Fisherman's Legend: Start With A Dragon Ball

Chapter 87: I Laughed, Are You So Stupid For Such A Small Amount Of Money?

As for the question of whether being an UP master can make you popular.

Yang Fan was not worried at all.

With his ability, it really shouldn't be too easy to get angry.

Make up your mind.

Yang Fan turned to the phone and smiled at Qin Yuxue: "Okay, old classmate, I am moved by what you said, and I have decided to start making videos and become the host of UP!"

Qin Yuxue on the other end of the phone immediately became excited when she heard this: "Wow! Really? That's great! Yang Fan, you will definitely become a super Internet celebrity UP master!"

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Maybe! But old classmate, as a senior UP, you have to help guide me, a novice."

Qin Yuxue said quickly: "No problem at all! Yang Fan, since you have decided to make videos, I will help you get started as soon as possible. If you have any questions in this regard, feel free to contact me!"

Yang Fan said with a joking smile: "Haha, let me thank you in advance, senior!"

Qin Yuxue rolled her eyes: "Bah! You are not a senior, you are talking about me being very old!"

Yang Fan was also amused by her: "Hahaha, I am neither old nor old. I am still in my youth and as beautiful as a flower!"

The two of them joked and chatted like this for more than an hour.

During this period, Qin Yuxue also told Yang Fan a lot of experiences and suggestions on video shooting. As a newcomer, Yang Fan learned with an open mind throughout the process.

Wait until the call with Qin Yuxue ends.

Without saying anything else, Yang Fan opened the Moudong shopping platform and prepared to select camera equipment for shooting.

He is a person with strong execution ability. He must do whatever he thinks of immediately, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable all over.

To shoot videos, you must buy shooting equipment, so the first step is to make a big purchase.

It took less than 793 hours of work.

He quickly bought a complete set of shooting equipment, including professional SLR cameras, waterproof action cameras, anti-shake heads, tripods, etc.

The reason why he was able to buy it so quickly was not because he knew a lot about shooting equipment, but because he was willing to spend money.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for, and because he is afraid of trouble, he just buys the one that has the highest sales volume and is more expensive.

He doesn't shop around, he just buys something that suits him, and he doesn't care about things like cost-effectiveness.

Anyway, if you have money, you can be willful.

In the end, the entire set of equipment was purchased, costing Yang Fan a total of hundreds of thousands.

This made him sigh, no wonder people say that SLRs are poorer than the third generation. This thing really costs money and most people can't afford it!

Buy good shooting equipment.

Yang Fan encountered the next problem.

Who should I ask to take the photo?

Who will be my photographer?

This person must not only be able to shoot, but also be able to post-edit.

I thought about it in my mind.

Yang Fan has not thought of a suitable candidate for the time being.

But don’t worry about this. The photographers needed to shoot self-media videos don’t need to be very professional, they just need to be able to use the camera simply.

Most UP owners actually take the photos themselves or find a family member or friend to help. This industry does not have such high requirements for photographers' skills.

After all, self-media videos are used to record life, not make movies, and they don’t need to be so professional or fancy.

It really doesn't work.

Yang Fan thought that he could just shoot it himself in the early stage.

Later, when I meet a suitable candidate, I will find someone else to take the photo for me.

As for the video editing issue, we can let Qin Yuxue help for the time being. Anyway, she has been involved in self-media since college, and she must be very professional in this regard!

The time came to about six o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Yang Fan put a few drops of gold in the bucket and began to water the two small vegetable fields.

All the small cherry tomatoes have bloomed, and some are even bearing fruit. It is estimated that in a few days, you should be able to eat the cherry tomatoes grown with golden drip irrigation.

The growth of leeks is also very good at this time. According to this growth rate, it will be fully mature in about 3 days. Then I will try some scrambled eggs with leeks and see if the leeks irrigated by golden drops are really good. It has particularly outstanding effects in strengthening yang and nourishing kidneys...

Watering was done quickly.

It’s time for dinner too.

Yang Fan was thinking about going to the kitchen to make something for dinner, when he suddenly heard a loud voice outside the yard.

"Fanzi, we are back!"

When he looked up, he found that it was Yang Hongtao who had brought Yang Xiaohai back from a fishing trip.

The two of them walked hand in hand towards the yard. Yang Hongtao had just half stepped through the door when he started laughing loudly: "Haha, Fanzi, I didn't expect that you are not here today, Xiaohai and I have gained quite a lot!"

Yang Fan laughed when he heard this: "Oh? How much did you earn today, Taozi?"

Yang Hongtao immediately stretched out five fingers and smiled: "Hey, that's about the same number!"

Yang Fan was a little surprised now: "Damn it! Taozi, you guys got 500,000 today? Isn't that almost the same as what we made last time we went to the deep sea?"

When Yang Hongtao heard this, he rolled his eyes on the spot: "Damn! Fanzi, I said 50,000! Still 500,000? Do you think there is money to be found in the sea?!"

Yang Fan immediately curled his lips: "I'm laughing, I just caught a fish worth 50,000 yuan, what the hell are you talking about?"

Yang Hongtao touched his head and smiled: "Ahem, you can catch 50,000 yuan in fish on a trip to the sea, which is pretty good for Xiaohai and I! After all, not everyone is as awesome as Fanzi. , you can find schools of fish every time you go out to sea!”

Yang Fan smiled and said: "The 50,000 yuan is a bit less. You are driving an automated trawl yacht instead of an ordinary small fishing boat. Plus today is the first day after the typhoon. Logically speaking, you have to make a profit no matter what." One hundred and eighty thousand, right?"

After hearing this, Yang Hongtao immediately sighed:

"Oh, Fanzi, you don't know, you can actually earn more (badg). There are more fish in the sea now. If you drag the net down for two hours, you will get a full harvest immediately!"

"But the problem is that we don't have enough manpower! Although the trawling yacht is very advanced and can automatically cast and pull the net, it only takes Xiaohai and me several hours each time just to sort out the catches. !"

"We were at sea for so long today, and Xiao Haina and I basically didn't even take a few minutes of rest, so we only landed two nets!"

"If there had been a few more people on board to help, I would have been able to connect two more networks. In that case, the money I would have earned would have been more than this!"

Hearing these words, Yang Fan nodded.

He really didn't consider this just now.

Trawl yachts are advanced and can achieve fully automatic mechanical fishing by just moving your fingers.

But the problem is that once the fish are caught, they have to face a huge task of sorting it out.

Think about it, if you drag the net down and there are all kinds of fish, shrimps and crabs in it, it must be sorted into different categories, right?

And this takes a lot of time and energy.

Especially when sorting crabs, you need to tie their feet one by one with rubber bands, otherwise they will fight together, and then knock off the pincers. The price of crabs without pincers will be much lower, so they must be used in advance Just tie up their big feet with rubber bands.

So Yang Hongtao complained well. With just him and Yang Xiaohai on the boat, the workload was indeed a bit too much.

It's no wonder that they only connected to the Internet twice after being out for one day.

Not to mention just the two of them, Yang Fan was there last time when we went fishing in the deep sea. The three of them only landed one net and almost collapsed from exhaustion.

Those more than 5,000 kilograms of rice and fish are no joke. It really takes a lot of time and energy to sort them one by one and then send them to the freezer to seal them in ice to keep them fresh.

Thinking of this, Yang Fan started to think about it.

Do you want to find two more helpers in the village to board the boat?

In this case, it will definitely be easier the next time you go fishing.

But I thought about it.

He quickly put the matter aside for the time being.

There is no need to rush in finding helpers, just take your time. He will not let others board his ship casually. Those who can board his ship must be trustworthy and have good friendships.

After thinking about this.

Yang Fan smiled and patted Yang Hongtao's shoulder: "Okay, you and Xiaohai have worked hard. Let's reward ourselves with some chicken drumsticks tonight."

"Add a woolen chicken drumstick..."

Yang Hongtao laughed and cursed, then took out his mobile phone and said: "By the way, Fanzi, I will transfer the money from selling the fish to you.

With that said, he transferred all the more than 50,000 yuan he had just earned from selling his catch at the trading dock to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan naturally did not refuse.

This is the rule at sea. As the boss of the ship, even if Yang Fan is not on the ship, the catch must belong to him.

After all, the ship is his, and Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai are just crew members working for him.

However, Yang Fan was not stingy either.

Although the catch from the sea today was only more than 50,000 yuan, he still gave Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai a dividend of 5,000 yuan each.

As for Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai.

The two of them got another 5,000 bonus, which was naturally very satisfying.

Speaking of which, they used to work hard for a month and go out fishing from dawn to dusk, earning at most 10,000 yuan, but now they are on Yang Fan's boat, and they have earned 10,000 yuan in dividends after just two trips to sea, and there are also Yang Fan gives them a guaranteed salary of 10,000 yuan per month!

This speed of making money is so many times faster than before!

They must be quite satisfied with this.

The three of them divided the money.

At this time, Yang Hongtao suddenly thought of something and asked Yang Fan: "By the way, Fanzi, didn't you say this morning that you were going to the market to sell the Melo beads? How did you sell it?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Sell it and make a small profit."

Yang Hongtao asked curiously: "How much did it sell for?"

Yang Fan smiled, and then imitated the guy's previous behavior, he also stretched out a finger and said: "Hey, this is the number."

Yang Hongtao was immediately surprised and said: "I'll go! Fanzi, look at your happy expression, that broken bead can't really be sold for more than one million, right?"

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