Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 394 Success

"Wang Shouchuan, who did nothing in the first half of his life, probably didn't expect that his last flash of light would have such a profound and far-reaching impact on the world. The Presbyterian Church would pursue the title of master after his surname, and never thought that this brand-new The doctrines of the Presbyterian Church will have the power to change the world, even if they build the God-Suppressing Peak based on Wang Shi's doctrine. Perhaps because the energy of the Presbyterian Church is not here, the struggle for power and intrigue have consumed too much of their enthusiasm, leaving them with little idea of ​​how to change the world. In a remote corner, Wang Shouchuan's student Ai Hui, who was only a little famous at the time, realized the value of his teacher's teachings and became a pioneer. As for how Ai Hui's subsequent achievements will be remembered by the world, there is no need to Say no more."

"A Brief Introduction to the Development History of Yuanli"

The emergence of Zhenshen Peak has actually made many people realize the value of Wang's theory. But all the information at that time was taken away by the Presbyterian Church, and not even a piece of paper was left. The God-Suppressing Peak is an important weapon in war. It is heavily guarded and difficult to approach, and even more difficult to figure out and study.

The Presbyterian Church has been very proud of their prompt action.

Everyone ignored one person, and that was Ai Hui.

It stands to reason that Wang Shouchuan's students will not be forgotten by everyone. However, during the investigation, everyone soon discovered that using the city as a cloth was Wang Shouchuan's last-minute plan, which was completely different from his earlier theories.

At that time, Ai Hui was still fighting against blood beasts and blood cultivators. When he came into contact with the plan, he was already required to lead his team to execute it.

The city-based plan was extremely complex and had numerous drawings. The Presbyterian Council did not believe that anyone could write it all down in such a short time. All the craftsmen who had made gold needles were taken away by the Presbyterian Church.

What's more, Ai Hui is interested in swordsmanship and is a typical fighting cultivator.

No one would have thought that Ai Hui not only remembered all the drawings, but also knew them by heart. For three years, he never stopped wondering. In his opinion, this is the teacher's last remaining possession. He doesn't even understand, how can he be worthy of being a teacher's student?

The core theory of "Using the City as Cloth" has two points, one is the node of Yuanli, and the other is the Yuan pattern.

In the area where Yuanli is distributed, there are some key points that affect the flow of Yuanli. In areas where various elemental powers are distributed, there will also be some special locations of this kind.

Wang Shouchuan calls it a node. To control the energy of a certain area, you must first control the nodes in this area.

How can I control the Yuanli node? This is another key, Yuan pattern.

Yuan patterns are nothing new. The long and glorious era of cultivation can be said to be based on spiritual patterns. Whether it's restrictions, magic tricks, or weapon refining, they are all the use of spiritual patterns.

Wang Shouchuan was not the first person to search for the Yuan Pattern. Before him, countless people were eager to find the core power of the Yuanli Era, but they never succeeded.

The reason why Wang Shouchuan succeeded was that he first realized the importance of nodes. The activity of Yuanli is far less than that of spiritual power. Only at special nodes, the activity of Yuanli will be relatively high, and Yuanli will be easier to activate.

Ai Hui is now looking for nodes.

He has personal experience in finding nodes. He personally nailed all the golden needles in the "Use the City as Cloth" plan.

Others only watched Ai Hui walking around inside, sometimes stopping for a while to draw a circle on the ground with his sword.

They couldn't understand it, but they could see Ai Hui's solemn expression, and everyone held their breath involuntarily.

For a whole hour, Ai Hui walked around in this small cave, and there were circles after circles on the ground.

When the last lap was completed, Ai Hui stopped and let out a long sigh of relief.

He said to Gu Tianning: "Nail these stone pillars into these circles for a foot and a half."

Gu Tianning responded and quickly started to take action. He noticed a layer of fine beads of sweat appearing on Ai Hui's forehead, and knew that it looked like Ai Hui was walking around casually at this moment, but in fact it was very mentally draining.

Qingfeng volunteered: "I'll come too!"

He was full of curiosity and wanted to see the difference between the circle drawn by Ai Hui and these stone pillars.

But when he nailed it into the stone pillar, there was no reaction, and he was a little disappointed.

All twenty stone pillars were quickly nailed into the rock, making the originally spacious cave look much more compact. Only then did everyone realize that the twenty stone pillars did not correspond neatly to each other and were scattered randomly, looking irregular.

Many people couldn't help but murmur in their hearts. They really couldn't see the mystery behind these stone pillars.

Ai Hui found a corner and sat down, calling to Gu Tianning: "Wait for an hour."

Gu Tianning came over and sat down too. He was not worried that Ai Hui was just bragging. All this effort is just for bragging? Ai Hui is not that free. If you lie to them, they have nothing, so what is there to lie to?

The two chatted casually. Ai Hui had not returned to the old land for a long time and did not know what the current situation of the old land was.

Seeing Ai Hui's interest, Gu Tianning tried his best to tell more about the situation in the old land.

The advancement of the Blood of God in the Old Land is not going smoothly. The original energy of the people in the Old Land is low, and the progress of cultivating divine power is very slow. It will take a long time for the Blood of God to digest Huangshajiao and Huoliaoyuan. Perhaps this is the reason why the Blood of God is not in a hurry to advance in the old land.

Compared with the withering of the Five Elements Heaven, the old soil is much better and is much less affected because it is already barren.

However, in recent years, because there is no induction field, there is naturally no opportunity to select for admission, which has disappointed many people. No matter what opinions everyone has about Five Elements Heaven, for more than a thousand years, talented people from the old land have been able to get the opportunity to enter school, thereby changing their destiny.

Nowadays, the Presbyterian Church, which is too busy taking care of itself, has no experience paying attention to the old land.

Gu Tianning was worried that these talented young people would turn to the Blood of Gods.

Listening to Gu Tianning describing his worries, Ai Hui didn't have any good ideas. Nowadays, cultivation materials are in short supply, prices are soaring, and the Thirteen Divisions have to be rebuilt and the God-Suppressing Peak is built. How can the Presbyterian Council still have the strength to take care of the old land? He himself is even more poor.

An hour was spent in such casual chatting.

"The color of the stone pillar has changed!"

Someone exclaimed, interrupting the two people chatting and making everyone look at them.

The granite pillars turned dark red at this moment, like red-hot iron pillars.

But strangely, the temperature inside the cave did not increase much. The dark red stone pillars flickered on and off rhythmically, unusually neat.

Ai Hui walked into the arena with a look of satisfaction on his face. It seemed that he had found the location of the Yuanli node quite accurately. The twenty stone pillars are just one step from the ground. They absorb the abundant fire energy from the earth fire below and transform them into earth energy.

If you look carefully, you will find that at the top of the stone pillar, the rich earth energy is accumulating.

Ai Hui took out twenty [Earth Masters] from the Sand Compass, which were the spoils of war after defeating [Sand Masters]. [Di Zunzhe] is a sand puppet produced by the Sha family. It is of high quality and is already a very good sand puppet nowadays.

Gu Tianning and others almost dropped their eyes when they saw the twenty [Earth Masters]. Nowadays, it is no different than back then. After the fall of Huangshajiao, the price of sand puppets has been rising steadily. This sand puppet looks like a well-made high-end product and is expensive.

And much would that cost?

The sound of heavy breathing resounded from the small cave. The faces of the Gu clan flushed red and they wanted to pounce on them.

Qingfeng had seen the world, and a mere twenty [Earth Masters] could not arouse his amazement. He was more curious about what Ai Hui would do next. The twenty stone pillars were all dark red, flickering on and off. He could feel the strong fire and earth power, and he could also sense some inexplicable mysteries in them.

Ai Hui picked up an [Earth Master] and placed it on the top of a stone pillar.

Strange changes occur.

[Lord Lord] seemed to melt, turning into a pool of quicksand wrapping around the stone pillars and flowing down. After a while, the quicksand wrapped around the entire stone pillar, like a yellow snake, wrapping around the stone pillar, spiraling and squirming faster and faster.

Gradually, the quicksand turned into a high-speed rotating sand pillar, which wrapped around the stone pillar and made a buzzing trembling sound.

The height of the wind-sand pillar also gradually expands at the top of the sand pillar, and the edges spread outward, like an open sand umbrella.

Ai Hui followed suit, and pillars of wind and sand appeared and opened.

The buzzing sound in the cave was extremely uncomfortable. Except for Gu Tianning and Qingfeng, everyone else hurriedly retreated and stayed away.

Gu Tianning's face turned pale. He felt that all the flesh and blood in his body were shaking violently, and he felt like vomiting.

Qingfeng looked excited and widened his eyes, afraid of missing a detail. Until now, he still couldn't understand anything, but that didn't stop him from knowing that the scene in front of him was very powerful.

Ai Hui obtained Wang Shouchuan's true biography!

This thought flashed through his mind.

When the last sand umbrella opens, the twenty sand umbrellas attract each other like magnets. They extend in the air and merge into one.

The last gap closed, all the trembling sounds suddenly disappeared, and the top of the cave gathered into a huge sand curtain dome. Twenty wind pillars, like twenty pillars, supported the sand curtain dome.

If you look closely, you can clearly see that the sand curtain dome is constantly flowing, like water waves.

The sudden silence made everyone a little confused.

But soon, Gu Tianning exclaimed, his voice full of ecstasy: "The concentration of soil energy is rising!"

Other tribesmen rushed in hurriedly, shouts of surprise one after another.

"Oh my god, it feels so comfortable!"

"The concentration of Yuanli is still increasing!"

Qingfeng looked at Ai Hui with shock on his face. He didn't expect that Ai Hui had really done it!

Ai Hui was filled with a sense of accomplishment at this moment. This was the first time he had practiced his teacher's theory. Although it is just a simple fire producing earth, it is still not easy to create a uniform and rich Yuan Power.

The earth element force in the stone pillars was transmitted to the sand curtain dome and spurted out from countless sand grains, which increased the concentration of earth element force in this closed space.

Gu Tianning was so excited that he couldn't control himself. How had he ever practiced in a place with such strong earth energy?

Many Gu clan members cried with their heads in arms and cried with joy. In the barren old land, Yuanli was as thin as nothing. Arriving at the Silver Mist Sea, the grass has fallen into the barren hills, and the future is slim. Although the elemental power of the Silver Mist Sea and Earth is stronger than that of the old earth, it is still dominated by the gold elemental power after all.

Until this moment, the extremely rich earth energy seemed to penetrate into their bodies. This was a scene that they could not even imagine.

"Brother Gu, this place is complete, but it has a flaw that Brother Gu should pay attention to."

Ai Hui's voice sounded at an inappropriate time.

Hearing that it was defective, everyone's heart skipped a beat and stopped in unison. (~^~)


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