Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 239 Time Lock and Yuanli Pill

Ai Hui was trapped in the blue and white lock and could not move.

The seemingly slender blue and white flowers were extremely tough, and within the entire blue and white cage, invisible forces were crushing Ai Hui from all directions.

Blue and white flowers sprout from the ground. They are unusually strong near the ground, like century-old vines, and the years have left wrinkles on them.

Shi Xueman was a little surprised: "Year Lock!"

"Very powerful?" The fat man was shocked when he heard that the eldest sister was so shocked. His heart skipped a beat. It was related to his plan to make a fortune. He immediately cheered up: "Is he very famous?"

Shi Xueman stared at it and said: "It's very powerful, not famous because it's difficult to practice."

When the fat man heard this, he became even more worried. He looked at it carefully for a while and muttered: "You can't tell. It's just a grass cage. I can break out of it."

Shi Xueman still had no intention of looking away, and answered directly: "You can't break out."

The fat man knew that the eldest sister was a real person, and he did not feel humiliated. He was worried about his plans to make a fortune, and argued: "I don't think it's anything big."

"The power lies in what you can't see." Shi Xueman was as straightforward as ever: "Those blue and white flowers go deep into the ground a hundred meters deep, and they will continuously draw out the water energy from the ground, nourish and strengthen themselves, and water will produce wood. The name of this move It is called the Time Lock, which means that it will become more and more stable as time goes by. If it is the realm of the master, the Time Lock planted will not decay after thousands of years. In the past, they were used to imprison the most evil people. "

Shi Xueman is very knowledgeable about the unique skills of each school.

The fat man was dumbfounded when he heard this, and said after a while: "I will stay away from pretty boys in the future. Their family is really perverted! No wonder I always look at him weirdly."

Shi Xueman's voice was loud, and everyone else was moved when they heard it.

"This trick turns out to be very promising!"

"Fortunately, I bet on the evening, so I can make a small profit this time!"

"Fat man is going to lose so much this time that he won't even have his pants left!"

The fat man was a little panicked, but he had a tough mouth and snorted coldly: "You are too unfamiliar with Ah Hui. Ah Hui is a person who will bite off two pieces of meat before he dies. It's still early for the pretty boy to beat Ah Hui."

Everyone could see the fat man's panic and laughed.

Duanmuhuang has become invincible with this move, and everyone is a little envious.

With the help of the Yuan Power of Heaven and Earth, for them who have just stepped into the realm of Inner Yuan, there is still a long way to go. That is the method of Outer Yuan.

Entering the realm of Neiyuan, the barrier between man and heaven and earth is initially broken, and the efficiency of cultivation is greatly increased. The main task of the Neiyuan Realm is to expand the Eighth Palace, make the Eighth Palace more powerful, and make the Yuan Power in the body more abundant.

The Eighth Palace expands to the point where it can no longer expand, and the energy in the body is saturated, which is called Dzogchen. After Dzogchen, it enters the realm of outer yuan.

The so-called foreign elemental realm refers to the power that can draw on the elemental power of heaven and earth.

The Yuan Power in the human body is too small and insignificant compared to the Yuan Power of heaven and earth. But if you want to use the Yuan Power of Heaven and Earth, you need an introduction, and this introduction is Yuan Xiu itself.

The stronger the Yuan Power in the body, the easier it will be to communicate with heaven and earth.

Duanmuhuang's skill was so high that even Shi Xueman couldn't help but admire it.

In the realm of Inner Yuan, one can draw on the Yuan Power of Heaven and Earth, which shows Duanmu Huang's excellent talent and extraordinary skill "Blue White".

Shi Xueman glanced at Ai Hui in the cage and thought to himself. Although Duanmuhuang had the upper hand, Fatty was right, surrendering without mercy was not that bastard's style.

All the students underestimated how much Duanmu Huang valued Ai Hui.

Even though Ai Hui was imprisoned and seemed to have no chance of making a comeback, Duanmu Huangyue did not relax at all. He has suffered more mistakes at the hands of Ai Hui than anyone else, and he knows more about Ai Hui than anyone else. There were too many times when he thought he was sure of victory, only to be tricked by Ai Hui.

Duanmu went crazy at dusk, but he was not stupid at all.

The energy in the body is not stingy at all, and all kinds of blue and white flowers are like crazy vines, growing out of the cage and getting into it.

In the blink of an eye, the cage was swallowed up by dense blue and white patterns.

When a fifteen-meter-high green grass mountain appeared in the venue, everyone was stunned and a chill ran down everyone's spine.

How much hatred and resentment the two have...

Huh, uh, uh...

The sound of Duanmu's heavy breathing could be clearly heard in the sky. The energy in his body was exhausted, but at this moment he did not feel empty at all. He only felt extremely comfortable, and all the depression was swept away.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Wanton laughter resounded throughout the audience.

Duanmuhuang never thought about confronting Ai Hui. He knew the advantages and disadvantages of both the enemy and ourselves. Although his Yuan Power is more abundant, he is far behind Ai Hui in terms of lasting combat power.

He carefully conceived the strategy of the battle.

Take advantage of the air combat, take it by surprise, and use the [Time Lock] you just learned as soon as you open it. The huge gap in levels of [Year Lock] was able to completely suppress Ai Hui, and then all the Yuan Power was thrown into the battle, making the final decision.

He always secretly paid attention to Ai Hui's combat characteristics.

One of these points is regarded as an iron rule by Duanmu Huang, and he has verified it many times. It is very taboo to use gas tactics when fighting Ai Hui. This guy is just a weakling. If he cannot be slapped to death and the battle enters a stalemate, Ai Hui will definitely win in the end, without exception.

After laughing wildly for a long time, the Duanmu dusk in the sky stopped laughing.

"There is nothing I can do. My Yuan Power has been exhausted and I can't save you. You have a good time and I can't get rid of this big guy until my Yuan Power recovers."

Duanmuhuang's tone was full of helplessness, but he was laughing inside.

Simply perfect!

How many blue and white flowers were planted in this cage at dusk? He didn't even know that these blue and white flowers would continue to attack Ai Hui, non-stop. Although Ai Hui will not be in danger of his life, this process will definitely be "enjoyable"!

The dusk of Duanmu slowly fell to the ground, and the students' eyes were filled with awe.

In the realm of Neiyuan, he was actually able to use the moves of Outer Yuan. Duanmu Huanghui's progress was beyond imagination.

There was no moment that made Duanmu Huang more confident than now. The shadows that enveloped his heart were swept away. The inner demons that haunted him like a nightmare were completely cut off. The figure he was chasing so hard was trampled under his feet. .

It was as if he had eaten a fairy fruit, and he could not feel any relief from his body.

The time at this moment is so beautiful, you should savor it.

His body was straight and his expression was as calm as if he had completed a trivial task. His white clothes were fluttering. Even if his energy was exhausted, he could not lose his chic and suave demeanor. A perfect performance must have a perfect ending!

A man destined to be perfect!

Enjoy my grace at this moment...


The sound was not loud, but it passed through the thick grassy mountains and reached Duanmu Huanghuang's ears clearly.

Duanmuhuang was stunned for a moment, but he quickly laughed to himself. He had so many inner demons. At such a moment of absolute victory, he would still have such auditory hallucinations. It was such a nostalgic life.

He shook his flowing long sleeves and was about to wave goodbye to the demons in his past that he couldn't bear to look back on. A haunting voice penetrated into his ears like a ghost.

"ready or Not?"

Duanmuhuang's body froze, and he almost stepped on the ground. His eyes widened, his face full of confusion.

ready or Not?

what to prepare?

Wait...shouldn't this guy be in a coma, in pain, struggling, and desperately resisting?

Why can't the sound sound painful at all? someone is fine?

Everyone opened their eyes wide and stared blankly at the ten-meter-high mountain of green flowers and grass with disbelief on their faces. An idea that even they couldn't believe flashed through their minds. Could it be that... Ai Hui still has the power to fight back?

A silver flat beam of light pierced through the thick grassy mountains like a sharp blade and went straight into the sky.

Then another silver beam of light pierced the grassy mountain.

Another one...

The sound of the grass mountain being pierced was very slight, but at this moment, it fell on everyone's ears like thunder.

The grassy mountains in front of me were filled with light blades, like lightsabers.

In the dead silence, Lou Lan's cheerful voice suddenly sounded: "Come on Ai Hui!"

As soon as Loulan finished speaking, there was a loud bang, the grassy mountain exploded, and a dazzling silver light suddenly bloomed.

Zi La La!

The sound of thunder and lightning moved from far to near like the tide, and the silver sword light was like the wind, pushing the tide forward.

In the strong silver light, the young man's figure was blurred.

Seven small swords flew rapidly around Ai Hui's body, turning into a dazzling silver light group. The thunder and lightning on the surface of the silver light group were like wandering chains.

The rest of the blue and white patterns were instantly wiped out. Only the lock of years held on tenaciously, but it was continuously propped up by the silver light group, inflated like a balloon.

The seven small swords flew faster and faster, and the sword light became more and more powerful.

Click, click, click!

The slightly thinner blue and white vines that have been locked over time began to gradually crack and be crushed, leaving only the thickest ones, which were frantically extracting the water energy from the ground.

Ai Hui frowned slightly, the sword in his hand was shaking violently, and he had to grasp the hilt with both hands.

The blue and white cage at dusk in Duanmu exceeded his expectations. Beidou could blow up a grass sword by running seven Yuanli pills. The Yuanli pills Ai Hui invested this time had exceeded two-thirds of the Yuanli in his body.

The blue and white flowers haven’t broken open yet!

But Ai Hui was not afraid at all. He could feel the new sword in his hand and could withstand more energy.

Just try where your limits are!

Ai Hui secretly thought about the sword in his hand, and the energy in his body no longer worried about it, and poured into the new sword in his hand.

One after another Yuanli pills bloomed, stretched, and exploded inside the sword. The sword body trembled rapidly, and the sword in his hand became as heavy as a thousand pieces of stone.

Ai Hui felt as if he and Jian were connected at this moment, as if something was about to burst out. Without thinking, he raised the sword slightly.

The next moment, a sharp light flashed in Ai Hui's eyes, and the tip of the sword he had just raised was pressed down sharply.

The silver light group suddenly exploded, and the years lock that was struggling to support was swallowed up by the sword light and turned into ashes.

Having lost all restraints, Ai Hui felt his body light up.

The sword light suddenly burst out, and shocking air waves crashed in all directions.

Duanmu Huanghuang, who was about to land on the ground, had no time to react. He watched the sword light roaring and crushing him like a wall.

Boom! An afterimage flashed in the air.

The wall not far away is embedded with a figure in white with open arms. Mobile phone users please visit

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