Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 159 The Warehouse of the Government Office

Everyone who was eating was stunned by Ai Hui's action.

The fat man reacted the fastest. Without thinking, he picked up the heavy shield beside him with one hand. With his bulging mouth and equally wide eyes, he turned into a vigilant frog.

Everyone quickly realized that they had all dealt with Ai Hui and had great trust in his detection ability.

Ai Hui suddenly lay on the ground with his ears pressed to the ground.

"The ground is shaking." Ai Hui whispered.

Everyone was made nervous by Ai Hui's continuous behavior.

"What's the reason?" Jiang Wei swallowed. He was tall, long-armed, quite majestic, and very powerful. But among this group of people, it was still difficult for him to have any confidence. He felt like a soldier. .

"It's hard to say." Ai Hui explained: "It could be a large-scale herd action, or it could be something moving underground. It's some distance away from us. Well, it should be the activity of a herd. Are they going to attack the city? ?”

Ai Hui stood up a little confused.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little. They originally thought that this operation was no different from the previous missions, but now everyone was nervous. They finally saw how far Ai Hui's detection range was, and they didn't hear any vibration at all.

Duanmuhuang tried to listen carefully like Ai Hui did just now, with his ears on the ground, but he heard nothing.

When the fat man saw Duanmu Huang's actions, he immediately showed a mocking expression. Is this guy actually competing with Ai Hui? It’s really hard to imagine!

"Have you finished eating? Let's go to the government office now." Ai Hui stood up and said.

Everyone was not in the mood to eat, so they got up quickly and followed Ai Hui out. Their profession is quite eye-catching, especially Duanmu Huang, Shi Xueman and Sang Zhijun. They are covered in gorgeous equipment and look like they are either rich or noble.

As everyone walked on the street, they immediately discovered that the situation seemed to be different from when they came just now.

There were tense and hurried crowds everywhere, almost all of them armed.

When they arrived at the government office, the government office was heavily guarded, with sentries one after another. Yuan Xiu is constantly patrolling the sky.

Fortunately, these guards all knew Shi Xueman, Duanmu Huang and others, and they were quickly released. Duanmu Huang asked a guard who looked familiar, and then walked back with a gloomy face.

"The number of blood beasts outside has increased sharply. This morning, some blood beasts began to actively attack the city wall. The intensity was not very strong at the beginning, but the intensity of the battle is increasing. The city gate was hit just now, and twelve people died."

Duanmuhuang's words made everyone's expressions change slightly. This is the first time that Songjian City suffered such heavy casualties after deciding to defend the city.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Ai Hui. They had doubted Ai Hui's words before, but now everyone was really convinced that the situation had become more critical than they imagined.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Master Tu Xiu, are there any Tu Xiu Masters? There are cracks in the city wall!"

Several local cultivators followed and left in a hurry.

Everyone's expressions became more nervous and uneasy. They were students after all, and no one had ever experienced such a scene. Whether it's Shi Xueman or Duanmu Huanghuang, they are usually talented people who attract much attention. They were sought after wherever they went, but at this time, they realized how small and insignificant they were.

"Go in." Ai Hui said nothing more.

Hearing Ai Hui's voice, everyone came back to their senses. Everyone around him was like a taut string, showing unconcealable tension and uneasiness, but Ai Hui looked as normal as possible. Seeing him so calm and composed, the tension in other students' hearts dissipated a lot for some reason.

Sang Zhijun couldn't help but ask: "Ai Hui, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid." Ai Hui said.

This brother's answer surprised everyone. They originally thought Ai Hui would tell them, "What's there to be afraid of?"

Sang Zhijun also found it incredible: "But you don't look nervous at all."

Ai Hui said without looking back: "You won't be so nervous after you experience a few more battles."

Shi Xueman couldn't help but glance at Ai Hui beside her. The sun shone on Ai Hui's side face. This calm and indifferent face made her feel at ease. Is this what a veteran is capable of?

They did not find the city lord, who was very busy. An official received them and took them to the warehouse.

"Now all the supplies in the city have been gathered and deployed uniformly. Your situation is quite special, and the city lord has given instructions. Each of you can receive a set of equipment. By the way, Ai Hui can pick one more piece, and that will be your reward. . Hey, it seems like there are a few people missing?”

The faces of Shi Xueman and others became a little unnatural.

Duanmuhuang said expressionlessly: "Oh, they don't like it."

The official said oh, but he was obviously a little unhappy, but he also knew that these children of aristocratic families were all equipped with luxurious equipment, so it was not surprising that they did not take them seriously.

He still silently wrote down the remaining few people in his mind, huh, don't ask for it then!

Everyone looked at Duanmu Huang with strange expressions, including Ai Hui, who was a little shocked.

How insidious!

But what does this guy mean by looking at me? Ai Hui was a little confused.

Duanmuhuang just felt that he had repeatedly failed at Ai Hui's side because he was not cunning and cold enough, so he was determined to make up for this last weakness. How could he lose to Ai Hui? Humph, even if he is more ruthless than Cunning, he still can't lose to Ai Hui!

When he heard that he could choose equipment, Fatty's eyes suddenly lit up. Sure enough, he had a better future by following Ai Hui. He could actually go to the government office's warehouse and choose equipment at will!

Jiang Wei and Wang Xiaoshan also looked happy.

Shi Xueman and Sang Zhijun were much calmer. In fact, they wholeheartedly agreed with Duanmu Huang's words, but in order to avoid being blacklisted, they still pretended to choose.

Ai Hui ignored the others and just told the fat man: "You are the shield bearer, don't pick other things!"

He knows the fat man's virtue very well. If he doesn't care, the fat man will only choose the most expensive one.

"What a shield bearer." The official who led them in looked at the fat man's mountain-like figure and couldn't help but praise: "What a shield bearer! There happens to be a set of shield bearer armor here!"

The officials brought everyone to a bronze armor.

"This armor is called [Fudosan], named after Fudoyama, and it weighs up to 437 kilograms."

Jiang Wei and Wang Xiaoshan couldn't help but exclaim. Even Shi Xueman and Sang Zhijun looked surprised. This number was really scary.

The official was very satisfied with everyone's expressions. He was suffocating in his heart just now when he heard that the children of those aristocratic families looked down on their warehouse. Seeing everyone's surprise at this time, I immediately felt more comfortable than eating Yuanshi, and introduced it endlessly.

"Although it doesn't look amazing and is not made by famous craftsmen, it is a rare fine product. When the city lord saw this armor, he was full of praise. He tried the knife with his own hands and found that the knife could not break the armor. The city lord said at that time , those who are not born with divine power cannot use it. What, do you want to try it?"

From the beginning, Fatty couldn't take his eyes away.

He is a person who has experienced life and death, and knows that if he acts as a shield bearer and has such a heavy armor, his absolute survivability will greatly increase. Moreover, he has a very sharp eye, and the price of this armor is definitely not something he can afford.

"I want this!"

The fat man said without hesitation.

Having said that, he didn't need help from others. He grabbed the armor with one hand and put it on clumsily by himself, his movements very unfamiliar.

The fat man was dressed neatly, and everyone couldn't help but gasp again.

The fat man's body was already as big and fat as a mountain. Now that he was wearing [Fudoyama], he felt even more oppressive, and the shadows he cast seemed much thicker and richer.

The fat man walked around with excitement on his face, and the 437 pounds of heavy armor seemed to have no effect on him.

As he walked, he started to cry and tears flowed down his face.

This was his first time wearing armor.

Coolies do not have any armor or protection, which is one of the important reasons for their death. Their meager remuneration also makes it impossible for them to afford expensive equipment such as armor. They have become accustomed to facing the sharp claws and fangs of wild beasts without protection.

The heavy armor wrapped his body tightly, and the unfamiliar sense of security made him cry suddenly.

Everyone was stunned by Fatty's sudden turn of events.

Ai Hui understood how the fat man felt. He patted the heavy armor on his body and said, "Watch it carefully and don't lose it."

"Yes." The fat man agreed. He stopped crying, and then said seriously with a heavy nasal voice: "I won't lose it."

This is the most expensive piece of equipment he has ever owned, and he will never lose it, no matter what.

He was holding a heavy shield weighing 350 kilograms in one hand and wearing heavy armor weighing 437 kilograms. He walked as freely as if nothing happened, making everyone's eyes widen. Everyone used to think that Fatty was an incompetent person, but the scene before them completely subverted their perceptions.

"Everyone can choose for themselves," Ai Hui said.

Others started looking around.

Ai Hui also began to think about what equipment he needed to choose. His weapon was [Dragon Spine Fire], and he would not need to change weapons for a long time. His boots are [Liuyun], which are the best shoes he can use now. The blood bandage can provide good protection without affecting his flexibility.

With Fatty as a shield hand, my requirements for protection are much lower.

"Is there any equipment similar to Yun Yi that I can use?" Ai Hui asked.

The warehouse official immediately understood: "Equipment that can have certain flying capabilities? If you can use it, it can only be a cloak."

"Cloak?" Ai Hui's eyes lit up.

The official quickly took one: "We are also very concerned about the ones used by students. You are Jin Yuanli, and there is exactly one you can use. [Golden Wind], which can emit golden wind, thus playing the role of flying."

"That's it." Ai Hui did not hesitate.

After choosing the cloak, Ai Hui could choose another one. He didn't know what to choose, so he decided to browse the entire warehouse. (~^~)

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