Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 368 Rumors

The situation in Silver City is turbulent. [〈〔<网

Mrs. Ye and her son were almost killed, which angered the elder who had always kept his emotions secret. The evidence of collusion with Xue Xiu also made the Ling family very passive. The Ling family denied it, but the situation still developed in a direction that was not conducive to the Ling family.

"Are you just going to sit back and wait for death?"

The speaker was covered in a black cloak, and his voice was stiff and flat, which sounded very awkward.

Ling Sheng glared at the other party fiercely. He had just woken up, his face was pale and there was no blood. Although he had a broken arm and was severely depleted of blood, his energy was not affected. Ling Xiao's injuries were much more serious. The five palaces and eight palaces in his body were severely damaged, and he would never be able to practice again.

Even if he is Ling Xiao, the son of the head of the Ling Mansion, he is still a waste if he cannot practice.

Mrs. Ling looked calm, but the white on her temples revealed her haggard and anxious heart.

"Can Daizong do anything about Quanzi's injury?"

"As long as he doesn't die, Daizong will find a way." The man in the cloak chuckled, which was extremely ugly: "Even if his whole body is damaged and his head is still there, he can't die."

The man in the cloak lifted up his cloak, revealing his true form.

The eyes of Ling Sheng and his wife suddenly widened and they looked at each other in horror.

The other party grinned at them, but in the eyes of Ling Sheng and his wife, it was extremely scary. What stood before them could not be described as human. A body made of thick grass tendons and white lotus roots, with only a human head.

"I didn't expect that I could live until now. Although this is not considered alive, I feel pretty good. I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Qingfeng. Does it sound like a servant's name? Haha, it's actually a servant. .”

Qingfeng smiled heartily, but his rigid and dry voice made his laughter very unpleasant and creepy.

After a while, Mrs. Ling slowly spoke: "I heard that Daizong created the two major schools of [Grass Tendon] and [Lotus Root Bone-Setting Technique]. It's really unbelievable and miraculous."

Qingfeng chuckled: "You want Daizong to take action, but you two didn't say anything?"

Mrs. Ling said solemnly: "Of course we will not forget what happened to Daizong. Xiao Shuren is in Ye Mansion now, and it is not the time to take action yet."

Qingfeng asked directly: "Then what are your plans? The recent rumors are very unfavorable to you."

"Don't worry, we have already taken action." Mrs. Ling's beautiful eyes were cold: "The Great Elder has forgotten that he needs the support of the aristocratic family. The aristocratic family is the pillar of the Five Elements Heaven. When the situation becomes more and more chaotic, who can restore order? ?”

Qingfeng chuckled: "It seems that you are also prepared."

Mrs. Ling said calmly: "The roots of a big tree that lives a long time can always reach deeper."

The situation in Yincheng soon became extremely chaotic. Dead bodies and blood on the ground could be found on the streets every morning. The situation became more and more intense. The attacks spread from the streets at night to the entire Yincheng. When night falls, the sounds of fighting and fire will appear in every corner of Silver City.

The captain of the Tianfeng Department was attacked while on patrol and died of serious injuries.

In the famous Huo family in Yincheng, the owner suddenly died of poisoning, and the evidence at the scene pointed to the palace. The palace took a tough stance, and several small families joined forces to sue the palace to the Council of Elders.

One after another, small families have accidents, attacks, and poisonings. There was no evidence that the palace was responsible, but more small families united to put pressure on the Presbyterian Council to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Chaos continues to spread, and people in Yincheng are panicking.

The situation reached its peak when the Zeng Mansion and the Zhong Mansion fought fiercely. The two sides had deep grudges before, but this time due to a friction between servants, the conflict continued to escalate. By the time both sides came to their senses, they were already in a difficult position.

More and more families were involved, and the Tianfeng Department did not dare to come forward. Several Tianfeng Department team patrols were ambushed.

Yincheng is completely out of control, everyone is in danger, and all kinds of rumors are endless.

There are the most rumors about Mrs. Ye. The strength shown by Mrs. Ye has been widely spread for a long time. There is even news that the Grand Elder acquiesced to Madam Ye’s plan to preside over the Master’s Light, in order to let her cultivate party members and prepare for Madam Ye’s future rise to power.

The most explosive rumor is that Mrs. Ye's son was not born to her husband at all, but to someone else.

I don’t know where this rumor first came from, but soon it spread in an orderly manner. The eldest elder's family are all talented people, and they have never had a history of being stupid, and there is no stupid person in the upper row of the Ye family. Mrs. Ye's son is born stupid, and there are many doubts about it.

There are even rumors that Mrs. Ye spent more than a year in seclusion before getting married. However, that was just a cover-up. Someone once saw him traveling with a man in the Emerald Forest. Another image came out, which was very blurry. The figure of the woman inside was vaguely similar to Mrs. Ye, but the tall and domineering man beside her was definitely not her elegant and comely husband.

The Great Elder has been very anxious lately, but he has never been more angry than today.

He stared at the image, his fists clenching involuntarily.

Originally he scoffed at the rumors, but when he saw the image, he couldn't help but become suspicious. The temperament of the woman in the image was indeed very similar to Ye Linzhen, and even he couldn't be sure.

Thinking of his lost son, the great elder was heartbroken.

After a moment, he slowly released his palm, his eyes sharp.

No one can lie to him, no one!

Dong-dong-dong, there was a knock on the door. He raised his head, his sharp eyes disappeared, and he looked no different from usual.

His tone was as majestic as ever: "Come in."

The subordinate opened the door and said respectfully: "Mrs. Ye brings Xiaobao to see you."

The great elder's heart shrank, but his face did not change at all: "Let them come in."

After a while, Mrs. Ye walked in with Xiaobao. When Xiaobao saw the elder, he happily shouted: "Grandpa!"

Mrs. Ye said respectfully: "Father."

The elder laughed and said, "Why are you here? Xiaobao, come and let grandpa see if he has lost weight recently."

"No, Xiaobao has become stronger recently!" Xiaobao raised his arms and showed off.

The great elder smiled heartily.

Mrs. Ye stood aside and watched the conversation between the grandfather and grandson with a smile.

After asking about Xiaobao's recent life, the elder called his subordinates and asked him to take Xiaobao to eat something. Xiaobao followed and left obediently. Before leaving, his subordinate carefully closed the door.

The room fell silent.

The elder was observing his daughter-in-law. She looked peaceful and calm, and there was nothing unusual about her.

Mrs. Ye spoke slowly, with a smile on her lips: "There have been a lot of rumors about my daughter-in-law in the market recently, and my daughter-in-law laughed them off. But there are rumors that Xiaobao is not Peiyan's biological child, and my daughter-in-law cannot sit idly by."

The great elder waved his hand: "Rumors in the market are not to be believed, so don't worry too much."

"If it is a rumor about my daughter-in-law, my daughter-in-law will naturally not be afraid. But Xiaobao is young and born with hardships. It is better to clarify this matter sooner rather than later, and it is better for him." Mrs. Ye bowed and said solemnly: "Please Father invited the elders to personally verify that Xiaobao has the blood of the Gu family, and the Gu family’s [Body of Qushui] is unique.”

The Great Elder said solemnly: "There is no need for this."

Mrs. Ye continued to bow without raising her head: "Father, please grant me permission. Xiaobao has a long road ahead of him. If he criticizes like this, even if his intelligence is enlightened in the future, it will leave a mark. What's the use of doing so much?" As a mother, I never want Xiaobao to be criticized. The right and wrong can be known at a glance. Only when the truth comes to light can Yuyou's mouth be blocked."

The Great Elder pondered for a long time before slowly speaking: "Okay! Since you are determined to do this, then do it. But don't worry, I will never let anyone who slanders Xiaobao go!"

Ling Mansion quickly received the news.

Ling Sheng was a little surprised: "Widow Ye wants to publicly verify?"

He glanced at his wife, a little unsure: "Is your news true? Widow Ye must have some confidence if she dares to verify it publicly."

Mrs. Ling was also a little shaken, but she soon calmed down: "She is just bluffing, she can't really fake it, let's see what tricks she wants to play. But now that the date has been set, it is an opportunity for us."

Qingfeng's strange voice sounded: "What chance?"

"The opportunity to seize Xiao Shuren." Mrs. Ling said solemnly: "Ye Lin wants to take Xiaobao for verification, and she must take away the masters of Ye Mansion. When Ye Mansion is empty, it is time for us to take action. According to internal information, Ye Lin doesn't pay much attention to Xiao Shuren, and she is not interested in ancient relics."

Qingfeng Heeran said: "If we get it as soon as possible, we can treat your young master as soon as possible."

Ling Sheng and his wife looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes.

Zhongfu, secret room.

She Yu was listening to Zhong Houjun's report.

"According to your instructions, we have had several conflicts with the Zeng Mansion recently, and both sides suffered casualties. The situation in Yincheng is very chaotic now. At first, it was the Ling Mansion who took action. Later, the ingredients of the attack were very complicated and difficult to distinguish. Each family Everyone is very vigilant now. Some suspect that the Ling Mansion is secretly doing something, some are secretly colluding with the Ling Mansion, and some suspect that the New People's Party is sowing discord. Yuchi Qingshan's appearance was too coincidental. Following your instructions, we did not take action later. No one suspects us."

Zhong Houjun was so impressed by this special envoy of the blood of God that his ability to turn his hands into clouds and rain was breathtaking.

With almost no effort, the Ling Mansion and the Great Elder became mortal enemies, and Yincheng was thrown into chaos.

No one could have imagined that this unprecedented turmoil was just the handiwork of the woman in front of him.

She Yu was very satisfied and praised: "Very good. Mr. Bei will not forget the contribution you and Zhongfu have made, nor will he treat you badly. Looking at the current situation in Wuxingtian, I believe you can also see who will The last laugh.”

Zhong Houjun said without hesitation: "Yes! Zhongfu swears loyalty to Mr. Bei to the death! Be loyal to the Kingdom of God!"

The chaos in the Five Elements Heaven greatly disappointed him and strengthened his determination to follow the Blood of God.

She Yu looked satisfied and then asked: "Can you handle the matter of finding someone?"

Zhong Houjun said quickly: "We have already found them. They are all good players. They have not passed through the Zhong Mansion."

"Don't worry. I won't let you go because I don't want to expose you. I'm definitely not worried about you." She Yu continued: "I'm afraid I'll meet someone from Dai Gang this time, so I'm looking forward to it. Dai Gang is bound to get something." , it’s really exciting.”

"People from Dai Gang!" Zhong Houjun was slightly startled, and then asked with some confusion: "Why is Ye Lin not too concerned about this matter?"

"Her plans are too big and her ambitions are too big." She Yu sneered: "I'm afraid she had already found out the details when Xiao Shuren was still in Kunlun. However, Xiao Shuren is not the only one in the Ye Mansion. The reunion of old friends is the most frustrating thing. People are looking forward to it.”

Her eyes sparkled. (To be continued.) 8

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