Fisherman's Legend: Start With A Dragon Ball

Chapter 16 Dahuang Is Really An Old Pervert

"I went to buy a few electrical appliances. The old appliances at home had been around for so many years and they were no longer useful, so I replaced them."

Yang Fan did not tell the story about the big yellow croaker, otherwise Yang Hongtao, a big mouth, would spread the word, and he would probably become famous in the ten miles and eight villages immediately.

In fact, when he sold the two Splendid Lobsters yesterday, Yang Fan specifically told Yang Hongtao not to tell anyone about it.

All for the sake of keeping a low profile and making a fortune in silence.

"Damn! Your kid just made a fortune yesterday, so you're going to go shopping in the city today, right? You're a nouveau riche!"

Hearing that Yang Fan went to the city to buy electrical appliances, Yang Hongtao laughed and cursed half-jokingly.

"Go away! Have you forgotten what I told you yesterday?" Yang Fan glared at Yang Hongtao when he heard this.

This guy, despite telling him to keep a low profile, he also said in front of others that he had made a fortune.

"Uh, I was wrong..."

After being glared at by Yang Fan, Yang Hongtao also realized that there were other people around him, and he almost spilled the beans.

"Don't talk about what's available, Taozi, you went out to sea today, how was your catch?" Yang Fan changed the subject.

"Hehe, the catch is not bad. I caught two big red spots weighing more than a pound and a dozen blue crabs orchid crabs. I should be able to sell them for more than a thousand in total!"

Speaking of the catch, Yang Hongtao immediately showed a sullen expression.

His title as a fishing expert is not for nothing. Among the new generation of fishermen in the village, he catches the most every time he goes to sea.

In the morning, he went to a new sea area to set his net. Unexpectedly, he was lucky and caught a lot of good things.

"That's really good..."

Seeing Yang Hongtao's expression of embarrassment, Yang Fan rolled his eyes and barely resisted hitting him.

Otherwise, if he told him about catching eight large yellow croakers, he would probably be dumbfounded on the spot.

While talking, both ships also stopped.

The three people got off the boat and came to the shore.

At this time, Yang Fan keenly noticed the young man who went to sea with Yang Hongtao and glanced at him secretly.

Moreover, the eyes are a bit strange.

This made Yang Fan frown. Who is this familiar little guy? Why are you peeking at yourself with such weird eyes?

However, Yang Fan did not ask on the spot, said goodbye to Yang Hongtao and went home by himself.

His two families live far apart, one is in the east of the village and the other is in the west of the village, so they are not on the same road.

After returning home.

Yang Fan went upstairs to take a lunch break. He was woken up by the rooster in the village before he got enough sleep in the morning. Now he is really sleepy.

I slept until the sun set, and it was almost dark when I woke up.

After waking up, I habitually picked up my phone and looked at the time, and found that it was already 6:30 pm.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

At this time, my stomach made an unsatisfactory sound.

Yang Fan smiled bitterly and was just thinking about getting something to eat later when he heard someone calling him loudly downstairs.

"Fanzi, Fanzi, come down for dinner. My mother has cooked a table of dishes. Come to my house for dinner!"

Yang Fan went to the balcony to take a look and it turned out to be Yang Hongtao.

"Okay, wait."

Yang Fan smiled, then went to the bathroom, washed his face and went downstairs.

When they came downstairs, Yang Hongtao asked strangely as soon as they met: "By the way, Fanzi, have you seen Dahuang since you came back? I just saw Dahuang's dog at the end of the village, and he was chasing a group of bitches. Lang...what's going on, I thought it was almost dying of oldness before, why is it suddenly so full of life now?"

"Ahem, that bitch is chasing a group of bitches?" Yang Fan sweated upon hearing this.

"Yeah, that guy is so old and fierce, he's so cool!"

"Okay, then forget about it..."

Yang Fan was a little speechless. No wonder he hadn't seen Dahuang this day. It turned out that he really went to ride the bitch in the village...

Lao Se approved!

While talking, the two walked to Yang Hongtao's house.

Halfway through the journey, Yang Fan suddenly remembered something and asked Yang Hongtao: "Taozi, who are the young men on your boat today? They look familiar to me, but I can't remember who they are."

Yang Fan had remembered the strange look he had received from the young boy before.

"Oh? Didn't you recognize Fanzi? He is Xiaohai." Yang Hongtao said.

"Xiao Hai? Is he Xiao Hai?"

Yang Fan was stunned for a moment when he heard the name.

Of course he knew Yang Xiaohai.

Six years ago, Yang Fan's parents used their savings over the years to buy a larger fishing boat to go fishing in the open sea. A large boat like this would definitely need some help, so Yang Fan's father hired several villagers in the village. Give him a job.

Unfortunately, within a few months they encountered a big storm at sea and never returned.

The sudden storm not only took away Yang Fan's parents, but also took away several villagers who worked on Yang Fan's parents' boat.

This includes Yang Xiaohai's parents.

So, I heard that the young man was Yang Xiaohai.

Only then did Yang Fan finally understand why he was peeking at him with that weird look.

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