Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 150 Bloody Ripples

"It should be around here. Let's look for it."

Although Qiao Hua's voice was a little hoarse, it still showed his confidence. He was disheveled, but he looked in good spirits. His eyes were still confident and calm, and there was a sickly and excited blush on his face. His fatigue could only be seen in the corners of his eyes.

Everyone knows how much pressure Qiao Hua was under during this period.

The blood plague is worsening rapidly, and blood beasts are found in many towns. As they went deeper into the Wansheng Garden, they felt the blood disaster getting worse. Even in places that had been burned before, there were bright red buds emerging from the charred earth. The vitality of the blood plant scares everyone.

The blood beast has become more powerful. Seven days ago, they encountered a sneak attack by a blood wolf. Three people died and six were injured. This was the first time they suffered major casualties since they entered the Wansheng Garden. The blood wolf was like a powerful and cunning wild beast, becoming everyone's nightmare, and the entire team was frightened from then on.

However, this did not help their situation improve. They began to be attacked by various blood beasts, and the casualties became more severe. But this more and more convinced everyone that they were not looking in the wrong direction.

While Qiao Hua continued to order to go deeper, he asked for support from above.

The pressure in Qiao Hua's heart doubled, but he kept encouraging himself and firmly believed that this was the best choice. As long as he finds the first blood tree, he can find a solution.

Ordinary methods cannot deal with the blood poison at all. Look at the blood grass growing out of the scorched earth. They are growing at an alarming rate. In just a few days, the blood grass that had grown up was already up to their knees.

Not only did the burning fail to prevent the spread of blood poison, it actually made them stronger.

Qiao Hua studied these new blood grasses and found that the blood poison in their bodies was not exactly the same as the blood poison he originally studied. Herbivorous blood beasts will become more powerful when they eat the newly born blood grass, and when they are preyed upon by flesh-eating blood beasts, they will also cause the flesh-eating blood beasts to transform.

Transformation layer by layer. The blood poison will become extremely powerful, so powerful that it scares Qiao Hua.

Qiao Hua did not reveal his fears and worries because he knew that the team's morale was undergoing subtle changes. The blood tree left by Si Nan has not been found for a long time. Everyone's nerves are tense and they are under tremendous pressure. Along the way, they encountered constant attacks, the blood beasts became stronger and stronger, and the loss of personnel caused many people's confidence in Qiao Hua to be shaken.

Loss of confidence and intense insecurity. Make them very vulnerable.

Qiao Hua's tough character was reflected at this time. He didn't hesitate at all and still persisted. He firmly believed that he was right and did not waver in the slightest.

Everyone began to disperse, looking around for possible targets.

Sinan's notes have been around for a long time, and the induction field has undergone many changes, and even the landform has undergone obvious changes. Moreover, Sinan's notes were compiled by Sinan's students, and many places are a bit unclear.

Qiao Hua analyzed Siman's notes in detail and marked some possible places.

Most people seemed to have little energy and were not inspired by Qiao Hua's words. They had searched many times before, but failed every time. Qiao Hua's name is so famous that everyone is trying to maintain their patience. But they can no longer maintain such patience for long. Some people in the team already doubted whether Sinan's notes were genuine.

"found it!"

Suddenly an extremely excited voice sounded, and everyone involuntarily stopped what they were doing. After a brief silence, there was a thundering cheer.

Everyone flocked to the place of chanting.

Qiao Hua felt that his feet were weak. He no longer cared about his image and sat down on the ground. The whole person seemed to be exhausted. He did not expect that the trip would be so unsatisfactory, nor did he expect that the blood disaster would worsen so quickly, nor did he expect that the pressure on his shoulders would be so great.

The situation deteriorated faster than anyone expected. Including Qiao Hua. Even the elders of the induction field who were persuaded by him spread many rumors of dissatisfaction with him.

The winner gets everything, the loser gets nothing.

If he solves this blood disaster, he will quickly become the hero of the entire induction field, no, the entire Five Elements Heaven. to him. This is a crucial step. As long as it succeeds, his reputation will be pushed to an unprecedented height.

He has been longing for and looking forward to such an opportunity, and his ambition has long been ready to take action.

Finally found……

As long as he finds the blood tree, he will be more than half successful, which means the beginning of a feast.

This is the feast of his victory, and this is the best compliment to him. All his efforts and courage will be rewarded countless times. He seems to have seen his name in the long river of history, praised by thousands of people.

He didn't know where the strength came from, stood up, and walked towards the crowd.

The crowd automatically separated into a lane, like welcoming a crowned king.

Qiao Hua's steps were firm, his head held high, and the oncoming gaze was no longer full of suspicion and suspicion, but full of admiration and admiration. Finding the blood tree is enough to prove that Qiao Hua's theory is correct.

Everyone believed that they witnessed the great scene of the blood disaster being eliminated, and many people were extremely excited.

Qiao Hua was not dazzled by the victory. He calmed down and regained his complete composure in front of the bloody tree. He began to examine the blood tree in detail.

Four hundred years of growth turned the sapling into an ancient tree.

There was no grass growing within fifty meters around him.

The bright red and dense crown of the tree is like the late autumn maple, breathtakingly beautiful. Qiao Hua did not raise his head, his eyes were attracted by the black markings on the tree trunk.

The dark red tree trunks are covered with black patterns, just like ancient totems, giving people an indescribable feeling of coldness and evil.

"Teacher, what are these black patterns?" One of Qiao Hua's students mustered up the courage to ask.

"It's a blood pattern." Qiao Hua didn't look away at all. He gently touched the black pattern with his fingers and continued: "It's a prohibition on blood refining in the era of cultivation. Not many people understand this now. Si Nan The depth of the senior’s research on blood refining is truly astonishing.”

The crowd around him showed admiration, Master Qiao was really knowledgeable.

Blood refining is strange and mysterious in everyone's eyes. Many people only know about blood refining.

For masters who like to study strange and weird things, blood-refined objects that are not annihilated by flying ashes are like a huge treasure. Behind the dusty, locked and rusty door lies the wealth left over from the era of cultivation. It may be worthless, but it may be able to change the world.

However, this door is locked too tightly. No one has opened it yet.

The blood-refined objects were not wiped out, but no one could use them, and no one discovered anything magical about them. The era of cultivation is long and the accumulation is profound. It is unimaginable by the Five Elements Heavenly Beings. Even if it's just an unpopular blood refinement, the items left behind are still not rare.

Except for the fact that the blood bandage on Ai Hui's body was made of a somewhat special material, it would only be left behind if it could be used for a special purpose. Most of them are not even enough to be used as table legs, and are piled in the corner gathering dust.

Everyone held their breath. I didn't even dare to breathe.

A look of intoxication appeared on Qiao Hua's face. He knew more and could feel the power, coordination and beauty of the blood lines on the tree trunk. He seemed to see the bright fairy flower in an inconspicuous corner in the long river of cultivation era. The strange blood-colored smoke is not powerful, but it has never stopped.

What a desirable era!

Qiao Hua was fascinated. He could not imagine the vastness of the era of cultivation. Blood Refining, which can only be regarded as a side branch, is still alive and well. It created such an amazing wave.

He was in a daze for a while, his eyes regained focus, and confidence and competence returned to him.

Maybe the Blood Refining was very powerful back then, but times have changed. Now is the era of Yuanli, and it's his era.

"Gengzi potion!"

He said to his students with confidence.

The rattan basket on the student's back suddenly squirmed, and the slender rattan branches parted, revealing the scene inside the basket. I saw flower buds hanging down from the rattan in the basket, and each flower bud had numbers such as A, B, C, and D written on it.

He found the Gengzi flower bud and injected a ray of vitality into it.

The buds bloom slowly. A transparent crystal-like bamboo tube inside appeared in everyone's field of vision. Inside the crystal bamboo tube, there was a black liquid. Crystal bamboo is very difficult to cultivate and grows slowly. Therefore, it is very expensive and will only be used to hold more precious potions.

The student carefully removed the crystal bamboo segment, his movements were very gentle. The black potion inside the crystal bamboo is like black lava. Even through the crystal bamboo, everyone can feel a heat wave.

Qiao Hua's confidence is not without reason. He studied every detail of Si Nan's notes in depth, and designed several potions in a very targeted manner to deal with possible situations.

Now it seems that it is not beyond his preparation range.

"Everyone, exit fifty meters."

He ordered in a deep voice.

Without any objection, everyone quickly withdrew fifty meters away. They stared wide-eyed for fear of missing a detail. This was destined to be a great moment they would never forget.

The terrifying blood disaster has come to an end.

Qiao Hua took a deep breath. Inexplicably, he felt a little nervous. After thinking about it carefully, I felt that I had considered everything, and my eyes suddenly became determined.

He carefully pulled out the cover of the crystal bamboo, and a hot and unpleasant smell rushed towards him. He remained motionless, slowly falling along the blood lines on the tree trunk.

The last drop of black potion flowed out from the crystal bamboo joints, and the black potion instantly seeped into the trunk of the tree.

Qiao Hua showed a look of relief. The potion he prepared was the nemesis of blood poison. It was like another kind of blood poison, which would poison the blood poison and then spread like blood poison. All things poisoned by blood have no way to escape!

Wisps of black began to appear on the tree trunks. Qiao Hua felt excited and started!

The black became heavier and heavier, the leaves fell one after another, and the red leaves flew like snow. Qiao Hua laughed!

How beautiful!

In the blink of an eye, the ancient tree was bare, without a single leaf.

Qiao Hua became even more proud. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a dead branch from the corner of his eye. His pupils suddenly shrank and his expression froze on his face.

A bud that is even brighter and brighter!


He stared blankly at the branches that were bare just now, and were instantly covered with new shoots that were more vivid and as bright as blood. The new shoots were growing at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, the tree crown was completely dyed, like a deeper and more monstrous sea of ​​blood.

The red blood grass fifty meters away suddenly began to grow crazily. Amid everyone's exclamations and screams, they looked like monsters, opening their bloody mouths.

The blood-red ripples continued to spread outward at an alarming speed.

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ps: Double update tomorrow. (~^~)

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