Fisherman's Legend: Start With A Dragon Ball

Chapter 67 Wow! Spending The Night At Sea Tonight?

Ye Manni is teasing Rhubarb over there.

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly noticed the small vegetable patch in the corner of Yang Fan's yard!

She couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw the green and tall cherry tomato seedlings growing happily in the vegetable field!

"Yang Fan, don't tell me that those cherry tomato seedlings were grown from the seeds you bought from my store?"


Although this was unreasonable, Yang Fan didn't go out of his way to find a reason to deny it.

"Oh My God!"


"But how is it possible? It's only been a few days. How could they have grown so big?"

Hearing Yang Fan's affirmative answer, Su Xiaoxiao looked in disbelief.

Her family is from a flower art shop, so she must know very well how long it takes for cherry tomato seeds to germinate into seedlings and grow to such a large size.

How could it grow so big in just a few days?

This is completely unscientific!

"Perhaps my land is very fertile and suitable for plant growth."

Yang Fan smiled and shrugged, casually finding a seemingly reasonable reason.

"Uh, okay, I guess that's it.

Su Xiaoxiao really couldn't think of any other reason, so she could only explain it this way.

"Okay, don't stand outside, let's go inside first.

Yang Fan took Ye Manni, Su Xiaoxiao and the others into the house.

Then he asked them to wait on the sofa in the living room for a while, while he went down to the kitchen.

No wild abalone this time.

They can only serve Ye Manni and the others with ordinary noodles.

Not long after, a pot of hot noodles was ready.

Yang Fan filled three bowls and brought them to the dining table for Ye Manni and the others to eat.

"Hey, Yang Fan, your craftsmanship looks good."

Seeing the very good-looking face, Su Xiaoxiao gave Yang Fan a thumbs up.

Yang Fan just smiled.

While Ye Manni and the others were eating noodles, Yang Fan went upstairs to get some new sheets and quilts.

These bed sheets and quilt covers were all newly purchased and washed. They were taken out because they were taken to the yacht for backup.

The luxury trawling yacht I bought had all the basic equipment, but it didn’t have bed sheets or quilt covers.

Yang Fan thought that he would bring a few sets with him this time, so that they would come in handy if he sailed a trawl yacht to fish in the open sea and spent the night at sea.

In addition, you need to bring firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, etc.

Yacht galleys don’t have these.

After taking it with you, you can cook and eat on the yacht.

Seeing Yang Fan holding sheets, quilt covers, and firewood, rice, oil, and salt, Ye Manni and Su Xiaoxiao were both curious: "Yang Fan, what are you doing with these things?"

Yang Fan explained casually: "These are to be taken to the ship."

Now Ye Manisu Xiaoxiao was even more curious: "Take it to the boat? Are we going to live on the boat?"

"It depends on the situation. I may go fishing in relatively distant waters this time, so I may spend the night at sea." Yang Fan explained.

"Wow! Spending the night at sea tonight? Really? Sounds like fun!"

Ye Manni and Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but their eyes lit up after hearing this, and they both looked forward to it.

Although the two of them live in a seaside town, they have no experience of fishing at sea, let alone spending a night at sea.

Hearing what Yang Fan said, they were all very excited and envious, and they began to imagine what it would be like to spend the night at sea.

That would be fun, right?

However, one person didn't think this would be funny at all.

This person is naturally Zhang Lingling.

After hearing the conversation between Yang Fan and Ye Manni, a picture immediately appeared in Zhang Lingling's mind:

[On the windy and choppy sea, a dilapidated and old small fishing boat was swaying. She was squatting in the corner of the fishing boat, shivering while holding a smelly quilt.

When she thought of this scene, Zhang Lingling couldn't accept it.

She immediately said loudly: "What? Maybe we will spend the night at sea tonight? Then I won't go, I don't want to spend the night on a broken fishing boat!"

Ye Manni felt a headache when she heard what she said: "Lingling, don't you want to experience the fun of fishing on the sea?"

Zhang Lingling said: "Tch! I didn't want to experience this in the first place. You asked me to come, so I just came and I didn't say anything [and ended up planning to spend the night at sea? I don't want to spend the night on a broken fishing boat!" "

Hearing her talk about breaking the fishing boat, Yang Fan immediately laughed.

But he didn't explain that there was no need to tell him about owning a luxury trawl yacht at this time.

Yang Fan had already seen it.

The roommate brought by Ye Manni, wearing heavy makeup and dressed like a vixen, is definitely a green tea and snobbish money-worshiping girl.

After staying in the glamorous metropolis of Shanghai for so many years, Yang Fan has seen many such vain and conceited women.

He wishes this kind of stuff couldn't fit on his luxury yacht!

Su Xiaoxiao didn't want to spend more time with Zhang Lingling, so she advised Ye Manni: "Manni, since your classmate doesn't want to go to sea, let her go back first."

Ye Manni was also helpless: "Okay... Lingling, then you go back to school directly?"

Zhang Lingling nodded: "Well, I went back to school by myself, Manny, you can play by yourself."

Just like that, Zhang Lingling left alone.

Yang Fan had an elder in the village who should be called Uncle Er by seniority and was a passenger transporter. Yang Fan gave him two hundred yuan and asked him to send Zhang Lingling to the county.

After sending this annoying Zhang Lingling away.

Yang Fan then called Yang Xiaohai and Yang Hongtao to come over and gather.

Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai had been waiting for news from Yang Fan for a long time, and rushed over immediately after receiving his call.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw two new beautiful girls appearing in Yang Fan's house. Yang Hongtao's eyes immediately widened.

Damn it! (Yeah)

Fanzi, you are really awesome!

I just sent away two beautiful girls yesterday, and found two new ones today!

This skill of attracting bees and butterflies is too powerful!

Don’t accept it!

Yang Hongtao cast a look of envy and admiration at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan knew what this guy was thinking as soon as he saw his eyes, and didn't bother to explain. Then he briefly introduced Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai to Ye Manni and Su Xiaoxiao.

After everything is settled.

Yang Fan and the other five took their sheets, quilt covers, firewood, rice, oil and salt and walked to the dock.

PS: I originally wanted to use the character Zhang Lingling to design a slap-in-the-face plot, but as I wrote, I found that I really hate writing vulgar slap-in-the-face routines!! I don’t know why I got dizzy in the morning and suddenly used this kind of character. Added in!! I'm such a jerk!

Now I directly give this character a lunch box, and I will never write this kind of thing again in the future! Sorry!.

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