Fisherman's Legend: Start With A Dragon Ball

Chapter 90 The Cage Exploded! More Than 1,000 Large Red Flower Crabs Were Harvested!

"Taozi, stop the boat and prepare to lower the crab pot!"

As soon as he saw this swarm of red flower crabs, Yang Fan immediately became excited and immediately yelled at Yang Hongtao in the cockpit.

Although the silver pomfret he caught in the morning, which was worth more than millions, made him a little nervous, he was obviously not so distracted that he didn't even take into account the red flower crabs worth hundreds of thousands!

He is bound to win this group of red flower crabs!


As for Yang Hongtao, after hearing Yang Fan's order, he immediately stopped the ship.

Now he is obedient to Yang Fan's fishing methods and no longer dares to say any nonsense. As soon as Yang Fan gives an order, he will immediately follow it.

After the boat stopped, Yang Fan took Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai to the storage cabin at the bottom of the yacht. In addition to several fishing nets, there were also dozens of large crab pots stacked here. These were all supporting tools given by the manufacturer.

There are a total of 80 crab pots stacked in the storage compartment.

They are divided into two groups, with 40 crab pots tied to the main line of each group.

The structure of the crab pot is somewhat similar to that of a row of hooks. It is also connected in series by a long main line, and then branch lines are tied to the main line [each branch line is tied with ten crabs]

Such a structure is obviously very convenient for collection.

When you want to collect the crab pots, you only need to use the crane on the trawl yacht to pull up its main line, so that all the crab pots will be lifted out of the water at once.

Because there are lead weights on the crab pots, these eighty large crab pots weigh more than a thousand kilograms.

It took Yang Shifan and the other three people a long time to move them all onto the deck.

After getting the crab pots on the deck, you can't just throw them into the sea. Otherwise, even if you know where the crab nests are in advance, the harvest will not be very good.

Before placing a crab pot, fresh bait must be placed inside the cage to attract crabs to crawl into the cage.

The bait for the crab pot is similar to the bait for the lower row of hooks. They are all made of the freshest fish chopped into pieces.

Such bait has a strong fishy smell and is very attractive to crabs.

When they first caught the silver pomfret, Yang Fan and the others also caught a lot of other miscellaneous fish. These miscellaneous fish were very cheap and just suitable to be used as bait for crab pots.

So in the next time, Yang Fan and the others started to work.

They first cut all the bait fish into pieces, and then put these fish pieces into the special bait boxes equipped with crab pots. After they were done, they put these boxes filled with fresh bait one by one. Enter the crab pot.

After all eighty crab pots were filled with bait, Yang Fan directed Yang Hongtao, Yang Xiaohai and the others to release the crab pots.

The three of them worked continuously for more than two hours.

These two sets of eighty crab pots were finally successfully lowered towards the swarm of red flower crabs on the seabed.

These red flower crabs were on the seabed about sixty or seventy meters deep, and eighty crab pots tied with lead weights quickly fell into their nests.

After everything is settled.

All that's left is to wait patiently.

The crab pots will stay here all night and will be put away in the morning.

Then we will know how many red flower crabs will not be able to resist the temptation of bait and crawl into the crab pot!

After laying the crab pots, Yang Hongtao looked at Yang Fan expectantly and asked, "Fanzi, why did you suddenly decide to place the crab pots in this place? Are there a lot of crabs in the sea here?"

Yang Fan didn't explain too much and just smiled: "Probably."

Yang Hongtao grinned: "Haha, I guess the crabs will burst out of the cage tomorrow! Fanzi, as long as you make a move, you will never fail!"

Now Yang Hongtao has undoubtedly reached the point of blind worship of Yang Fan's fishing methods. He guessed that since Yang Fan decided to put crab pots here, there is a high probability that there will be a crab nest hidden here!

The crab explosion is just around the corner!

After working for so long, before I knew it, Father-in-law Sun had completely fallen into the sea level.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Yang Fan decided to park the yacht here for the night.

After anchoring the boat, it was time for dinner.

With the joint efforts of the three of them, a sumptuous seafood dinner was soon completed.

After enjoying the seafood feast, Yang Hongtao became addicted to gambling and suggested that Yang Fan play Landlords.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Yang Fan smiled and agreed, so the three of them spent the next whole night on the deck, blowing the sea breeze, and fighting landlords.

That feeling is quite pleasant.

The three of them played cards until half past eleven in the evening, then packed up their things and went upstairs to sleep.

At this time, the typhoon has completely passed, and the sea is calm.

That night, they slept quite peacefully.

Early the next morning.

A bright red sun rises from the sea level on time.

At six o'clock, Yang Fan and the others got up one after another.

After breakfast, the three of them came to the deck and prepared to collect the crab pots.

At this time, Yang Hongtao smiled and asked: "Fanzi, how many crabs do you think we can catch in these ten pieces?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "I don't know the exact amount, but I'll probably be able to tie you up until I'm weak."

Yang Hongtao smiled a little arrogantly: "Tch, how is it possible? My brother is a first-class tying crab. If you want me to tie crabs until my hands are weak, that is impossible!!"

Yang Fan immediately laughed: "Oh? Are you sure? Then why don't I do it later and let you tie a few more crabs so that you can show off that you are a first-class expert in tying crabs?"

Hearing this, Yang Hongtao immediately gave up: "No, I'm not sure! I've been slapped in the face too many times by Fanzi during this period, and I don't dare to show off anymore..."

Seeing that this guy was timid, Yang Fan immediately laughed: "Haha [you are so timid!"

A few jokes.

They started to build crab pots.

The operation of raising a crab pot is actually very simple.

You only need to find the buoy, then pull the buoy up, and then wrap the main line of the crab pot around the crane of the trawling yacht, so that you can easily lift the crab pots out of the water one by one.

With the start of the crane.

Soon, the first crab pot was pulled out of the water.

When Yang Hongtao saw the harvest in this crab pot, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Holy crap! So many big red flower crabs! This is the time to get rich again!"

I saw in this crab pot, there were more than a dozen energetic big red flower crabs with their teeth and claws dancing. They were quite big, and most of them weighed more than a pound.

A dozen crabs doesn't sound like a lot.

But know that this is just a crab pot harvest!

You can get more than a dozen large red flower crabs in one crab pot, which is already a very impressive harvest!

This is all money!

A red flower crab as big as this is worth three to four hundred yuan!

In other words, this cage can earn thousands of dollars!

And as the crab pots at the back were hoisted up one after another, Yang Yuntao's excited roars basically never stopped.

Because almost every crab pot contains at least a dozen big red flower crabs!"

Looking at the cages of big red crabs, Yang Hongtao swallowed his saliva: "Damn it! Fanzi, you are really awesome. You can not only find schools of fish, but also schools of crabs. I am pure I’m convinced!”

Yang Fan also smiled: "It's just good luck."

Yang Hongtao immediately rolled his eyes: "I believe you are a bad old man! It's luck once or twice, and it's luck every time?"

Yang Fan shrugged and said with a smile: "What do you think? Okay, stop talking nonsense and tie up all the crabs quickly, otherwise they will definitely fight when they come out of the water and squeeze together."

Yang Hongtao smiled happily at this time and said: "Hey, there are so many crabs, I will definitely be tied up later! Fortunately, I gave up just now, otherwise I would have been slapped in the face by Fanzi again!"

Yang Fan also laughed: "So remember, don't act like a brat in front of me in the future!"

Yang Hongtao smiled coquettishly: "I don't dare, I really don't dare anymore!"

A few jokes.

Yang Fan and the others started to get busy.

There are a total of 80 crab pots, all of which contain a dozen to twenty big red flower crabs.

The total number of these red flower crabs is probably over 1,500 at least!

Such a huge amount requires three people to tie up Yang Fan, which means that on average one person has to tie up 500 animals!

This number makes one's scalp numb just thinking about it...

But there is no way!

How can you not be tired of making money!

Of the more than 1,500 big red flower crabs, Yang Fan threw them all back into the sea, leaving about 1,200 crabs that weighed less than one pound.

And these 1,200 safflower crabs weighing more than one kilogram are estimated to weigh at least 2,500 kilograms!

Calculate based on the current market price of safflower crabs.

The total value of these 2,500 kilograms of safflower crabs must exceed 300,000!

Although this number is not comparable to the value of the silver pomfret caught yesterday, 300,000 is obviously enough. Most people can't earn this much after working hard all year round!

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