Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 143 Losing Money

Shi Xueman was a little surprised to see Ai Hui. ∽♦∽♦,

Why do I meet this guy every time I come to a noodle shop?

She didn't show any abnormality and just found a seat to sit down. Sang Zhijun sat down next to her.

Sang Zhijun had never eaten in a small shop like this before, so she was full of curiosity, but the aroma permeating the air made her index fingers move. Moreover, the two male students not far away were making too much noise when eating.

The cups and plates in front of the two of them were in a mess, and the empty bowls were piled high. Seeing this, Sang Zhijun secretly sighed, these two boys are really good at eating. She rarely saw boys eating like this. Around her, every boy behaved gracefully and elegantly while eating.

It was a bit of a novel experience for her.

What surprised her most was Shi Xueman. The goddess didn't seem like someone who would come to such a small shop. Shi Xueman is not only a goddess in the minds of boys, but also a goddess in the minds of many girls.

Shi Xueman noticed Sang Zhijun's gaze and roughly guessed what his companion was thinking. He didn't explain, but just smiled at her.

The two people who were eating like crazy didn't even notice the presence of other guests.

The fat man finally got out of the delicious noodles: "It's so good, this is life. Ah Hui, how did you find this store? It's really amazing. Ah Hui, I've decided!"

With the last sentence, the fat man raised his voice, startling Shi Xueman and Sang Zhijun.

Ai Hui didn't react at all and continued to eat noodles without raising his head: "Have you decided to pay back the money?"

The fat man said: "No, I decided to hang out with you from now on. I checked and found that in the second year of the induction field, there is an opportunity to apply for a change of hospital. Of course, the receiving branch only needs to agree. Just keep practicing like I do. Your branch isn’t eagerly waiting for me to come over?”

"Pay the debt first." Ai Hui couldn't hear any emotion or anger, and concentrated on eating noodles, as if all the passion he had in talking just now was consumed by distracting the fat man's attention.

The fat man glared angrily: "Why are you so realistic now?"

"Do you mean you don't plan to pay back the money?" Ai Hui replied without raising his head. He didn't want to be a fat man at all.

"Repay..." Fatty still didn't dare to say no. He rolled his eyes and decided to change the topic: "Ah Hui, when do you think this blood poison will end?"

When Shi Xueman saw Ai Hui when she came in, she didn't think about debts or looking for someone. But the message tree. She couldn't find the origin of that ancient message tree.

This surprised her. How could such an ancient message tree not be registered? And she saw with her own eyes that the message tree was very healthy. No lesions developed.

The blood poison suddenly broke out, and all these things were forgotten by her. Only when she saw Ai Hui did she suddenly think of the message tree.

Because of this news tree, she specifically used her family's power to investigate the Bingfeng Dojo. Except in the mission hall of Songjian City, you can find the commission from Bingfeng Dojo, but the name of the owner of the dojo is very unfamiliar, Heng Bingfeng.

Apart from that, she couldn't find any other news. No matter that message tree. Neither Bingfeng Dojo nor Hengbingfeng left any traces in other places.

She also asked her grandfather, but he had never heard of this person.

Seeing Ai Hui, she couldn't help but think of this incident.

When she heard the conversation between the two, her attention was immediately attracted. Sang Zhijun had a disapproving expression on her face. She had seen too many boys who liked to talk too much.

Just at this moment, the noodles came out. Shi Xueman lowered his head to eat the noodles, but his ears stood up. She really wanted to hear what Ai Hui would say, although this guy was a bit weak. But he is bold and careful, and he is a very insightful person.

"It's over?" Ai Hui paused with his chopsticks: "It won't end so soon."

The fat man, who was just chatting for a while, didn't expect to get an answer he didn't expect from Ai Hui. He was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously: "Why? It's just blood poison. How can you think of such a large induction field?" Can you find a way?"

Fatty is very confident in the induction field. Not only him, almost everyone has confidence in the induction field. The induction field is a closed place. There are no complicated factional struggles. Everyone is united. powerful.

The most important thing is strong strength. Because the induction field is isolated from the world and there is no mess, many masters and prestigious people choose the induction field as their place of retreat.

In addition, there are also masters who study all kinds of weird and weird things. There are countless schools, various novel theories, and countless masters with profound knowledge.

How could a mere blood poison defeat the induction field?

Fatty didn't quite believe it. If it were anyone else, he would definitely sneer at it, but it was Ai Hui who said this. Although he was still mumbling, he already believed it in his heart.

"I don't know." Ai Hui didn't even raise his head and continued to eat noodles, saying vaguely: "I just have a feeling that the person coming is evil and menacing."

"The one who comes is evil and is coming with force..." The fat man chewed on these eight words, and felt more and more the sinister meaning coming towards him.

Those who come are evil and menacing...

Shi Xueman is also chewing on these eight words.

She originally thought that the two of them were exaggerating, but when Sang Zhijun heard Ai Hui's words that could not be called a reason, she felt even more that this person was just alarmist.

Girls are a little scared about blood poison and so on.

Sang Zhijun didn't want to hear the two of them talking about this heavy topic again, but she couldn't take the initiative to ask. As soon as her mind moved, she took the initiative to speak: "Thanks to Xueman this time, if it weren't for Xueman's 20 million, Zhijun This time we really have to pass by.”

Shi Xueman, who was deep in thought, came back to his senses and said with a smile: "It's just a little effort, Zhijun, don't take it too seriously."

"I really didn't expect that Songjian City could buy such good arrows." Sang Zhijun showed a hint of excitement on his face: "It's just that the name of this arrow is a bit strange, Rabbit Hair Arrow, what a strange name. I have long heard that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the induction field, and there are also good craftsmen in this small place. This visit is so worth it."

"Yes, this is also Zhijun's luck." Shi Xueman was also happy for Sang Zhijun. Not every family is like our own family, investing in themselves regardless of the cost.

Unless someone like Shi Xueman is almost certain to be the third generation successor, there are strict rules for the investment of any young member of the family. The older the family, the stricter the rules.

If you want to get more, you need to earn your own living.

In those families with many children, graduating from the induction field means that the competition has just begun. With relatively equal investment, who can win the competition? Such talent is crucial to the continuation of the family.

Even if he doesn't covet the position of heir at all. But rights and obligations are always equal, and family investment is never unconditional. Obeying the needs of the family is also the consciousness of the children of these aristocratic families.

Such as marriage.

They are like metal rings, and the family spends a lot of resources and money. Polish them to shine and weave them into a gorgeous web of interests, each of them a link on it.

However, if you want to break free from the shackles of the family, there is no other way. You just need to let the family see more benefits.

A girl like Sang Zhijun. If she doesn't want to obey the marriage arranged by her family, she needs to work harder to prove her worth. If she holds a high position and becomes a leader, she will be able to bring benefits to the family far beyond her marriage income. Those smart clan elders will not make fools on such an issue.

This road is destined to be more difficult.

Smart children from aristocratic families will never give up their efforts, they will be more self-reliant, harder working, and they will do everything possible to show their talents and abilities. They know their freedom. It all comes from this.

How many people who have reached the top act recklessly?

Even if you can't reach the top, it's good to breathe freely and take one more breath.

Sang Zhijun, who is about to graduate, faces such a problem, which is why she is so happy. Two hundred rabbit hair arrows, when she goes to the front line, there is not much fighting, she can use it for about two years.

Even if she joins a wild hunting group, two hundred rabbit hair arrows can still be of great use.

Shi Xueman saw this. She felt that Sang Zhijun was a smart girl who knew how to start preparing now. Compared to the precociousness of the girls, the boys accompanying them were surprisingly simple.

"That's 30 million. I feel a little heartbroken." Sang Zhijun said with a bitter face. The family would never pay her 30 million.

"I'm not in a hurry." Shi Xueman said softly.

Sang Zhijun smiled: "Yes, Zhijun likes to save money. Saving a lot of money makes me so happy. It's the first time I spend so much, and it hurts a little."

Shi Xueman was a little surprised. A little girl who likes to save money was able to buy 30 million rabbit hair arrows without hesitation when she discovered them. This kind of courage and determination is not simple.

Rabbit hair arrow...

Ai Hui couldn't help but froze when he heard these three words, but he soon became happy after hearing them. Of course he was happy to hear others praise his arrows, even though he only provided the silk for the arrows.


thirty million!

This girl bought 30 million rabbit hair arrows!

Ai Hui's eyes suddenly widened and he wanted to rush to Lao Li immediately. Thirty million rabbit hair arrows, this is a real rich man.

The fat man heard the two talking and looked up. He was dumbfounded and said blankly: "Ah... Ah Hui, so beautiful!"


Ai Hui, who was full of money, looked up and said, "Which one are you talking about?"

"They are all beautiful." The fat man's eyes shone.

Ai Hui slapped the fat man on the back of his head: "Those who give money are beautiful, do you understand?"

Who praised Tuhao just now? Who praises who is beautiful?

No, who just bought 30 million rabbit hair arrows? Whoever buys it is beautiful!

The fat man glared at Ai Hui: "Are you just bullying me for not having money?"

"That's right!" Ai Hui nodded affirmatively: "If you have the ability, can you take out the money?"

The fat man shrank.

Ai Hui said earnestly: "Fat man, money is the way to go. If you don't have money, you can't even afford beef noodles. Last time, there was a noodle shop girl who didn't bring money to eat, so I paid for it. Let me tell you, Fat man, from now on If you encounter a woman who doesn’t bring money for dinner, you must stay away.”

"Why?" The fat man looked puzzled.

"That's a money-losing thing, you know? If you want to help her pay, you're dead." Ai Hui said sadly: "I paid 150 yuan for a ride, but ended up paying 80 million yuan. This is not a money-losing thing." What is the goods?”

"Eighty million..." The fat man's eyes widened. The number was too big and he couldn't react.

Sang Zhijun noticed that something was not right with Shi Xueman and couldn't help but asked with concern: "Xueman, what's wrong with you? You don't look good? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" (To be continued.)

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