Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 107 The Use of Mujiao Silk

Mingxiu squatted on the ground and looked at the piles of mujiao silk.

Every day, the mujiao silk that the junior brother pulled out was in a separate pile. The number was relatively small at first, but after a few days, the number surged. Especially in the past two days, the junior brother has consumed two silkworm cocoons a day. The amount of silk that can be extracted from two silkworm cocoons is quite astonishing.

I hadn't felt it before, but Mingxiu was shocked when he saw piles of silk.

Two cocoons a day, what intensity is this? How did the junior brother accomplish it?

She hadn't thought about it carefully before, but now she realized that this was an extremely terrifying thing. It shows that the speed of the junior brother's spinning is very fast. Only in this way can it be possible to consume two cocoons every day.

Could it be that my junior brother is born in the year of silkworm?

Even the mussel silkworms don't spin silk so fast.

But soon, Mingxiu noticed another difference. Each pile of silk had a slightly different color. The longer the date is apart, the greater the color difference. The shorter the date interval is, the closer the color is. Changes within three days are almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

Junior brother is indeed trying something!

The pile of silk that changed colors in front of him confirmed Mingxiu's guess.

Mingxiu carefully picked up a piece of mucus silk and observed it carefully. Shopkeeper Li came today and made her realize that something was wrong. Shopkeeper Li is a shrewd person. He always budgets carefully for anything he buys on weekdays, and buys as little as possible. This was the first time she had encountered an all-inclusive situation like today.

Unless...unless shopkeeper Li feels that he is taking advantage.

Mingxiu's heart moved. Mujiao silk was not very useful, and because it was very thin, it required a very high length. A shorter silk would be useless.

Any good embroiderer needs to be very proficient in materials. The use of materials in embroidery is very particular and delicate. Any change will cause a huge change in the quality of the fabric.

Mingxiu usually didn't pay attention, but now she looked carefully. Not long after, she suddenly let out a startled cry.

Ai Hui didn't know that Senior Sister Mingxiu was inspecting the silk he had pulled out, and that he was practicing wholeheartedly. Compared with before, his current cultivation has undergone great changes.

At the beginning, he followed the instructions of his master and mistress and used his energy at the slowest speed to extract silk.

But as he continued to practice, he experienced more and more and made many new discoveries.

During the discussion with his teacher, Ai Hui knew that although his teacher had rich theoretical knowledge, he had basically zero practical experience. For cultivation, especially in many details, the teacher's inexperience will be exposed.

Moreover, Ai Hui's situation was also very unique. Even Wang Shouchuan encountered it for the first time.

The principles are explained very clearly, but the details are very sketchy. This is a common problem among teachers.

Ai Hui's cultivation experience is far from rich, but groping is commonplace for him. After chewing on the principles explained by the teacher and having several special discussions with the teacher, Ai Hui already had some ideas about the situation in his body. He discovered an interesting phenomenon. The feeling in the palace of both hands does not become stronger as the Yuanli slows down. .

During his practice, he constantly adjusted the speed of Yuanli's movement and compared the strength of stimulation in his hands.

When the feeling in the palace of both hands is strongest, he found the optimal speed for the movement of Yuanli.

The optimal speed is much faster than the slowest speed of Ai Hui's Yuanli.

Ai Hui is now very skilled at drawing silk. His energy is like a sword. He can spirally infuse the silk into the silk at the optimal speed and keep the silk flowing.

Just when he fantasized about being able to pull out ten meters of silk a day, reality soon gave him a fatal blow.

The optimized spinning is much faster, but when the energy passes through the palace of both hands, it stimulates the palace of both hands most strongly, so much so that Ai Hui's palace of both hands will tremble obviously. This directly caused the mujiao silk extracted by Ai Hui to break, which is why the silk extracted by Ai Hui was only one meter.

That's...a lot of money!

Ai Hui burst into tears and gritted his teeth to continue practicing.

He can only make money later, so he can only comfort himself.

Although the loss was huge, what made him happy was that his cultivation efficiency had greatly increased.

The optimal speed is much faster than before, but compared with the speed of Yuanli's operation during battle, it is still much slower, and it does not cause an obvious sense of load on his body.

This meant that he could practice at high intensity for a long time, and Ai Hui improved by leaps and bounds.

Ai Hui could clearly feel the existence of the palaces in his hands. When the energy flowed through his palms, his palaces in his hands not only trembled slightly, but also became obviously hot.

Nothing inspired him more.

It is undoubtedly the happiest thing to truly feel my progress.

At the beginning of today, Ai Hui felt something unusual in the palace of his hands. When Yuanli passed through his palms, the feeling of trembling in his hands was stronger than usual, and his palms were as hot as a soldering iron.

Ai Hui's nerves were extremely tense, and he had a strong feeling that a breakthrough was likely to occur today.

But he was not disturbed, and he continued to draw silk in an orderly manner as usual.

In his understanding, breakthrough is always a matter of course.

The looming eyes in the steaming mist were as calm as water.

When Mingxiu left and returned, shopkeeper Li had a wry smile on his face. He knew that this time the trick was revealed. He usually thought Mingxiu was gentle and gentle, but he didn't expect her to be so smart.

Mingxiu looked at Shopkeeper Li with a smile.

Shopkeeper Li cupped his hands and smiled bitterly: "It's really hard to escape Miss Mingxiu's eyes."

He was a little disinterested and came excitedly with the idea of ​​taking advantage. Now it seems that he can't take advantage of anything.

"Shopkeeper Li is serious." Mingxiu put away the smile on her face, her voice remained gentle, but the look on her face became serious: "Jade Embroidery Shop only focuses on embroidery and has no interest in other businesses. Shopkeeper Li can find this thing The new purpose is due to strength. But this latex glue silk was made by junior brother Mingxiu, and Mingxiu can't let junior brother suffer. Shopkeeper Li also hopes that it is not a one-time deal. It is better to cooperate, so that there can be a stable supply of materials, and shopkeeper Li can continue to produce Isn’t it wonderful that everyone can make more money from arrows?”

Shopkeeper Li was greatly impressed: "Miss Mingxiu is really grand, I admire you! Your junior brother is really powerful. The mujiao silk you make is like steel wire, and it is extremely sharp. Infused with Yuanli, it can penetrate iron and stone. I will take some ebony vines as thick as my thumb and use it. The arrows are soaked in oil, mixed with mussel silk and golden thread grass, and twisted and braided. They can penetrate three inches of rear plate armor from a distance of five hundred paces."

He stated the methods and uses without hiding anything, and he also meant to show his sincerity. As long as the other party notices the unusualness of mujiao silk, they can quickly find a way to use it.

Mingxiu's beautiful eyes flashed when she heard this. Of course she knew what it meant: "How much does this arrow cost?"

"One hundred pieces of mujiao silk were used to make ten arrows. Thirty thousand arrows were purchased by a regular customer." Shopkeeper Li said proudly.

Mingxiu nodded: "In that case, I will make the decision for my junior brother and use mujiao silk as a shareholding, accounting for 30% of the profit. What does shopkeeper Li think?"

Shopkeeper Li was a little surprised: "Seriously?"

Among these materials, the most critical was Mujiao silk. He was already prepared for the other party to take half of the profit, but he did not expect that the other party only asked for 30% of the profit.

Mingxiu smiled slightly, like a spring breeze blowing on her face, and was about to speak.

There was a loud bang and the ground shook.

Mingxiu's expression changed and she didn't care to speak. She rose into the air and rushed towards the workshop.

Junior brother!

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