The story of Garp's heroic deeds is still spreading, even to some hidden corners that no one cares about. In a castle, "Hey, hehe, hehe." Moriah raised a strange smile at the corner of his mouth. The laughter was low and long, as if it was an echo from the abyss, forming a sharp contrast with the newspaper tightly grasped in his hand. His body was swollen and huge like a hill. He was the captain of the Terror Bark Pirates, a hegemon walking on the edge of darkness. At this moment, his eyes seemed to be burning with dark flames,

Fixed tightly on the red dragon-like photo in the newspaper,

It was a complex emotion mixed with jealousy, unwillingness and desire.

The dragon-like figure was the pirate Kaido, his enemy.

Moria's heart was filled with overwhelming hatred,

It was an extreme yearning for power and deep dissatisfaction with fate.

He imagined himself standing at that decisive moment, swinging that fatal punch with a thunderous force,

Completely suppressing the arrogant Kaido under his feet, making the whole world tremble.

However, reality was like a cold water pouring on his head, and the cold words in the newspaper told him that the glorious moment did not belong to him.

Garp's efforts ultimately failed,

Let the dragon-like figure still soar in the sky.

This regret was like a sharp blade, engraving a series of scars in his heart that were difficult to heal.

Moriah's fingers suddenly tightened,

Under his livid face, the newspaper instantly turned into pieces of broken butterflies, flying in the air, as if it was a storm of past glory and frustration in his heart.

Recalling the past, he was the "Hero of the West Sea", a name that resounded through the sky,

At that time, he was thin, but he contained power and ambition that should not be underestimated.

Leading a group of loyal men, he was like a cheetah in the dark night, quietly stepping into the mysterious Wano Country.

Their goal was the remains of those legendary powerful samurai,

and the coveted treasures hidden deep in the heart of Wano Country.

With careful planning and bold actions, they encountered almost no obstacles,

and realized these exciting visions one by one.

However, just when the dawn of victory seemed to be within reach, the turning point of fate came quietly.

That was the beginning of a nightmare, a shadow that he could not let go of in his life.

The appearance of Kaido brought him unprecedented challenges.

That was his eternal nightmare, which tarnished his reputation as the "Hero of the West Sea".

He almost died, and his cherished subordinates were wiped out.

Since then, he began to be depressed and unable to recover.

He lived in seclusion in the Devil's Sea, met several subordinates, and

began to live a life of lying down in the castle all day.

"Are you okay, Lord Moria?"

Next to him, a girl with pink twin ponytails, a crown on her head, and a burgundy umbrella in her hand floated in front of him and asked with concern.

Her name is Perona, one of the three weirdos under Moria.

In her impression, Lord Moria rarely has such emotional moments, so she cares about him.

"It's okay..."

Moria said perfunctorily, looked out the window, and his thoughts drifted away again.


In a place called Dressrosa.

There is such a king who likes to read newspapers very much and reads them every day.

He could find out about any disturbance in the world through newspapers.

"Has Kaido really lost?"

This king was naturally Doflamingo.

He took a sip of red wine, his face showing disbelief.

At the same time, beads of sweat flowed from his forehead.

Whenever he felt pressure,

he would sweat.

In his impression, the nearly invincible Kaido of Beasts,

actually lost, and was defeated by Garp with one punch.

He felt that this news was more or less nonsense.

But the fact seemed to be like this.

He had called Kaido many times on Den Den Mushi in the past few days,

but without exception, no one answered.

So he believed the information in several newspapers,

and at the same time he felt very anxious.

Kaido is the largest buyer of artificial devil fruits,

and artificial devil fruits are now the pillar industry of his underground income.

He doesn't want such a big buyer to collapse like this,

then there will be overcapacity and his income will drop sharply.

Fortunately, the transactions with the Beasts Pirates in the past half month are all normal.

There is no impact on the progress.

Anyway, I hope Kaido can hold on.

Doflamingo shook the red wine glass in his hand and pondered.


At the same time, in a certain sea area in the New World.

On a small island, the newly rising sea emperor,

the Red Hair Group, is resting here.

"I think there are many unreliable information in this newspaper. What do you think?"

Ben Beckman, the vice captain of the Red Hair Group, handed the newspaper to Shanks and asked.

If Shanks is the sun of the pirate group,

then he is the moon of the pirate group.

Shanks exudes a personal charm like the sun that is impressive,

and he uses the moonlight of wisdom to handle the affairs of the pirate group, big and small, in an orderly manner.

Under the leadership of the two of them,

the Red Hair Group is known as the Iron Wall Pirate Group with the title of the Double Emperor Group.

They didn't recruit sons like Whitebeard to expand their power, nor did they give birth to sons like Big Mom, and of course they didn't have a troop of hundreds of people with special abilities like Kaido. These three sea emperors seem to be obsessed with the number of their subordinates, and they often have thousands or tens of thousands of troops. Their pirate group is different. They are small and capable, and each crew member has the ability to take charge of their own affairs. They are still one of the sea emperors with no more than 20 crew members. They are following the development path of the Pirate King Roger's fleet. In response to Ben Beckman's inquiry, Red-haired Shanks did not answer. He shook his head, walked to a reef on the shore, and looked into the distance. In fact, he was not so concerned about the fight between Garp and Kaido in Wano Country. He didn't care about the truth. What made him feel quite irritated recently was that the proprietress of the tavern in Windmill Town called him with a Den Den Mushi a few days ago. It is said that Garp has taken Luffy away for a while,

It seems that he has taken him to the Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

This junior Luffy, whom he is optimistic about,

has the same free heart as Captain Roger back then.

When he saw Luffy, he couldn't help but think of Captain Roger.

In Windmill Town,

He not only entrusted Captain Roger's straw hat to Luffy,

The priceless devil fruit was also eaten by Luffy,

Even his arm was thrown in the weak East China Sea.

But all this is worth it,

He never regrets it, he believes in his own vision.

He has never misjudged anyone in all these years,

As long as Luffy goes out to sea as a pirate in the future,

It will definitely not take long for him to become a big pirate who can stand on his own,

Maybe he can complete the regret that Captain Roger mentioned back then and become the Pirate King in one fell swoop.

But now this future Pirate King has been taken to the naval base by Garp.

It is very likely that he will become a marine under Garp's instigation.

If Luffy really becomes a marine in the future,

then all his efforts will be in vain.

When he thought of this, he felt a pain in his broken arm.

If this is true, then he is even more of a clown than his friend Buggy.

The dark red overlord lightning flashed in the sky,

The crew members of the Red Hair Pirates looked at each other,

They knew that this was when Shanks got angry, and a scene would appear.

In short, the captain was very angry and the consequences were very serious.

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