Fish swimming around the world

Chapter 68: The worldly person who is not in the world

Xiong Wu chuckled: "I just like to eat at Xiaolang's house, and I won't leave even if you let me go."

The other bears were also mute, and then Jiang Fan heard a string of "Me too, me too..."

But Jiang Fan still shook his head. This trip had already involved too much. He didn't want to worry about this world anymore. After all, he was leaving. Jiang Fan knew that he was not a ruthless person, so he did not want to live in one place for a long time, for fear that he would develop feelings for a long time.

Along the way, he saw several bears that were honest, loyal, brave and reliable. Although Jiang Fan admired them very much, in his eyes they were just a transaction. With money in exchange, Jiang Fan didn't think there could be any friendship.

"Forgive me for not agreeing. I, Jiang Fan, don't know where I will go in the future, and I can't take you all around the world. Since you want to find a good background, I just ask for help. Follow me, and you are really wronged. Man."

Seeing his refusal, the eight bears looked at each other. Xiong San said solemnly: "The eight bears of Black Mountain are willing to live and die for the young master, so what does it mean to wander around the world? Please agree, young master!"

Others also prostrated themselves: "Master, please agree!"

Xiong Wu shouted at the top of his lungs: "If you don't agree, I, Xiong Wu, won't get up!"

Jiang Fan doesn't think he has that kind of charm. He has the aura of a bastard when his tiger body shakes, and he bows to his younger brother when he touches his head. This is the plot of a novel, but he didn't expect that one day it would be his turn for no reason.

"Um...I am crossing the river now as the Ni Bodhisattva, and there are a lot of people waiting to chase me. There is no benefit in following me. You have not considered this matter properly."

Xiong San said: "Young Master! We brothers don't know anything else, but we are definitely not greedy for life and fear of death. We are able to follow the Young Master, so what if these two hundred kilograms are crushed? We hereby swear an oath to support the Young Master as our master. Follow through life and death!”

"I would like to support the young master as my master and follow him life and death!"

The sound of eight big men shook the building, and Jiang Fan almost felt a surge of blood. But he calmed down immediately, thought about it for a while, and then wanted to refuse. Bai Xiaocui, who was flipping through the bamboo slips, suddenly said: "That's right."

"Huh?" Jiang Fan was immediately stunned. Are you sure? What's right? Why do you talk like an emperor?

She said yes, and the eight bears suddenly beamed, as if it was done.

"Ah, wait a minute, I'll tell you..."

Bai Xiaocui didn't even look at him: "Young man, you will be right. If you don't succeed, they will follow me." After saying that, she put down the bamboo slips and looked at Jiang Fan, "I don't want to eat the food in the building today. You go to the kitchen, I want to eat the roasted whole beef.”

Jiang Fan was speechless, but couldn't utter a single word. I can only look at the eight big men there happily. And Wei Xiaohong was also very discerning and said happily: "I'm going to buy a cow right now."

At this moment, Steward Wang, who had been standing by, came over with a smile: "Congratulations to Mr. Jiang for acquiring some strong men. Mr. Jiang lives in the Jinyu Building. There is no reason for you to make arrangements. This cow will be delivered as soon as a stick of incense."

Jiang Fan looked left and right, and finally sighed helplessly and said to Manager Wang: "There are still some seasonings that I need to buy..."

The moon and stars are sparse, and the clear light fills the courtyard.

A huge roasted whole beef was placed across the table, exuding a rich aroma. The bonfire was blazing, and everyone in the Jinyu Tower gathered in the courtyard to sing and dance around the fire.

Jiang Fan held the wine glass blankly. This situation made him suddenly feel unreal.

Bai Xiaocui sat next to him, looking at the young man's eyes in confusion as reflected in the firelight, as if he was distracted.

"The Eight Bears of Montenegro are honest, loyal, brave and reliable. You are lucky to accept them."

Jiang Fan seemed to have just come back to his senses.

"All of them are good men, but this incident was beyond my expectations."

"It's not surprising. You didn't realize that what you were doing was unusual and you had already impressed them."

Jiang Fan was puzzled by Bai Xiaocui's statement.

"Talent, unparalleled intelligence, mysterious identity, and unparalleled cooking skills are all reasons. But the most important thing is that a person like you actually gets along with them without any pretense. Have I ever seen a person like you in this world? Jiuxiong It’s no surprise to be respectful and return to your heart.”

Different, of course different! Jiang Fan was silent. He had never looked at problems from the perspective of people in this world and era before, but for him, putting himself in someone else's shoes was something he could understand in an instant.

He shook his head and smiled: "Isn't it Eight Bears?"

Bai Xiaocui said: "He accepts it, but he is different."

Both of them understood that they were talking about Ding Shaoan. Why were they different? Jiang Fan didn't ask, and Bai Xiaocui didn't say anything.

Jiang Fan didn't know what to say for a moment, and stared blankly at the laughing and dancing crowd.

"I don't know what you are thinking, but since people are born in this world, there are some things that cannot be avoided, forgotten, abandoned, or let go."

"Can't avoid it, can't forget it, can't abandon it, can't let it go..." Jiang Fan seemed to be muttering to himself, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Everything is fate, and you can't control it at all. But... I feel like I'm asking for it. of."

Bai Xiaocui turned her head and looked at the full moon in the sky.

"You are out of tune with this world."

Jiang Fan was shocked. Although this woman didn't say much, she always hit the mark. Ever since he picked her up by the riverside, Jiang Fan had stepped into the rivers and lakes step by step for some unknown reason. He thought about escaping more than once, but never took that step. It seemed that she saw her unwillingness to mingle with the world and her heart that was free from the world.

"You can get away." Bai Xiaocui said: "It is very clear that they are coming to me. If you leave, there will be a lot less trouble."

A lot less doesn't mean nothing. At least he has made enemies with Chen Lao Bie and Nangong Xin. It seems that Bai Xiaocui is right. As long as he deals with them and leaves this woman of unknown origin, he still has a chance to stay out of the martial arts world.

"You, want me to leave?"

Bai Xiaocui just said: "The martial arts world is a quagmire. The deeper you sink, the deeper you will sink."

If you don't leave now, it will be more difficult in the future. Jiang Fan knows this very well.

"I know that. It's just that..."

Bai Xiaocui interrupted him and said: "You and I have nothing to do with each other. You can make a decision when you need to. I can take them for you, and you have the means to leave."

Jiang Fan shook his head: "Let's talk about it later. I haven't thought about it yet."

Bai Xiaocui threw the wine pot to him: "Drink if you can't figure it out."

Jiang Fan smiled: "Well, you don't know what will happen tomorrow, why worry about tomorrow, it's better to get drunk!"

As he spoke, he raised his head and took a few big gulps, choking and tears.

Wei Xiaohong waved and ran over, probably because she had drunk a lot of wine. When she got close, she leaned forward and almost fell into Jiang Fan's arms. She quickly got up and held Jiang Fan's hand.

"Young Master, Young Master, let's go dance!"

"Let's dance!" Jiang Fan stood up, laughed and ran with her to the campfire, joining the crowd holding hands and forming a circle.

"Young Master Jiang is a special person." Wang Chengxiu approached Bai Xiaocui and raised his glass slightly to indicate.

"Of course he is special." Bai Xiaocui drank it all in one gulp, but did not say much.

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