Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 372 Angry Qingfeng [Second update]

Ai Hui has never seen a grass lotus puppet before, but in his opinion, it should be similar to a sand puppet. How the earth cultivator's sand puppet looks is generally directly related to the earth cultivator's character and fighting style.

He knew very little about Dai Gang, he only knew that he was Wanwan's teacher, but he didn't seem to be very fond of Wanwan.

However, Ai Hui has rich experience fighting against Sha Puppet, and Lou Lan is his number one sparring partner.

Since the Grass Puppet and the Sand Puppet are very similar, there must be similarities.

Ai Hui's mind was spinning rapidly.

For example, the body of a sand puppet is usually very powerful and always has something special about it. Some can change shapes, some are strong, some have many weapons, etc.

Qingfeng's body is made of grass tendons and lotus roots.

Ai Hui's eyes first aimed at Qingfeng's exposed tendons. Could the tendons be a weak point? Generally speaking, grass-based materials are not too hard.

With Ai Hui's heart moving, the force of the silver-folded plum sword in his hand changed, and the flying six-pointed moon suddenly drew a strange arc in the air.

Seeing this, Qingfeng stretched out his palm, and his five fingers grew wildly, turning into five long thick vines, and pounced on the sword light in the air.

Ai Hui is very familiar with this type of attack. Doesn't it look a bit like the [Blue and White] in the evening?

With a flip of his wrist, the silver-folded plum blossom brought up a graceful arc, and the sword light shot toward the breeze, quickly rolled in the air and changed direction, cutting through the gaps between the five grass vines.

Qingfeng did not expect that Ai Hui could control the flying sword light.

The six sword rays were like six dexterous flying swallows, slashing at Qingfeng's exposed tendon joints.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Sparks flew.

The grass tendons were harder than Ai Hui imagined, and the sword light only left a small mark when it was chopped on it. However, Ai Hui is not too discouraged. Since these grass tendons are exposed outside, they must have undergone some treatment and have good protective power.

What's more, this was a grass-root puppet created by Dai Gang. Ai Hui didn't think a grandmaster would make such a childish mistake.

Ai Hui's body folded, and he passed diagonally three feet away from Qingfeng. The silver-folded plum in his hand was transformed again.

The six moons dispersed again, circling and cruising, and rushed towards the breeze again.

Qingfeng tried to block it again, but still failed. These palm-sized sword lights were more flexible than he thought.


A crash that was louder and crisper than before was actually made up of six crashes coming together at the same time, but the time between them was too short, and they sounded like one sound.

The six sword beams struck at the same location on the same grass tendon!

Ai Hui's excellent control over the sword light was fully demonstrated in this slashing attack.

The grass tendons were cut off!

Ai Hui showed a hint of joy, but when he saw clearly that the two pieces of grass tendons were constantly squirming and reconnecting, and the wounds began to heal, the joy that he had just succeeded disappeared without a trace.

"Is this swordsmanship? Very interesting!"

Qingfeng shook his head, not caring at all that his tendon had been cut off just now.

Ai Hui's mind works very fast, and grass tendons have the ability to heal themselves. Well, it's not surprising. Many wood cultivators will have this kind of inheritance, and protracted warfare is a method that wood cultivators are better at.

The good news is that his sword light can cause damage to grass tendons.

What about lotus root?

Ai Hui tried to attack the lotus root part of Qingfeng's body, but soon discovered that the lotus root was harder than grass tendons, and his sword light could not leave a mark on it.

Then go ahead!

The silver-folded plum in Ai Hui's hand kept waving, and each time six sword beams shot out and rushed toward the breeze.

There are more and more sword lights around Qingfeng. From a distance, it looks like a huge school of fish. They are constantly circling and flying around Qingfeng.

Qingfeng tried to use grass and vines to fly away the sword rays, but these sword rays were extremely flexible.

Qingfeng soon discovered that something was wrong. These sword lights were flying faster and faster, and he felt like he was trapped in a storm vortex. Phew, a wisp of flame suddenly lit up in the whirlpool of the storm,

Soon, the storm vortex became brighter and brighter, and the sword light flew faster and faster.

Wind and Fire Sword Formation!

The sound of the hissing sword light piercing the air and the sound of the whirring flames mixed together to sound shocking. A pillar of wind and fire soared into the sky, completely enveloping the breeze.

Phew, Ai Hui breathed a sigh of relief, this sword formation should be able to do some damage to Qingfeng.

At this moment, suddenly, the wind and fire sword array exploded, revealing the figure inside.


An extremely unpleasant sound came from the lotus root.

Ai Hui was stunned. Qingfeng's head and all the tendons on his body were all retracted into the lotus roots. The wind and fire sword formation just left no traces of scorched black marks on the white lotus roots, but did not cause any other damage.

Qingfeng looks like a rubber band man, with his head and tendons sticking out from the lotus root. The scene is extremely weird.

Still...can this be done?

Qingfeng stretched his body, shook his head and said, "But if you only have this ability, you won't be able to survive today."

After saying that, his body squatted down slightly, and the thick tendons were like bent springs.

Ai Hui's eyes suddenly widened.

As soon as his eyes flashed, Qingfeng rushed in front of him. Ten grass vines were like poisonous snakes, stabbing Ai Hui from different directions.

Ai Hui reacted very quickly, not retreating but advancing forward, his body slightly lowered, like a cheetah rushing forward, the energy in his body surged to the extreme, and he stabbed Qingfeng's head with the silver-folded plum in his hand!

He didn't have time to use complicated techniques for this stab, it was just a simple stab!

But when it comes to saving your life, use all your strength without reservation. This stab is extremely sharp and fierce.

Qingfeng felt a cold light suddenly shine in his eyes, and a strong sense of danger suddenly rose. He did not expect that Ai Hui would choose such a desperate strategy, and he was caught off guard and fell into danger.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Qingfeng suddenly opened his mouth, revealing two rows of sharp saw teeth, flashing with a frightening cold light.


Two rows of sharp saw teeth bite the silver-folded plum.

The huge impact caused his body to lose control and swing like a ragdoll.

Ai Hui also didn't expect that Qingfeng's teeth had even been modified. Those two rows of bright and sharp saw teeth were clearly sharp tools made from precious materials.

Click, click, click!

There were cracks in the two rows of saw teeth, but Ai Hui's momentum was exhausted at this time. A warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and he drew his sword sharply and retreated.


A few grass vines were like straight stabbing spears, piercing his position just now.

As Ai Hui drew his sword, countless jagged fragments left Qingfeng's mouth and scattered in the air.

Ai Hui distanced himself from Qingfeng again. He was breathing heavily. The battle just now was short, but extremely dangerous. Even if he hesitated, he would be dead now. This kind of short and fierce battle was very mentally and physically draining, and he only felt weak in his hands and feet at this time.

Qingfeng, this grass puppet, is a pervert.

His protective power is extremely strong and he can heal himself. The thick grass tendons are like springs, and the torso made of lotus roots is very light. He is as fast as a gust of wind. Even the teeth in the mouth are weapons.

Damn it! This is truly armed to the teeth!

In terms of Yuanli, Ai Hui's plan also failed.

Jin overcomes wood, this is an innate advantage. The reason why he took the initiative to choose Qingfeng was because of this idea. The relationship between the five elements and their restraints is still very effective before the master level.

Ai Hui thought he had some advantages. But after the fight, Ai Hui found that the situation was completely different from what he thought. Qingfeng's Mu Yuan Power was very weird and was not restrained by Jin Yuan Power at all.

Could this grass puppet be the master grass puppet?

It's not that perverted...

Ai Hui wailed in his heart, but his eyes were fixed on the other party, not daring to be distracted in the slightest. Although the blow just now shattered the opponent's teeth, it actually did not cause any substantial damage to Qingfeng.

what a shame……

That opportunity will never come again.

Moreover, the sword strike just now seemed to anger the other party.

Yes, Qingfeng was indeed angered. His eyes were cold, and he spat out the jagged scraps in his mouth, and he could see traces of blood mixed in the metal scraps. He was still frightened by the danger just now, but he was more angry.

He originally had a cat-and-mouse mentality, but he was almost killed by a mouse. How could he not be angry?

"I'm going to turn the sleeping master around..."

Ai Hui, who was nervous in the face of a powerful enemy, couldn't help laughing out loud, but when he saw Qingfeng's murderous eyes, he quickly clarified: "I didn't mean to laugh at you, I really didn't mean to, and it doesn't mean that I don't have teeth. It’s your fault! Come, read to me, and I’ll break you into pieces!”

Qingfeng's face suddenly turned red, and he roared like a beast: "Go to shit!"

Ai Hui didn't hold back and almost burst out laughing.

Being able to irritate the other party is an unexpected blessing.

But when Ai Hui saw Qingfeng's movements from the corner of his eye, he was so frightened that he ran away.

The tendons of Qingfeng's palm retracted, revealing the cross sections of two lotus root arms. The holes in the lotus root now lit up with bright green light, and a strong sense of danger enveloped Ai Hui's mind.

Bang bang bang!

A popping sound like popping beans suddenly sounded.

The two lotus root arms rotated crazily, and the lotus seeds flew toward Ai Hui like raindrops.

Ai Hui danced the silver-folded plum in his hand desperately, and the six moons formed a barrier around him. The impact of these lotus seeds was extremely astonishing, and the six paths collapsed after a few breaths.

Ai Hui reacted very quickly and used Six Paths Moon again.

The fierce attack suppressed Ai Hui so much that he could only instinctively use Liu Daoyue to resist the attack.

But he didn't notice that the lotus balls he blocked hit the ground and immediately burrowed into the ground. And the lotus seeds he dodged sank directly into the ground.

Lotus leaf seedlings emerge from the ground. They lay flat on the ground like water lilies lying on the water. But the ground still quickly softened and turned into a quagmire.

When Ai Hui noticed something felt wrong under his feet, he suddenly realized that he was stepping on a lotus leaf.

Lotus leaf?

At this moment, the violent storm of attacks also disappeared. Ai Hui, who secretly thought something was wrong, raised his head and saw endless lotus leaves.

More than ten feet away, Qingfeng stood on a lotus leaf, smiled proudly, and put away his lotus-rooted arm.

not good!

Ai Hui's expression suddenly changed. (To be continued.)

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