Fisherman's Legend: Start With A Dragon Ball

Chapter 96: What Does It Feel Like To Change The Fate Of Others?

Just when Yang Fan asked his third uncle to make a whale saddle.

At the same time, in the city, Yang Xiaohui had already walked out of the bank where he worked before with a separation agreement in hand.

He had just officially resigned from the bank and quit the security job that he had held for less than three months.

Speaking of which, Yang Xiaohui definitely didn't want to be a security guard at a young age. He was also a very ambitious person.

But helplessly, the reality is cruel.

After coming out of the army a few months ago, he was very confused.

He had been in the army for five or six years and was basically completely out of touch with society. When he was suddenly discharged from the army, he really didn't know what else to do. In the end, he had to be introduced by a comrade he knew from the army. Entered this bank and worked as a security guard.

Although being a security guard is just a temporary solution, to be honest, what better way can he find to find a better job?

So he was once depressed and felt that life was hopeless.

But just after last night, he instantly felt that his life was once again full of hope!

And this, of course, is because of Yang Fan!

Thinking that he could earn at least tens of thousands a month by going fishing with Yang Fan, Yang Xiaohui was so excited that he barely slept a wink last night!

It’s tens of thousands a month, which is as much as an average person’s salary for a year!

It is said that money makes a man bold, and this is true. Yang Xiaohui feels like his back is stiffening when he walks on the road!

Complete the formal resignation procedures.

Yang Xiaohui then took a taxi non-stop and arrived at the entrance of a kindergarten in the city.

The reason why he came to this kindergarten was because his girlfriend Zhang Ruru worked as a kindergarten teacher in this kindergarten, and he wanted to have a face-to-face interview with his girlfriend Zhang Ruru before going fishing with Yang Fan and the others, otherwise he would not be at ease. Just go back to the fishing village.

Standing at the door of the kindergarten.

Yang Xiaohui took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his girlfriend Zhang Ruru, telling her that he was waiting for her at the entrance of the kindergarten and asking her if she had time to come out and chat for a while.

Not long after the message was sent, Zhang Ruru quickly replied and said it would be out soon.

A few minutes later, a short, sweet-looking girl with a ponytail walked out of the kindergarten teaching building.

And this girl is naturally Yang Xiaohui's girlfriend Zhang Ruru.

Speaking of the love experiences of Yang Xiaohui and Zhang Ruru in the past few years, it is indeed a bit bumpy.

They were high school classmates. They fell in love with each other when they were freshmen in high school, and then they got together.

During the three years of high school, they got along very well and basically had no conflicts. But unfortunately, their grades were not very good, and neither of them got into college during the college entrance examination.

After failing the college entrance examination, Yang Xiaohui chose to join the army as a soldier, while Zhang Ruru entered a junior college to study preschool education.

Although the two went their separate ways after graduating from high school, the good relationship they cultivated during the three years of high school made them not choose to separate like this, but began a difficult long-distance relationship.

Although long-distance relationships are difficult and the two don't see each other a few times throughout the year, their relationship has not been in major crisis.

Because they are each other's first love, and they have both decided that the other person is the person they want to be with for the rest of their lives.

But as Zhang Ruru graduated and entered the society, her parents wanted to arrange a blind date for her to get married early. However, Zhang Ruru's parents did not know at this time that their daughter actually had a daughter they had been dating for several years. boyfriend.

Faced with her parents' constant urging for marriage and blind dates, Zhang Ruru was naturally very troubled.

She originally didn't want to tell her parents about Yang Xiaohui's existence so early, but later she really couldn't stand her parents forcing her to go on a blind date, so she finally plucked up the courage to have a showdown with her parents and tell the truth about her and Yang Xiaohui.

When Zhang Ruru's parents heard that their daughter was in a long-distance relationship with a soldier in the army, they initially disagreed.

After asking about Yang Xiaohui's family conditions later, they disagreed even more!

How can a poor boy who serves as a soldier and whose family comes from a fishing village be worthy of his own daughter?!

Especially Zhang Ruru's mother, she wanted Zhang Ruru to sever the relationship with Yang Xiaohui on the spot, but Zhang Ruru refused directly.

Yang Xiaohui found out about this later.

After some thought, he decided to retire early.

Although he has done well in the army in the past few years and has become a squad leader through his own efforts, and even has the opportunity to become a platoon leader, the incident involving his girlfriend Zhang Ruru forced him to give up his future in the army.

It is precisely because of his decision to retire early that he did not get the opportunity to be assigned a job, but he does not regret it, "He believes that he can still do well after working hard.

But the reality is cruel. There is so much employment pressure now. It is difficult for even a college graduate to find a good job, let alone a veteran. This forced him to temporarily work as a security guard.

And when Zhang Ruru's mother learned that Yang Xiaohui could only work as a security guard after being discharged from the army, she directly told Zhang Ruru that if she didn't break up with Yang Xiaohui immediately, she would disown her as her daughter!

Zhang Ruru was also stubborn. When her mother said this, she simply moved out of the house and lived with Yang Xiaohui!

But just after Zhang Ruru had a cold war with her family for several months.

Her mother suddenly issued an ultimatum a few days ago!

Her mother threatened her that if she still insisted on being with the poor boy Yang Xiaohui, she would take sleeping pills and commit suicide!

Although Zhang Ruru knew that her mother was probably trying to scare her, when she saw that her mother actually sent a few photos of sleeping pills, she finally couldn't help but go home yesterday.

At this time, Zhang Ruru had actually not visited her aunt for more than a month. Last week, Yang Xiaohui took her for a test and found that she was pregnant.

Then, what happened to Yang Xiaohui yesterday.

My girlfriend got pregnant unexpectedly, but her mother forced her to break up with her!

For Yang Xiaohui, he really felt that the whole world had gone dark a few days ago. The huge pressure almost crushed him, but he had no idea how to break through this predicament!

Fortunately, Fa Xiao Yang Fan suddenly appeared and changed everything!

Soon, Zhang Ruru walked quickly in front of Yang Xiaohui.

And since the kindergarten is closed during class hours, the two can only chat through the iron fence.

As soon as Zhang Ruru came over, she asked Yang Xiaohui very curiously: "Brother Hui, aren't you going to work today? Why did you come to me at this hour~?"

Yang Xiaohui shook the resignation agreement in his hand and said with a smile: "Hey, Ruru, I have resigned from the bank!"

Zhang Ruru was startled now, and her eyes widened in confusion: "Brother Hui, why do you want to resign suddenly? Why didn't you discuss such an important matter with me in advance?"

Yang Xiaohui smiled: "Hey, Ruru, don't I want to give you a surprise?"

Zhang Ruru was a little confused and said: "What surprise? Brother Hui, have you found a better job?"

Yang Xiaohui nodded and looked at her with a smile: "Well! Ruru, I found a better job! This job can make a lot of money! So Ruru, please wait for me for a while longer.

When I make a lot of money, I will go to your house to propose marriage!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ruru immediately blushed shyly. She rolled her eyes at Yang Xiaohui and said, "Oh, who said I want to marry you?"

But soon, she came out of her shy mood, and then she stared at Yang Xiaohui in surprise and asked, "Brother Hui, is it true? Have you found a good job?"

Yang Xiaohui then told Zhang Ruru everything about yesterday in detail.

Zhang Ruru immediately became excited after hearing this:

`Wow! Brother Hui, you bought a luxury yacht to go fishing when you were young?”

"And they can make millions in one trip? Oh my god, this is so amazing!"

"Brother Hui, if you go fishing with me when you are young, wouldn't you be able to make a lot of money?"

Yang Xiaohui nodded and said with a smile: "Hehe, yes, I estimate that I can earn at least tens of thousands in a month!"

Hearing this number, Zhang Ruru's face immediately filled with an excited smile:

"Wow, is it true? I make at least tens of thousands a month?!"

"Brother Hui, if you can really make so much money in a month, then my mother will definitely agree to us being together immediately!"

"If this is really the case, then I don't need to go to the hospital..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ruru immediately realized that she had let something slip, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands, and did not continue talking.

But Yang Xiaohui was not stupid. When he heard Zhang Ruru's last words, he immediately guessed something.

He yelled at Zhang Ruru on the spot: "Ruru, what did you say? Why go to the hospital?! Do you want to secretly abort the child without telling me? Didn't we agree before that we won't consider aborting the child for the time being? ?!"

Hearing that Yang Xiaohui was hurting her, Zhang Ruru immediately pursed her lips and said with great grievance: "But Brother Hui, we were under so much pressure before, and my mother even threatened us with death to break up. I can't help but abort the child." What should I do... (Good Li Zhao)"

After hearing his girlfriend's words, the anger in Yang Xiaohui's heart disappeared instantly.

Indeed, she was under too much pressure!

Being pregnant at this juncture is simply a torture for her!

At this moment, Yang Xiaohui hated himself extremely!

He hated himself for being so incompetent that he couldn't even protect his girlfriend!

At this moment, Yang Xiaohui was extremely happy. He was happy that the sudden appearance of Yang Fan had changed his life and his destiny!

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaohui held his girlfriend Zhang Ruru's hand tightly through the iron fence, gritted his teeth and said to her firmly:

"Ruru, I will definitely work hard to make money and marry you home!"

"And we must give birth to the child!"

"He is our flesh and blood, we cannot give up on him!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ruru's eyes immediately turned red: "Brother Hui, I believe in you, I always believe in you!"

A young couple just stared at each other through the iron gate, holding hands.

They all saw each other's expectations and yearning for a better life in the future from each other's eyes!

And the person who changed their destiny was naturally Yang Fan!

PS: Ahem, this is an excessive plot. It took me a long time to write and revise it before I finished it. I don’t know if you will think that I am writing randomly... However, I personally think that I can see pig feet changing others. Destiny is also a big cool point!.

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