The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were busy.

Not long after, Rocky arrived at the meeting place.

After opening the door, he found that there were only three people in the room waiting for his arrival.

Sitting in the first seat was Teacher Kaido, and next to him sat Jin and Quinn.

Including Rocky himself, there were a total of four people participating in this meeting.

And Jack, the little brother, did not seem to be qualified to participate in such a meeting.

Obviously, Jack is only 23 years old this year and is too immature,

not enough to enter the core route discussion topic.

Although Rocky is only 18,

he is already the Joy Boy in the hearts of Teacher Kaido and Jin,

naturally not restricted.

Soon the meeting officially began,

the most important topic was naturally the ancient weapon of Pluto.

The progress was quite smooth, because the location Rocky told was very specific.

So there was no surprise in finding this evil warship.

Quinn had sent several confidants into Pluto to try to get some data.

However, Quinn estimated that it would take a long time to study this ancient weapon.

There was a lack of design drawings and people who could accurately and quickly translate the various ancient symbols on the warship.

These were naturally the problems Rocky needed to solve at sea.

The news about Pluto was naturally top secret, and only trusted subordinates participated in it.

And except for the four of them,

the younger brothers who participated would not think that this was Pluto.

After discussing Pluto, they continued to move on to the next topic, which was naturally about Rocky's voyage plan.

This was of course an extremely tedious meeting, where to go, what purpose to achieve, what kind of ship, and how many crew members to have.


It is impossible to discuss everything clearly in one meeting. Soon, it will be the second round of meetings, and the third round.......

Time passed slowly,

Finally, at midnight one month later.

A warship quietly left Wano Country.

Rockey stood at the bow, facing the moist sea breeze.

Looking at the increasingly smaller Onigashima in the back, he was also quite excited.

Finally, he went out to sea, and there was a vast world of pirates ahead.

There was a fishing rod in front of him, and he was fishing at this time.

As a fisherman, he had not tried fishing on a boat.

Although this is still the waters of Wano Country,

but maybe it is different from fishing on the island,

and he can catch some good things.

"Master Rocky, the midnight snack is ready. Come and taste my cooking."

The voice was as clear and pleasant as an oriole. Black Maria walked lightly and gracefully.

Her steps were light, and every step seemed to be on the clouds. Her figure was swaying and intoxicating.

A fragrant breeze, some of which were from food and some from Black Maria, entered Rocky's nose.

Rocky turned his head and looked at Black Maria, with a slight smile on his face.

He knew that Black Maria's cooking skills were unique, and every time he tasted it, he would be surprised and satisfied.

Black Maria walked gently to Rocky and handed him a plate of exquisite pastries.

These pastries looked very tempting, with bright colors and fragrant aromas, making people salivate.

Rocky opened his mouth slightly, and Black Maria naturally and skillfully fed the pastries into Rocky's mouth.

Rocky savored the pastry in his mouth, feeling the delicate texture and rich flavor.

Black Maria's craftsmanship did not disappoint him. This plate of pastries was impeccable in both appearance and taste.

"Not bad." Rocky commented after swallowing a few bites.

"Thank you for the compliment, young master. I still have pastries made of meat that need your appreciation. I wonder if you can come to my room to try them."

Black Maria said with a flushed face.

Her voice was a little shy, and her eyes were shining with anticipation.

She was only 24 years old this year, at the age of youth and vigor.

She had long been full of desire for Rocky's body and had always wanted to find an opportunity to get close to him.

Now that she finally got this rare opportunity, she would certainly not let it go easily.

The Rocky in front of her looked only two meters tall, which was insignificant compared to her huge body.

However, she knew very well that this was not Rocky's true form, but was caused by some secret technique.

As long as the secret spell is lifted, Rocky will definitely return to the handsome man she loves.

"Ahem! Um...

...I will try again another day, you can leave first. "

Faced with such a straightforward and tempting invitation from Black Maria, Rocky could not help but be stunned.

This blonde and blue-eyed foreign girl is indeed as famous as she is said to be. Her personality is bold and proactive, which is really irresistible.

However, today is his first day of sailing. If he starts messing around on the ship, it seems a bit inappropriate.

Therefore, Rocky politely rejected her kindness.

"Then, I will wait for you, young master~ I hope you don't let me wait too long. "

Black Maria looked delighted, and looked at the man in front of her with joy in her heart.

She knew very well that this man not only possessed great strength, but also had an awe-inspiring status.

However, what made her even more excited was his handsome face, which was as dazzling as the sun.

For Black Maria, having a sweet and romantic relationship with such a perfect man was simply what she had always dreamed of.

With the departure of Black Maria, Rocky's mind once again returned to normal thinking.

The news that he was going to select crew members for the voyage half a month ago,

naturally spread throughout the entire Beast Pirates.

Instantly, many people responded.

But Rocky did not plan to take a fleet out.

The crew should be elite rather than numerous.

And this ship is about the same size as the Sunny,

so each crew member must have their own role.

Half a month ago, Black Maria stood out with her cooking skills and was accepted by Rocky.

"Brother Rocky~It's windy outside, do you want to put on more clothes?"

At this time, a graceful black-haired girl appeared behind Rocky with a coat.

This girl was naturally Kuina, who took care of his daily life as his maid.

"Children should go to bed early, otherwise it will affect their development. Look at the sisters on the ship, they are all developing so well, you don't want to fall behind, right? "

Rocky took the coat and put it on, rubbing Kuina's head.

Kuina enjoyed Rocky's touch like a kitten, her face was a little hot,

She was also a girl of eleven or twelve years old, and she naturally understood some things,

The development that Brother Rocky just said was a little bit improper.

But what Brother Rocky said was also true,

Except for Xiaoyu, a five-year-old girl on the boat,

the other sisters were all very well developed, which made her feel great pressure.

"I know, Brother Rocky. "

After a while, Kuina felt more and more embarrassed. Soon after she responded, she sneaked away.

After Kuina left, Rocky gently shook the fishing rod in his hand.

There were not many members on the boat.

Hiyori was the dancer and musician on the boat.

Yamato was a fighter and also served as the helmsman.

The female horse Speed ​​was the only real cadre on the boat, as a dedicated mount.

Runti naturally joined as a fighter and body trainer.

This woman used a mace to hit him on the back with a force that was neither light nor heavy, which could effectively relieve fatigue.

Black Maria, the cook, was responsible for cooking.

Kuina, the maid was responsible for daily life.

Xiaoyu was a mascot.

In this way, a fleet of eight people, including Rocky, set off.

Just when Rocky was thinking about these things, another voice came from behind.

"Hey, brother, where are we going to the first stop? "

Yamato said with a smile while sitting aside, and was also very excited at this time.

For the first time in 24 years, she was leaving Wano Country and traveling around the world.

And all this was because of Rocky. If it weren't for my little brother,

Now she should still be wearing explosive handcuffs on Onigashima, worrying about having enough food every day.

"First stop, let's go to the Golden City!"

Rocky paused, took out a permanent pointer from his hand, handed it to Yamato, and continued to instruct: "You just need to adjust the course of the ship and keep facing the direction indicated by the pointer."

"What kind of place is the Golden City?"

Yamato took the pointer and asked curiously.

"You'll know when you go there."

Rocky smiled mysteriously and sent Yamato away.

"Tsk! "

Yamato glared at Rocky and walked away.

Rocky smiled and began to imagine the excited face of his elder sister when she first arrived at the Golden City.

After all, the Golden City is the world's largest entertainment venue. Compared with the closed-off Wano Country,

the level of prosperity is naturally a world apart.

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