Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 173 The So-Called Master

Songjian City was destined to be disappointed. They waited for a long time but did not wait for the arrival of the master.

The dean's eyes dimmed, unable to conceal his disappointment.

Wang Zhen was also disappointed in her heart, but her face looked very calm. He glanced at the dean and said in a deep voice: "Let's go and study the shadow beans we brought back to see what's going on inside." .”

The dean steeled himself and forced a smile.

The preciousness of the shadow beans obtained after such heavy losses cannot be overstated.

The scale of this meeting was unprecedented, and all the prominent and prestigious figures in Songjian City were summoned. Wang Zhen knew very well that without their support in the next battle, Songjian City would have no chance of winning.

The huge conference room was packed, but at this moment, there was dead silence, not even a sound was heard.

Everyone participating in the meeting was as pale as a sheet at this moment, looking at the video played above with horror on their faces. It was as if a rope was strangling their necks, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Those ugly and hideous plants seemed to come from another world. No, they should grow in hell.

The thick tree beards are like huge blood vessels, and you can even see red blood flowing inside.

There was an exclamation in the conference room, and many people couldn't help but stand up.

"Jesus, what is that?"

"Is there blood in it? It's terrible! Is this still a tree?"

Even Mu Xiu, who was used to seeing all kinds of strange plants, turned pale and his eyes were full of horror. From the image in front of them, they seemed to smell the strong and pungent smell of blood. They could not figure out why the plants outside the city turned into such terrifying shapes.

And when a Yuan Xiu is entangled in tree beards, those densely hanging tree beards rise like snakes. A chill suddenly rose up on everyone's backs.

Several chairs overturned, and people slumped on the ground, their teeth chattering.

No one laughed at them. At this moment, everyone had their eyes wide open with fear. Everyone finally understood why there was such a heavy loss.

Yuan Xiu, who was entangled in the tree beards, struggled desperately at first, but as the red juice continued to be injected, his c□c□c□c□, m.→.★ struggle became weaker and weaker. A blush began to appear on his face, his eyes became blurred, and he showed an expression of enjoyment. Especially the corners of his mouth. He was actually smiling, a smile of great satisfaction and enjoyment.

Through the dense tree beards inserted on his body, the red fluorescence emitted by the gurgling red sap was reflected on his face, making this smile appear indescribably weird and sinister.

Everyone's heart seemed to be tightly held by an invisible hand, unable to beat.

Their minds went blank, they forgot to breathe, and the hair on their bodies stood on end.


That weird and sinister smile suddenly exploded in front of them. Everyone was excited in unison. When they came to their senses, they happened to see the flesh and blood exploding like a goddess scattering flowers.


Nearly half of the attendees held their throats, bent over and vomited. The conference room was filled with the unpleasant smell of vomit, but at this moment. No one cares. Those attendees who had not vomited were staring at the image, their faces as white as paper, their hands and legs. Trembling uncontrollably. Many people wanted to escape from the conference room, but their legs no longer obeyed.

Wang Zhen looked serious, reacting to everyone's reactions. He didn't mean it half-sarcastically.

When he first saw this video, his performance was no better than these people. He once thought that after passing through a sea of ​​blood and a mountain of corpses, nothing in this world could scare him.

Until today, he didn't realize how ridiculously self-righteous this was.

"Change the meeting venue." He said to the subordinate next to him.

The new conference hall was completely silent.

These respectable big shots were covered in vomit and holding a cup of hot water in their hands, as if this was the only way to make them feel a little warm. They were in despair, and their faces were pale and without a trace of blood.

"Judging from what we know now, this should be the way they metamorphose. Pay attention to the burrs on the trunks. Did you find that there are a lot of burls on them? When those tree beards move, those burls will move. We have Mu Xiufuzi who has studied this aspect and believes that it is left behind by swallowing blood beasts or insects. To be exact, the weak blood insects provide nutrients for the transformation of the more powerful blood beasts. This was not found by our scouts along the way. Blood beasts and insects can also prove this guess from the side."

The conference room was completely silent, with only the voice of the city lord echoing.

"It is now very likely that a group of more powerful blood insects or blood beasts are transforming and hatching. That is to say, next, we will usher in more powerful blood insects and blood beasts. Our situation will be more difficult, testing us The time will come soon."

Wang Zhen looked around the audience and spoke word by word.

"Can't we escape? It's hard to walk on the ground, but what about the sky?" someone asked weakly.

"Where to escape?" Wang Zhen asked: "How big is the induction field? Can we fly out? And we will face flying blood beasts, don't forget the blood bats last time. Without the protection of the city wall, everyone thinks they can How long will it last?”

The person who had just asked the question suddenly fell silent, and the somewhat restless crowd fell into dead silence again.

The meeting was a success. All Wang Zhen's proposals were supported by everyone. Everyone knew that at this juncture, individual power was too weak and the only option was to unite.

Seeing everyone leaving in despair, the dean couldn't help but said: "You will cause panic."

The dean did not support letting these people see that terrible image. He knew how fragile these people were mentally.

Wang Zhen didn't care: "Panic is panic. At this time, panic can make them abandon their unrealistic fantasies. Otherwise, who do you expect them to contribute?"

The dean knew that Wang Zhende was right, but he was still worried: "Panic can easily make everyone collapse."

Wang Zhen suddenly turned her face: "Do you know how to survive on the battlefield? Don't think about anything and rush forward. The guy who collapses is destined to die. Who can care?"

The dean was silent.

At this moment, the two noticed someone walking towards them, but it was Han Yuqin and Mingxiu from Yuxiufang.

The dean and Wang Zhen saluted at the same time: "I've met Master Han."

After becoming a master, people often add the word "master" after their last name to show their respect.

Any master, no matter what field, enjoys a transcendent status. Both the dean and the city lord will maintain enough respect for him.

Although they now prefer Han Yuqin to be a fighting master rather than an embroidery master, they will not be slighted by this in the slightest.

Masters in any field have an extremely profound understanding of Yuanli. Han Yuqin's combat effectiveness is naturally inferior to that of combat masters, but it is still not comparable to that of ordinary Yuan Xiu. The two sides' understanding of Yuanli is not at the same level at all, and even ordinary moves will have a huge difference.

Even her disciple Mingxiu's fighting ability is quite amazing. Mingxiu was born into a well-known family, with a well-educated family and a powerful elder brother. In the last naked man incident, Mingxiu's fighting power was shockingly powerful.

Han Yuqin and Mingxiu came on behalf of Yuxiufang, but Wang Shouchuan did not come.

Wang Zhen secretly appreciated that the faces of the two women, the old and the young, were a little pale, but compared to the others, they were much calmer.

"Hello, dean, hello, city lord." Han Yuqin returned the greeting solemnly, and then said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the situation has reached such a serious point. The city lord is right, and everyone can work together to overcome this difficulty. Yuxiu Everyone on the street, the city lord is at his disposal. Including Lao Shen and Ming Xiu, if you need us to take action, please feel free to ask."

"City Lord, please don't be polite." Mingxiu also said.

Wang Zhen was overjoyed and bowed suddenly: "Thank you so much, Master Han and Sister Mingxiu!"

He had never dared to start a jade embroidery workshop before, so he asked an embroidery master to come to the battlefield to fight in person? This is definitely an insult from the master. He doesn't have the confidence. Sister Mingxiu's identity was sensitive, so he didn't dare either.

Now that two people have expressed their opinions, he has two more powerful helpers.

"The city lord is too polite." Han Yuqin continued: "I am a complete layman when it comes to fighting on the battlefield. But when it comes to defending the city, I have some ideas."

Wang Zhen was a little surprised, but she still said quickly: "Master Han, please speak."

Han Yuqin thought for a while and said: "The first thing I thought of was the formation that my husband had used. However, the art of formation has been lost for many years due to cultivation, and I am not very proficient in it. But it seems that the truth is the same. If there is something today The formation should be a method of distributing and connecting the energy, which is very similar to embroidery. The only difference is that it is embroidered using the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers as the cloth. The mountains and rivers are too big, so the city is used as the cloth. I might give it a try."

Wang Zhen was shocked and stared blankly at Han Yuqin who spoke indifferently.

Using the city as cloth... Is this the spirit of an embroidery master?

At this moment, Han Yuqin's thin and old figure seemed extremely tall and majestic in his heart.

He was sincerely convinced and bowed: "Master Han, please give it a try!"

The dean was also sincerely convinced and bowed respectfully: "Master Han, please give it a try!"

Outside Songjian City.

The girl in red looked at the takraw balls hanging on the tree in front of her. They were a group of blood beasts she had specially searched for from a hundred kilometers away. This time she didn't care at all about the quality of the blood beasts, she only pursued quantity.

The changes in the valley completely disrupted her plan, and Songjian City was no longer a good choice.

She is not Tian Kuan.

She didn't have time to keep dilly-dallying, and if she couldn't catch up, she would soon be left behind by the others.

But she also couldn't bear to leave in such a dejected manner.

Before leaving, she prepared a big gift for Matsujian City.

She flew into the sky and stared at the Songjian City in the distance. The young man's face appeared in her mind, and she smiled brightly: "I will come to find you again."

She turned and left, like a wisp of misty red smoke. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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