The two of them were very happy.

Just when Rocky and Jin had just left Onigashima, a big thing happened in the Rabbit Bowl Prison in Wano Country.

Ace escaped with hundreds of the newly captured brothers in the prison! This is really amazing news.

The process of escaping the prison was very relaxed and comfortable, like a farce.

One is because they were very well prepared;

The other is that the cadres of the Beasts Pirates who guarded them performed very poorly.

They quickly got the key and opened their respective seastone handcuffs or explosive collars.

The shackles that once bound them disappeared in an instant, allowing them to regain their freedom.

"Fire Fist!"

Ace shouted angrily,

The blazing flames in his hand quickly gathered into a huge flaming fist, and he blasted forward with unparalleled power.

The blazing fire storm swept over, forming a powerful impact force, as if to ignite the whole world.

As Ace swung his fist, the flames were like a ferocious beast, raging around with its fangs and claws.

The small fish of the Beasts Pirates had no time to react and were swallowed by the blazing fire storm.

They screamed in pain, but the sound was soon drowned in the raging fire.

The flames burned their bodies mercilessly, turning them into ashes.

At the same time, Ace's flaming fist slammed hard on the prison wall.

With only a loud bang, the solid wall was instantly shattered, and a huge hole appeared.

Outside the hole, there was a vast world, which led to freedom.

Ace looked at the big hole, his eyes flashing with determination and hope.

"Boss Ace, you are amazing!"

"I really can't think of anyone who can take such a punch. I'm afraid even Kaido, the King of Beasts, will have to avoid it for a while?"

"Boss Ace, you are invincible, but you are the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

The younger brothers in the back were all very excited and excited when they saw the amazing punch Ace threw in front of them.

Their eyes were full of admiration and awe, as if they saw the light of hope.

With his leadership, everyone will be able to escape successfully this time.

In front, Ace looked at the punch he threw and felt incredible.

He widened his eyes and stared at his fist in disbelief.

He never thought that he was so powerful, even he was shocked.

It turned out that he had become so strong without knowing it.

In the fire fist just now, he used the armed color domineering to enhance the power of the attack,

making the power of this punch more than twice as strong as before entering the prison.

Ace was secretly happy,

he knew that he had taken an important step and was closer to the goal of becoming the Pirate King.

He murmured to himself in a low voice: "You'd better not let me meet you, otherwise..."

There was a hint of determination and confidence in his voice,

At this moment, Ace was no longer the same as before,

His strength has been greatly improved, and he is full of expectations for the future.

As this punch was thrown, the entire battlefield fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Ace and was shocked by his strength.

And Ace stood there quietly, exuding a kind of majesty and domineering.

In Ace's mind, he recalled the figure wearing a mask, tall, and holding a mace.

These days, he has nightmares at night and dreams of being knocked unconscious by that person.

Every time he wakes up, he is sweating profusely, and it has become a demon in his heart.

If he has a chance, he will definitely take revenge on that person. Only in this way can his thoughts be clear.

With these thoughts, Ace killed his way out. The small cadres who came were no match for him at all.

For a moment, he was like a man in a deserted place.

At this time, in the prison office, the deputy warden, whose body was half charred,

exhausted his last strength to report Ace's escape to his immediate superior Quinn.


At the same time, above Wano Country.

"Jin, go to Rabbit Bowl first, some interesting things happened there."

On the back of the Pteranodon, Rocky suddenly opened his eyes and said.

With his lv3 level of observation Haki, he can cover most of Wano Country.

And in the state of three heads and six arms, there is a huge increase.

He sensed a very active and familiar breath moving rapidly,

towards the coastline of Rabbit Bowl.

He immediately knew

Ace escaped from prison.

Rocky was not surprised that Ace escaped successfully.

After all, in the original book, Luffy and Kidd also escaped successfully.

This prison escape seemed to be well prepared.

There is a ship parked at the port of Rabbit Bowl,

waiting for Ace and the group of escapees.

If he and Jin had not arrived in Wano Country,

I am afraid Ace would have escaped.

Jin was confused at first about Rocky's instructions.

According to the plan, Rocky was going to Flower Capital to hold the inauguration ceremony.

Why did he suddenly go to Rabbit Bowl?

But if Rocky didn't say it, he wouldn't ask. He flapped his wings and was about to change direction.

At this time, Jin's wisdom snail began to vibrate.

The voice coming out from inside was Quinn's.

This is a message, which roughly means: Ace escaped from the prison in Rabbit Bowl, and he couldn't make it to Onigashima, so he asked Jin to help him and catch Ace.

After Jin heard the news,

he looked at Rocky in shock, and he understood everything at once.

Just now, the young master must have sensed something with his observation Haki,

that's why he suddenly said that to him.

With his observation Haki, he himself was unaware of it,

and only knew it through Quinn's wisdom snail.

This is the area just entered into the country of Wano,

it seems that Rocky's young master's perception area is much larger than his,

it has reached a horrifying level.

Jin immediately changed direction,

and flew rapidly towards Rabbit Bowl.

The black flame on his back extinguished,

and then the speed of the whole person soared to a terrifying level,

like a black lightning across the sky.

"Go directly to the port of Rabbit Bowl."

Rocky continued to order.

He nodded with satisfaction. With Jin's speed, they could reach the port earlier than Ace and wait for the enemy to come. There was no need to chase them. "Yes! Young Master." Jin flapped his wings again and flew forward quickly. At the same time, a fierce battle was taking place at the port of Rabbit Bowl. Ace stood there quietly, holding a young cadre who had fainted in his hand, staring at the ship in front of him. The ship represented freedom. Once they boarded it, they could escape from this cage. Unfortunately, the masked man did not appear here, leaving Ace no chance to retaliate. As time went on, more and more enemies came from all directions, and the situation became more and more critical. If they did not board the ship and leave as soon as possible, the consequences would be disastrous when the enemy's large force arrived. At this moment, Bao Goro suddenly exclaimed: "It's bad!" His eyes were full of fear, as if he had seen the most terrible scene. Following his gaze, he saw two people standing on the boat that was waiting for them.

One of them, Leopard Goro recognized, was the leader of the Three Calamities of the Beasts Pirates - Jin.

Obviously, some unexpected changes had occurred,

which led to this powerful being coming in person.

I'm afraid that all the helpers on the boat are now dead.

A deep sense of despair suddenly surged into his heart,

and spread throughout Leopard Goro's body.

He knew that such an enemy,

even if Ace had made progress, was no match for him now.

Unlike Leopard Goro's focus,

Ace looked at the young man in white in front of him.

He always felt that he had seen this man somewhere before,

but he couldn't tell at once.

"Don't be afraid! Leopard Goro, I'll take care of them both."

Ace's eyes flashed with confidence.

The next moment, he jumped high and threw a punch forward: "Fire Fist!"

As he threw the punch, he seemed to see the two people in front of him being burned to ashes.

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