Fist of Imagination

Chapter 57: Dark Clouds Cover the Sky

"What are you standing there for? Run, stupid dog!"

Bai Hekong tightly grasped Liang De's left hand, and the mechanical bat wings behind him sprayed two bright tail flames. The whole person was like an arrow from a string, desperately pulling Liang De to fly higher.

You are the dog! Why is there no such cool flame jet thruster on my drawing!

Liang De was covered in the face by the wind pressure of high-speed flight, and opened his mouth and said loudly:

"Isn't it more than 300 meters! The body-breaking qi can only fly at low altitude. She can't attack from such a distance!"

Bai Hekong stared at the sapphire dial on her wrist, where the pointer was shaking violently. Just now, the short needle representing the largest unit had turned three times. She had never seen such a strong killing intention fluctuation.

"I don't know either, but the killing intention value is increasing rapidly. It's very dangerous here!"

Being able to detect killing intention fluctuations means that the two of them have not escaped the hunting range of the thrips.

Bai Hekong moved his martial arts spirit, constantly infusing the magical sea into the mechanical bat wings behind him to speed up the upward rush. In a blink of an eye, he flew hundreds of meters, but the reading of the killing compass still did not fall back at all, but continued to rise.

What's going on? The angle between my flight direction and the horizon is 75 degrees, which is not only the vertical distance, but why the killing value has not dropped! The possibility of being killed is getting higher and higher.

It doesn't make sense. We are now more than 5 kilometers away from the thrips. Her body-breaking qi can never attack here. Even Xu Juezi, a third-year student in the Lu School, can't maintain the lethality after the qi range exceeds 5 kilometers. The thrips can't be stronger than Zhao Tianji's head horse!

"Don't fly, it's a waste of internal energy." Liang De didn't think so at first, but the higher he flew, the more he felt creepy for no reason, and goose bumps began to appear on his arms.

Although he didn't know where the death crisis came from, his warrior's spiritual sense was clearly reminding him frantically that his death was approaching!

He held Bai Hekong, and the two of them hovered in the air, looking at the vague black spot on the ground.

"Make all your remaining strange objects and fantasy sea mystical energy into protective gear, and use all your strength to operate the martial arts soul to maintain 360-degree defense.

Release the blockade of the body to let my natural divine power enter. You have also seen my super-speed regeneration. As long as I don't die, you won't lose a hair."

At the critical moment of life and death, Bai Hekong looked at Liang De deeply, then his eyes were blank, his hands drooped weakly, and all his consciousness was used to operate the martial arts soul.

Liang De held her wrist and sensed the resonance with the Golden Snake Hardness and Softness Method. The amber internal energy was input from the Yangchi point on the back of the wrist, and in an instant it covered Bai Hekong's meridians and muscles. The little fantasy sea mystical energy left in the meridians was gathered by Liang De on her back and took over Bai Hekong's mechanical bat wings.

The huge sound of the tide sounded from the void, and Bai Hekong opened the equipment space of Hai Na Huan Zang. Behind the space door, the finished products of strange objects and scattered components piled up into a blue sea of ​​sand.

Under the full control of Bai Hekong's martial arts spirit, countless strange objects poured out from it, forming a huge sea-blue sphere with her and Liang De as the center.

The sea-blue sphere with chaotic parts kept making noisy noises, and various components automatically joined and deformed, like a group of worker ants with different responsibilities gathered together densely, crawling, contacting, exchanging information, and then finding their own positions.

The inner layer of the sea-blue sphere first formed four triangular armors, connected by rivets to form a pyramid-shaped regular tetrahedron, then a layer of spherical rotating offset shield, and then a layer of regular tetrahedron riveted armor... layer by layer, until all the components are used up.

A dark blue pyramid like a skyscraper hovered in the air, waiting for the thrips on the ground to attack.

With a straight-line distance of 5 kilometers, so many layers of armor, plus my super-speed regeneration, it should be stable.

The dark interior of the dark blue pyramid, Liang De saw a light flashing between his fingers. He looked down and saw that the hour and minute hands on Bai Hekong's royal blue watch were turning non-stop. The hour hand turned two or three times in the blink of an eye.

This watch is broken, I can't tell what time it is.

The quality of the products of the Department of Oceanology is still not good. I have to make them myself in the future. I can't buy them for convenience... Tsk tsk, this watch has a red light. You are angry when I say your quality is not good. What? It's a broken watch.

Hey, there are small words on this watch. Let me take a look.

"The road is slow, cloudy and rainy, very bad."

Liang De was a little confused. What is this, a wrist watch for a middle school girl?

On the ground, the compound eye tattoo on the steel blue eyes of the thrips was faintly visible.

She looked at the dark blue pyramid in the sky from a distance, with no joy or sadness on her face. All her consciousness had been invested in the martial arts spirit. The steel-blue true nature that was about to take shape condensed into a rope, rising straight into the sky, crossing the vast sea of ​​​​space, and hooking up the pure white island in the shape of a rain cloud.

Like a pure white ark dropping an anchor rope to connect to the ground, at the end of the steel-blue anchor rope, the thrips stood upright like a pine tree, and her body was like steel and iron, anchoring the connection between the self-nature world and this world of relics.

The thrips raised her right hand, spread out her five fingers, and the steel-blue arc jumped between her fingers.

"The world is unfolding - the sky is covered with dark clouds!"

The projection of the self-nature world was shattered into thousands of fireflies and combined with the steel-blue true nature fragments, turning into dark clouds all over the sky. The ominous steel-blue dark clouds spread out with the sky directly above the thrips as the center. The endless gray clouds replaced the fog above the boundless forest, and the gloomy thunder roared in the clouds.

All the students from the army, navy and air force scattered in the Boundless Forest looked up, their faces uncertain, like the frightened beasts before an earthquake, terrified.

For a moment, all the students who were not in battle started to teleport out of the dungeon, leaving only those fearless strong men standing high and watching.

Under the dark clouds, above the head of the sapphire blue mechanical baleen whale, Shen Shiyu, with a black veil tied on her arm, stood proudly in the wind, her white military uniform rustling, she stroked the white daisy brooch on her chest, whispering to herself:

"The heavy rain will kill you, and you will die like this. Ah Yan should rest in peace."

In the deep blue fantasy sea, the sad whale song gradually drifted away.

Mu Yigui, with a black face, lay lazily on the top of the bookshelf, his hands behind his head, and sighed:

"What's the use of running to the sky? Where does the rain come from? Alas, it seems that there will be no chance to sleep together in the future." He turned over and disappeared in the rolling sandalwood smoke.

Yang Yuhu, the second-year head of the Department of Aeronautics, looked at the dark clouds in the sky and was eager to try. He was about to soar into the sky and head to the center of the dark clouds, but was stopped by someone in mid-air.

“Don’t go. It was the thrips that opened the boundary. No matter how fast you fly, you can’t avoid the rain.”

Yang Yuhu stopped when he heard it, looked at the person who came, and said:

“You first-year students are really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, Ji Can.”

Ji Can, the first-year head of the Department of Aeronautics, wiped his nose with the back of his hand and said:

“It’s about the same. I have claimed to be the first in the first-year combat power for so long, just to try the taste of subduing dragons and tigers, but unfortunately no one has stepped on me to get to the top.

I didn’t expect that my appeal is not as good as that of a new transfer student. When he came, everyone was attracted.”

Yang Yuhu sneered and said : "It's hard and uneconomical to kill a class leader with 200 credits. What's so attractive about it?

You still have five random kills to pass. Don't you want to compete for the admission quota for the graduation trip?"

Ji Can looked at Yang Yuhu as if he was a mentally retarded person. "The name of the Department of Space is Jiang, not Yuan. Yuan Tianren can recommend it, but can't Boss Jiang? I advise you to stay out of the affairs of the Department of Space."

"Are you afraid that I will die?"

"I'm afraid that you will die too easily, and let others think that the class leaders of the Department of Space are all trash." Ji Can no longer pay attention to Yang Yuhu, casually flicked his fingers, and flew away with the reaction force of the air.

Yang Yuhu looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and several times he used his internal energy and dispersed it, but he didn't take off again.


The dense dark clouds fell in all directions, covering the dark blue pyramid where Liang De and Bai Hekong were.

Ji Ma raised his hand and clenched it into a fist.

The next moment, rain fell from the sky, and everything was dim!

The world seemed to be torn into strands of white rain. There was nothing in sight, only the rain curtain that covered everything, which formed a pulsating sea between heaven and earth. This sea of ​​white Qi needles came from the sky, erasing all existence between heaven and earth, and even the ground was shattered and dissolved by the white rain lines that kept falling.

Rain, rain, rain.

More and more rain filled the space, and the dense sound of rain was like the trembling of countless second hands announcing the coming of doomsday.

After only a dozen seconds, the skyscraper-like dark blue pyramid lost nearly 70% of its defense line. Layer after layer of solid armor demonstrated what it means to wear away a stone with water drops at a hundred times the speed. Now the dark blue pyramid floating in the air was only the size of a container.

There were still the last seven layers of armor.

Liang De subconsciously clenched his teeth, and his palm moved slightly, and Bai Hekong's wrist broke free from his hand.

Liang De turned his head to the side. Bai Hekong had finished running the martial arts soul with all his strength and controlled his body himself.

She used her fingertips to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, and breathed a sigh of relief as if she had just finished a marathon.

"Okay, I won't have to worry about killing or being killed anymore."

The girl in the Kansai-collared sailor suit held her navy blue pleated skirt with her hands behind her back, and sat gently on the armored floor, her upper body slightly tilted back, her hands supporting her from behind.

When she leaned back, there seemed to be a crystal star floating in the air from the corner of her eyes. It might be an illusion. Bai Hekong looked up in the dark, and Liang De couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Don't look at me when it rains later."


"Girls are most attractive in three ways: one is a cat, one is a tiger, and one is a dog soaked in the rain. What if you fall in love with me?"

Oh, so you are a dog.

Liang De suppressed this sentence in his throat and lit a mint cigarette in his lungs.

The so-called romance is actually an illusion that goes beyond oneself.

Not breaking this illusion is my romance.

He also sat down like Bai Hekong, looked up, and counted silently in his heart.

Seven, six, five, four, three, two...

Not long after, the last layer of dark blue armor was broken.

The rain came.

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