Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 171 The situation caused by Beidou

The authenticity of "spiritual power" is questionable. This is just Ai Hui's guess.

Regardless of whether it is "spiritual power" or not, what Ai Hui needs to think about is how to make use of it. This is his urgent question.

Unfortunately, all his five houses and eight palaces were destroyed.

Before he fell into coma, Ai Hui lost all his thoughts, and all his efforts and dreams were wiped out. After waking up from the coma, the despair of falling into the abyss dissipated a lot, and the instinct of survival took over his heart again.

No, not all the five palaces and eight palaces were destroyed, and one palace remained intact, the Heavenly Palace where the sword fetus was located.

If the natal yuan palace was not destroyed, he would also consider how to repair the other seven palaces. The natal Yuan Palace is the foundation of the five palaces and eight palaces, and the foundation of Yuanli cultivation. If the foundation is intact, you can always think of other ways. However, now that the natal Yuan Palace has been completely destroyed, there is naturally no possibility of repairing the other seven palaces.

Wait, the other seven houses...

A flash of light flashed in Ai Hui's mind, as if he had caught something.

Seventh Palace... Seventh Palace...

Ai Hui thought hard and finally thought of that flash of inspiration, and also knew why the Seventh Palace allowed him to have a flash of inspiration.

[Beidou] Don’t we just need the Seventh Palace?

There was a thought in his mind, yes, it was [Beidou]. [Beidou] had just been obtained, and he hadn't had time to study it carefully. The [Beidou] he obtained was the original version left by the founder. It contained many of the founder's insights and contained a large amount of information that was beyond Ai Hui's understanding.

He did not think about using it immediately, but planned to digest it for a while before completing the last step.

No one will directly touch the inheritance of the original version. This is not only easy to waste those precious insights, but also very dangerous.

Anyone with a little common sense knows the principle of step by step. For a novice who has never received relevant knowledge, suddenly accepting so much information is like a thirsty traveler throwing himself into the huge waves. Not only is it difficult to quench his thirst, but it is Could drown at any time.

But at this moment. There was no room for him to study slowly, now it was a matter of life and death.

There is no time to hesitate, and there is nothing worth hesitating about.

Ai Hui did not hesitate to put his mind into [Beidou], like popping a water balloon.

However, what comes out of the water ball is not a trickle. Instead, it was a torrent. Ai Hui had no time to react before he was swallowed up by the torrent composed of countless information and realizations.

Ai Hui's consciousness instantly became trance-like.

Countless paradoxical feelings, countless strange and familiar feelings, flooded into his heart. I don’t know how long it took. In a trance, my own consciousness floats up and down in other people's world, like a rootless leaf, floating up and down in the sea without order.

The moment his consciousness penetrated the inheritance of [Beidou], the trickle flowing slowly in his body seemed to be stirred by an invisible hand.

The peaceful trickle became turbulent.

However, just when Ai Hui was in a daze, there was a bigger movement in another place, the sword fetus of Tiangong.

The beating frequency of the sword embryo suddenly slowed down, but became more powerful. Like a deep drum, every beat makes the trickle in the body tremble.

The "spiritual power" starts from Ai Hui's lungs, passes through Zhou Tianyuan, flows from Ai Hui's arms into the Dragon Spine Fire, and then flows back.

If Ai Hui had stayed awake at this moment, he would have been surprised to discover that the "spiritual power" was running along the same path as the sword energy he usually cultivated. Exactly the same.

The "spiritual power" that returned had a sharper flavor. Compared to about one-fifth of the original force that was swallowed up by the sword fetus, the "spiritual power" was almost completely absorbed by the sword fetus.

The sword embryo grew stronger little by little, and the sharp aura became more and more sharp.

When the sword fetus grows to the size of a soybean. It no longer expanded, but it still did not stop absorbing the "spiritual power" of the sword, and faint patterns appeared on the surface of the sword body. As it continues to absorb "spiritual power", the patterns on the surface of the sword tire become clearer and more refined, forming the shape of a long sword.

After the long sword pattern appears, the sword embryo no longer absorbs the "spiritual power" of the sword. The originally sharp aura quickly became restrained, and it swayed between Ai Hui's brows, looking like an ordinary seed.

The "spiritual power" of the sword that returns will still flow into the sword fetus. The sword fetus seems to have lost interest in these "spiritual powers". As much "spiritual power" flows into the sword fetus, as much as it flows out, continuing to move along the fixed circumference of the sky. operation.

More and more "spiritual powers" are added to the Zhoutian movement. Every Zhoutian will pass through the Heavenly Palace and pass through the sword embryo.

And every time it passes through the sword embryo, the "spiritual power" becomes a little thicker, the sharp aura becomes a little stronger, and the movement of the universe becomes slower and slower.

For who knows how many weeks, the "spiritual power" was as viscous as molten lava, and it slowly flowed into Ai Hui's lungs with a powerful sword intent. They flowed slowly along the inner wall of the broken lung, coating them with a layer of sticky "spiritual power". The continuous influx of "spiritual power" makes the inner wall of the lung palace thicker and accumulates continuously.

These sticky "spiritual powers" have been strengthened by the sword embryo one after another, and contain extremely pure sword intent. As the "spiritual power" piled up higher and higher, Ai Hui's lungs were also quietly changing.

"Spiritual power" seems to be born with the ability to nourish flesh and blood. Part of the "spiritual power" penetrates into the inner wall of the lungs, and it begins to glow with vitality. When the entire Lung Mansion is filled with "spiritual power", the damaged Lung Mansion is gradually repaired.

The sword intent contained in these "spiritual powers" was also absorbed by Fei Mansion.

The originally damaged lung was like a bellows leaking air everywhere. When the damage was repaired, the bellows began to stir up airflow. Ai Hui's breathing caused the lungs to expand and contract rhythmically, and the "spiritual power" that was originally flowing slowly sped up.

The left hand palace was repaired at the same slow pace, the right hand palace, the left foot palace, and the right foot palace were all repaired in the same way, and the sword intent was also absorbed by them.

Unlike the fourth house of siblings, Ai Hui's third house of Haidi was not originally opened. But the blood poison came to Ai Hui's aid. The highly penetrating blood poison not only destroyed Ai Hui's fourth palace, but also directly broke into and destroyed the third palace.

The weekly circulation of "spiritual power" passes through the three palaces of Menhaidi, along the residual ** of the three palaces, and flows into it.

The three palaces in Haiti are like three broken reservoirs. The "spiritual power" injected into them gradually restores the three palaces. Ai Hui never expected that his three palaces in Haiti would be opened in this way.

Breaking and then standing, this is probably the best explanation.

When the Seventh Palace took shape, Ai Hui's body was shaken.

Living in other people's world. Like a rootless tree. And all of a sudden, the floating duckweed suddenly took root. Those familiar insights and information suddenly found their place, but there was always a body of separation. Suddenly it became incredibly familiar.

Ai Hui opened the [Beidou] inheritance, and the massive amount of information and insights impacted his mind, leaving him in a daze. What's even more helpless is that his body does not have the familiar realizations of the Seventh Palace. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to try.

It was as if the realization of the sword suddenly appeared, but there was no sword in his hand. Countless realizations were like a blocked flood, which further aggravated his confusion and trance.

It wasn't until "spiritual power" recast Ai Hui's Lung Palace and Seventh Palace in an incredible way that those massive realizations suddenly found their implementation goals.

If Ai Hui was awake at this moment, he would be surprised to find that his seventh house was trembling slightly. Vibrating at the same frequency.

The vibrations became stronger and stronger, and the "spiritual power" in the body was like boiling water.

Ai Hui woke up from such a shock. The first thing he felt when he woke up was that he was about to burst!

The "spiritual power" in the body was already in a state of overflowing, but at this time when the Seventh Palace was vibrating at the same time, the "spiritual power" in the body immediately became agitated.

The terrifying aura dissipated from Ai Hui's body.

The green wolf, which was lying on the ground, suddenly raised its head, its front paws pawed at the ground uneasily, and stared at the gray mass above. A low and ferocious roar came from its mouth, and it felt wrong.

Ai Hui's momentum continued to rise.

The bandages originally wrapped around Ai Hui's body swung back to their original places like a frightened snake.

The tree whiskers pierced into Ai Hui's body. Bang bang bang, it kept turning into flying ash, but Ai Hui's skin was as smooth as ever, with no wounds visible.


Ai Hui finally understood why Beidou needed seven powerful palaces. By the time he reacted, it was already too late. [Beidou] The remaining understanding within the inheritance. Even though it has dissipated a lot after so many years, it is still extremely powerful.

Before he could react, his body's instincts took over.

The vibrations in the Seventh Palace were increasing at an alarming rate, and Ai Hui's momentum was also rising crazily.

The green wolf looked at the gray mass in horror. The aura leaking out of it made it instinctively awe and fearful.

The low roar in its mouth had long since turned into a frightened whimper. Its limbs were trembling, and the terrifying pressure coming from above suppressed it in all directions. Even the blood patterns on its body began to show an unstable trend.

Eventually, fear overcame obedience to the command, and it turned and bolted.

Just when the face of the girl in red in the distance changed drastically, Songjian City in the other direction was also alarmed.

The city lord and the dean took off almost immediately, and in less than half a minute, all Yuanxiu with cloud wings in Songjian City flew into the sky, looking into the depths of the forest and blood sea with horrified expressions.

Shi Xueman also had a look of fear on his face.

The terrifying aura is like a ferocious beast crawling out of ancient times. It is born with a majesty and power that shocks people's hearts.

An extremely depressing atmosphere enveloped everyone.

On the other side of the mountain in the distance, deep in the jungle, Ai Hui was in a gray mass in mid-air. All the muscles in his body were twisting, and he felt like he was going to explode.

Beidou's power is powerful and fierce, and what's even more terrible is the "spiritual power" in his body.

If this is really spiritual power...

Ai Hui opened his eyes suddenly, and strong light almost overflowed from his eyes. He has stretched himself to the extreme. If there is really spiritual power in his body...then may I ask, how many times more powerful is their Yuan Power?

Damn it, I didn’t learn that in class! Master never taught me!

Ai Hui gritted his teeth suddenly and decided to use the simplest and crudest method to vent the out-of-control "spiritual power" in his body.

Ai Hui adjusted his posture in mid-air, holding the sword in his arms with both hands, his back facing down, like a meteorite falling heavily to the ground.

So I would like to ask, with this posture and this spiritual strength, how powerful is it to activate [Fish Arch Back]?

The wind howls in my ears.

Ai Hui's eyes widened, and there was only one thought in his mind.

Damn it, I still haven’t learned anything...

The moment he felt a touch on his back, his body instinctively tensed up, and the surging "spiritual power" surged toward his back.

Rudimentary moves that have been practiced countless times

[Fish arches its back].

It exploded. (To be continued.), mobile phone users please visit

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