Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 123 Zhou Xiaoxi’s Decision

Ai Hui was shocked by the scene in front of him. He opened his mouth wide and was stunned. ♦Not only him, but the entire team was shocked by the [Blue and White] at Duanmu Dusk.

Duanmu Dusk suddenly emerged, and it only took a few months for it to emerge. The only impression everyone has of him is probably that he is a very talented genius. Research on him and attention to his unique knowledge are pitiful. Later, Dai Gang accepted him as a closed disciple, which deepened everyone's impression.

When the painting-like [Blue and White] was displayed in front of everyone, the shock and impact it brought caused the team to briefly lose consciousness.

Only then did people suddenly remember that Duanmu Huang's combat effectiveness in the entire induction field was ranked seventeenth.

Not only does he have amazing talent, he also has great strength.

The fat man's eyes were straight as he muttered: "It's over, it's over, if I don't get the money back, how could Ah Hui lend money to such a powerful guy... bad debt, such a big bad debt..."

Duanmu's eyes flashed with this faint green light at dusk, just like strolling in a garden, blooming flowers every step of the way. Green flowers are flying in the sky, the slender figure is elegant and picturesque, the flawless face is filled with self-confidence, and the movements are so calm and composed.

The girls' eyes instantly fell and became infatuated.

After a brief shock, Ai Hui regained his composure and shouted: "This way!"

The outbreak of Duanmuhuang greatly boosted everyone's morale and pulled everyone out of panic. The students who discovered that the team was strong gradually calmed down. Emphasizing practical combat is the tradition of Wuxingtian, and students from the old areas are a little worse. However, students from Wuxingtian locals will accept some concepts of practical combat due to the education and training they received at home since childhood.

When they calmed down, their strength gradually began to show.

Many female students began to take the initiative, and the situation gradually became stable.

Duanmuhuang's pressure was quickly relieved. He glanced at Ai Hui beside him and was secretly surprised. From the beginning to now, Ai Hui didn't hesitate for a moment along the way. There were vast jungles everywhere without any markings. How did he do it?

Duanmu even had the illusion that Ai Hui had been to this jungle many times.

But soon, Duanmu Huang had no time to pay attention to Ai Hui, and he began to feel pressure. They ran for at least a hundred miles, but the number of wild beasts attacking them along the way not only did not decrease at all, but actually increased.

These beasts are not big in size, and their bodies are all a strange dark red color. They are very manic and have no regard for life or death. These symptoms are like being poisoned by blood.

Even an elite like Zhou Xiaoxi felt horrified at this moment. These beasts not only attack them, but are also extremely bloodthirsty. They even plunder and devour the flesh and blood of the corpses of their own kind.

The mist tore apart the minced beast meat. Before it even hit the ground, countless beasts pounced on it, biting and fighting for it.

The blood and minced meat scattered on the ground will be drowned by countless insects emerging from the ground and rushing out of the grass, frantically snatching them away as if they were the ultimate delicacy. Zhou Xiaoxi boasts that he has seen countless big scenes, and he thinks that he can handle any cruel scene calmly.

But everything that happened today made him feel scared inside.

Along the way, he tried to call for help three times without success.

Zhou Xiaoxi has a very keen sense of distance. They have traveled about 150 miles and still have not left the poisoned area.

How far has this weird blood poison spread? It’s not like the entire Wansheng Garden has been...

He shuddered and did not dare to think further.

But if the entire Wansheng Garden is really spread by this unknown blood poison, he must make a decision. His eyes swept over the students. After more than an hour of fighting, the students' faces began to look tired, and their morale began to decline.

You absolutely can’t get out like this!

He suddenly shouted: "Ai Hui, find a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

He knew that Ai Hui would definitely understand what he meant.

Ai Hui glanced at him, said nothing, and took the lead in running wildly.

He understood Zhou Xiaoxi's plan, and he had to admit that it was the best choice. At their current speed, it would be impossible to break out of the Wansheng Garden. Instructor Zhou has cloud wings and can fly back to ask for help. In addition, the time it takes for the support team to fly to them is much less than the time it takes them to leave the Wansheng Garden.

As long as they find a position with suitable terrain that is conducive to defense, the pressure on them will be much less and they can sustain it for a much longer time.

He remembered that there were several large exposed rocks not far away. If they could be used, they would be a good defensive position.

Duanmu Huang was a little surprised. He didn't know why Instructor Zhou trusted Ai Hui so much, even though Ai Hui's strength was very low.

He suddenly remembered that on the first day after entering Wansheng Garden, Instructor Zhou asked Ai Hui to be on guard.

Duanmu Huang discovered at this time that he knew very little about this mortal enemy.

No, nothing.

He observed Ai Hui carefully in secret and immediately discovered many unusual things. For example, Ai Hui rarely walked in a straight line. For example, when Ai Hui was running wildly, his body was slightly bent, like a cheetah, while the grass sword was dragged upside down by his side, making a small pendulum swing.

Duanmuhuang was a very smart man. He just didn't pay attention before, but now he noticed it and immediately understood the benefits of this.

If in danger, the grass sword can be activated at any time.

This really not simple!

Duanmuhuang was secretly shocked. He felt a little dissatisfied that he had only discovered these anomalies now.

When Zhou Xiaoxi saw the rocks in the distance, she was overjoyed and couldn't help but glance at Ai Hui. It's a pity that he is not a water-type person, so he would have to recruit Ai Hui into the Beihai Department no matter what. Although Ai Hui's absolute level was not high, Ai Hui's level of performance from the moment he entered Wansheng Garden surprised him.

Ai Hui was the first person to discover the abnormality, earlier than himself. I am an elite member of Beihai, but I am not as alert as a student. I feel a little ashamed.

This is also a talent.

Qualification is a kind of talent. Knowing how to fight and deal with complex situations also requires talent.

A group of rocks composed of a pile of black market rocks six to seven meters high is the best defensive position they can choose now.

The students who had reached their limit almost rolled and crawled into the rocks.

Zhou Xiaoxi and Xu Fuzi and Cui Xianzi worked together to stand at the highest positions among the rocks, condescendingly blocking the tide of wild beasts.

The students finally got a chance to breathe and lay on the ground.

"I'm going to ask for help. You guys hold on here!" Zhou Xiaoxi shouted to Master Xu and the others.

Master Xu nodded without hesitation: "Okay!"

Fairy Cui said with concern: "Pay attention to safety!"

"You must hold on!" He said as he threw all the dry food and medicine he had on him to Cui Xianzi.

Zhou Xiaoxi stared deeply at Fairy Cui for two seconds, as if she wanted to keep this beautiful figure firmly in her heart. He didn't know why he did this. Was it because of the uneasiness in his heart?

How I wish the world would still be like yesterday...

When he turned around, his eyes were determined.

He rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

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ps: It will be on the shelves tomorrow!

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