Fisherman's Legend: Start With A Dragon Ball

Chapter 34 Found A Wild Abalone Nest!

The appearance of this 'big guy' is very deceptive. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary stone attached to the reef.

If someone who doesn't know the goods sees it, they will definitely miss it.

But as a child who grew up by the sea, how could Yang Fan fail to recognize it?

This is no ordinary stone, it is clearly a huge wild abalone!

This wild big abalone is attached to the big reef and is slowly squirming and eating the seaweed on the stone. Its appearance is really like a stone. If it hadn't been squirming and eating, Yang Fan might not have been able to catch it. Its identity can be seen at a glance.

Abalone, the name is fish but it is not actually a fish.

It is a primitive marine shellfish, a single-shell mollusk. Because its shape is exactly like a human ear, it is also called "sea ear".

Abalone usually grows in seabed reef areas with low water temperatures. It is very delicate and has high requirements for the growth environment, so it is very rare.

But often, if abalone appears in a place, there cannot be only one, there should be a nest.

"Wild abalone actually grows here? Hey, this is the time to get rich again."

Thinking that there might be an abalone nest hidden in the reef area in front, Yang Fan suddenly raised his eyebrows and became a little excited.

Then, without saying a word, he kicked off his legs and swam quickly towards the reef area ahead.

Soon he swam to his destination.

Then, his eyes lit up.

as expected!

There is an abalone nest hidden here!

In this rocky reef area, almost every reef is covered with wild abalone of different sizes. It is estimated that there are at least a hundred of them!

These wild abalones range in size. The largest ones definitely weigh more than a pound, and the smallest ones may only weigh more than one or two pounds, but most of the abalones are still around three, four, two to half a pound in size.

You must know that the price of wild abalone is very high, and the larger the size, the more exaggerated the price.

As the saying goes, "It's hard to buy a two-headed abalone if you have money." According to the current market price, the price of a wild two-headed abalone is at least several thousand yuan, and it is often expensive but not available.

Double-headed abalone is so expensive, not to mention that there are several oversized single-headed abalone in this nest of abalone!

If those single-headed abalone were sold now, each one would definitely sell for tens of thousands!

In other words, the total value of the nest of abalone discovered by Yang Fan was at least several hundred thousand!

"Hehe, this trip was not in vain!"

Yang Fan immediately smiled when he saw that there were so many wild abalone growing densely on this rocky reef area.

Of course, although this nest of abalone is very valuable, Yang Fan does not intend to catch them all right now.

He went to the sea to find dinner, not to make money, so this time he only planned to catch a few and bring them back, just enough to feed himself.

Moreover, since abalone will be tightly attached to the rocks, fishing nets cannot catch them. There is only one way to catch abalone, and that is diving fishing. However, this sea area is not a diving resort, so who would be idle? Why don't you bring professional diving equipment to dive here?

Therefore, Yang Fan is not worried that this nest of abalone will be discovered by others in a short time.

The next thing is simple.

Yang Fan thought that he couldn't eat much by himself, so he only caught four double-headed abalones, which were about half a catty. Four such big abalones were enough for him to eat.

Holding two big abalones in one hand, Yang Fan began to dive contentedly, returning to the place where he had put his clothes.

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