Zhao Yong laughed at the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who was slapping his knees, turned his strong body, farted loudly at them, and then swaggered away.

"How can a vulgar fool deserve to be the Marquis of Daming!"

"Tomorrow the Japanese officials will read his book, let the Holy One teach these lawless nobles a lesson."

A few officials from Zhongshu Province and Yushitai were flushed with anger, but the rest of the senior officials didn't care. It was nothing to be ridiculed for being able to escape the catastrophe. The young man's spirit is still not enough.

Seeing that they were still chattering, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials frowned, and the sharp-eyed one hurriedly grabbed those few and persuaded them: "Hey, isn't this always the case with Marquis Nanxiong? Why should you be stagnant with him? Back then he The attack on Yingchang in Qingyang was the greatest contribution, but because he refused to obey the general's order and secretly hired slaves and maidservants in Yingchang, he was not granted the title of Duke."

"Later, he made great contributions with His Highness in the Northern Expedition, and now His Highness has opened his eyes and closed his eyes after a while. Why should you bother yourself, just pretend you didn't see it."

After a few words, the voices of those who spoke gradually became quieter, but the several ministers looked at Hu Weiyong who was silent, and their faces were a little puzzled. What is the reason for this trouble now?

The crown prince is willing to cover up this for them. As expected, Beijing officials are no different than those local officials. Each of them holds an important position. If large-scale implicated and killed, the court will not be able to make up for the gap. Can he still stand up to a hundred people?

Therefore, it is a tacit understanding that the Shaanxi-Gansu matter does not involve the Beijing officials on a large scale. If Hu Weiyong hadn't gone crazy and asked for a thorough investigation, there would be no need to plead with the Crown Prince tonight.

The Minister of the Household Department let a group of officials who had nothing to do go first, but the ministers of the Minister and the important officials of the Ministry of Education did not move. It was obvious that they wanted to discuss and ask about some things.

It is true that they are currently headed by Hu Weiyong, but everyone is an official of the court, and their grades may be high or low, but they have not yet reached the level of kneeling and obeying orders. Obey any decision you Hu Weiyong makes.

When everyone had almost left, and those who had the cheek to stay were not low in status, Hubu Shangshu frowned and asked: "What Hu Xiang did today really confuses me, what are you going to do?" What?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials knocked on the table and said: "It would be too stupid if it was just to test the Holy Majesty or His Royal Highness, there is no need to use such a ridiculous method."

Zhongshu participated in politics and Tu Jie hurriedly smoothed things over: "Several ministers calm down, Hu Xiang's move must have deep meaning, don't you know Hu Xiang's methods after so many years?"

Minister of the Ministry of War sneered: "It is because I know that, so I am still sitting here, instead of going to pay homage to the palaces of several princes!"

Hu Weiyong waved his hand to stop Tu Jie who wanted to explain for him, glanced deeply at the officials present and said in a deep voice: "I will give you an explanation for today's matter, go back first."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the ministers immediately turned cloudy. Hu Weiyong's attitude was obvious. There was no explanation but compensation would be given. Naturally, it would not be gold and silver, and there were only a few things that could be traded in the officialdom.

Such an explanation is much more than a shitty explanation. The thing has already happened, so what is the use of explaining it, the benefits at hand are more important.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials got up first and said with a smile: "Then I'll go back later, there are still a lot of official duties to be done tomorrow, Brother Cao Xian, please work harder."

Cao Rong, Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, responded immediately: "Don't worry, brother. With the cooperation of Dali Temple, the case will be closed smoothly in a few days."

Hubu Shangshu smiled and said: "Your Highness, you also know what you mean. Don't get involved, but you have to hand over some greedy and law-breaking ones. Let's evenly distribute those who don't know how to restrain themselves."

A few people settled the matter while chatting and laughing, and then bowed and said goodbye to Hu Weiyong. They were different from the low-rank officials who were frightened all day. Those who got to their level had certain predictions about the court situation.

Knowing that large-scale implicated companies are not in the current interests of the imperial court at all, neither the royal family nor the officials want to see this scene. Since everyone does not want this, it is impossible to proceed with this matter.

Although Hu Weiyong caused this incident, he resolved it responsibly and immediately, and was willing to make up for it, so they were naturally happy to see it, and all they paid was kneeling in front of His Highness the Crown Prince for a while, and kneeling for the Crown Prince. Isn't it justified?

Everyone went down the Jixian Building together, and Hu Weiyong also regained his usual calm atmosphere at this time, bid farewell to everyone politely, and got into his rather simple car.

As the car started, there was no one else in the enclosed space around, Hu Weiyong's face became gloomy, he could not advance, attack or retreat, his current situation was almost lifeless!

Rebellion is impossible in today's situation. When the wealth and power are strong this year, the crown prince is expected by everyone, and the people of the world are loyal to him, it is impossible to shake the foundation of the court with his influence. It is ridiculous to say that Daming is now strong, and he has contributed a lot.

Teacher, is this also the reason why you retreated so quickly?

He was puzzled at the beginning. With his status as a benefactor and the meritorious service he made before the founding of the country, even if the emperor deliberately suppressed him, as long as he didn't want to quit, he could at least be the prime minister for another two or three years.

Now that I think about it, it turned out that I was Li Shanchang's death substitute. No wonder he has a son, but he still puts all the power under his command on him, leaving nothing behind for Li Qi to pave the way.

You really love me as a student. You are just a mentor. The student is in a desperate situation. Do you just want to get away so easily?

After Hu Weiyong made sure that he had no way out, his complexion became more and more relaxed, but madness flickered in his eyes.

Fighting against the sky is a lot of fun, how many people in this world can have this opportunity? Since you, Emperor Zhu, chose the truth, let's play it hard and see who wins in the end!


At this time, Zhu Biao's car had already stopped at the gate of the palace and was being searched. It was already this hour. If it wasn't for Zhu Biao's car, there would be no chance of being searched. How could the palace gate be opened easily once it fell.

Zhu Biao was still thinking about something, and the commander of Jinwu's avant-garde who was kneeling in front of the carriage said loudly, "Please get off the carriage, Your Highness."

Zhu Biao didn't say anything when he heard the words, and walked straight on, the soldier was relieved, the rules in the palace, in order to prevent nobles from being held hostage and threatened by thieves in the car, those who enter the palace late at night must get out of the carriage just in case.

After Zhu Biao got off the car, the search was finished soon. The general ordered to open the gate of the palace, and then repeatedly pleaded guilty to His Highness the Crown Prince. Naturally, Zhu Biao would not blame anything for this, and naturally praised them a few words.


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