Fisherman's Legend: Start With A Dragon Ball

Chapter 81 After The Typhoon, The Catch Doubled!

The baby killer whale is indeed a big eater.

And he is a hungry big eater.

After throwing forty-five pounds of meat to it, it finally filled its empty belly.

The full little killer whale became even more cheerful.

It not only jumps up and down, but also performs a variety of difficult acrobatic swimming moves.

He even started to make some whining sounds, as if he was talking to Yang Fan.

Although Yang Fan can't understand whale language.

But you can also feel the happy mood of the little killer whale in its cheerful state and movements.

As for Yang Fan.

He felt very happy and accomplished to have such a cute little killer whale relying on him.

This is the overlord of the ocean, and now he has become his pet!

Is there anything more exciting than keeping a killer whale as a pet?

Yang Fan did not leave immediately after feeding the baby killer whale. He had been playing with the baby killer whale at the pier for a long time.

During this period, Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai had already gone home, but he could not leave.

Because every time when he was about to leave, the little killer whale would make a very distressing wailing sound. The sound was really like crying. When Yang Fan heard it, he immediately felt soft and had to stay with this baby. Little one, play a little longer.

Killer whales are just like people.

10 are social animals that live in groups.

Once you are separated from your own group, you will feel very lonely.

This is why this little killer whale is so dependent on Yang Fan at the moment.

It has obviously regarded Yang Fan as its best partner, even a mother-like figure.

Yang Fan also understands this, and the group has been playing with it at the dock for a long time.

But after all, I can’t stay with you all the time.

"Mermaid has a different path", he also has his own life.

"Little guy, I'm leaving. I'll see you again tomorrow."

Yang Fan once again waved goodbye to the little killer whale. This time he was really determined and was indifferent to the little killer whale no matter how coquettish or cute it was.

When the little killer whale saw that Yang Fan was really leaving, he immediately became unhappy. He rolled around on the sea surface and whined to show his reluctance.

"Okay, stop being such a spoiled brat, I really have to leave... But before I leave, I'll feed you a few drops of gold drops as comfort!"

Yang Fan smiled bitterly, then squeezed out a drop of gold from his finger and threw it towards the little killer whale.

As soon as the baby killer whale saw Jin Di, his eyes immediately lit up, and he leaped into the air and swallowed Jin Di into his mouth!

I fed him seven or eight drops of gold in a row.

The little killer whale's mood gradually stabilized.

At this time, Yang Fan suddenly thought of something, looked at the little killer whale and smiled:

"Little guy, after eating the meat and gold drops I fed you, now you have officially become my pet! As the owner, I have to give you a name. Let me think about it. Well, look at how cute you are. You're so big, so I'll call you 'Big Meng'!"

Although the little killer whale couldn't understand Yang Fan's words.

But when it saw Yang Fan smiling at it, it immediately became very happy. It was rolling and tumbling in the sea with great joy.

Yang Fan also laughed: "Haha, it seems you like the name I gave you! Then let's go. From now on, you will be called "Da Meng!"

The typhoon is indeed coming.

And the formation is not small, it is a super typhoon exceeding Category 10.

Of course, a Category 10 typhoon sounds scary, but as long as your house is strong enough and you don't go out to sea to commit suicide at this time, there is basically no big problem.

In fact, for people who live by the sea, typhoons are like a girl's aunt. They will come every once in a while. If one day it doesn't come for a long time, you will worry about something going wrong. .....

Although Yang Fan has lived in Shanghai for the past six years, as a child who grew up by the sea, he is naturally familiar with typhoons.

This was also the first typhoon period he experienced after returning home.

And life during typhoon period is actually very simple.

It can be summed up simply in eight words - stay at home honestly!

I couldn't go out to sea for several days.

Yang Fan just stayed at home and lived a leisurely life for a few days.

Of course, he didn't do anything during this period.

On the first day when the typhoon came, he thought that it was idle time, so he rolled up his sleeves and cultivated a small vegetable patch in the yard.

And this time.

What he sowed in this new vegetable patch were leek seeds.

Ever since he was a teenager, when he overheard several elders in the village mentioning that leeks can strengthen the body, strengthen yang and nourish the kidneys, Yang Fan has become a lover of leeks...

have to say.

When Yang Fan was a child, she had the concept of taking precautions and knew that for the sake of future happiness, she had to eat more leeks from a young age!

Of course, it's a pity.

He hasn't used it until today, and he has developed a good heart after eating it for so many years...

Anyway, let’s talk about it anyway.

Yang Fan has always liked eating leeks.

In addition, leeks are very magical. Once they are cut, the next one will grow immediately and can be recycled. So after comprehensive consideration, he easily came to the conclusion that he should grow vegetables in this newly cultivated vegetable field. The decision to plant leeks.

After sowing the leek seeds on the first day.

As usual, Yang Fan poured water diluted with gold drops into it.

The effect of the golden drops was still overbearing. In just one night, these leek seeds broke out of the ground and grew into small leek seedlings.

In the next two days, as Yang Fan continued to water the water diluted by Jin Drop, the growth of leeks became more and more gratifying.

Soon it will be green.

During this period.

The small tomato seedlings in another vegetable field were not to be outdone, and beautiful flowers bloomed one after another.

This time.

The large yard of Yang Fan's house was immediately filled with pastoral scenery.

There are green leeks on one side and red flowers on the other. It makes people feel happy and contented.

Also worth mentioning.

In the past few days during the typhoon period, Yang Fan also did not forget his newly adopted little pet ‘Big Meng’

He would go to the dock twice every day in the morning and evening to feed ‘Big Meng’, and by the way, he would play with it for a while.

Yang Fan even once took Rhubarb to meet Da Meng and introduced the two 'big-name' pets to each other.

What he didn't expect was.

Dahuang and Dameng actually hit it off like old friends and had quite a good time playing together!

After seeing Da Meng, Da Huang even jumped into the sea and played with the little killer whale Da Meng.

Yang Fan looked confused at that scene!

At first, he thought that these two guys would dislike each other because of their competition for favor, but he didn't expect that they would cherish each other so much when they met, and they would hate to see each other so late!

This also gave Yang Fan a guess.

Maybe it’s because both Rhubarb and the little killer whale have been fed with gold drops by him, so they have some kind of the same aura? That’s why they quickly became ‘iron buddies’ upon seeing each other?

He felt that this guess was probably the truth.

How else to explain why a dog 220 and a killer whale became ‘good buddies’??

A Category 10 typhoon blew for five days in a row.

Its power finally waned.

Although the wind and waves on the sea are still a bit strong at this time, it is safe enough and fishermen can go out to fish at this time.

The period after a typhoon is often the busiest and most exciting time for fishermen!

Because after the typhoon, the catch will be much more than usual!

While typhoons cause damage, they also bring rich fishery resources from the deep sea to the offshore. Going out to fish at this time is like picking up money. Normally you may only catch a few dozen kilograms a day. Fish, but maybe you can catch hundreds of kilograms at this time!

It is precisely for this reason.

The pier of Big Whale Village was extremely busy before dawn.

Fishermen from every household get up early, bring their own fishing nets and hooks, and prepare to go to sea to grab the catch.

At this time, there are the most fish in the sea, and there are also the most fishermen. If you arrive late, you will definitely be snatched away by others!

As for catching fish after the typhoon, Yang Fan doesn't care much.

Anyway, with his ability, he can make a lot of money no matter when he goes to sea. It just depends on how much time he spends.

But he didn't care, but some people did.

It's only five o'clock in the morning and it's still dark.

A loud banging on the door woke Yang Fan up from his sweet dream!

"Fanzi! Why are you still sleeping, you lazy pig?! We have to go to sea quickly to grab the catch. If it's a little later, all the fish in the sea will belong to other people!"

PS: Sorry for the glitches, so the update is a little slow!

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