Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 146 Drawing the Sword

The rich darkness of night became its best cover.

The wings spread out to more than one meter, and the black body of a small dog is dotted with dark red markings, like lava about to cool under black rocks, almost undetectable in the black night.

With his eyes closed, indescribably calm, the ripples it released enveloped the entire place.

Its target is the human being who exudes unique fluctuations, and it senses a dangerous aura in him. Its underdeveloped intelligence is not enough for it to understand why, perhaps it is the instinct to kill, but its body, which is dozens of times stronger than before, still completely follows this instinct.

The unique flying method is like the migration of whales in the deep sea, silently.

The target wants to escape, which is a common thing for it.

The speed of the dive was very fast, and the two sides quickly got closer. When it was halfway through the flight, its speed suddenly increased, and its closed eyes opened. Its bright red eyes were like red-hot irons, its expression became ferocious, and its sharp white teeth made a hissing sound.

Suddenly, the target below stopped and turned to face it.

Escape is futile, but resisting is even more stupid. It feels the blood in its body is burning, and its bloodthirsty killing intent makes it even more excited.

It continues to accelerate.

Ai Hui focused his attention on the blood bat. Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still frightened by the speed of the blood bat.

So fast!

The blood bat's blood eyes drew a strange red light trail in the air. But the speed was so fast that Ai Hui's naked eyes could not keep up with the blood bat's speed.

What's even more terrifying is. It makes very little noise. There was only a tiny hissing sound, like a poisonous snake spitting a message.

This overturned Ai Hui's knowledge. The faster other flying wild beasts fly, the louder the wind noise will be. The same is true for arrows. The more powerful the arrow, the louder the wind is.

But the swooping blood bats made so little noise.

What's even worse is. It's still accelerating!


Ai Hui had the urge to turn around and run away. He felt that his previous thoughts were really naive. With such a fast speed, how could those two girls keep up with such a terrifying speed?

He forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart. At this time, there was no possibility of survival if he escaped. How can one with two legs outrun one with wings?

What's more, the speed of this beast is faster than any arrow he has ever seen!

Knowing that he couldn't run away, Ai Hui calmed down, just like when he knew he had no choice before, he immediately gave up all the messy thoughts.

He held the hilt of the sword.

The hilt of the Dragon's Back Fire sword felt very hard, and he wrapped the rope around it himself. I have been in the embroidery workshop for so long. He can still do small things like wrapping a rope around his sword hilt.

The hilt of the sword, wrapped with rope, fits the hand perfectly.

I don't know why, but when Ai Hui focused on his sword, his heart suddenly calmed down.

He even thought that it was no wonder that many sword manuals discussed how sword cultivators should treat their flying swords. There are some sword manuals. They also ask sword cultivators to refine their own flying swords. The whole process cannot be left to others.

After refining the flying sword, the sword cultivator will begin a long period of warming up.

Other cultivators' magic weapons will be replaced frequently, but sword cultivators' flying swords will not. The vast majority of sword cultivators will never own more than one flying sword in their lifetime. It is not uncommon for those sword cultivators who never change swords in their lives and develop Fan Tiewen into a magic weapon.

Ai Hui found that his mind was still wandering at this time, and he felt incredible.

He no longer had any tension or fear, as if all the crises were suddenly lifted.

Holding the sword, he felt the touch from the hilt. His mind was calm, and the restless sword embryo between his brows suddenly became calm and powerful. The scattered thoughts gathered along the sword.

Ai Hui felt neither sadness nor joy in his heart. He bent his back knees slightly, lowered his waist a little, bent his elbows and put the sword away, with the hilt straight to his chest and the tip of the sword raised. The black sword body is deep and dull, and the seven crystal red crystals are like mysterious islands emerging from the water.

His movements were smooth, without any danger, without any momentum.

The short black hair, which is as hard as steel thorns, is spreading quietly at the roots close to the scalp. The eyes are still indifferent, as calm as water.

His world was extremely quiet.

Even the slight hissing sound disappeared. The sword in his hand was very stable, and the two hundred and twenty kilogram sword body was as motionless as a rock. He could feel the breeze passing over the tip of the sword, and he could feel the slow air currents, split in two by the blade. They clung to the surface of the sword body, sliding like water.

Just now, Ai Hui was continuously injecting Yuan Power into the sword fetus, allowing his world to continuously expand its boundaries and extend further into the distance.

However, this experience was completely different. He felt like his world was shrinking like a net, shrinking to his sword. He could clearly feel even the smallest depressions and cracks on the surface of each of the seven crystals.

This feeling is amazing.

Not far away, Shi Xueman and Sang Zhijun were shocked to see the huge change in Ai Hui's temperament.

Especially Shi Xueman, she had seen Ai Hui take action, and she still couldn't forget that splendid sword. It was the most stunning sword she had ever seen. From that time on, she always felt that Ai Hui's swordsmanship was very good.

But that's it.

In today's era when swordsmanship is in decline, excellent swordsmanship does not mean much. Since the establishment of Five Elements Heaven, there has never been a great master of swordsmanship. Even half of those so-called swordsmanship masters are self-proclaimed swindlers.

However, Ai Hui at this moment gave her a completely different feeling.

Without brilliance or brilliance, Ai Hui is like a sculpture, a rock, or a deep pool.

Shi Xueman, who has seen various masters since childhood, has much stronger eyesight than ordinary people. She knew that the deeper the calm, the more intense the brewing storm would be.

Shi Xueman didn't dare to look too far. Ai Hui, who was as quiet as a sculpture, had an indescribable attraction that was breathtaking.

She did not forget her duty. They only have one chance. If something goes wrong with them. Ai Hui would die on the spot. On her back, a faint mist filled the air, just like water vapor transpiring. This was a manifestation of her body's water energy running to its extreme. She desperately tried to lock on to the swooping blood bat, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't lock on to it.

too fast!

The blood bat opened his eyes, and Shi Xueman could see the strange trace of light. But she tried her best and could only capture its afterimage.

Sang Zhijun bit her lip without even realizing it, and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

She also couldn't catch the blood bat.

Just when they were at their wits' end, Ai Hui suddenly drew his sword.

This is a very slow sword, slow and light, like a sword being handed out.

The red streak of light in the air, which was as fast as lightning but was mysteriously destructive, and Ai Hui's slow sword strike created an extremely strong visual contrast. Shi Xueman felt that this scene was indescribably awkward. But her mind and eyes were involuntarily attracted to this sword.

When the tip of the sword reaches the end, strange red lightning breaks through the air, and extremely slow and extremely fast meet in the air.

The dark red bloody claws and the black sword tip seemed to be frozen.

There was no way to describe the awkwardness of this moment. Shi Xueman felt as if he was motion sick and felt indescribably uncomfortable. My heart was churning. Nausea makes me want to vomit. Sang Zhijun beside her swayed, but her face turned pale.


The dullness was like the blast of a heavy drum, making everyone's heart tremble.

A circular air wave visible to the naked eye suddenly erupted from between the sword tip and the blood claw.

Ai Hui looked like he was drunk, a blush suddenly appeared on his face. He bared his teeth, as if he was about to say something, but before he could say a single syllable, he was like a bunch of small stones from hardwood sticks, drawing a line in the air. Afterimage. Hitting the wall not far away, the wall collapsed with a loud bang.

The blood bat's body appeared in front of Shi Xueman and Sang Zhijun for the first time. The black body was covered with dark red spots, and the ferocious face was confused at the moment.

Shi Xueman endured the discomfort in her chest. She knew that the most critical moment had come, and without any reservation, all the energy in her body poured into the dewdrop clasped between her fingers, and she popped it out with her fingers.

In a flash of light, the dewdrops in Shi Xueman's hands disappeared, and her whole body seemed to be vacillating and crumbling.

Sang Zhijun's face was pale, but his eyes showed a high fighting spirit. The soft golden bow in his hand was like a full moon, with three rabbit hair arrows on the string. She held the nocks of three arrows between her fingers, but the arrows were gathered together into one.

The three rabbit hair arrows glowed with a faint silver light, and the faint sword intent was extremely sharp, making Sang Zhijun feel a little surprised.


The three rabbit hair arrows merged into one in the air, turning into an even more dazzling silver light.

Sang Zhijun, who tried his best, was even more unbearable than Shi Xueman. He took several steps back, his legs went weak, and he sat down on the ground.

Shi Xueman's dewdrops hit the dizzy blood bat. As soon as the dewdrops touched the blood bat's body, they dispersed into a tiny mist and penetrated into the blood bat's body.

The blood bat's body froze, and the moisture in its body was frantically gathering towards the fine mist. But the blood in its body is also rushing towards those fine mist, they want to swallow these mist containing rich Yuan Power.

At this moment, the blood bat became the best target.

The silver light shot by Sang Zhijun hit the blood bat's head effortlessly.

The silver light suddenly exploded, and the blood bat's head exploded into countless pieces.

The blood bat's headless body was like boiling water. Countless water vapor suddenly evaporated. The skin, which was originally as hard as steel, quickly lost its luster, became dry, and collapsed.

A fat figure pulled Ai Hui out from the rubble.

When Ai Hui was ejected, Fatty rushed out.

Ai Hui had already passed out.

Without saying a word, the fat man carried Ai Hui, who was covered in ashes, on his back and ran towards the dojo without saying a word.

Sang Zhijun, who was sitting on the ground, watched the fat man's disappearing back and muttered: "He didn't even say hello, really..."

"Eager to save people." Shi Xueman, who had regained some strength, pulled Sang Zhijun up from the ground.

"What should we do now?" Sang Zhijun didn't have any strength in his body, and his face looked confused as he had survived the disaster.

"Ask for help." Shi Xueman sent out a distress signal.

She glanced at the direction where the fat man disappeared and felt a little worried. She wondered how Ai Hui's injury was.

It’s really surprising to bear the impact of blood bats head-on...

It must be okay! (To be continued.)

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