Fist of Imagination

Chapter 143: Remarks on the launch

[Complete version of the acceptance speech]

Hello everyone, I am Du Dingbei, your loyal friend who updates every day.

The following words were originally planned to be delivered at the award ceremony of the Booker Prize for Literature, but considering that I might not win, I will say them now.

By the way, because I was considering that it might not be on the shelves, this review was written when my book "Fist of Utopia" was only nineteen chapters long. I'm glad that it was not in vain.

First, let’s talk about why I wrote this novel.

We don’t talk about big things like writing about preaching and immortal events. My main purpose of writing this novel full-time is to make money. It would be great if I can make money.

However, there are thousands of ways to achieve success, so why choose to write a novel?

And you can write novels while working, so why does it have to be full-time?

After all, when you rush out to write a book, your loved ones will burst into tears, so why not be more cautious?

There are many reasons, the most important one is my limited ability.

Mencius asked Xu Xing's disciple Chen Xiang: "Why doesn't Xu Zixi teach himself? Why doesn't Xu Zi cultivate? Why do he deal with all the workers one after another?"

Chen Xiang said: "There are hundreds of works that can't be done without plowing."

Because personal productivity was limited, Xu Zi, a model of industriousness who worked hard by himself, could only exchange grain for millet.

If Xu Zi is a Zentraedi star technology universal mechanical transformer, then there is no problem in plowing and weaving, plowing and building fortress cannons. Then Mencius can only ask Chen Xiang, why doesn’t Xu Zi cultivate and weave at the same time? I fell in love with my girlfriend (Chen Xiang said: Isn’t it possible for everyone to have a girlfriend?).

Unfortunately, not only am I not a universal mechanical transformation person from Zenith Star Technology, I am not even as good as a primary school student who loves to learn. I have to spend at least ten hours fishing every day. I am a hero among fish fishermen. I fish in the Shichibu Sea. In order to For normal updates, I can only choose full-time coding.

In the past, when I was working as a security guard at the state-owned meat factory on Jiefang Road, I also thought about writing a book while working, absorbing nutrients from work and life, and transforming it into serious literature after get off work, which would bloom every day. It is very exciting to think about it. .

However, things rarely go as one wishes. Since I uploaded my first novel on Qidian 6 or 7 years ago, I have never finished any of my previous novels. Readers have also successively given me the Monthly Girl Du Ting Cup, Du Gou, Jierless JOE, and Du Ding. Stopping updates and waiting for nicknames, Brother Song urged him to write 2.5 million words of daily reasoning at Xiapu High School. I still failed to write a book. Later, I didn’t want to continue working. The Lianghua Project was completely declared bankrupt.

Because I had been defeated many times and had no confidence in myself, when I started writing "Fist of Utopia", I didn't even tell my fair-weather friend Zhuge Zhuge. I just said that I would wait until 200,000 words before writing, which was really hopeless.

Davarisi, it has more than 300,000 words. Please take a look if you have time.

To sum up, limited ability is the first reason why I choose to work full-time.

The second reason is that I feel that writing a book is very free and very equal. It can be said that it is more free than Mr. Itagaki, the most powerful cartoonist on the earth, and more equal than everything in front of the 152mm caliber M10 artillery.

The work I have done is either responsible to the top or to the bottom.

As everyone knows, after I retired from the East China Anti-Alien Rocket Launcher Militia Squad, I have been working in the Second Guard Division of the Jiefang Road Meat Factory. I am almost an ordinary urban soldier king in the urban-rural fringe.

The job of the security guard in the meat joint factory is mainly to be responsible to the superiors, or they may claim to be responsible to the subordinates, but in fact they are responsible to the superiors. Occasionally, they need to be fawning over the superiors. There is a certain degree of hierarchical thinking and bureaucracy in the factory.

I’m not afraid of making people laugh when I say it. When I was working in a meat factory, I was always afraid of the leaders. If I made a mistake in a small thing involving the leaders, I would be in panic all day long. I was like the protagonist in Chekhov’s “The Death of a Civil Servant”. It was very ridiculous. .

In addition, I really have no talent for security work in the meat factory. It would be the same for someone else. One day I was imitating Rocky playing hanging frozen meat in the cold storage and I was very embarrassed after someone discovered it. The next day I stopped going to the liberation. It’s time for lunch at the Lumei Factory.

But writing a book is different.

The four elements of the world, the work, the reader, and the author are equal.

Even in an era when commercial writing has become mainstream, the relationship between authors and readers is more like friends than Party A and Party B. Authors are responsible for the world, readers, works and themselves. They are not only superiors but also do not bully inferiors. They are very happy.

I like this feeling of equality.

Furthermore, reading is a very free and personal thing. Even if two people read the same book together (what are you two doing!), they will get completely different experiences.

After reading it, you don’t have to write down your endlessly high-spirited thoughts, and you don’t have to worry about anyone else’s mood and pretend to like it.

When reading, we don’t have to be defensive, don’t wear a mask, and don’t have to lie to ourselves or others. Our sincere thoughts are exposed, and our inner feelings occur naturally.

If it looks good, it looks good; if it doesn’t look good, it doesn’t look good.

Readers are not reading because of who I am or because I am unusually handsome. [1]

My opinions, my aesthetics, my views on the world, my life... everything is in the book, updated every day, and I meet thousands of people in the early morning or evening.

I love this feeling of freedom.

This kind of equality and freedom makes writing a book feel like running for office.

Readers vote through collections, subscriptions, recommendations, rewards, Amway, etc. If many people support it, they will vote for Fancha, and if no one supports it, they will drink Northwest Wind. It’s simple and clear.

The quality of my work no longer depends on the subjective judgment of individuals. I write my books without being afraid of being timid. I do things that I can approve of. To be honest, it feels great.

Of course, writing books is far less stable than being a security guard in a meat processing factory.

Mr. Lu Xun said: If you are greedy for stability, you will have no freedom. If you want freedom, you must experience some dangers. There are only these two ways.

It took me some time to overcome the fear of having no food one day and leave the stable path.

What do I want to do? Here I borrow a sentence from Mr. Qi Chi Ju Shi: I want to use a three-inch pen tip to write a seven-foot place to stand.

It is difficult to make a living by writing full-time, but I want to work hard and do my best for the hope of a star.

Isn't this wonderful?

There are many people in this world who insist on doing what they like and suddenly succeed.

It's like suddenly reaching the top of a mountain while chasing butterflies.

This is a man's romance.

However, suddenly meeting a butterfly while struggling to climb the mountain, and being reborn when about to burn out, this is also a man's romance.

I think that constantly climbing to the steep place and expecting to meet butterflies is not only romantic, but also has a bit of heroism.

It is the kind of heroism that still loves life after recognizing the truth of life.

To be honest, I have never recognized the truth of life, nor do I love life enough. I am still exploring what true heroism is.

But I want to find something I love to do first, believe in myself who once believed in myself, and believe in my friends who once believed in me.

This thing is writing, writing for money, and writing seriously for money.

I, Du Tingbei, am also 17 years old this year. My campaign slogan is "Keep_Chinese_Magic_Fantasy_Great, exclamation mark". I hope everyone will subscribe to support me so that I can have food to eat, wine to drink, and books to write.

Finally, let's not talk about weird words like meeting is fate, but a weird quote from the king of weird words, Zhu Jiayin, who pinned it on Weibo:

I think friends who read this book have some commonalities. It is good to discuss with each other, and it is normal to have different opinions, but it is too much to be sarcastic or speak ill of each other.

I hope everyone can discuss this in good faith. If you are unhappy, you can all scold the author Du Gou together, and make him cry on the light-colored bed sheets. Isn't it beautiful to be so happy?

Finally, thank you for dreaming with me.

Thank you all.

Du Tingbei

Under the lamp in front of the desk in the small room (fake, the light is not on during the day, I wrote this to show off

September 12, 2019

[Dehydrated version of the remarks on the shelf]

What heroism is not heroism, heroism go!

Serious literature is just a tool for me to make money. I only want to write and make money. Rua!


[1]: If you have any doubts here, please contact my agent 002 if you are a fan of Du. Don't say that you have always respected Mr. Du. Mr. Du is not worthy of respect. You can admire him from afar or play with him. It's very easy. Welcome to play.

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