The sky is full of clouds, and the sky is full of clouds.

The Flower Capital is the most prosperous place in Wano Country.

Most of the news birds flying from the outside world stay here.

At this time, a large number of news birds gathered in the sky.

They pointed their cameras at the tall young man below.

Loki looked at the dying black charcoal snake in his hand and felt bored.

It was obviously the top-level snake fruit·Mythical Beast·Yamata no Orochi that he ate.

This waste has no fighting power at all, which is simply a waste of heaven's gift.

He once again crushed the remaining three heads of the snake.

At this time, the snake only had one head left, which meant that as long as this head was also destroyed, he would die completely.

"Why! I don't know you at all, and I've never even seen you..."

Before dying, Orochi suddenly burst out with courage and yelled at Rocky.

"I heard that after the ability user dies, the fruit in his body will be reincarnated into nearby fruits, but I don't know if it's true or not."

Rocky replied indifferently.

"So you are just using me as an experiment?"

Kurozumi Orochi looked incredulous.

Could it be that the devil fruit he ate killed him?

For such an inexplicable reason, this man wanted to kill himself?

"You won't die here."

Rocky's mind moved, and the Orochi disappeared from his hand and appeared in the planting space in the blink of an eye.

If the Orochi died in his planting space.

Will the Snake Snake Fruit, Mythical Beast, and Yamata no Orochi in his body be reincarnated in the orchard?

Rocky was really curious.

If this could be done, he could be a hunting fruit ability user like Blackbeard in the original work in the future.

Those devil fruits with strange abilities will be collected by him for emergency use.


"Is General Orochi dead?"

"This guy is so terrible that he actually killed the black charcoal snake in the street."

The onlookers were all stunned.

They found it a bit difficult to accept for a while.

The black charcoal snake that had ruled them for twenty years was kicked to death by this young man like a stray dog ​​on the side of the road?

And it was not an assassination, but in the downtown area.

Killing the black charcoal snake in the street, this is too magical.

Is there still a king's law? Is there still law? !

For the outside world's discussion, Rocky did not pay too much attention, and his energy at this time was completely invested in the planting space.

The seriously injured black charcoal snake was given to Kuina, hoping that she, the little maid, could grow up quickly.

After all, it is not an easy thing to become the world's number one swordsman.

She has been dead for too many years, and her strength is still at the level of her childhood.

Zoro, who had been defeated by her for thousands of games in a row, had now left her behind.

"Kuina, kill this old man, I will consider the matter of the Second Generation Kitetsu."

Just when Kuina was practicing the two-sword style swordsmanship seriously.

She heard the voice of Brother Rocky echoing back and forth in this planting space.

She looked around and saw it not far away.

There was an old man lying on the ground with a miserable look, and his eyes immediately turned cold.

She would not hesitate at all for Rocky's orders.

"Oden, you go and take care of it. Remember that you can't take action unless it is absolutely necessary."

Rocky's voice continued to sound.

In the cotton garden of the planting space, Oden, who was practicing picking cotton, suddenly raised his head.

He was sweating profusely at this time, and in the backpack behind him, there were piles of cotton like small hills.

"Yes, master!"

Oden answered loudly.

Under his observation color

He sensed that there was another person in the space, and he was very familiar with the breath of this person.

He must have seen it before, but he just couldn't remember it for the time being.

Out of curiosity, he put a large basket of cotton in the basket in the field.

He turned and ran quickly towards the place where the breath was.

After this period of time, he was engaged in heavy farm work every day.

He didn't know why he liked the current field life a little.

Through his labor, he harvested every day, and watched the various crops in the field grow rapidly every day.

Full of happiness.

Oden... Oden.....

Is my real mission to control this vast world?

Only by working in the fields can I be considered a real 'Oden'.

Everything I did before was

Did I go astray?

Is this the good intention of the master to imprison me here?

While running, Kozuki Oden's thoughts were scattered, and his eyes were red unconsciously.

The master was really far-sighted and led him to see another possibility in life.

"Two-sword style· Taoyuan Shirataki."

Kuina's body was fast, and she chopped at the old man who had just sat up on the ground!

Between the interlaced figures.

Kurozumi Orochi screamed in pain, a cross-shaped knife mark appeared on his chest, and he stood up from the ground all of a sudden.

He had just thought that his last head would also be crushed by the terrible young man.

When he was in despair.

In a trance, he found that he was fine.

Instead, it was like he came to another space. This was not the Flower City at all.

Just when he was confused.

The little girl opposite him suddenly became murderous and chopped at him, which surprised him.

Fortunately, the little girl was not much stronger than the tall man.

Such a slash was not enough to cause any substantial damage to him.

He was a demon fruit user of the mythical beast species, with strong recovery ability. The two scars on his chest stopped bleeding in a short while.

The black charcoal snake turned into a beast, with only a huge snake head, and suddenly stretched forward.

It opened its bloody mouth and swallowed Kuina.

The attack was so fast that Kuina had no time to dodge, so she had to hold out her two swords and resist the bloody mouth.

But her strength was not as good as that of the snake. In less than a moment, her body trembled and it seemed that she could not support it.

At this time, Oden arrived. He picked up a straw in the field, waved his hand casually, and a flash of knife light instantly slashed the snake.

A hideous scar appeared on the snake's body, and then it rolled and showed a human form.

"You are Kozuki Oden!"

Kurozumi Orochi climbed up from the ground with difficulty, his eyes full of disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

He didn't expect to see someone who should have been dead for more than ten years today.

Did the tall man bring him here to let Oden kill him?

Or is this already hell, and he just happened to meet Oden.

This world is too absurd.

However, the intense pain is extremely real.

There was a deep scar on his neck that could be seen to the bone, and a large amount of blood kept falling.

The knife just now almost took his life.

He fled to a distance with his disabled body, as long as he stayed away from this person.

"This guy... Could it be..."

Oden looked at the person in front of him, and a person appeared in his mind.

The person gradually overlapped with the little old man in front of him.

He recognized the identity of this person.

I didn't expect that the young Kurozumi Orochi would become like this now.

"Kuina, he's going to run away, kill him quickly!"

Hate flashed in Oden's eyes, and he recalled the many evil deeds that this person had done to harm the Kozuki family.

If the master hadn't left this person to Kuina.

He would have drawn his sword and cut this person into several pieces.

"I understand."

Kuina took a deep breath and ran forward quickly, her figure once again turning into a shadow, "Two Swords Style·Taoyuan Hakuryu."

This time she didn't miss.

The full-strength slash just now happened to hit the wound that Oden had left on the old man's neck.

A head with a look of horror on his face rolled to the ground, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

A headless corpse fell weakly to the back.

Kurozumi Orochi, dead!

At the same time, Rocky, who had been paying attention to the planting space.

Suddenly sensed that in the orchard in the planting space, on one of the fruit trees.

A fruit was glowing.

Some traces and lines are slowly being drawn on the fruit.

It's done!

Seeing this, Rocky let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that this Snake Snake Fruit, Mythical Beast, Yamata no Orochi form finally fell into his hands.

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