The baby killer whale is indeed a big stomach king.

And it’s a hungry big stomach king.

Forty-five pounds of meat were thrown at it before it finally filled its empty belly.

The well-fed baby killer whale is even more cheerful.

It not only jumps up and down, performing a variety of difficult juggling level swimming moves.

Even, he began to make some whining sounds, as if he was speaking to Yang Fan.

Although Yang Fan couldn’t understand whale language.

But you can also feel the happy emotions of the baby killer whale from its cheerful state and movements.

And for Yang Fan.

To have such a cute little killer whale relying on himself, he also feels very happy and fulfilled in his heart.

This is the overlord of the ocean, but now he has become his own pet!

Keeping killer whales as pets, can you find something more windy than this?

Yang Fan did not leave immediately after feeding the baby killer whales, he has been playing with the baby killer whales on this side of the pier for a long time.

During this period, Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai had already gone home, but he couldn’t leave.

Because every time when he was leaving, the little killer whale would make a very distressing wail, the sound was really like crying, Yang Fan immediately relented when he heard it, and had to stay and play with this little guy for a while.

Killer whales are the same as people.

It is a social social animal.

Once separated from your own ethnic group, you will feel very lonely and lonely.

This is also the reason why this little killer whale is so dependent on Yang Fan at this moment.

It has obviously regarded Yang Fan as its best partner, even a mother-like character.

Yang Fan also understood this and kept playing with it on the dock side for a long time.

But after all, you can’t stay with you all the time.

‘Mermaid has a different path’, he also has his own life.

“Little one, I’ll go, I’ll come to see you tomorrow.”

Yang Fan waved goodbye to the little killer whale again, this time he was really iron-hearted, and let the little killer whale be indifferent no matter how coquettish and cute.

When the little killer whale saw that Yang Fan was really leaving, he was immediately unhappy, splashing and rolling on the sea, whimpering to show his reluctance.

“Okay, don’t be coquettish, I’m really leaving… However, feed you a few more drops of gold as a comfort before leaving! ”

Yang Fan smiled bitterly, and then squeezed out a drop of gold from his finger and flung it towards the little killer whale.

As soon as the little killer whale saw the golden drop, his eyes immediately lit up, and he directly swallowed the golden drop into his mouth with a leap into the air!

Seven or eight drops of gold were fed in a row.

The mood of the baby killer whale also slowly stabilized.

At this time, Yang Fan suddenly thought of something, so he looked at the little killer whale and smiled:

“Little one, after eating the meat and gold drops I fed, now you are officially my pet ha! And as a master, I have to give you a name, let me think… Well, seeing that you are so cute and so big, let’s call you ‘big cute’! ”

Although the little killer whale could not understand Yang Fan’s words.

But seeing Yang Fan smiling at it, it was immediately very happy, and it was very happy to roll and tumble in the sea.

Yang Fan also smiled: “Haha, it seems that you like the name I gave you!” Then it’s decided, and you’ll be called ‘Da Meng’ in the future! ”


The typhoon really came.

And the battle is not small, it is a super typhoon with more than ten magnitudes.

Of course, a category 10 typhoon sounds very bluffing, but as long as your house is strong enough, and you don’t go to sea to die at this time, then there is basically no big problem.

In fact, for people who live by the sea for a long time, the typhoon is like a girl’s aunt, it will come once in a while, if it hasn’t come for a long time, you will worry about what went wrong…

Although Yang Fan had lived in the magic capital for the previous six years, as a child who grew up by the sea, he was naturally familiar with typhoons.

This was also the first typhoon he experienced after returning home.

And life during the typhoon period is actually very simple.

Eight words can be summed up simply – stay at home honestly!

I couldn’t go out to sea for days.

Yang Fan stayed at home and lived a leisurely life for a few days.

Of course, he didn’t do anything during this time.

On the first day of the typhoon, he thought that he was idle and idle, so he rolled up his sleeves and reclaimed a small vegetable field in the yard.

And this time.

He sowed leek seeds in this new vegetable field.

Since he was a teenager, after overhearing several elders in the village talking about leeks that can strengthen and nourish the kidneys, Yang Fan has become a person who loves leeks…

It has to be said.

When Yang Fan was a child, he had a very precautionary concept, and he also knew that for the sake of future happiness, he had to eat more leeks from an early age!

Of course, it’s a pity.

He has not used it until today, his good kidney that has been cultivated after insisting on eating leeks for so many years…


Yang Fan has always liked to eat leeks.

In addition, leeks are very magical, and after cutting one stubble, the next stubble will immediately grow and can be recycled, so after comprehensive consideration, he easily came to the decision to grow leeks in this newly cultivated vegetable field.

After sowing the leek seeds on the first day.

As usual, Yang Fan watered it with diluted water with gold droplets.

And the effect of the golden drop is still overbearing, and it only takes one night to let these leek seeds break out of the soil and grow into small leek seedlings.

In the next two days, as Yang Fan continued to water the diluted water of gold droplets, the growth of leeks became more and more gratifying.

Soon it was green.

During this period.

Not to be outdone, the small tomato seedlings in another vegetable field have blossomed one after another.

This is the case.

Yang Fan’s large courtyard was immediately filled with idyllic scenery.

On one side are green leeks, on the other side are red flowers, which makes people look at it really called a good mood and comfortable.

It is also worth mentioning.

In the past few days during the typhoon, Yang Fan has also not forgotten the little pet ‘Da Meng’ he just received.

He would go to the dock twice a day in the morning and evening to feed the ‘big moe’, and by the way, he would play with it for a while.

There was even a time when Yang Fan took Big Yellow to meet Da Meng and introduced these two ‘big characters’ pets to get to know each other.

And what he didn’t expect was.

This guy Big Yellow and Big Meng actually ‘saw each other’ and played quite a happi together!

At that time, after seeing Da Meng, Da Huang even jumped directly into the sea and had a ‘mandarin duck playing in the water’ with the little killer whale Da Meng.

That scene, Yang Fan was dumbfounded!

At first, he thought that these two guys would look at each other because of their competition for favors, but he didn’t expect that they didn’t know how sympathetic they were when they met, and they hated each other late!

This also made Yang Fan have a guess.

Maybe it’s because rhubarb and baby killer whales have been fed with gold droplets themselves, so they have some kind of same breath on their bodies? Will you quickly become an ‘iron buddy’ at first sight?

He felt that this speculation was likely to be the truth.

Otherwise, how to explain why a dog and a killer whale become ‘good buddies’?


A category 10 typhoon blew for five days in a row.

Its power has finally waned.

Although the wind and waves at sea are still a bit strong at this time, it is safe enough for fishermen to go out to sea at this time.

And often the period after the typhoon is the busiest and most exciting period for fishermen!

Because after the typhoon, there will be a lot more catch than usual!

Typhoons cause damage at the same time, but also bring the rich fishery resources in the deep sea to the offshore waters, this time to go out to fish, it is simply like picking up money, usually you may only catch a few dozen pounds of fish a day, but at this time you may be able to catch hundreds of pounds!

It is precisely for this reason.

The pier of Big Whale Village was unusually busy before dawn.

Fishermen in every household get up early and bring their nets and hooks to go out to sea to grab their catch.

At this time, there are the most fish in the sea, and the fishermen are also the most, if you go late, you will definitely be robbed by others!

As for the rush to catch after the typhoon, Yang Fan didn’t care much.

Anyway, with his ability, he can make a lot of money whenever he goes to sea, it’s just a matter of how much time it takes.

But he doesn’t care, someone does.

It was only five o’clock in the morning, and it was not yet dawn.

A violent knock on the door woke Yang Fan from his sweet dream!

“Sail! Why are you still sleeping?! We have to hurry up and grab the catch, and the fish in the sea will be all someone else’s later! ”


PS: Sorry, it’s a little Kavin so it’s a little slower!

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