Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 153 Original Inheritance and Agreement

On the way to the dojo, the alarm suddenly sounded, and then I saw teams of nervous-looking Yuan Xiu patrolling the streets, telling everyone not to worry and to stay at home as much as possible and not go out. ▼▼

Ai Hui had an ominous premonition in his heart. He could feel the tension among the Yuan cultivators, which was unprecedented.

He lowered his head and walked across the street in silence, returning to the Bingfeng Dojo.

The noodle shop girl and Duanmu Huanghui have both left.

The fat man looked frightened. He was relieved when he saw Ai Hui and relaxed: "What's going on outside? Why does it feel like such a mess?"

"I don't know." Ai Hui shook his head: "There must be something wrong."

"Is there anything Lou Lan can do to help everyone?" Lou Lan asked, tilting her head.

Ai Hui couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Lou Lan's cute appearance: "Not yet, but there will definitely be."

Fatty was very familiar with Ai Hui. One look at Ai Hui's expression and he knew something was wrong: "Is the situation very bad?"

"We don't know yet." Ai Hui said calmly. He knew that he would definitely not be able to stay out of the incident this time.

Rewards don't come in vain, and the power in the city is actually quite limited. The masters are very strong, but they have too little combat experience and are not qualified combatants.

He had been worried about the worsening of the blood disaster before, but now it seems that it may have been a prophecy.

"What's the pestle doing there?" Ai Hui glared at the fat man: "Why don't you go practice now!"

Fatty could tell that Ai Hui was in a bad mood, so he shrunk his neck and went to the side to practice in despair. ◆▼

"Don't worry Ai Hui, Loulan will help you!" Loulan encouraged Ai Hui.

Ai Hui smiled: "Thank you Loulan."

He was not surprised that the blood disaster worsened due to the slow response of the induction field.

If the blood disaster worsens, there will really be no escape. With their strength, once they leave the city, they can't go very far without feeding the blood beasts. What's more, there are still masters and others in the city, and he can't sit back and watch the teacher die in a bloody disaster.

There was an unspeakable bitterness in his mouth.

He is still too weak, and his meager strength is like an ant in the face of the blood disaster. Even in defending the city, he was not sure what role he could play.

A student who has just opened the fourth house. What role can it play?

Ai Hui felt uncomfortable in his heart. When he was in the wilderness, he had nothing to worry about, not even his own death. He can also deal with it very calmly. But now, there are many ties, master, master, wife and senior sister, Fatty Lou Lan. He hopes that everyone can survive well.

He took a deep breath and tried his best to eliminate the distracting thoughts from his mind. Start practicing.

He had just opened the Bipedal Palace, and he had not yet studied the Bipedal Palace properly. No matter when, improving yourself is the most important thing, and strength is your biggest reliance, no matter what you do.

Ai Hui, who started practicing, soon became immersed in the practice and became extremely focused.

Time passed quietly, and when it got dark, a student hurried over to inform Ai Hui to return to the academy immediately.

Ai Hui did not hesitate and set off immediately.

When he arrived at the academy. Was called to the dean's office.

The dean looked as if he had aged by more than ten years, and his temples were slightly white. When he saw Ai Hui, he couldn't help but smile: "Student Ai Hui, you gave me a big surprise. No more nonsense, this time I called You are here for two things. The first thing is rewards. Duanmu must have already told you about it. Merits will be rewarded. What are your personal thoughts? You can just say it. It doesn’t matter about inheritance, energy, or equipment. . You can mention it. Of course, if the hospital can’t provide it, there’s nothing we can do.”

Ai Hui said without hesitation: "Dean, I hope to learn [Beidou]."

"[Beidou]?" The dean showed a hint of surprise: "It was taught by your teacher, right? It seems that your teacher is very attentive to you. [Beidou] is the best inheritance of our Songjian Academy, although it is not a unique skill. But it has its own uniqueness. But the requirements for cultivators are very high, and they need the Seven Strong Palaces. Oh, I am really confused. If Lao Wang dares to ask you to ask for [Beidou], then he must have tested your physique. He likes it best Toss these around.”

The dean shook his head to himself. There was a bit of sadness in his expression, as if he was thinking of something from the past.

He walked to the bookcase and pressed his palm on the bookcase. The bookcase suddenly lit up with complicated light patterns. The light patterns circulated, dazzling Ai Hui. After a moment, light groups lit up on the bookcase, scattered in an orderly manner. The light group is as big as a fist and has different colors.

The dean took down a black nebula, which was like a black mist, flashing with countless tiny light spots. It was really beautiful.

It was only then that Ai Hui suddenly realized that each light group was a piece of inheritance.

His eyes fell on the nebula. Could this be [Beidou]? How to get started with this thing?

Ai Hui was full of curiosity and expectation. Oh my god, country people are so nervous when they have never seen the world... Also, Dean, can't you come and give me a buy-one-get-one-free gift?

The dean noticed Ai Hui's nervousness and anticipation and couldn't help but laugh. He couldn't help but remember that when he was young, when he saw the inheritance for the first time, his face must have been filled with such anticipation and nervousness. The memories of his youth made the dean's heart a lot less gloomy.

"Put your hands on this." The dean said to Ai Hui.

Ai Hui carefully placed his palm on the nebula.

"Move the energy." The dean continued.

Ai Hui carefully turned away his Yuan Power. He felt like his eyes were blurred, as if he was being pulled into the endless void. Above, below, left and right, there were stars, as densely packed as the sea.

Suddenly, the stars in the sky began to rotate.

The stars in the sky turned into circles of light, and in just a moment, Ai Hui was lost in the extremely dense circles of light. After an unknown amount of time, seven stars flew out of the halo of light in the sky, like a spoon. The spoon magnified in Ai Hui's eyes as it rotated, as if it was flying towards Ai Hui.

I don't know how long it took, but Ai Hui's body shook violently, and he suddenly woke up. ▲▲▲◆

"How do you feel?" the dean asked with a smile.

Ai Hui hesitated and said, "It's hard to describe. I just feel like there's something extra in my mind, but I can't tell what it is. Dean, is this [Beidou]?"

"That's right." The dean nodded firmly: "This is not only [Beidou], but also the original [Beidou]."

"Dean, what is the original [Beidou]?" Ai Hui was confused.

The dean patiently explained: "The original version of [Beidou] is the original leftover from the creation of this inheritance. According to regulations, the inheritance and moves taught to students are all replicas. In addition to the inheritance content, the original version also contains There will also be some insights from the founder, so it is very precious. In the future, you will know that every time it is reproduced, it will damage a certain amount of content. The inherited moves you can buy on the market have been reproduced countless times. version. So, do you feel like you’ve made a lot of money?”

The dean found it interesting when he saw Ai Hui's stunned look with his mouth wide open.

"You've made a lot of money." Ai Hui put away his country bumpkin attitude. He glanced at the dean and said weakly: "But why am I feeling guilty? There is no such thing as a free lunch..."

"Such a big surprise didn't knock you out. You have a good heart. Lao Wang has accepted a good student." The dean said with a smile: "That's right. That's the second thing I want to say now."

Ai Hui's face also became serious. He was not getting rewarded for his efforts, but from another angle, he was using people's money to eliminate disasters for others. With my own ability, it is impossible to eliminate the disaster for the dean. Most likely, it is something that is inconvenient for the dean.

The dean was silent for a while and then slowly said: "From now on, you will work with Shi Xueman and the others. You and Shi Xueman and Sang Zhijun have both fought side by side, so you must be familiar with them. You guys The team is relatively strong and will give you some tasks.”

Ai Hui waited quietly for the next chapter.

"You have the most practical combat experience. From the information I have read. You have been in the wilderness for three years. It is not easy for a coolie to survive in the wilderness. In the entire Songjianyuan, you are probably the only one with the richest practical combat experience. They The leader of the team is Shi Xueman, I can't interfere. I will select some outstanding students for you, you will be the captain, and Duanmuhuang will be your deputy. Your team will work with Shi Xueman and the others."

Ai Hui remained silent.

"If, I'm talking about if. If the situation reaches the most dangerous moment, I hope you will ensure the safety of Shi Xueman and Duanmu Huanghuang no matter what. Do you understand what I mean?"

The dean looked directly at Ai Hui.

Ai Hui did not avoid the dean's gaze. He said calmly: "Even though everyone else can be sacrificed, Shi Xueman and Duanmu Huang cannot die."

"That's right!"

Ai Hui said the words that were most difficult for him to say, and all his worries disappeared: "Maybe the situation will not be that bad, and we will have reinforcements. We will definitely be the first batch of cities to be reinforced."

"Because of them?" Ai Hui asked.

"Yes." The dean nodded: "Life is not created equal, and some people are always more noble. Although I don't want to say this, this is the reality. If the reinforcements instruct them to have an accident, all of us will be doomed. You have rich experience, a mature and calm personality, and excellent swordsmanship. You have great potential. Although I also know that it may not be useful, I am still willing to bet on you. Maybe you can give me a little surprise?"

"I accept this mission."

Ai Hui completely surprised the dean. All the rhetoric he organized was of no use.

As expected, he matured precociously. The dean knew that he had chosen the right person and was a little happy.

"But I have two conditions."

The dean was a little surprised to see Ai Hui negotiating terms with him without any stage fright, but he quickly showed appreciation: "Say it, as long as I can do it."

"The first condition is that I am the captain. Except for Duanmu Huang, I will choose the others. Everyone in my team, including Duanmu Huang, must obey my orders unconditionally."

"I agree to this." The dean agreed simply.

"The second condition is that when reinforcements arrive, I need a few spots in the first batch to leave."

The dean was shocked. He couldn't help but look at Ai Hui again. The young man's eyes were as deep as the sea, without any waves.

The dean did not agree immediately: "How many do you want?"

"Me, my teacher Wang Shouchuan, my master's wife Han Yuqin, my senior sister Mingxiu, my friend Qian Dai, and my sand puppet Loulan."

The dean breathed a sigh of relief: "You don't have to worry about the three places in Jade Embroidery Studio. They all have places, including yourself, so it's no problem. That means two more places are needed. Okay, I promise you."

Ai Hui also breathed a sigh of relief: "Deal."

An old man and a young man suddenly looked at each other and smiled. (To be continued.)

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