At the same time.

New World, somewhere in the sea.

A huge pirate ship, the Moby Dick.

A tall old man with extraordinary appearance, tubes inserted all over his body, and infusion, is reading a newspaper.

When he finished reading the information on the newspaper, he sighed silently.

"Roger, it seems that your son has come to an end."

Edward Newgate, one of the Four Emperors, sighed in his heart, and at the same time raised the bottle of wine beside him and took a sip.

As a figure standing at the top of the pyramid in the pirate world.

He knows many secrets that the world does not know.

He knows that Ace is the son of the Pirate King Roger.

He and Roger are both enemies and friends, and have known each other for many years.

They can fight with swords, but they are also close friends.

Since Roger's death, he also feels that the world has suddenly become much more boring.

He has been traversing the sea for decades, and it is difficult to meet an opponent.

He has the title of the strongest man in the world, but at this age, there is nothing to pursue.

He just wants to spend more time taking care of his many sons with this old body.

He is still worried about a group of stupid sons in his heart.

They are his family and his most precious treasure.

"Dad! You are also very energetic today."

Just when Whitebeard was thinking, suddenly, someone called him from behind.

"Gu~ La La La La La."

Whitebeard laughed heroically, and then said: "My stupid son Teach, you still like to scare me from behind."

"You are also a worrying father!"

Blackbeard Teach's figure blurred, came to Whitebeard, and reached out to grab the bottle in his hand.

Then Blackbeard also raised the bottle and drank all the wine in it.

"You still have so many tubes inserted into your body, so don't drink all day, Dad!"

Blackbeard interrupted and laughed, "Look at you, you are so slow now, I can take the bottle from your hand."

"I think you want to steal my wine, so you found such an excuse."

Whitebeard shook his head and said indifferently.

The two looked at each other, and after a period of silence, they both laughed.

"Dad, the kid named Fire Fist Ace that you liked is now in Kaido's hands. What are your plans?"

Suddenly, Teach asked with a gleam in his eyes.

"If he were my son, I would certainly save him."

Whitebeard pondered for a moment and said, "But he is not yet. I just value him because the price of Ace, the brat, going to war with Kaido is too high."

"So, Dad, are you planning to stay put?"

Teach was relieved when he heard this and continued to ask.

"I won't joke about the lives of so many of my sons with a kid I haven't met yet."

Whitebeard said no more after answering this sentence.

He pulled off the needles on his body, stood up and walked to the bow, looking up at the other side of the sea.


Onigashima, Rabbit Bowl Prison.

In a dim single cell.

Ace slowly opened his eyes.

He felt dizzy and painful at this time.

The scene of the tall man wearing an evil ghost mask hitting him to the ground with a stick kept flashing back in his mind.

It was like a nightmare, lingering.

After a long time, he came back to his senses and regained some consciousness.

Immediately, he felt dry mouth and his stomach growled.

He suddenly realized his current situation and what had happened before.

He curled up in a corner of the cell and found that he was wearing seastone handcuffs on his hands.

The ability of the Flame-Flame Fruit could not be used at all. His body was wrapped in bandages and it hurt to move a little.

"What happened to my crew, Yu, and Yamato?"

Ace had tears in his eyes, and he was anxious and muttered to himself.

At this moment, he suddenly realized how outrageous he had been before.

He was too confident, which led to the current situation.

Because of his recklessness and arrogance, the subordinates and friends he valued were now all dead or alive.

He regretted that if he had not chosen to land on the island when he arrived at the coast of Wano Country, it would have been better if he had continued to sail directly.

Everyone is fine.

Originally, things were going smoothly. He and Yamato could destroy Kaido's dragon statue right away.

But everything changed with the appearance of the mysterious man wearing the devil mask.

The man was extremely powerful and defeated him effortlessly.

Now he was in the cell, a prisoner of the masked man, and was seriously injured.

He could not use his abilities and was in the other party's lair.

He could not think of any chance to escape this disaster.

Suddenly, Ace felt that he had aged a few years, and a feeling of despair engulfed him.

He thought that if the masked man had killed him directly at the beginning, it would have been a good thing.

At least now he would not have to suffer so much.

There are always people better than you, and he really lost this time and lost everything.

"Haha, it's good to be young. You slept for three days and three nights. I thought you were dead a long time ago?"

Suddenly, a teasing voice came from outside the prison.

A jailer heard the noise in the cell and found Ace who had just woken up.

"What? I have been unconscious for three days?"

Ace was shocked and asked hurriedly.

He didn't expect that the mysterious masked man's blow was so fierce.

He was lying on the ground for three days and three nights.

"Haha, why would I lie to you? Are you a prisoner worth this?"

The jailer continued to sneer, and then he carried a large plate of food into the cell and said; "It's also your good luck, Master Yamato asked me to take good care of you."

"Treasure it, these meals are the best meals in your life."

"Tomorrow you must go to the prison quarry to work and exchange food for labor."

"I'll tell you one more thing, kid, there is a shortage of food here, and only the overlords in the prison can have a full meal."

The jailer put down the food, explained a few words, and walked away.

He no longer paid attention to Ace's loud retention.

Ace saw that the jailer no longer paid attention to him, and he stared blankly without any solution.

Not long after the jailer left, he suddenly seemed crazy and picked up the food and ate it.

I don't know if he was really hungry.

The food tasted like the best food on earth. He had never eaten such good food before.

He finished a large plate of food and drinks at a very fast speed, but he was only half full.

After eating a little, Ace's mood was a little stable.

He suddenly found that the style of the chopsticks was very strange.

After fiddling with it for a while, a small piece of paper fell out.

Ace's heart moved, picked up the small piece of paper on the ground, looked around, and made sure that no one was there.

He quickly read it.

After reading it, he swept away his sorrow and looked excited.

After reading the information inside, he immediately crumpled the paper into a small ball and swallowed it into his stomach.

The letter was given to him by Yamato, and the situation was much better than he thought.

His Spade Pirates were only expelled from Wano Country.

The crew members were all fine, and Yamato also told Kuri's Ayu and herself that they were fine.

Tell Ace not to worry and stay in prison for a while.

Yamato will find a way to rescue him later.

Hearing that everyone is fine, Ace can't help but feel relieved.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes were once again burning with fighting spirit. He must survive.

Find a way to practice hard and become stronger during this time.

Then escape from prison and seek revenge on the mysterious masked man.

I just heard that only the prison is short of food, and only the eldest brother can eat enough.

In order to practice and become stronger, how could he be hungry every day.

Isn't it just being the eldest brother in prison?

I, Ace, will definitely be the boss of this Rabbit Bowl Prison.

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