Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 198 Ordinaryness and Light

"Start preparing!" Shi Xueman ordered.

Whether the method everyone discussed last night is useful or not, whether it is a mule or a horse, it must be taken out for a walk.

There was also a trace of nervousness on Sang Zhijun's face, and Jiang Wei's face remained calm, but the palm of his hand holding the big bow still revealed the nervousness in his heart.

Surprisingly, they didn't step forward.

The wood-type students began to sprinkle various seeds on the ground. The dropped seeds quickly burst out of the ground, and the vines grew wildly. The water type students laid out clouds of water mist, while the earth type students created clouds of quicksand in the gaps. There is a big net that connects the entire team into a heavy resistance. The power of these moves is not great, but it covers all the space of the team.

After doing all this, they exited the trap area, leaving only twenty people in the trap area.

Shi Xueman walked not far from the store and made a gesture to Wang Xiaoshan behind him. Wang Xiaoshan quickly destroyed the nodes of the store.

Boom, there was a loud noise, the store collapsed instantly, dust filled the air, and rose into the sky.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Dozens of red shadows shot out from the smoke. They noticed Shi Xueman for the first time, and they all rushed towards Shi Xueman.

Shi Xueman, who was well prepared, turned around and rushed into the trap area without hesitation, followed by a swarm of blood ants chasing after him.

No one expected that the blood ants would be in chaos.

The trap area brings a lot of trouble to the blood ants. Traps with different attributes are mixed together, resulting in completely different resistance in each area. For the extremely fast sprint of the blood ants, even a small amount of force can easily deflect them in the wrong direction.

The twenty people who were left behind in the trap were the twenty strongest people. They did not seek to kill them actively, but instead firmly attracted these blood ants to the trap area.

There were nine archers led by Sang Zhijun and Jiang Wei. Sang Zhijun's spider web iron bullet turned into a stream of light and entangled a blood ant. Jiang Wei's heavy arrow will whiz in with nine other arrows, shooting the blood ants in the spider web into hedgehogs.

Their attacks are not fast paced. Sang Zhijun's ability to shoot quickly was fully demonstrated at this time. She was also responsible for controlling the overall situation. Once she found any danger, she would shoot a silk bamboo arrow.

Silk bamboo arrows have no lethality. But it is extremely effective when used to disrupt the enemy's offensive rhythm.

Shi Xueman brought everyone together to discuss the problems exposed in yesterday's battle. How to deal with them was also the result of their discussion. Shi Xueman knew that he was a novice. So by bringing everyone into the discussion, now everyone knows what to do.

At the beginning, everyone was still a little unfamiliar and the cooperation was a bit unfamiliar. But as time went by, their coordination got better and better.

In addition to going to the battlefield for the second time, everyone began to gradually adapt to combat and gradually overcome their psychological barriers.

The efficiency has been greatly improved, and the confidence of the students has also been greatly increased.

There was a trace of joy in Shi Xueman's heart. Nothing made her happier than seeing the discussion she had promoted with her own hands turn out to be so curative.

Shi Xueman, who had just been through the gates of hell. At this moment, he was completely crazy and became the most eye-catching presence on the entire battlefield.

Even the ugly Matsuma Armor cannot conceal her elegant and powerful figure. Yun Rantian in her hand felt like she was in an uninhabited land. She was familiar with the layout of the trap area and was not affected at all.

Every shot is powerful and powerful, and her control of power has improved. She can contain her Yuanli but not the blood ants stabbed by Fan Yunrantian. All exploded into a mass of blood mist.

Duanmuhuang stood calmly outside the trap area, practicing his blue and white skills.

He is good at control, but how can he be willing to play a supporting role?

Is Brother Huang the person who acts as someone else's second-in-command?

Can he defeat Ai Hui as an offensive support player?

His eyes were gleaming with cold light and blue branches. Go elusive in the trap. The continuous battles had a great impact on him. Although his blue and white colors were originally dazzling, their lethality was not outstanding enough. Under his deliberate training, the blue and white flowers were still gorgeous, but their lethality was greatly increased.

Perfect genius. You must have perfect skills!

His aloof temperament, gorgeous and dangerous attacks, slow and leisurely movements, and his unparalleled beauty form an attractive picture. Many girls forget that they are in danger. They can't help but hold their breath and watch the dusk of Duanmu.

Shi Xueman's invincibility, Duanmu Huang's gorgeous aloofness, Sang Zhijun's ease, Jiang Wei's orderliness, and everyone's concerted cooperation made everyone dazzled. Even Supervisor Yuan Xiu was amazed when he saw this. What kind of monsters are they? Why are they all so strong?

Ai Hui was a little surprised by everyone's performance.

Although there are still many unfamiliar places in his opinion, it is much better than yesterday. At least the students seemed much calmer in the face of the blood ants that were constantly attacking.

And many traces of careful design can be seen.

I can’t tell, but Blue and White Tienniu has a pretty good talent in this area.

However, it was so iron-clad. Looking at the blood ants exploding into blood mist, Ai Hui felt a chill in his heart. If you hadn't seen Tie Niu's face, just looking at this battle scene, you would have felt that under Song Jian's armor was a female iron tower with bursting muscles.

Why are the women nowadays more powerful than the other? The money loser is so powerful, even a thousand dollars can easily crush him, the blue and white iron girl becomes more and more into a mess. Originally, he was thinking about asking Lan Bai Tienniu for a sum of money. He had saved this girl several times, so he couldn't save her in vain.

The kindness of saving life should be repaid with money!

Besides, I heard that Tie Niu’s family is very rich.

But now that he saw how fierce Tie Niu was, Ai Hui rationally gave up the idea. His small body was obviously not as strong as her spear head.

"Miss Shi is so amazing!"

"My classmates are so awesome in the evening!"

"Miss Sang is so amazing!"

"Classmate Jiang Wei is so awesome!"

Loulan beside him never stopped marveling. Ai Hui, who was already unhappy because a piece of extra money had gone missing, was even more irritable now. He turned around and glared at Loulan.

Loulan's exclamation stopped abruptly, her head shrank back, she paused for a while, and stammered: "Ai Hui is the most powerful!"

Ai Hui, who was glaring with anger, suddenly smiled, patted Lou Lan's head and praised, "I just like how honest you are, Lou Lan."

With the team's gradually working together, they quickly destroyed the blood ants entrenched in the last few shops. When the last blood ant was killed, the whole Tingtao Street burst into joy.

Wang Shouchuan's room.

Various documents were scattered everywhere, and Wang Shouchuan's gray head was in a mess. His eyes were red, and he was talking to himself like a nightmare: "How can it be done? How can it be done? Formation, formation, formation."

"This is simply impossible!"

“It’s hard to get through this place.”

"Her realm cannot be completed."

"Ah ah ah, how can we succeed?"

He fell down on the wooden board with a bang, staring blankly at the ceiling. He felt like a huge failure. He has accomplished nothing in his life, not even able to help Yuqin with her last wish.

Strong powerlessness and despair enveloped his whole body.

The fatigue of sleeplessness and mental exhaustion overwhelmed him like a tide.

He dreamed of his first encounter with Yuqin, and the first words he spoke to Yuqin. I dreamed about talking to Yuqin about my present life, I dreamed about getting married to Yuqin, I dreamed about

Countless pictures kept flowing, and he forgot where he was.

"Morikawa, you have to help me."

Yuqin's earnest voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and he suddenly woke up and sat up suddenly. A gust of wind blew in from the window, and he felt a chill. It turned out that his whole body was soaked with sweat.

He suddenly saw himself in the mirror and couldn't help but froze for a moment. The man in the mirror. His originally gray hair was now as white as snow, and his wrinkled face was a sickly red.

Maybe he can die with Yuqin.

Wang Shouchuan suddenly felt relieved. He finally understood where his heart was. What he feared was the rest of his life without her around, not death!

When he understood that his life was short, he no longer had any fear.

"Yuqin, let me help you!"

Wang Shouchuan's cloudy eyes bloomed with dazzling light. He seemed to have returned to those fearless years, when youth and vitality seemed to be injected back into his exhausted body. A steady stream of inspiration pours out.

He sat at his desk as if possessed.

The drafts were quickly filled up, and each exquisite design took shape under his pen. Burning life is the most magical ink. Give this pen a dazzling light. That light is like the first ray of sunlight that wakes up the sleeping night. It rises up, illuminating his unknown ambition in the first half of his life, illuminating the vast ocean of knowledge accumulated by his hard study and study day and night. With light and heat, it falls into the history. Sky. Write his name.

He seemed to be wrapped in light, full of endless power.

This was the pinnacle moment of his life, belatedly arrived in his old age at the request of his beloved woman.

What a timid man, lacking the courage to live. He is not afraid of dying together with the woman he loves.

He never sleeps, and the pen in his hand is tireless. More and more manuscript papers, carrying the warmth of his life, love and ambition buried in an ordinary life, are piled up in front of his desk.

From day to night, he neither ate nor drank, without stopping for a moment.

When he finished the last piece of manuscript paper, he smiled. He carefully sorted the manuscript papers one by one, smoothed them, folded them neatly, and put them into a hard and sturdy metal box. His movements were extremely gentle, as if he was holding the most precious treasure in the world in his hands.

To him, yes.

The monk metal box, he pulled the rope on the table, and the guard who heard the bell from outside quickly came in. All of Wang Shouchuan's information was in his room, and the city lord's palace sent someone to protect him and send him to his residence.

The guard couldn't help but be shocked when he saw Wang Shouchuan with a withered face and white hair.

"Send it to the embroidery workshop."

Wang Shouchuan's voice was hoarse and dry, and he had no strength to say another word.

The guards suddenly all saluted Wang Shouchuan respectfully.

Knowing the importance of this box, they immediately spread their cloud wings and flew towards Jade Embroidery Square.

Wang Shouchuan watched the figure retreating in the sky, the light in his eyes dissipating little by little.

His wrinkled palms firmly held onto the door frame, and with the last bit of stubbornness left in his gray and cloudy eyes, he steadied himself and did not fall down.

He smiled to himself.

Don't worry, I will wait for your last moments. How can I be willing to let you walk alone? (To be continued.)

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