The truth is, this is the truth.

Kozuki Sukiyaki not only has many precious swords in his hands.

He is also a master swordsmith.

He seems to be able to interpret some historical texts.

He knows some clues about the ancient weapon of Hades.

So the overall value of Kozuki Sukiyaki is still good.

Although his interpretation of historical texts is not as good as Nico Robin.

He is not as good as the three-eyed Brin, but Rocky is the only one around him for the time being.

He can only make do with it.

"Really? Big brother, as long as I follow you, Xiaoyu and Master will never have to go hungry again?"

Xiaoyu's eyes were full of disbelief.

How precious food is.

People like her and Master who go hungry for nine meals in three days understand it too well.

If there is a long-term shortage of food, people will turn into beasts.

Or become a mindless walking corpse.

Brother Ace also came here before.

He just distributed the food on the ship to the hungry people.

The gap was temporarily made up.

But a day or two later, food was naturally in short supply again.

But this big brother with a terrifying temperament just now.

He actually proposed to support her and her master for a long time.

Xiaoyu still knows the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

So she is particularly afraid that this big brother will regret it now.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I will not take back what I said."

Yamato touched the little girl's head with pity.

She also remembered the days when she was starving on the ghost island.

Speaking of her dog-dog fruit·mythical beast species·big mouth true god form.

It was eaten randomly when she was hungry.

She was also powerless to deal with this group of densely packed hungry people underground.

How many kilograms of food would be consumed in a day with thousands of mouths?

Her scalp tingled when she thought about it.

She might be good at fighting and destruction!

But asking her to take out food is creation, and she doesn't have this ability.

The ability to build and create is naturally much more difficult than destruction.

"In this case, please follow me, I will take you to find the master."

Xiaoyu waved her hand and led the way in front.

"Little brother, who is this little girl?"

Yamato looked at the graceful girl next to Rocky with a strange look on her face.

"My name is Kuina, I am Rocky's maid, please teach me more in the future."

Kuina bowed slightly to the beautiful and domineering big sister in front of her.

At the same time, she was relieved in her heart, it turned out that she was just Rocky's big sister.

She heard the two talking not long ago, and thought it was some other relationship.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go to the village first to find Xiaoyu's master."

Rocky followed Xiaoyu.

Yamato and Kuina looked at each other and naturally followed first.

However, the two of them started talking to each other after walking a few steps, and soon became familiar with each other.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, smoke and dust were rolling in the distance, and the female horse Speed, with four hooves flying, came to the front of everyone very quickly.

She first took two breaths, and then looked at Rocky's face with a crazy look, and she was unwilling to look away.

It was already amazing to watch from a distance, and now it was even more intoxicating to see it up close.

Her heart was thumping wildly, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

"This is, the ability user who ate the artificial devil fruit..."

For the female horse that suddenly appeared in front of him, Rocky also showed interest.

"Brother, if you want to hurry, please ride me. I can run very fast."

Speed ​​took small steps and leaned against Rocky, looking intoxicated, and then said, "My hair is the reins. I can speed up by patting my butt. I guarantee that you will have the best experience."

"The most important thing is that this is the first time I invite a man to ride on my back. Do you want to try it?"

She has already imagined in her mind how happy she would be if this immortal-like man rode on her.

"Speed, you are too blatant..."

Yamato looked at the real cadre in front of him speechlessly.

Her way of expressing love is really simple and rough.

But it is normal. Rocky is the most handsome man she has ever seen.

Even as a man, she is sometimes crazy about him.

No wonder Speed ​​is such a person.

"This sister is so weird! Her upper body is human, but her lower body is a horse!"

"Brother Rocky can even attract such a creature?"


Na saw this incongruous scene for the first time, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Has Brother Rocky's charm been so great that it can transcend the boundaries of living things?

It's really incredible.

"You can carry the little girl in front first. If you perform well, I'll find a time to ride you again."

Rocky also gave orders to the centaur who suddenly came in.

This is also good. Speed ​​carrying Xiaoyu can naturally make the team move much faster.

Besides, he was also very curious about what he felt when riding on Speed.

Treat her as a horse? Or a person?

Rocky was not sure.

"You are mighty and majestic, the man who leashes horses, and the galloping horse is like a gust of wind."

When he thought of this picture, it came to his mind.

The magical lyrics in the once popular song.

"Yes, as ordered!"

Speed ​​trotted to the front of the team with a satisfied smile and put Xiaoyu on her back.

Then he followed Xiaoyu's instructions and walked into the village.

Sure enough, the team moved forward much faster than before.

"Stop, you guys are not allowed to enter this village!"

A flash of knife light passed by, leaving a deep mark on the ground.

Ashura Boy blocked the way in front of everyone.

He was determined to die, but he also wanted to protect Sukiyaki-sama.

He knew the horror of the man who just fanned the hair and had no color.

But for the loyalty in his heart.

He couldn't just watch these guys enter the village of Haikasa and do nothing.

"This guy is Jiuli's famous Shutenmaru! Jiuli's most famous mountain bandit leader."

Speed ​​was frightened by the sudden appearance of Ashura Boy in front of him.

She stepped on her four hooves with a look of horror on her face, and immediately took a few steps back.

This person is very powerful, and it is rumored that he is not inferior to Big Brother Jack, one of the three big bosses.

Even Boss Kaido has invited him, but this person actually refused.

He has been rampant in Kuri for many years.

I don’t know how many real fighting cadres have fallen under his knife.

When they heard his name, they were afraid of the middle-level cadres of the real fighting level.

"Want to fight, you guy!"

Yamato took off the mace behind her and was eager to try.

Even on Onigashima before, she had heard that there was a villain in Kuri, Wano Country.

Known as "the most powerful monster in Kuri", Kozuki Oden took a lot of effort to subdue it.

If she subdues Ashura Douji now, it may be a tribute to her idol.

Thinking of this, Yamato couldn't help but get excited.

She looked up at Rocky beside her. As long as the younger brother agreed, she could start the fight.

Rocky felt the desire in Yamato's eyes and was about to nod in agreement.

Ashura Douji's strength was only comparable to that of Denjiro who had been knocked unconscious the night before.

He was completely uninterested.

"Ashura, please get out of the way. Xiaoyu, bring the guests in quickly."

At this time, in Douli Village.

An old man on stilts and wearing a Tengu mask suddenly spoke.

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