The two of them were so angry that they had to fight.

"Thunder Bagua!"

Kaido roared with a smile on his face.

He swung the huge mace in his hand, and purple thunder roamed over his body, and his whole body burst into rapid speed.

From a distance, it looked like a purple thunder attacking Rocky and Yamato.

"Kaido! You bastard dad! I'm going to defeat you!"

Facing the imposing Kaido, Yamato was not afraid at all, but jumped up with a big noise and rushed towards Kaido.

"Thunder Bagua!"

Yamato also used his family's moves.


In the air, two huge iron bars collided with each other.

Black thunderbolts collided crazily around the two of them!

Rocky's eyes condensed. It was obvious that this was the way the father and daughter greeted each other.

The ground collapsed, and the surrounding soil and rocks kept flying up, and then shattered in mid-air.

The first fight between the two caused a small earthquake!

However, Rocky noticed that compared to the mace called "Eight Fasts" in Kaido's hand, which was thick and spiked.

The mace in Yamato's hand was relatively slender, and the spiked part was a rounded protrusion.

And the Liuyun in his hand was more similar to the Eight Fasts in Kaido's hand.

Then a figure flew out and hit the ground, plowing a deep mark on the ground.

Yamato stood up from the ground in a mess, with a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

There were many scratches all over her body, and her breath was much more disordered.

It was obvious that she had suffered a lot in the process of fighting Kaido head-on just now.

She was very dissatisfied. If she hadn't been wearing these cumbersome seastone handcuffs, she wouldn't have been at such a disadvantage in one move.

"Wuhu~ Noooooooooooooooo!"

The smoke and dust dissipated, and Kaido's figure appeared. He laughed and said, "Yamato, my silly son, you haven't made any progress in a while!"

"You nagging old man, if I hadn't been wearing these damn handcuffs, how much do you think you could have gotten?"

Yamato roared unconvinced.

"Whether you wear handcuffs or not, the result of the matter will not change."

Kaido shook his head and continued, "Besides, if your armed color domineering is strong enough, you can actually unlock the handcuffs yourself."

"Don't make excuses for your weakness, my silly son."

Yamato panted, continued to stand up, and wanted to attack again.

At this moment, Rocky behind her pressed the explosive collar on her hand.


Yamato looked at his younger brother in surprise.

"Rocky, if you want to help Yamato take off this collar, be careful. If you don't do it right, it will explode directly. Are you sure?"

Kaido said with an interested look on his face.

Hearing Kaido's words, some bad pictures automatically emerged in Yamato's mind.

It was about the miserable appearance of the samurai who were killed by the explosion after they failed when she was a child.

Thinking of this, her heart sank, and her expression became more solemn.

Ever since Kaido put the handcuffs on her when she was about ten years old, she wanted to take off the collar for countless days and nights, but she couldn't do it.

If it weren't for this thing that bound her, she would have left Onigashima long ago.

Could it be that Rocky had a way to remove this explosive collar?

Yamato looked at his brother who looked normal, and a glimmer of hope rose in his heart.

"Yamato, do you believe me?"

Rocky looked at Yamato with a heavy face and asked.

"Of course."

"After so many years, I've had enough of this thing, and I don't want to wear this thing for a day."

Suddenly, Yamato smiled with relief, and she continued, "Anyway, at most you will be blown to death, there is nothing to be afraid of, just do it with confidence, brother."

"Rocky, have you thought it through, kid? If you don't do it well, you will hurt Yamato instead."

Kaido's face also became heavy, and he continued to remind him.

He knew that in order to remove such a collar, only those who have mastered the Armament Haki extremely skillfully can do it.

The rescuer needs to inject his own Armament Haki into the explosive collar.

Then the Haki is detonated from the inside in an instant to be able to

Take the collar off Yamato before it explodes.

The rescuer must master his Armament Haki to the extent that he can cause internal damage.

Other ways to rescue Yamato will directly detonate the collar, which will harm Yamato.

If Rocky can achieve internal damage to Armament Haki at this age.

This is simply incredible.

Even if he and the gifted Linlin can't master Armament Haki to this extent at the age of eighteen.

You should know that he and Linlin are among the strongest people in this sea.

Both their own talents and understanding are far beyond ordinary people.

Can Rocky really achieve internal damage to Armament Haki now?

Kaido is very pessimistic about this!

"You will be fine, Yamato."

Rocky smiled faintly. It is a good feeling to gain people's trust.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

The dark golden Haki in his body invaded the collar in Yamato's hand as softly as water.

"Hmm? This kid!"

Under Kaido's perception color domineering, he clearly saw Rocky's proficiency and exquisiteness in controlling domineering at this time.

Even compared with him, he was not inferior at all.

For the first time, he showed a moving look, and the corners of his mouth were almost unable to suppress it.

His little son seemed to be much better than he imagined.

On the other side, Yamato's heart was also beating wildly, and she also knew that things had reached the most critical moment.

At this time, she didn't dare to make any sound, for fear of disturbing Rocky.

The next moment, Rocky suddenly opened his eyes, and the red light of perception color domineering appeared in his eyes.

There was a confident smile on his lips, under his perception.

The weight of the domineering injected into the collar has reached the maximum, and now it is time to detonate it.

Rocky clenched his five fingers, and the outer part of the metal collar was deformed by the huge force, and the domineering inside was also detonated.

A red halo flashed, and the collar in Yamato's hand shattered, and was immediately thrown out by Rocky.


The thrown collar caused a violent explosion before it hit the ground!

"Great, little brother! I love you so much!"

Yamato looked at her left hand in disbelief.

Then she hugged Rocky excitedly and buried his head deeply in her tall mountain.

The explosive handcuffs that had bound her for more than ten years were finally removed, and she was free.

She was so happy and excited, and now she felt like a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment.

It was like being acquitted suddenly.

"Okay, big sister! Stop immediately! There is still one left to be removed. Now is not the time to be happy."

Rocky shouted in Yamato's arms!

It was too big, he was almost suffocated.

It has to be said that this big sister may really regard herself as a man, so casual.

But Rocky did not regard her as a man.

So facing the attack of the facial cleanser, he also became a little embarrassed.

Not far away, Kaido quietly watched the scene in front of him.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the purple fur cloak on his body fluttered in the wind.

He took out the wine gourd with the word "天" printed on it and drank a big sip.

This little guy Rocky really gave him a huge surprise.

Now it's time to see what kind of devil fruit this kid ate.

This is the main purpose of his rushing back this time.

"Two little brats, have you had enough trouble!"

After drinking, Kaido's expression became serious again, and he roared!

The thunder in the sky fell on his tall and burly body, and purple arcs wandered all over his body.

Then he jumped high in the air, and after a burst of purple light.

A majestic and terrifying blue dragon appeared in the clouds.

"The warm-up exercise is over. It's time for the two little brats to show their real skills. Otherwise, you will die."

In the sky, the green dragon spoke in human language, and the huge sound was like thunder in the sky.

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