The news was so intense that the incident was not resolved.

In just two days, things began to ferment.

The photos taken by the news bird on the ghost island, coupled with the promotion of major newspapers,

made the incident spread at an unimaginable speed.

Now, what happened on the ghost island has spread to the other side of the ocean and even to every corner of the world.

At this time, the Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

The huge naval building towers into the clouds and stands on the seashore, as if it is a giant guarding the ocean.

A large number of warships are docked at the dock, with smooth lines and full of power.

The architectural style of the naval base is simple and grand, with gray and white as the main colors, solemn and solemn.

The marshal's office is very lively.

The big men in the navy gathered.

If you don't reach the elite vice admiral level, you can't even enter the door.

Marshal Sengoku, navy hero Cape, and chief of staff Tsuru,

Three people sat in the middle position as representatives of the older generation.

Akainu Sakaski, Aokiji Kuzan, and Kizaru Borsalino, three admirals, represent the Mesozoic era.

At the end sat Momotosa Gion and Chaton Kaji, two alternate admirals, who are the new generation.

In fact, Sengoku knew about the photo on Onigashima through his intelligence system not long after it happened.

Now the meeting was held two days later, naturally to wait for the top leaders to arrive.

This is a big event,

Compared to the previous incident of Ace being imprisoned on Onigashima, the impact is many times greater.

Therefore, Sengoku needs to alert the top leaders of the navy.

"Garp, you have the reputation of an iron fist, can you punch like this?"

Sengoku threw the photo on the table and said.

The angle of this photo is very tricky. It is obvious that the photographer is not in the battlefield, but standing on the periphery of Onigashima,

The entire battlefield is captured in the lens.

This also allows people to see more details - such as the golden fist!

In the photo, it is smashing down from the sky, pressing down on Onigashima below like a golden mountain.

Its size is even larger than Onigashima itself!

If Onigashima is a giant, then this fist is enough to make this giant feel terrified.

Looking at such a huge golden fist falling from the sky, people can't help but feel powerless.

It seems that it represents the most powerful force between heaven and earth, and any action to resist it is futile.

This feeling is like humans facing an irresistible natural disaster. No matter how hard they struggle, they can't change the trajectory of their fate.

I'm afraid that no matter who they are, when they face such a terrifying punch, a feeling of despair will surge in their hearts.

After all, facing such a force, who dares to say that they can resist it?

When seeing this photo, Momosato Gion covered her rosy little mouth, her beautiful eyes full of shock.

Such power is too terrifying,

Even standing here, you can feel the destructive breath.

That punch that exudes endless pressure,

The huge fire dragon that Kaido transformed into below was completely suppressed and unable to move.

Momosato Gion secretly thanked herself for not being an enemy of such an existence,

With her current strength, she can't resist such a powerful force at all.

Chaton Kaji, who was sitting next to Momosato,

saw that the goddess next to him was frightened and showed a concerned expression on her face,

and quickly got up to pour a cup of hot water and carefully placed it on Momosato's table.

He looked at Taotu affectionately, his eyes full of love and heartache: "Taotu, drink some water to calm down."

Taotu frowned, looked at Chatun with disdain, and said coldly: "Stay away from me!"

However, facing Taotu's indifferent attitude,

Chatun was not angry or frustrated at all.

On the contrary, he looked satisfied, as if he heard the sound of nature.

In fact, Chatun had confessed to Taotu hundreds of times,

and was ruthlessly rejected every time.

But as the world's number one licker, he

didn't care whether he could get Taotu's heart.

For him, enjoying the process was the most important thing.

Every time Taotu rejected him,

the arrogant and disdainful look made him unable to stop.

He was immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself.

Chatun was secretly happy in his heart: "Sure enough, it's still that familiar taste, it's so wonderful!"

He raised the corners of his mouth, with a happy light in his eyes, and continued to say flatteringly: "Taotu

, you looked so beautiful when you rejected me today!"

Taotu rolled her eyes at him and turned away to ignore him.

Chatun was intoxicated in this atmosphere and felt extremely happy.

Taotu looked at the shameless man who looked like a wild boar in front of her with disgust,

and her heart was full of anger and helplessness.

His lecherous eyes and the vulgar words he kept saying made her feel very disgusted.

However, what made her even more angry was that

this man had no shame and kept pestering her.

"What a shameless guy! "Momoto cursed in her heart.

She tightly grasped the cup in her hand, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes.

Then, she suddenly splashed the hot water in the cup on the man's face.

The hot water splashed on the man's face, and Kaji suddenly shouted excitedly, and Momoto responded to him.

This is the encouragement of love.

For such a man with no bottom line, Momoto really didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, they are all senior generals of the Navy Headquarters.

They usually meet each other every day.

If the relationship is not handled well, it may affect each other's work.

For this scene that Momoto and Chatun perform every day,

other people in the meeting room are naturally not surprised.

Therefore, the meeting proceeded normally and was not affected at all.

"I can't punch like this! "

Garp frowned,

looked at the photo in front of him with a serious expression, and then said seriously.

He secretly sighed in his heart,

The power of this punch was really amazing, not only could it easily defeat Kaido,

even the ghost island below might be shattered and sink to the bottom of the sea.

Garp couldn't help asking himself,

whether he could really hit such a terrifying punch?

The answer was no.

"Who did this?"

Garp muttered to himself, with a flash of doubt and curiosity in his eyes.

"It's really scary~ The owner of this fist, even Mr. Garp has surpassed it?"

Kizaru Borsalino said with his legs crossed. Although his behavior was quite relaxed,

but there was a flash of solemnity between his eyebrows.

Obviously, such a punch had a great impact on his heart.

"Alala~ Fortunately, this person attacked Kaido, which is good news for our navy. "

Aokiji Kuzan added that at least such a punch appeared on Onigashima and hit Kaido,

rather than appearing in the sky above the Navy's main base, Marinford, otherwise who could stop it?

"Who is this guy?"

Akainu Sakaski, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke. This punch made him palpitate.

Such a strong man could not be unknown on the sea. Is this man an enemy or a friend?

Does he have a sense of justice in his heart? This is something that needs to be clarified.

"It doesn't matter who threw this punch."

Zhan Guo, who was sitting at the top, suddenly said something shocking.

He looked at the people below calmly,

There was no ripple in his eyes,

but such a sentence surprised everyone at the meeting.

They all turned their eyes to Zhan Guo,

wanting to know what the deep meaning of this Navy Admiral was.

Zhan Guo seemed very satisfied with the reaction of the crowd.

He coughed lightly, and then said slowly: "It is important to make the world believe who threw this punch! "

This sentence exploded in the conference room like thunder,

Everyone looked thoughtful.

And Akainu and Aokiji looked at each other with a hint of surprise.

Zhan Guo had his own considerations for saying this.

Now this photo has gone viral around the world,

Everyone is asking who threw such a punch.

But two days have passed and no one has a clue.

Therefore, Zhan Guo concluded that someone with such strength must be a hidden master who is unwilling to reveal his name.

Even the world's strongest intelligence organization CP0 cannot detect such a master.

The reason for taking action must be this master with a sense of justice,

Seeing that Kaido had done too many things that angered the heavens and the people, he had to take action.

Now that he had delivered a punch that shocked the world,

this expert naturally retired after his success, hiding his merits and fame.

And this gave their navy a huge opportunity to promote,

Now the heat of this matter is rising every day,

it is precisely this point that they can use to promote the navy.

And promoting the navy requires a spearhead figure,

this figure is better to be a master of fists.

Therefore, Sengoku plans to start a propaganda agency,

let the world believe that it was the navy hero Iron Fist Garp,

who sneaked into Onigashima and delivered such a punch.

I believe that by doing this,

it will naturally attract aspiring young people from all over the world to set off

A craze for joining the army.

It greatly alleviated the problem of insufficient manpower in the navy.

This was also the decision he had thought about with the chief of staff Crane in the past two days.

At this time, it was announced to the top leaders.

Although doing so might anger the hermit master,

he believed that this person would not do anything harmful to the navy for this false reputation.

If the hermit master really wanted to be famous,

he could naturally appear in front of everyone after throwing this punch.

At that time, countless spotlights would be focused on this person.

"What? This is fake news!"

Garp stood up immediately after hearing about Sengoku's operation.

This is a fraud, and he, Garp, would not agree to do such a thing.

"Haha, don't refuse first, for Luffy..."

Sengoku already knew what his old partner would react to,

and he took the lead in whispering a few words in front of Garp.

The content of these few words stunned Garp.

With his understanding ability,

he probably understood that it was Sengoku who made him admit this matter,

and then went to brainwash Luffy again.

Wrap a little bandage on his body,

use a little self-torture trick,

the general content is that grandpa went to Onigashima to rescue Ace and was blocked by Kaido,

the two fought, although he could defeat Kaido,

but he was outnumbered and failed to rescue Ace,

I hope Luffy will practice seriously in the future,

improve your strength as soon as possible and go to Onigashima with grandpa to rescue Ace,

blah blah blah, etc........

Garp was really moved by this,

being able to strengthen Luffy's admiration for himself means strengthening his admiration for the navy,

and similarly weakening Shanks' influence on Luffy,

he is now afraid that,

after Luffy grows up and has a certain ability to think,

he will no longer be a navy, but will become that shitty Pirate King.

Now is another opportunity to strengthen Luffy's belonging to the navy,

he really doesn't want to miss it.

When Sengoku saw that Garp remained silent,

instead of insulting him on the spot,

he smiled slightly, knowing that the matter was done.

The rest was to hand it over to the major newspapers to print newspapers again.

With the massive amount of newspapers reporting day and night,

it didn't matter what the truth was.

In the end, most people would naturally believe that it was Garp who threw the punch, and that was enough.

Then his goal was achieved.

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