko passed by, also quickly turned his head, turned and rushed towards the Tetsuya Kuroko, but at the moment Aomine turned his head, Tetsuya Kuroko had already made his unique shot. The action, the side facing the basket, the hand made the pass-like gesture, and the moment Aomine started, the Basketball in the hand of Tetsuya Kuroko

It's also a long time ago that I flew to the delay, and Aomine rushed over at a rapid speed. I don't talk about the others. Tetsuya Kuroko's shot speed is extremely fast, but fortunately, the others have no effect, because Aomine's The speed is also very fast, even if there is a certain distance, but Aomine has proved it with his own actual actions, at this time

Aomine also jumped high, and the height in his hand almost reached the trajectory of Tetsuya Kuroko shot Basketball.

"I admit that you have two times, Tetsuya, but you still can't score in my hands."

Aomine also said faintly, and there is nothing else to say, because the distance in the hand is to reach the Basketball in the hands of Tetsuya Kuroko. Judging from the distance and speed of the current flight, Aomine still has a certain degree of confidence. , Aomine also believes that he will be able to win this goal.

But even if Aomine has been flying for so long in the delay, Aomine can't believe his eyes. This ball is clearly a nailed matter, and his mental concentration has reached a top level, but there is nothing to say. , This shot of Tetsuya Kuroko turned out to pass through his own hands, straight to the direction of the basket.

Flying towards, Tetsuya Kuroko's shot was a perfect board, and after passing by, he fell directly into the basket. At this time, the audience also fell silent. NS.

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