First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 183 Yun Zhonghe seduces Princess Xiangxiang! Perfect

I am guilty, not all of them are guilty; all directions are guilty, but I am guilty.

This sentence comes from "The Analects of Confucius Yao Yue" and became the beginning of Emperor Wan Yun's sinful edict.

He was the first to attribute all mistakes to himself, because he was the emperor, so the mistakes of the entire empire were his personal mistakes.

This edict of sin was written by Emperor Wan Yun himself. Even when it was read out in court, it shocked the officials.

Because it is so well written, if it were placed in the imperial examination, an article like this would rank among the top.

It can be seen that Emperor Wan Yun's knowledge was very, very high, and he read books very well.

In the edict of sinners, he listed several major sins for himself.

But after the officials heard this, their scalps went numb, because these major crimes were ultimately their faults.

Everyone says that I am an emperor who is eager for quick success, but they don’t look at it. The Zhou Empire, which has not fought a war for more than ten years, has not been practicing diligently and its armaments are slack. If this continues, the combat effectiveness will deteriorate and the Northern Expedition will start. , and can restore the glory of the army.

Only by running smoothly can one not be corrupted. If we look at the top ranks of the military, they are controlled by a large number of incompetent nobles. The brave and resourceful generals cannot be promoted. They have no ambition to serve the country, but their enthusiasm is waning.

In the edict of Sin Ji, he also said that he was not strict in his education, causing corruption in the empire and making people superfluous.

He said that he was not dignified enough and instigated the party struggle within the DPRK to intensify.

In a few thousand words, he clearly explained the shortcomings of the entire Zhou Empire, and then attributed it all to his fault as the emperor.

It can be seen from this sinner's edict that Emperor Wan Yun's eyes were still very sharp, and he could see everything clearly.

After all, the Great Zhou Empire is an old empire. Although it has experienced Tianyan's resurgence, many of its shortcomings are hard to recover from.

The nobles control the middle and senior levels of the military, and civilian elites cannot come forward.

Literary groups like the Yuedan Review Organization control public opinion, unite the party and oppose dissidents, collude with the civil service group, and monopolize the right to speak.

They say running water never rots, but the entire empire's officialdom is like a stale soup. It's not like the Great Victory Empire has just risen, it's like the rising sun.

The previous Zhongxing of the Great Zhou Dynasty was, to put it bluntly, due to the annexation of the Southern Barbarian Territory and the huge dividends brought by the 1.35 million square kilometers of land.

However, the fundamental shortcomings of the Great Zhou Dynasty have not changed. The entire Southern Zhou Empire is like a running giant, which must always run and cannot stop.

Once it stops, this giant's body will begin to get sick, and internal party disputes will begin, and internal strife will begin.

Moreover, a huge interest group has been born in the Great Zhou Empire, and their needs are getting bigger and bigger.

Only by constantly devouring and satisfying the appetite of this interest group will they continue to run. If they cannot be fed, they will begin to fight within themselves and find ways to devour other factions within the empire.

Ao Xin finally achieved results in the governance of the Southern Barbarian Territory, and the imperial court transferred him back to the capital, so that the imperial court, nobles, and big families of the Great Zhou Empire could share in the dividends of the Southern Barbarian Territory.

But now that the cake in the Southern Barbarian Realm has been divided, what should we do?

The Southern Zhou Empire cannot stop its pace. It needs new dividends and a bigger goal.

The emperor wanted to find something to do for the Zhou court, so he naturally set his sights on the Borderlands, and then the Northern Expedition to win the empire.

The emperor must find food for the empire, otherwise the interest groups of the empire will eat him.

So, am I, the emperor, eager to launch a war in the Borderlands?

If it is a new empire, it can be planned slowly, because the entire empire's ruling class is still very new and full of vitality.

But for an old empire, if you wait any longer, you may be afraid that the rate of accumulation of national power cannot match the rate of corruption of the ruling class.

Emperor Wan Yun issued an edict to his guilty party, which was truly enlightening. Even the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister were sweating profusely.

Hu Yong's previous death remonstrance had torn the emperor's face, and with this sin-self edict, the emperor had torn the face of his ministers.

Emperor Wan Yun looked at the civil and military ministers kneeling on the floor and said slowly: "After hearing the second and third imperial edicts I issued, some of you may feel that I have gone crazy."

Immediately all the civil and military officials kowtowed as hard as they could.

"Don't worry, I'm not crazy!"

"Isn't it just a rebellion in the south? Isn't it because the Great Victory Empire in the north wants to take advantage of the situation? Even the Great Liang Kingdom in the west will come to join in the fun. Our Great Zhou Empire seems to be ambushed on all sides, and seems to be in danger of annihilation? "

"I think it looks good, very good!"

"Aren't the generals of our Great Zhou Empire lazy and the civil servants corrupt? In this crisis of national destruction, I want to see if you can cheer up?"

"Be born in sorrow and die in happiness! The greater the crisis, the greater the motivation."

"I have decided that there is a rebellion in the south, so we will suppress it to the end. The Great Victory Empire in the north is coming to invade, and I, the emperor, will personally guard the country's gates. The Great Liang Kingdom in the west is coming to sneak attack, and we will fight to the end to prevent Hu Ma from passing through. One step from the Great Wall of the West.”

"Isn't there someone who keeps saying that the government should be returned to the Supreme Emperor? Then let the Supreme Emperor guard the capital!"

"I don't care what you ministers do. Anyway, I would rather be broken into pieces than surrender or compromise. I would rather be the king of subjugation than the king of compromise."

"Our Great Zhou Empire will either be reborn from the ashes, or it will be shattered to pieces!"

Emperor Wan Yun's voice resounded throughout the hall, shocking everyone's ears.

Only then did everyone understand that His Majesty’s martial arts skills were so high.

"My dear friends, does anyone else among you want to advise me?" Emperor Wan Yun said coldly.

When he said this, he looked at the six giants of the Cabinet and Privy Council.

The Big Six immediately knelt down and put their foreheads to the ground.

"I obey the order!"

"I obey the order!"

The emperor said: "Since no one has warned me, it's decided! Fu Yantu, the 150,000 forbidden troops have been assembled, and there are also troops from various provinces, which have also been assembled south, waiting for you to receive them. Three days later , swearing to go south."

"I obey the decree!" Yongcheng Hou Fu Yantu kowtowed: "Your Majesty, are you going to kill Ao Xin's family to sacrifice the flag?"

The emperor said calmly: "Flag sacrifice? Of course!"

Fu Yantu was overjoyed. Despite the twists and turns, he still became the governor of the southern expedition, still controlled hundreds of thousands of troops, and was still able to kill Ao Xin's whole family and avenge the whipping more than ten years ago.

The emperor said again: "Zhou Lian."

Zhou Lian, deputy envoy of the Privy Council, knelt down and said, "Your Majesty."

The emperor said: "I, the Great Zhou Dynasty, spent thirty-five years building the Great Wall of the Western Territory to resist the Liang Kingdom, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops in the Zhenxi Governor's Mansion. If you go to the Western Territory and become the Western Territory Governor, you can defend the Western Territory. Can the Great Wall resist possible sneak attacks from Great Liang?"

Zhou Lian kowtowed and said: "I would like to issue a military order. If a state or a county is lost in the western border, I will be killed on my neck."

The emperor said: "Okay, here's the decree: to confer Zhou Lian, deputy envoy of the Privy Council, as the Governor of the Western Region and the Protector of the Western Territory."

Duke Zhou Lian kowtowed and said, "I obey the decree and thank you for your kindness!"

"The northern armies of the empire have gathered at the Jinzhou defense line in advance, waiting for me to hunt north in person. As long as the army of the Great Victory Empire dares to invade south, I will fight to the death with them."

The emperor's voice resounded through the hall, echoing and sonorous.

Simply from these decrees of Emperor Wan Yun, we can see how rich the wealth of the old empire of Zhou Dynasty is!

Last year, three to four hundred thousand troops were lost in the First World War, but they were still not injured.

As long as the emperor issues a decree, more troops can be summoned from the empire's population of tens of millions.

Grain storage, national banknotes, these are all family assets. It can only be said that the dividends brought by annexing the Southern Barbarians and developing the Southern Barbarians decades ago were too huge.

Let the emperor have the confidence to roar.


The emperor's edict of sin will be spread throughout the world in the shortest possible time.

At least within one day, it spread throughout the capital. At the same time, the emperor's other two decrees also spread throughout the capital.

The army went south to suppress the rebellion, and they would never compromise with the rebels in the southern border and suppressed them to the end.

In the face of the war blackmail from the Great Victory Empire, he was absolutely uncompromising and fought to the end. The emperor personally went north to guard the Jinzhou defense line.

I would rather be broken into pieces than be a king of compromise or surrender.

The emperor guards the country.

These heroic words also spread to everyone's ears in a short period of time.

Suddenly, countless people were moved by the emperor and their blood boiled with excitement.

Many young men went to join the army one after another.

Many young civil and military officials were also extremely excited and impassioned.

No matter what, these statements and these heroic words of Emperor Wan Yun can indeed give strong encouragement to all people in the world.

All the people must like a tough emperor and hate a cowardly emperor the most. It's just that in the minds of many ministers, this is really unwise, but they can't object.

In an instant, the morale of the entire capital and even the entire empire will be high.

Then a sensible nobleman in the capital immediately announced that for the great cause of the empire and to quell the rebellion in the south, I am willing to donate 10,000 taels of silver.

The other nobles in the capital were slightly stunned, and then cursed in their hearts.

I fuck you, uncle, Wang Youliang!

What show are you doing? Why do you show your loyalty? You, a mere earl, took the lead in donating ten thousand taels of silver, but what about the marquis? Where is the Duke? You donated 10,000 taels, didn't you put the rest of us on the fire? You are just a second- or third-rate honorable person, so what are you trying to do?

If this was the end of the empire, these nobles would not donate money. Just like in the late Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chongzhen personally begged for help and accepted the Ming Dynasty nobles one by one like iron roosters, donating only a few hundred taels of silver. Later, when Li Zicheng entered the capital, these nobles paid tens of thousands of taels of silver to pay for their lives.

But today's Southern Zhou Empire is far from the end of the world. Although it is surrounded by crises, its national power is still strong.

After a brief period of consternation, nobles in the capital donated money one after another.

The earl has ten thousand taels, the marquis has twenty thousand taels, and the duke has thirty thousand taels.

Not only nobles, but also wealthy businessmen and even ordinary people donated generously. In a short period of time, the military expenditures donated amounted to millions of taels.

In an instant, the morale of millions of people in the capital of the Great Zhou Empire soared.

Shouting to fight and kill!

Emperor Wan Yun's impassioned performance not only infected the people of the world, but also directly resolved the previous public opinion crisis.

The negative effects of the Jiangzhou turmoil and Hu Yong's death remonstrance were completely shattered by the emperor's performance in an instant.

Inspired the morale of the world.

It shocked the ministers, shocked the public opinion of the scholars, and inspired the middle and lower-level soldiers, civilians and officials.

Moreover, millions of taels of military expenses were taken from the pockets of noble families.

The army and people of the Great Zhou Dynasty showed their unity.

Today, Emperor Wan Yun's performance was perfect!

A tough and iron-blooded emperor was cast in the hearts of all people in the world.

Even when the emperor retired from the court, he directly tore off his dragon robe, revealing the armor underneath. The sword on his waist was not resplendent, but a sharp sword.

Extraordinarily heroic and murderous.


However, after returning to the harem, the armor-clad and heroic emperor immediately restrained all the murderous intent and impassionedness on his face.

Then, he sat there quietly, motionless.

Immediately afterwards, everyone came in.

This man is very strange. He is wearing a monk's robe, but he has hair and no ring scars.

He is the emperor's first confidant, Master Wuxin.

A monk full of weirdness, even a legendary monk. His friendship with Emperor Wan Yun has lasted for more than forty years. To some extent, he is still Emperor Wan Yun's senior brother.

Most of the time, he stayed in the temple without seeing anyone. Before Wan Yun ascended the throne, the two of them often played chess, but now Master Wuxin rarely comes to see the emperor.

"Your Majesty, are you coming to play chess with me?" Monk Wuxin asked.

"Yes." Emperor Wan Yun said.

Then, the two people started playing chess.

About an hour later, the first game of chess ended and the emperor lost.

"Aren't you going to say anything to me?" Emperor Wan Yun asked.

"Your Majesty has already made up his mind, so there's no need to say it." Monk Wu Xin said, "Are you going to play this second game of chess?"

Emperor Wan Yun said: "Down, why not?"

Monk Wu Xin said: "Time is running out. I can't finish the game of chess. Isn't it uncomfortable to be stuck there?"

Emperor Wan Yun said: "How do you know there is not much time?"

Monk Wuxin said: "Your Majesty is waiting for the Emperor's response, right?"

"Yeah!" Emperor Wan Yun said.

Monk Wuxin said: "Your Majesty, do you insist on getting this response from him?"

"Yes!" Emperor Wan Yun said.

Monk Wuxin said: "Your Majesty, the Supreme Emperor is the wisest monarch in the past hundred years. It is not easy to test him, let alone force him to express his position. The last thing you can do is test the human heart."

Emperor Wan Yun said: "If you don't even dare to test, how can you be an emperor?"

Monk Wu Xin said: "What if there is no response from the Supreme Emperor? Do we really want to kill Ao Xin's whole family?"

Emperor Wan Yun did not speak, but said calmly: "I really don't like this Ao Xin. You don't even know it. His arrogance and attitude are really annoying..."

For a long time, Ao Xin was regarded as the most powerful minister in the Zhou Empire.

Therefore, Emperor Wan Yun, who was the crown prince at that time, also tried to win over him several times. He did it countless times with the courtesy of Corporal Li Xian and gave him countless gifts.

But the responses I got were all cold.

When Ao Xin was fighting against the Southern Barbarians, he had sole power. Emperor Wan Yun was still the prince at that time, Wu Zhi was still the deputy minister of the cabinet at the time, and his relationship with Emperor Wan Yun was fairly close.

Wu Zhi had a son, Wu Qi, who was serving as a fifth-rank general in the Governor's Mansion of Zhengnan. He violated military discipline and should be executed according to the law.

Of course, the secondary prime minister Wu Zhi was not willing to let his son die, so he asked the prince to come forward and intercede with Ao Xin.

The prince personally came forward and did not ask Ao Xin to let Wu Qi go, just to avoid the death penalty.

As a result, the prince sent an envoy to plead for mercy on the first day, and Ao Xin beheaded Wu Qi the next day.

This is tantamount to a slap in the face of the prince, a total loss of face. If it were an ordinary person, Emperor Wan Yun would have killed everyone in his family after he ascended the throne.

Therefore, Emperor Wan Yun really didn't like Ao Xin. After he ascended the throne, he transferred Ao Xin back to the capital and made him a hussar general. This was considered magnanimous on his part.


Princess Xiangxiang only showed her face when she left the gate of Shangqing Palace.

That was really...a startling glimpse.

Then, she immediately entered the sedan, hiding her peerless appearance. In an instant, the area seemed to have lost all color.

But the scent is still lingering.

It makes people fascinated, makes people sink, and makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Princess Xiangxiang, not only because of her peerless appearance, but also because of her fragrance.

Wherever her sedan chair goes, the fragrance is there.

Countless people flocked to the windows of their homes to see Princess Xiangxiang's sedan chair. You can't see the face, but you can smell the charming fragrance and imagine how beautiful the person in the sedan is.

According to the previous route, Princess Xiangxiang had to pass through the Black Ice Platform when returning to the palace from Shangqing Palace.

Yun Zhonghe calculated that the straight-line distance between him and Princess Xiangxiang in the cell was about fifty-three meters, and there were three thick walls in between.

So saying hello is completely out of the question.

And no one is willing to send a message for him, so how to contact Princess Xiangxiang?

In fact, X Mental Hospital has already given the answer.

He finally drew the mental patient he had dreamed of before, the mental patient No. 8 Beethoven who had always been locked up in the dungeon.

Beethoven, the six-fingered piano demon.

He traded an important piece of information to Heibingtai for a guzheng.

Anyway, there is only one prisoner in this prison, Ao Yu, and the person who usually delivers food to him is a mute and deaf person.

Not only that, the walls of this prison are extremely thick, and the sound of the piano cannot be heard at all.

So giving Ao Yu a guzheng was nothing, just to pass the time. He was already on the verge of death.

After getting the guzheng, Yun Zhonghe kept playing.

Of course, there was no one listening but himself.

While playing, Yun Zhonghe calculated the time in his head, making sure to be extremely accurate.

Because every time Princess Xiangxiang leaves Shangqing Palace and returns to the palace, the time is fixed, almost accurate to the minute.

Moreover, the steps of the people carrying the sedan chair are also consistent.

Of course, this will also give the assassin an opportunity to ambush Princess Xiangxiang at a fixed time and route.

But which assassin would assassinate her? And there are thousands of warriors guarding her at all times, who can assassinate her?

Yun Zhonghe drew a detailed topographic map in his mind, and it was three-dimensional.

Because next, he needs to let Beethoven get up, and then let the sound of the piano penetrate through several walls and penetrate into the ears of Princess Xiangxiang, and only into her ears.

Princess Xiangxiang is good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

I like reading, writing, painting, and playing the piano.

Every level is top-notch, especially his piano skills are at the pinnacle, but he is still extremely obsessed with piano music, and he can even be called a piano fanatic.

Both the Emperor and the Emperor liked her playing the piano very much.

The emperor even said that after listening to the fragrant sound of the piano, people almost forget the worries of the world.

However, Princess Xiangxiang is very involved in piano music and can accept many styles of music. The more novel the style of music is, the more she likes it.

If it were someone else's piano sound, it would definitely not be able to penetrate several walls, but for Beethoven, it was completely easy.

He was able to kill people with death songs in the cell on the thirteenth floor of the underground. In the end, he had to be tied up to prevent him from touching the music.

His music can not only penetrate wall barriers, but also penetrate mental barriers and directly cause brain wave resonance to kill people.

This is actually somewhat similar to the ultrasonic killing weapons being researched on Earth.

The last time Yun Zhonghe had a duel with Mo Qiu, he originally planned to use the six-fingered piano demon Beethoven, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't hit it, so he couldn't use this ultimate move.

But now, it is completely easy for the sound of the piano to penetrate several walls and penetrate into the ears of Princess Xiangxiang.

Not only must it penetrate the ears, but also penetrate the heart.

Needless to say, Beethoven's piano skills were great. This madman was close to a superpower, and he was the first person in hundreds of years to achieve musical attainments.

The next step is to choose a song that can instantly impress Princess Xiangxiang.

Yun Zhonghe originally planned to choose ancient famous songs such as "Guangling San" and "High Mountains and Flowing Waters".

But... later he realized that he really didn't like it.

He really felt bad.

Then he asked Beethoven to go up and feel it. Beethoven's answer was that it didn't sound good purely from an auditory perspective.

So Yun Zhonghe planned to change a song.

He gave many pieces of music, and then... Beethoven chose one "Yun Gong Xun Yin", which is also the "Journey to the West Overture".

This is a work written by composer Xu Jingqing in 1986. It is not like "Mountains and Flowing Water" or "Goose Falling on the Sand" which has a history of hundreds or thousands of years.

But it's really, really amazing.

Played on the guzheng, it really sounds like fairy music. (If you don’t believe me, listen to it yourself, it’s absolutely awesome)

This is not an exaggeration, this is the most fairy-like music that Yun Zhonghe has ever heard. Because this song was originally written about Immortal Palace.

As long as an ordinary guzheng master can play it, it will be amazing.

And let Beethoven play it, it's... simply amazing.

Explosive effect.

It shocked Yun Zhonghe so much that his scalp was numb and his whole body was terrified.

At this time, Beethoven got up and Yun Zhonghe sat cross-legged on the ground, with the guzheng in front of him.

I started calculating in my head.

Princess Xiangxiang's sedan should have entered Tianhua Street.

There is no need for Yun Zhonghe to predict and calculate in his mind next time, because he has already smelled it.

It’s really shocking. After dozens of meters and several thick walls, we can still smell Princess Xiangxiang’s fragrance?

This fragrance is really refreshing. When you close your eyes, you feel like you are seeing flowers in full bloom.

Moreover, the fragrance changes. One second it is like flowers in full bloom, and the next second it is like orchids in an empty valley.

So amazing.

Yun Zhonghe held his breath and placed his hands on the strings.

The time is up, the position is aligned, and it is ready to launch.

With Beethoven on his back, he suddenly plucked the strings.

In an instant, "Yungong Xunyin" was like fairy music, like a magic sound, suddenly penetrating through the thick wall, flying over a distance of dozens of meters, and directly got into Princess Xiangxiang's sedan chair.

This piece of music is already very amazing, but when it was played by Beethoven and he also used his weird super powers, how amazing is the performance?

Princess Xiangxiang in the sedan trembled slightly.

The crystal clear little ears immediately stood up.

At this moment, she really seemed to have caught the fairy sound, and it seemed like a magic sound.

But at the beginning, this fairy sound was still vague and uncertain, as if it was floating from beyond the clouds in the sky.

As the sedan moved forward, the fairy sound became clearer and clearer in my ears.

She gathered all her mental power, as if she was trying to catch it with all her strength.

"Go forward!"

"Go left!"

"Further forward, to the left!"

Princess Xiangxiang followed the sound of the fairy guzheng until she came outside the Black Ice Platform.


The person carrying the sedan chair immediately stood still, motionless.

Princess Xiangxiang sat in the sedan chair, closed her eyes, and listened to the wonderful sound of the piano.

So stunning.


It has been many years since I was baptized by such amazing music.

The whole thing, from inside to outside, from top to bottom, seemed to have been washed.

Goosebumps even appeared on her Xueyu skin.

Who is this? What song is this?

So touching?

At this time, the people from Heibingtai saw Princess Xiangxiang's sedan and immediately ran out.

The Grand Governor Nangong Cuo was not wrong. The Right Governor led hundreds of people to the sedan chair of Princess Xiangxiang and knelt down in order.

And they were frightened, because Princess Xiangxiang was the only one who could enter and leave the Supreme Emperor's Qing Palace. They thought that Princess Xiangxiang came with the Supreme Emperor's will.

After the right governor of Heibingtai knelt down, he had to salute loudly.

But Princess Xiangxiang's guard commander waved her hand desperately to keep the other party quiet.

So, the right governor of Heibingtai led hundreds of people to kneel on the ground motionless, not daring to disturb Princess Xiangxiang's intoxication.

Although, no one knows what Princess Xiangxiang is intoxicated at this time.

At this time, Yun Zhonghe in the cell was playing and intoxicated.

Because at this time, the straight line distance between him and Princess Xiangxiang was already very close. Moreover, with Beethoven in his upper body, his perception ability is unprecedented.

Therefore, the fragrance of Princess Xiangxiang is extremely clear.

He can even lock Princess Xiangxiang's position and even posture based on this scent.

So, the two people were separated by a wall.

One listens to the sound, the other smells the fragrance, and communicates like never before.

Even though they couldn't see each other, they were both in awe of each other.

what is this?

The golden wind and jade dew meet?

Minds think alike?


Half an hour later!

Yun Zhonghe's performance ended.

Princess Xiangxiang still closed her eyes to reminisce and was intoxicated. It took a long time before she opened her beautiful eyes.

At this time, the right governor of Heibingtai outside kowtowed and said: "Welcome to Your Highness the Princess."

Princess Xiangxiang did not show up, but asked: "Who is locked up here? Who is playing the piano?"

The right governor of Heibingtai twitched his brows and said, "Reporting to Your Highness the Princess, this is Ao Yu."

Next, the right governor's heart strings tightened, fearing that Princess Xiangxiang would say that she wanted to see this Ao Yu.

That would be difficult for him, because he couldn't agree and didn't dare to refuse.

The status of Princess Xiangxiang is very transcendent. After she left the Shangqing Palace, she almost represented the Supreme Emperor.

But Princess Xiangxiang just said softly: "I understand, let's go to the palace to see my father."


Note: This is the first update. If you still have a monthly ticket, please remember to vote for me! Pastry continued to code words desperately and persevered to the end.

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