Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 130 Flash

Ai Hui didn't know that someone in the distance was secretly observing him. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

At this moment, he looked focused and focused on the grass sword in his hand.

He never imagined that one day he would be able to experience the world from the perspective of a "sword". He felt as if he was possessed by the grass sword. He felt that the grass sword in his hand was not a mortal thing, but like a living thing.

If this straw sword hadn't been bought in Shopkeeper Li's shop, Ai Hui would have thought that the straw sword in his hand was a magical weapon whose pearls were covered with dust.

When he was watching the sword canon at the sword cultivation dojo, he was very fascinated when he saw the descriptions of sword souls in the sword canon. Of course, that was just a legend. Now even sword cultivators have disappeared. No one has ever seen the sword soul, sword spirit, sword soul, etc.

Ai Hui just regarded this as a story.

The descriptions of ancient cultivators are bizarre enough, but when it comes to sword cultivators, the descriptions are even more exaggerated. It seems that a sword cannot break the sun and the moon, and I am too embarrassed to come out and say hello to everyone.

Ai Hui was shocked at first, but after seeing too much, he became numb. Yes, yes, today you destroy the sun, tomorrow you crush the moon, and the day after tomorrow you can only crush the stars. What, you said there are too many stars?

After seeing it too much, I am not surprised and don’t take it seriously.

But today, Ai Hui felt that the grass sword in his hand seemed to be alive. This feeling is not strong, but extremely clear.

Is the sword really alive?

Ai Hui was confused.

Swords have spirits, basically every sword book will say this once. It is said that when a sword is cast into shape, it will be endowed with a hint of spirituality. Sword spirits can be strong or weak, and some swords are more magical and can grow with the growth of their master and evolve into sword souls and sword souls.

Every sword manual said this, and Ai Hui felt that it was not nonsense. It might actually be the case in the era of cultivation. But now times have long been different, spiritual power has disappeared, replaced by Yuan Power, and swordsmanship has disappeared. What other sword spirits are there?

Ai Hui suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart and simply drew his sword.

Ai Hui has read countless sword classics, and his understanding of swordsmanship is second to none. His sword-drawing movements are very standard. Meticulous and passionate.

When the seeds of the sword embryo had just been planted, the only one Ai Hui could turn to was the sword canon. The more advanced the sword canon, the less practical value it has, but the more superficial and low-level sword canon. It could help him at that time.

However, the feeling of drawing the sword this time is completely different. Usually when I wield the grass sword, I feel very relaxed.

But today, the feeling when he stabbed the grass sword was not relaxed at all.

Ai Hui felt like he had turned into the grass sword in his hand, wrapped in the omnipresent air. Ai Hui was extremely unaccustomed to the ubiquitous feeling of stagnation. He felt like he was trapped in water, with pressure coming from all directions. It was okay when the sword didn't move, but when the sword thrust out, the pressure immediately increased sharply, making him a little breathless.

He knew this was his delusion. But the feeling is very strong.

The speed of stabbing the sword was slightly faster, and Ai Hui felt his body hit the oncoming huge wave, and the sword body was trembling.

Each sword became extremely heavy, and Ai Hui had to increase his strength. The muscles all over his body are bulging, the copper skin and muscles are like tough and powerful belts, and the grass sword in his hand is like a huge and heavy flywheel.

The sword became heavier and heavier, the resistance of the air became greater and greater, and Ai Hui's sword became slower and slower.

Under the torrent of sweat, the muscles all over Ai Hui's body exploded with astonishing strength. Suddenly, the tip of his sword seemed to pierce through the invisible barrier.

Ai Hui's body shook, and the grass sword in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling light. Even the most brutal sunlight at noon could not take away the brilliance of this sword.

The sudden burst of light made Ai Hui's eyes completely white. He couldn't see anything, and he could only feel the light of the grass sword in his hand.

Then there was a loud bang!

The ground shook, and Ai Hui didn't have time to react. The whole person was blown away by the air wave.

The strong impact made Ai Hui's mind go blank and his ears were buzzing. He didn't know how long it took before Fatty's anxious voice seemed to come from a distance: "...Ah Hui... Ah Hui, are you okay! How are you doing?" Sample?"

The erratic voice gradually became clearer, and Ai Hui's dilated pupils regained focus little by little.

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief: "Ah Hui, don't scare people, okay? Are you cultivating? You are committing suicide! I thought you were peaceful now, but I didn't expect you were still so cruel. No, you are even more cruel than before. I thought It doesn’t make sense, I’m living a good life, but it’s me who owes money, not you…”

The fat man's chattering gave Ai Hui the illusion of returning to the wilderness.

The whole body is numb. This is due to the strong impact caused by the qi and blood being blocked. It will recover after a while. After more than ten seconds, he finally regained his mobility and struggled to sit up.

My head was still a little dizzy, and I spat out a mouth full of dirt.

What happened just now?

Ai Hui's eyes fell on the place where he was standing just now, and his whole body was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

A large pit with a diameter of about six meters and a depth of three meters is so shocking.

Duanmu stared blankly at the big pit in the evening. The figures and noisy sounds passing by him couldn't bring him back to normal.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Is there a wild beast coming?"

"Didn't you say it's absolutely safe here?"

"God...what just happened here?"

All the students were alarmed by such a loud movement and ran out of the room. They are all frightened birds, and they will overreact to the slightest disturbance, let alone the turbulence just now.

The surrounding guards all heard the sound and came over.

"What a big pit!"

"What's going on? Was there a wild beast attack just now?"

"Has anyone seen what just happened?" A guy who looked like a leader turned around and asked the surrounding guards.

"I..." the guard who showed Ai Hui the way stammered.

"What's going on?" the guard leader asked in a deep voice.

The guard swallowed hard: "There were students practicing just now, but the result..."

"Students practice?" The guard leader looked suspicious. He glanced at the big hole on the ground: "You mean, such a big hole was created by the students' practice?"

Everyone else was full of disbelief. With the strength of the students, how could it be possible to blow up such a big hole?

"He is telling the truth." Duanmu Huang suddenly spoke. He couldn't help but look at Ai Hui, who had a confused face, and his heart still couldn't calm down.

Only now did he realize how wrong he was and how ridiculous his contempt for Ai Hui was.

He knew why the guard leader didn't believe it, and he wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. His [Blue and White] is unpredictable and lethal, but if he wants to blow such a big hole, he needs to do his best.

In an explosion like this, the most important test is not the skill, but the depth of Yuanli.

Even the most violent fire energy requires at least the fourth palace to be activated to cause such an explosion. Students with other attributes need at least the Sixth House to achieve the same effect.

However, Ai Hui is not a fire elemental force, but a gold elemental force without explosive properties!

Ai Hui's strength is only two palaces.

Duanmuhuang felt a little unbelievable to have opened two palaces in such a short period of time. He wouldn't be surprised at all if it happened to him, but if it happened to Ai Hui, he knew exactly how bad Ai Hui's qualifications were.

Although he was very shocked, Duanmu Huang could still accept it. After all, in terms of cultivation, Yuan Xiu with poor qualifications also has the same situation where his progress suddenly skyrockets.

But this scene before me...

Completely subverting Duanmu Huang's understanding.

The guard leader knows Duanmu Huanghuang. After all, Duanmu Huanghuang is the only person in this group of people who needs special attention. He nodded towards Duanmu Huang. He knew what his men said was true, but he was extremely curious.

Could it be...are there any geniuses among this group of people?

He slowly walked towards Ai Hui alone. When passing by a large pit, he stopped and observed, and he could roughly determine how violent the attack on the ground was.

His expression became serious. If such a blow hit him, he would have no chance of surviving.

"Little brother, what do you call me?" the guard leader said in a kind tone.

Ai Hui had completely regained his composure at this time, and there was a faint flash of light in his eyes. He just wanted to be able to practice immediately, and he noticed the changes in his body.

"My name is Ai Hui." Ai Hui spoke quickly: "Can you lend me a sword?"

His sawgrass sword had been completely destroyed just now, and only the hilt was left in his hand, but at this time he couldn't care less about his heartache, and he was filled with thoughts that made him impatient.

The leader was stunned for a moment, but immediately responded: "No problem!"

He turned around and shouted: "Whoever has a sword, throw it over here!"

A guard quickly brought his sword over. The leader of the guard grabbed it and stuffed it into Ai Hui's hand. He said in a friendly tone, "Brother Ai Hui, use it as you like. Everyone else should stay away."

He has rich experience, and you can tell at a glance that Ai Hui must have understood something at this time. At times like this, it is most taboo to be disturbed by others. Inspiration is hard to come by and hard to come by. No one knows when inspiration will come next.

Ai Hui expressed gratitude to the guard leader: "Thank you, brother!"

There was silence all around, and everyone's face was full of curiosity. They didn't see the ground shaking just now, but now it looked like Ai Hui was about to start over again, and no one was willing to leave.

Ai Hui didn't care so much. In full view of everyone, he took the sword and assumed the same posture as before.

Duanmuhuang's eyes widened. He clearly remembered this action just now. Could it be that Ai Hui wanted to repeat the blow just now? He immediately braced himself for fear of missing a detail.

He only saw an extremely dazzling light just now. The light was so dazzling that it engulfed Ai Hui's figure.

Then the earth shook.

This time I must see clearly, what kind of move can make a student from the Two Palaces explode with such amazing power?

Not only Duanmu Dusk, but everyone present could not help but hold their breath and open their eyes wide. (~^~)

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